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DMC = Disassembled Motor Car

Quote of the Week:
"I don't understand why you need a webcam so people can watch you work on a DeLorean"  - Mom
"I'm going to work on the car naked, and charge people $10 an hour to watch." - Me
"Well at least you'll be making an extra couple of bucks." -Dad"

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December 11-17, 1999

Okay, so I figured out the problem with the angle drive nut and my "spinning spindle". I tightened up the spindle nut to use for leverage, then worked the angle drive nut loose with a large (metric) adjustable-end wrench inserted into the shaft of a bumper jack for torque. Sounds strange, but they make excellent breaker bars. The reason the nut would not tighten was due to a bunch of gunk in the threads which the previous owner had not cleaned.

Now, every book on auto repair always says to clean the threads of every nut and bolt before reinstalling. Take that seriously! Not only will dirt affect your torque readings, but it may stop it from tightening sufficiently at all. This time, it actually jammed the nut into place before tightening it sufficiently.

After pulling the spindle, I cleaned the taper end, then scuffed up both the taper and the seat lightly with 150 grit sandpaper so there would be a bit more friction on the reinstall. I cleaned the threads carefully (I use a circular wire brush attached to a bench grinder -- $4 at Home Depot) and cleaned the nut threads with a toothbrush. I'd prefer to 'tap' the nut, but no one in Western Pennsylvania carries a 36mm coarse thread tap. I'd venture to guess this would be a hard thing to find anywhere. Then, just to make sure it would seat well, I used LockTite 242 (the blue stuff that smells like crazy glue) on the taper. 

Then, I carefully threaded the angle drive cable through the spindle, and tightened the nut. Presto, it was tight against the steering knuckle with just finger torque. Cleaning the threads had done the trick. 140 ft-lbs of torque later, my front suspension is done.


I also had the fortune of picking up a parts engine this weekend in Allentown, PA.  I went out and met Scott Tice, who took me out to the home of Gladys Muffley.  Her husband Charles passed away recently, and she was looking to sell some of his spare parts.
The engine seems in fair shape... except that it had been in a fire.  The top end was destroyed, but there was an extra fuel injection manifold for parts as well.

After that, we went to the DeLorean Midatlantic social in Philadelphia, then I drove home.  It was a long day... 500 miles on the road...


Costs for Week 8:

Date Purchase Store


11-Dec-99 Engine, Luggage rack, magazines, spare seals Gladys Muffley 400.00
13-Dec-99 105260 bracket, used Specialty Automotive 1.40
13-Dec-99 106697 stud, used Specialty Automotive 3.50
13-Dec-99 106056 duct, used Specialty Automotive 8.50
13-Dec-99 101460 duct, used Specialty Automotive 2.00
13-Dec-99 100570 hinge, used Specialty Automotive 7.00
13-Dec-99 100748 a/c hose, used Specialty Automotive 85.00
13-Dec-99 (2) 108247 finishing strips, used Specialty Automotive 44.00
13-Dec-99 100485 throttle cable, used Specialty Automotive 40.00
13-Dec-99 108140 grommet, used Specialty Automotive 0.85
13-Dec-99 (2) 108466 bracket, used Specialty Automotive 15.00
15-Dec-99 5 Speed shift boot eBay 35.00
Week 8 Total $642.25
Running Total $5819.16

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