Tony, There are many ways to upset a group. One is to slam one of the people in that community that is well respected and trusted. Your post seems to do all of this. If you had a bad experience with Rob there must be something else going on here. My car was bought for $13,500 and I have spent around $5,000 with Rob. His *only* thought is to make a car as good as it can be within the owners budget. If you spelled everything out in the beginning there should have been no problem. When I go to Rob I say...."O.k., I've got X amount of dollars for this trip I have saved for repairs" Rob does his level best to stay within those guidelines. If he finds something wrong that may change that he has *always* consulted me prior to doing the work. It's *always* been a matter of "lets fix this issue as it's more important and put one of the other items on your list on a back burner" I had a VOLVO repair shop tell me that they needed to DRILL through my frame to remove some broken off studs in the head. I called Rob and he said "No way!" If Rob says your car is a certain condition then it is accurate. You got ripped off by the person you bought it from not from Rob Grady. How many DeLoreans have you worked on? How many DeLoreans have you sat in and driven and taken apart? Rob doesn't need your money that badly to rip you off. How can you take the word of a mechanic who has probably no idea of the overall systems in a DeLorean and hold that against a man who could take one of these cars apart blindfolded? Please relax and understand that you are in good Hands with Rob. If money is an object, *tell him* up front. Yeah, I usually leave spending more than I wanted too but he didn't twist my arm or *make* me spend more money. Any overage was my own fault for wanting just a few more little things done before I drove back to Maine. I get SO tired of vendor slamming on this list. Yes, even against Ed. We are too small a community to in-fight. Got a beef? take it up with the person. But do your homework first. Tom #005732