In message <MEEMLHCOPECBKGMAKNJDGEFACFAA.chrisparnham@xxxx>, Chris Parnham <chrisparnham@xxxx> writes >I have limited info on Gavin's Car, reg number OUH 670X, vin. 1162, bought >from "Swatttons Sports Cars"., grey int. Manual. If I'm lucky... I should be able to tell people a lot about that car. Heck, it's probably sold by now, but I've got the cash organised! (incidentally, you should have my cheque by the weekend so I can be a fully paid up member ;) Have been rather busy). Richard (note the new, less embarrassing email address!). -- Richard Kilpatrick, long haired prophet of doom. |\ _,,,---,,_ Musical suicide - /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;, Work: Icon Publications, Group Sales Manager |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'::. Homepage: '----''(_/--' `-'\_)Morticia
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