[DML] Digest Number 664
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[DML] Digest Number 664

Title: [DML] Digest Number 664

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There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. Re: DeLorean Gold Portfolio book
           From: "S CAGLE" <sharkywtrs@xxxxxxx>
      2. Re: Car always in neutral?!?!
           From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
      3. Re: DeLorean Gold Portfolio book(ALL THE ANSWERS ARE IN THIS LETTER)
           From: Trevor Johnson <comet4055@xxxxxxxx>
      4. Re: DeLorean Gold Portfolio book
           From: Henry Breer <hbreer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      5. Re: Sunstar's 1/18 DeLorean Model
           From: robin.coombe@xxxxxxxxxxxx
      6. a few tech questions
           From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
      7. Losing brake pressure....Sometimes???
           From: Felix S <melvnhel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      8. Re: door handle installation
           From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
      9. RE: Turbo DeLorean
           From: "Marc A. Levy" <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     10. Re: AC compressor oddity
           From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
     11. Re: Sunstar's 1/18 DeLorean Model
           From: "ian" <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     12. Re: a few tech questions
           From: srubano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
     13. Re: Losing brake pressure....Sometimes???
           From: srubano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
     14. Stainless Steel Illusion
           From: Les Huckins <jhuckins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     15. Re: Re: Car always in neutral?!?!
           From: senatorpack@xxxxxx
     16. Vin#529
           From: ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     17. Re: Losing brake pressure....Sometimes???
           From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
     18. Re: door handle installation
           From: DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx
     19. Cooper Cobra G/T Tires
           From: Mike Substelny <msubstel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     20. Failed Drive Belts.
           From: DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx
     21. New Delorean commercial!
           From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
     22. Needed: Detailed instructions for fascia adjustment
           From: "Stian Birkeland" <delorean@xxxxxxxxx>
     23. Re: AC compressor oddity
           From: "Sacha Prins" <sacha@xxxxxxxxx>
     24. Re: DeLorean Gold Portfolio book
           From: reuterconsulting@xxxxxxxxx
     25. Deloreans and Instant Messanger
           From: delorean502@xxxxxxxxxx


Message: 1
   Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 00:06:52 -0400
   From: "S CAGLE" <sharkywtrs@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DeLorean Gold Portfolio book

Last time I checked, the Gold Portfolio book was available at the DeLorean Owners Association store for 24.95 (www.deloreanstore.com)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 2
   Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 04:07:04 -0000
   From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Car always in neutral?!?!

The shift computer won't cause this. First check the fluid level. Next
get a pressure gauge on the pump and see if the line pressue is
anywhere close to spec. If it is then you probably wipped out C-1. If
the pressure is low either you blew an internal seal, lost the fluid
pump, or have a plugged up filter. If you have a loud whine it could
indicate a low fluid level or plugged filter. After you do these
external checks you will probably be pulling the trans. This is
exactly what happened to me after I installed a defective filter and
blew the C-1 clutch pack. If the fluid is burnt or heavily laden with
friction particles you have internal damage. Do not attempt to drive
the car in this condition as you will just cause more damage.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757

--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Aaron King" <floodle@xxxx> wrote:
> Hello again,
> My car decided to be a little bit...angry with me today.  I wonder
if this has happened to anyone else on the list.  My car is vin 1217,
early '81 with the automatic transmission.  I had been driving today
for about five minutes when I pushed the pedal down a little farther
to accelerate up a hill.  Instead of doing the normal thing a car does
when you push on the gas (go faster), it revved REALLY high like it
was in neutral.  I revved it some more to make sure it wasn't a fluke,
but all it did was go high into the RPMs.  It behaved exactly like it
was in neutral.  Fortunately, I was able to pull into a park&ride and
into a parking space.  I tried the gas with the gear lever in reverse,
neutral, drive, 2, and 1.  Each one behaved exactly like neutral.  I
put it into park and the car acted like it was in park: The car didn't
roll or anything.  I turned the car off and back on again and it
started perfectly.  Same symptoms as before.  I don't really know what
to do, so in a few minutes I'm going to get it towed (flatbed, of
course) to my local DeLorean mechanic, Brad Bean at FAME Automotive. 
Does anyone know what's wrong?  I think it might be the stupid auto
transmission governor/computer thing, but I have no idea.  Any ideas?
> Thanks!
> Aaron King
> vin#1217
> Bothell, WA 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 3
   Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 21:47:18 -0700
   From: Trevor Johnson <comet4055@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DeLorean Gold Portfolio book(ALL THE ANSWERS ARE IN THIS LETTER)

