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Hi All,

As some of you are aware, myself, together with James Russel-Grant and Richard Johnstone are travelling to Glasgow for the next
two weeks to film a new TV show called Mechanoids. For this, we have constructed an all-new hydraulically operated robot, which
we've christened "Mantis". Mantis' "head" was made by our resident genius, Chris Nicholson entirely from stainless and it took
everyone's breath away (the comment I received from one of the producers when they came to film us on easter monday was: "the BBC
visual effects poeple are going to sh!t themselves when they see this!"). We filmed a little montage featuring Chris', James' and
my DeLoreans (Rich's is still camped out at the Diesel Centre).

Anyway, the weekend after filming finishes is May bank holiday, and I want to play with my DeLorean! It's the perfect opportunity
for another informal get-together. Although I haven't run it past them yet, the Diesel Centre will most likely be fine with the
idea (maybe they'll get themselves organised this time around and get a reporter from the local rag). The choice is whether to
hold it on the Saturday or the Monday. The difference being whether there's enough "cumulative" jobs people would want done by
Jason to collectively afford his for the day on sat. I think he "costs" £25 per hour and I'm certainly up for at least an hour to
get my front springs swapped. I also want him to look over my engine mounts and work out the weird clunk I'm getting (no it's NOT
the TAB's!). I also want an oil change.

SO, to the point: if you'd like to join in, we have the run of the workshop (one 4-poster and two 2-posters), plus a decent-sized
forecourt, a professional mechanic on-hand, and on saturday morning, the connection to SOC for any parts you may need. We can
caravan 4 miles down the road for a nice lunch at The Windmill (where the robot team has a lager or five on a friday/saturday
night). This is the perfect opportunity to get those niggly jobs out of the way, and have a bit of fun. And it don't cost
anything besides petrol and any workshop time you might want.

The location is Staplehurst in Kent and easily accessible from the M25. Provisional signees are:

Jams Russel-Grant
Paul Salsbury
Dan Willis (MOT allowing)
Rich Johnstone
Chris Hawes ??
Steven Strelczak ??
Chris Nicholson ??

Anyone Else?


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