This is, of course, why I asked the question.. We have been told for many years that it was best to stick with the Purflux filter even though there are plenty of cross-reference filters available at the local wallmart or autozone. I recall at some point in the past 14 years of DeLorean ownership that it had something to do with the bypass valve, or anti-drain valve. Not sure exactly what it was that made the Purflux the "correct" filter for our DeLoreans. However, I clearly remember being warned a number of times about problems associated with cross-reference filters. They are available in Europe (the Purflux). I found some for sale in Germany and France, but the cost to ship them exceeds the cost of the filter! Not to mention, the exchange rate is NOT in our favor right now. It is a good bet that this is why they are not available here any more. Having given up on the idea of getting some real Purflux filters, the next best thing is to find a cross-reference. Wix has a large number of "hydraulic" filters with and without bypass valves, and drainback valves. It is a good bet we can find something that will have similar specifications to the Purflux. IF, we only knew what they were! Or, is it a waste of time? Have we been mislead all these years, and the Purulator filter at Wal-mart for $3 is just as good as the Purflux we have been spending $15 each for? John has been selling the Bosch filters for years. I understand this is the filter that the "proper vendors" are now also selling. I mean no disrespect to anyone but, can any of the vendors (proper, or otherwise) explain what makes the Bosch any better than a Wix (NAPA gold)? or Puralator? IIRC, someone told me the Bosch filter now being sold for the DeLorean is the 72150 (please correct me if I am wrong), however the link below shows the proper PRV filter to be a 72138. Maybe this site is old, and the numbers changed? Does anyone have specifications to compare the 72150 vs 72138? And, many Internet sites dealing with the topic of oil filters claim the Bosch filters that are "made in USA" are a "champion" made filter that is labeled Bosch (not the same as the German made counter part). The implication here is that a "Made in USA" Bosch filter is lower quality than one would expect. My motivation here is that 1860 will need an oil change soon, and considering the uniqueness of the Legend engine, I'd like to make sure I don't blow it up with a crappy filter. This link has been passed around befor: BTW: X-Ref for a Volvo 760 from Baldwin looks to be a B233. Anyone wanna try one? :) --- Bernie <bmanderville@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I hate to tell you this, but unless a vendor is > hoarding some > Purflux filters they are no longer available from > the vendors, > including Houston. > > I have tried to find somewhere to get a case or two, > but no luck, > even from Europe. Maybe a Volvo dealer might have > a NOS one, but I > wouldn't trust it. > > Bernie > VIN 4045 and 6704 > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address: moderators@xxxxxxxxxxx For more info on the list, tech articles, cars for sale see To search the archives or view files, log in at Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: dmcnews-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
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