Yes the Book is still available, The DeLorean Store Sells them and we
currently have them in stock, check out our website at
We are also the ones who sell them off e-Bay, and there is one on there
now, your choice...


Talk to you later

Trevor Johnson
DOA Associate Products Director
Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
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Message: 4
   Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2001 22:24:26 -0700
   From: Henry Breer <hbreer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DeLorean Gold Portfolio book


The DeLorean Gold Portfolio is the second edition of the book.  It contains all
the articles from the first edition plus additional material.  It is available,
new, from the DeLorean Owners Association at our website:

Hank Breer


Message: 5
   Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 8:03:24 +0100
   From: robin.coombe@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Sunstar's 1/18 DeLorean Model

I got this message from SunStar Today,

-----Original Message-----
From: MIME :sunstar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: 08 August 2001 05:37
To: COOMBE Robin
Subject: Delorean model

The following message part was sent with the unknown character set: "BIG5"
Dear Robin,

Yes. It is not yet ready. We expect that it will be ready in November, 2001.

Best regards.
Ken Sun Star Macau

The following message part was sent with the unknown character set: "BIG5"

-----Original Message-----
From: COOMBE Robin
Sent: 08 August 2001 05:37
To: MIME :sunstar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Delorean model

While looking at your Website I came across a model of the Delorean.


I was wondering if you could tell me whether it is available yet.
If not, then what is the current waiting time?

Robin Coombe.

Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology, North End, Yatton, Bristol,
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 6
   Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 03:07:37 EDT
   From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
Subject: a few tech questions

hey all,

i got my tranny fixed (2nd gear roll pin damage, new centerforce clutch and
slave cylinder) and everything works great. only problem is, my master
cylinder is a little leaky now so i have a HCR-series master from Grady
coming this week.

1. any tips on putting the master cylinder in or should i just follow the
shop manual?

2.  when i got my car back from the shop (after almost 3 weeks) i drove it
out and the steering was REALLY stiff, like it would be normal for about a
6th of a turn, then it would get super stiff, then better, then stiff, kinda
randomly yet it was jerky.  it did this on left AND right turns i believe. 
i've driven the car all day today and it has gotten a lot better but there
are still hints of the problem.  any idea on what the deal is and how i can
fix it? i bought some 90 weight gear oil but what do i do with it?

3.  now my battery light keeps flickering and my volts are dropping down to
around 12 volts (and that's when the light flickers).  it goes up and down
randomly, and it seems to fluctuate most when i hit a bump.  i checked the
battery connections and they are tight.  it didn't seem to do it as much when
i turned off my interior fans (i had them on VENT), OR when i was coasting
rather than accelerating (when it seemed to do it more often) but it could be
my imagination.  any ideas on what this could be?

4.  i have an oil leak, a fairly small one.  the oil pan bolts are wet on the
left side towards the muffler, and i can see wetness above the gasket line,
so it seems to be coming from somewhere else on the lower crankcase area.  i
remember someone on the list mentioning the oil pressure sensor leaking, and
i checked mine and yup, it is wet around it and it doesn't look wet above it.
 but it's bad enough where there were actually a couple drops on my driveway!
 do i just need to replace the orange seal from behind/in the sensor or do i
need to do more than that?  any other ideas?

ok, that's enough questions for now! if i can get these things answered, i'll
be doing pretty well i think! 

thanks as always,

1982 DeLorean DMC-12 VIN#11596
Fargo, ND 58102

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 7
   Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 00:22:02 -0800
   From: Felix S <melvnhel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Losing brake pressure....Sometimes???

