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DMC = Disassembled Motor Car

Quote of the Week:
"What did you eat?  That smell is burning my eyes!"  -Juley

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April 7-13, 2002

One of the rather interesting things about my electrical system is that it has eaten three batteries already and has yet to be on the road.  Seeing as how I don't run the engine in the garage much (I prefer to get my CO from cigars, thanks) I often place the battery on an automatic charger.  Well, last Saturday I woke up thinking "what's that smell"?  I searched my house and found that

1) I really needed to do my dishes,
2) I really needed take my garbage out, and most relevantly,
3) the battery on the D was boiling -- the acid smell was really permeating my house. 

The meter on the charger still read only 50%.  Checking the charger revealed that it actually DREW .75 amps when connected but unplugged from the AC, so I've replaced both my charger and the battery (which luckily, has a 24 month free replacement program.  Scratch one gremlin there, I guess.
With the new battery, I was able to start the car for the first time in about a year.  She fired right up and ran perfectly, until the idle dropped and she stalled.   I'm thinking the problem is in the warm-up or idle systems.  While still running just fine above idle, leaving up on the pedal will result in a stumbling, sputtering engine.  I'd like to move the car outside soon and try warming her up sufficiently to rule out one or the other... and burn off the 18 month old fuel (with fuel stabilizer) to see if that will help as well.  I guess there could be problems with the flow plate piston gummed up in the fuel distributor again, or maybe a sticking idle speed motor or leaky injector.  I suppose it's also possible that my newly installed O2 sensor may not be quite up & ready, so simply disconnecting the sensor will be a good test there.  I guess even a cranky warm-up regulator may be at fault as well, but since she runs fine at anything even slightly off-idle, a hunch tells me that's not the case.  If anyone can save me a step or two and point me in the right direction, that would be appreciated.
I've also been investigating a couple of leads on a good used passenger door, and have decided to use the original driver's door which only has a couple of nicks.  Hopefully those can be filled in with weld, ground flush, and regrained.
Now that tax day is over, I'll also be dumping out the approximately $3,000-4,000.  I'm going to need to finish the project.  On the bright side, I may be the first person to be awarded a frequent flyer ticket on my USAir Visa exclusively from buying DeLorean parts.




Costs for Week 129:
Date Purchase Store Price
09-Apr-02 Truck Bed Coating (2) Pep Boys 13.98
09-Apr-02 Glaze and Spot Putty Pep Boys 3.99
09-Apr-02 Black Trim Paint Pep Boys 5.99
11-Apr-02 Truck Bed Coating (3) Pep Boys 20.97
11-Apr-02 Assorted Sandpaper Pep Boys 7.98
11-Apr-02 Misc. Hardware (washers) Pep Boys 5.95
Week 129 Total $58.86
Running Total $17,678.57

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