Hello List,

    Another problem which is kind of scary,  I seem to be losing brake
pressure when I am at a stop light or pulling out of my driveway.  Pressure
I mean the car is stopped then I feel the pedal move, all the way down to
the floor, I pump it and the pressure is back.  I would think Master
cylinder etc. but here is the funny part.  It happens only sometimes
(haven't seen a pattern yet), the day could be super hot or cold doesn't
matter, there is no leaking brake fluid anywhere, the fluid is always full.
Someone once told me that I had air in my system, maybe but that's kind of
weird.  Or an internally bleeding brake master cylinder, so I can't see the
leak?  I first noticed this during a parade and we were going stop and go up
a steep incline for a while and then stop and go all the way down, and
that's when I noticed it.  Anyone had a similar incident before?

Thanks in advance



Message: 8
   Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 05:48:54 -0400
   From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: door handle installation


Yep, I tried (considered) a ratcheting boxed end wrench, but the curve of
the door skin stops a flat wrench like that from having any room to work.
Perhaps a ratcheting boxed end wrench with a built-in hinge on the other
axis?  I've never seen anything like that, but that's what it needs.

Walt    Tampa, Fl

----- Original Message -----
From: <deloreanss@xxxxxxx>

> Walt, have you tried a ratcheting boxed end wrench? Those things come in
> handy on  just about everything.


Message: 9
   Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 07:56:39 -0400
   From: "Marc A. Levy" <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Turbo DeLorean

I dont see where he makes any claims about anything.. All I found was a
page with photos, and a page with stuff he needs to fix.

Legend owned 5 DeLoreans..  2 were Twin Turbo, 2 were single turbo, and
I have no idea what the fifth was...  If this is really the fifth car,
then it looks like it has a single turbo setup.

His tags read "554-LOT"..  Is this Vin 554??

-----Original Message-----
From: BondAtomic@xxxxxxx [mailto:BondAtomic@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 10:38 PM
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [DML] Turbo DeLorean

This website:
Claims that this DeLorean can go 0-60 in 3 seconds, due to the
It also says the DeLorean was "1 in 5" that were turbocharged. I haven't

heard of this car, or the "4 others." I do know about the Legend

Is this just a mistake?
I am almost positive it is.
John Feldman
VIN 4275


Message: 10
   Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 08:52:46 EDT
   From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: AC compressor oddity

Sacha, The AC pully or drive belt doesn't get lubricated. It's a dry system.
Just like brake shoes, if i'm understanding you right.
What your resonating sound is, your  feeling the Fans coming on, and since
they are not mounted in rubber, the vibration comes thru the body of the car.
Make sure the blades are on tight after you turn off the power and dis
connect the battery.
As far as the slow down, if the compressor isn't defective, there will be a
little slow down when the compressor kicks in and normally the car will
compensate for it shortly. Do you hear any bearing noise when the comperssor
is on.
John Hervey


Message: 11
   Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 21:20:58 +0800
   From: "ian" <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Sunstar's 1/18 DeLorean Model

> Dear Robin,
> Yes. It is not yet ready. We expect that it will be ready in November, 2001.
> Best regards.
> Ken Sun Star Macau

Hi List,

Does anyone know where Sun Star are based? I noticed the above post to Robin was signed off with "Macau". Macau is the former Portugese Colony 1 hours ferry ride from HongKong. If they have their production facility there I could call in for a look round! I definitely want one of these models.

Regards,       IAN (HongKong)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 12
   Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 13:45:32 -0000
   From: srubano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: a few tech questions

For question 1, follow the shop manual. Make sure you have a few rags
covering the chassis right below the clutch master so if any fluid
falls onto it the rags will protect the epoxy from the brake fluid.

For Question 2, I don't know what would be causing the erratic stiff
turning. Are any of the boots torn on the steering rack or appear to
be wet with gear oil? In order to fill the gear rack you have to
remove it from the car, take one of the boots off (I forgot which
one, Rob can help you with that) and fill it from there BUT you
should ONLY fill it with the specified amount, don't overfill it
(again Rob can help you with that one).

For Question 3, check your ground connection that goes from the
battery to the chassis. It will be bolted to the Trailing arm bushing
on the passenger side. It will be bolted to one of the bolts holding
the trailing arm busing to the chassis. Make sure its clean and
tight. Also check the two small wires (if the alternator is a Ducy)
or the one small wire (if it's the Motorola) and make sure they are
plug in and are making good contact. Those are the battery light
wires. You may also want to test the alternator to make sure it's not
on it's way out. Some places (like Pep Boys) test the alternators,
starters and batteries for free.

For question 4, replace the oil pressure sensor. When mine leaked, it
was leaking through the insulator seal right below the nut that holds
the wire to it. It was the sensor itself (not the seal) that leaked.


--- In dmcnews@xxxx, Soma576@xxxx wrote:
> hey all,
> i got my tranny fixed (2nd gear roll pin damage, new centerforce
clutch and
> slave cylinder) and everything works great. only problem is, my
> cylinder is a little leaky now so i have a HCR-series master from
> coming this week.


Message: 13
   Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 13:52:03 -0000
   From: srubano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Losing brake pressure....Sometimes???

Air in the system would make the pedal "spongey". What you are
describing (having to pump the pedal for pressure) sounds more like
an internal leak in the master cylinder. The seals are probably
begining to wear out. If you want you can try to bleed the system to
be positive it's not air, but I think you may find it's the master
cylinder (that is if it's not leaking anywhere else and that there is
absolutley no fluid loss).


--- In dmcnews@xxxx, Felix S <melvnhel@xxxx> wrote:
> Hello List,
>     Another problem which is kind of scary,  I seem to be losing
> pressure when I am at a stop light or pulling out of my driveway. 
> I mean the car is stopped then I feel the pedal move, all the way
down to
> the floor, I pump it and the pressure is back.  I would think Master
> cylinder etc. but here is the funny part.  It happens only sometimes
> (haven't seen a pattern yet), the day could be super hot or cold
> matter, there is no leaking brake fluid anywhere, the fluid is
always full.
> Someone once told me that I had air in my system, maybe but that's
kind of
> weird.  Or an internally bleeding brake master cylinder, so I can't
see the
> leak?  I first noticed this during a parade and we were going stop
and go up
> a steep incline for a while and then stop and go all the way down,
> that's when I noticed it.  Anyone had a similar incident before?
> Suggestions?
> Thanks in advance
> Felix


Message: 14
   Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 07:44:25 +0000
   From: Les Huckins <jhuckins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Stainless Steel Illusion

I have a good friend who collects car books, he has a pristine copy of
SSI (with dust jacket).  He is looking for $200 for it (including
shipping).   I see the last one on e-bay went for $115 (I think that's
what it was, the next bidder down bid $110).


Message: 15
   Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 12:48:40 EDT
   From: senatorpack@xxxxxx
Subject: Re: Re: Car always in neutral?!?!

Sounds like a broken internal drum or clutch.



Message: 16
   Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 18:37:03 -0000
   From: ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Vin#529

Hello everyone,

I would like to introduce myself: My name is Ed uding and I am one of
the active members of the Dutch Delorean Club.

I see a list of Delorean 528 and 530, the 529 was missing. Last week,
I figured out that this car is in the Netherlands. It was in Germany
for 17 years and was sold to someone in the Netherlands. The car was
originally delivered to Germany according to the present owner. You
may find it interesting to know that there are over 100 Deloreans in
the Netherlands.

Ed Uding


Message: 17
   Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 20:20:51 -0000
   From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Losing brake pressure....Sometimes???

First and most important make sure your emergency brake is adjusted
and working properly! Next flush and bleed the brake system with DOT 4
Castrol GTLMA brake fluid. If the trouble happens again rebuild or
replace the master cylinder and it would be a good idea to also
rebuild all of the calipers as the contaminated fluid will probably
cause them to leak too! This could be caused by water in the brake
fluid and when it gets hot it turns into steam (a compressible gas)
and then the pedal falls away. Water in the brake fluid is VERY BAD as
it corrodes the insides of your brake system. If it was air then it
would be more consistant.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757

-- In dmcnews@xxxx, Felix S <melvnhel@xxxx> wrote:
> Hello List,
>     Another problem which is kind of scary,  I seem to be losing
> pressure when I am at a stop light or pulling out of my driveway. 
> I mean the car is stopped then I feel the pedal move, all the way
down to
> the floor, I pump it and the pressure is back.  I would think Master
> cylinder etc. but here is the funny part.  It happens only sometimes
> (haven't seen a pattern yet), the day could be super hot or cold
> matter, there is no leaking brake fluid anywhere, the fluid is
always full.
> Someone once told me that I had air in my system, maybe but that's
kind of
> weird.  Or an internally bleeding brake master cylinder, so I can't
see the
> leak?  I first noticed this during a parade and we were going stop
and go up
> a steep incline for a while and then stop and go all the way down,
> that's when I noticed it.  Anyone had a similar incident before?
> Suggestions?
> Thanks in advance
> Felix


Message: 18
   Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 20:46:25 -0000
   From: DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: door handle installation

Installation of the door handles is fairly simple. All I used to
remove the 2 nuts on each handle was a regular socket with a long
extension. To get to the handles, first remove the black support that
the door wire harness and fir tree clips snap on/into. This piece is
secured by a few screws. Once removed, it's a easy, straight shot
down with the rachet.

After removing the nuts, slide the handle out of the outside of the
door, and disconnect the cable. Installation is basicly reversed, but
there are a few tips to make things go smoother.

1. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN THE NUTS. Doing so, you can sheer off the bolts
on the door handles. To prevent, see tip 5.

2. Apply a little grease to the inside of a shalow socket. This will
hold the nut into place while you rotate the rachet back into place
to install the handle.

3. Make sure the cable connecting to the doorhandle slides back into
the sheath fully. Otherwise the door may shut, and refuse to open.

4. If you need additional slack to connect the handle, turn the
bellcrank via the inside door handle.

5. If you are concerned about the nuts comming loose, you can find
matching myloc nuts at your local hardware store.

Once you get into the swing of things, you'll find this job goes
fairly quickly. On a scale of 1-5, I would rank this project at a 2.

vin 6585

p.s. If you drive your car on cold nights, prepare to have MUCH
colder door handles when you go to open your car!

--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Walter" <Whalt@xxxx> wrote:
> I am getting ready to replace the driver's side door handle on my
car with
> the latest reproduction made by DMC Houston.  I already replaced the
> passenger side door handle a few weeks ago with the same, and with
> experience behind me, I now want to know if anyone has any tips on
how to
> make the job easier.


Message: 19
   Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 17:00:26 -0400
   From: Mike Substelny <msubstel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Cooper Cobra G/T Tires

I have just uploaded two pictures comparing Yokahama AVS Intermediates
to Cooper Cobra G/Ts to the "Files" section of our YahooGroups site.  Go
here and click on "Tire Comparison":


These are big files, so I do not plan to leave them there for long.  If
you want to view these high resolution pictures do it soon.  After the
Houston Open House I will replace them with low resolution versions of
the pictures, plus one or two more.

As I mentioned last week, Cooper Cobra G/Ts will fit both the front and
rear of the DeLorean and they look great (see for yourself in those
pictures).  However, the Cobras do not have the same high speed rating
as the Yokos.

- Mike Substelny


Message: 20
   Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 21:16:27 -0000
   From: DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Failed Drive Belts.

So, here I am. 1½ of ownership, and I am now on my 3rd A/C belt, and
my 7th alternator belt! The first 6 belts were chewed by the fan
blades on the alternator. It looked like someone had bent them out
just far enough so they would slowly chew the belt. After a 3lb.
slegde hammer, and a 2' stick of re-bar, that issue is solved.

Now I have a new problem. Sunday when I got into my car, I hear an
awful screeching from the engine compartment. I stopped the engine,
and checked things out. My alternator belt had flipped on it's side.
I realize this could be poor tensioning. But, when I inspected the
belt (and the A/C since I had to remove it too), both belts were
hard. The A/C belt in particular was already cracked all over the
bottom. When I bent the belts backwards, both snapped instantly!

So, I have 2 questions:

1. My heat shield in front of my muffler is damaged a bit, and has
been perforated in a couple of places. Could this be extreme heat
that had dried out the belts?

2. Is belt dressing a good idea? I've heard that it can sometime dry
out belts and crack them prematurely. Since I drive in the heat
constantly, this is the last thing I want to do.

Any help/ideas would be greatly appriciated. Thanks in advance!

vin 6585


Message: 21
   Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 04:15:30 -0000
   From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: New Delorean commercial!

I just returned from a local cruise night and met a person who claims
his son, who works on commercials, recently worked on a commercial
shoot with John Delorean promoting his new car! I can only assume this
man was telling the truth as I don't know what reason he would have to
lie. If this IS true then watch for it to come out soon as when people
spend the kind of bucks involved they generaly go all the way and have
the funds needed to air the commercial. If anyone in the list sees it
please try to videotape it to share with the rest of the list. I
believe if JZD really does pull off getting another car into
production then the value of the ORIGIONAL Delorean will jump up only
because the new one will cost much more than what used "D"'s are going
for now so they will look like bargains!
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757


Message: 22
   Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 23:58:17 +0200
   From: "Stian Birkeland" <delorean@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Needed: Detailed instructions for fascia adjustment

I need a detailed instruction for adjusting the fascia towards the LH and RH front fenders. There are a quite noticeable gap between the fascia and fenders. I have seen fascia gaps on several DeLoreans, but I'm sure mine can be adjusted a few more centimetres and align 99% with the rest of the car.

I have looked in the Workshop Manual, but the instructions there are not that good. I would appreciate hints on what to do. I don't want to destroy or break anything, so a detailed instruction would be the best, preferably from someone who have "been there-done that". I would guess that I would have to remove the fascia completely and the re-install it properly. (And no, the car didn't come from the factory this way, I know the previous owner had the fascia apart at some point in time...correcting old mistakes)

Best wishes
Stian Birkeland

VIN # 06759

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 23
   Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 23:27:43 -0000
   From: "Sacha Prins" <sacha@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: AC compressor oddity

--- In dmcnews@xxxx, dherv10@xxxx wrote:
> Sacha, The AC pully or drive belt doesn't get lubricated. It's a dry
> system. Just like brake shoes, if i'm understanding you right.
> What your resonating sound is, your  feeling the Fans coming on, and
> since they are not mounted in rubber, the vibration comes thru the
> body of the car.
> Make sure the blades are on tight after you turn off the power and
> dis connect the battery.

No, with fans on or of the sound is there. I had recently unplugged my
FanZilla (disabling all fan operation) and the resonating still
sounds. At first I thought it was the fuel pump, but later I found out
that when I turn off the AC the resonating is gone. A local club
member pointed out that lines could be clogged to/from the condenser.
Or that the pressure could make the whole AC system resonating. So far
this seems like the most plausible explanation.

> As far as the slow down, if the compressor isn't defective, there
> will be a little slow down when the compressor kicks in and normally
> the car will compensate for it shortly.

Well, that slow-down together with the sound makes it seem as if there
is something causing major friction. However, all parts in the engine
compartment seem to operate without much friction. And the compressor
works, since it provides cold air.

> Do you hear any bearing noise when the comperssor
> is on.

Yes. The bearing sound is there when the AC compressor is on. But when
inspecting the engine compartment I can't hear any noise there. It
really seems to come from the front of the car.



Message: 24
   Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 01:10:44 -0000
   From: reuterconsulting@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DeLorean Gold Portfolio book

I saw the Delorean Gold Portfolio Book on the Delorean Owners Assoc.
web page for $24.95.  This is probably your best bet, and best price
you can find.



Message: 25
   Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 01:50:34 -0000
   From: delorean502@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Deloreans and Instant Messanger

Does anyone on the list use AOL Instant Messanger at all?  If so,
please contact me sometime and we can chat.  my username is



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