dmcnews-digest V3 #475
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dmcnews-digest V3 #475

Title: dmcnews-digest V3 #475

dmcnews-digest        Sunday, January 31 1999        Volume 03 : Number 475

       In this issue:
        DML: gas mileage (was: Re: DML: Delorean and radar (Lees Story))
        DML: Limited Edition Kit
        DML: Very Sad Note
        DML: DMC- Convertible
        DML: RE: gas mileage
        DML: Re: Scratched power window glass
        DML: Re: looking at my first Delorean... (long)
        DML: Re: One Question, One Curiosity
        Re: DML: High idle
        DML: D car cover sources?
        Re: DML: Very Sad Note
        DML: Re: DMC- Convertible
        DML: DeLorean Wall Paper for Win 95/98
        Re: DML: DMC- Convertible
        DML: Re:  High idle
        Re: DML: DMC- Convertible
        DML: St Louis Expo
        DML: Mint DeLorean For Sale
        Re: DML: DeLorean Wall Paper for Win 95/98
        Re: DML: DeLorean Wall Paper for Win 95/98
        DML: Re: D car cover sources?
        DML: Re: DMC- Convertible
        DML: Idle thoughts
        Re: DML: Very Sad Note
        Re: DML: Delorean and radar (Lees Story)
        Re: DML: DMC- Convertible
        DML: Frozen CLutch Line??
        Re: DML: D car cover sources?
        Re: DML: Re:  High idle
        DML: seat belt warning buzzer
        Re: DML: DMC- Convertible
        DML: HD Crash
        DML: Re: Idle thoughts
        DML: Re: Frozen CLutch Line??
        DML: Re: seat belt warning buzzer
        DML: DMC Speed and Speed-ometer
        Re:  DML: BTTF VIN
        DML: Rear wheel adapter plate


Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 16:02:16 -0500
From: Steve <dmc@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: gas mileage (was: Re: DML: Delorean and radar (Lees Story))

On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Tris Harvey-Rice wrote:
> >I decided that this would be a good place to
> >hid, so after gassing up a very empty like 8.4 miles to the gallon?
> 8.4?? Thats pretty dismal! Is this normal D economy?

Only at top speed...  I've been getting decent gas mileage myself, but
haven't been having near as much fun as that!  I haven't calculated my
actual milage, but I beleive it's listed on the window sticker at 21mpg.
Your mileage may vary...

                        -Steve <dmc@xxxxxxx>

VIN 17117
TAG NOV05 55

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Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 15:00:26 -0600
From: magriese@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Limited Edition Kit

Some status on the kits.  We are currently thrashing through
the third (and hopefully final) draft of the assembly instructions.
We're really just fine-tuning the assembly process and adding
the graphics.  As soon as the draft is complete, there will be a
short editing cycle to clean up spelling, grammar and improve
readability.  After editing is complete the instructions go to the
printer.  All of the kit parts and supplies are in hand and Lee has
been putting the kits together in anticipation of the instructions.

We are trying very hard to develop instructions that can
be followed by anyone with even the barest experience
with model kits.  We are taking care to assemble the kit in
such a way that the kit gets stronger structurally as the assembly
progresses.  We are also going into great detail to explain
how to use some pretty advanced modelling techniques to
add a lot of detail to the model should you choose to
use them.  This has taken longer than Lee had expected and
is the primary reason you don't have the kits in hand yet.
Please be patient, I think the results will be worth it.

As you  will recall, Lee started processing the reservation list
earlier this month.  I don't have exact numbers, but about
60% of the original list of 100 chose to purchase the kit.  Of
the 700 or so on the waiting list, only around 20 people
replied to purchase the kit.  As a result, there are 16
unclaimed kits.  Lee is mulling over his options about
what to do with the leftovers

Michael A. Griese
Storage Software Development Manager
IBM Storage Systems Division
Rochester, MN  55901
Internet: magriese@xxxxxxxxxx
voice:     (507)253-1853
fax:        (507)253-2880

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Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 20:30:24 EST
From: Jimbo0946@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Very Sad Note

I am sorry to say that I might have to sell my DeLorean.  Ouch, I get
pains in
my stomach just typing it.  Anyway, my parents want me to get a "more
practical" car for college.  As everyone knows, the D does not have a lot
cargo space, and I am a little skeptical about bringing my D to college. 
like I said, I might not have to, but I will be accepting offers.  It is a
1983 DeLorean, grey interior, 5-speed.  Absolutley perfect condition. 
engine.  All origional, except I added an alarm w/remote lock and unlock
and I also added a 12 disc CD changer. Under 19K miles.  Mint, Mint
Email me any offers.  Jimbo0946@xxxxxxx

Vin# 15880

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Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 18:47:48 -0800
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DMC- Convertible

I have often thought that a DMC - - Convertible would be very hot!

Question !

Has there ever been an actual DMC Convertible?

Has any one ever heard or seen one?

Does any one have photos of a DMC Convertible?


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Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 23:11:56 -0800
From: "Montgomery, Ken" <kenm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: gas mileage

  On my trip to the L.A. Expo last September (over 400 miles, each way),
I got 26 MPG. The limit on I-5 is 70 and I kept it no more than 5 miles
above that (and I got passed like I was standing still). I don't drive
it much around town because Sacramento drivers are insane. One time I
did go through a whole tank gas doing just stop-n-go driving. I got 19
MPG. I have 31K on my car and the oil gets changed every ~2K miles, if
that makes any difference. Oh, and it's a manual trans. I have a 200SX
se-V6 that's my everyday car. Even with the 3 liter Z engine and the
automatic transmission, I get 21 MPG in mixed driving, but in the
highway I get up to 28. I don't understand why a bigger car with a
bigger engine gets better mileage.

On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Tris Harvey-Rice wrote:
> >I decided that this would be a good place to
> >hid, so after gassing up a very empty like 8.4 miles to the gallon?
> 8.4?? Thats pretty dismal! Is this normal D economy?

Ken Montgomery          VIN #10911      Work  : (916) 278-7646
Sacramento, CA          'OUTTIME'       Home  : (916) 944-3252
Founder, Northern California DeLorean Motor Club 'NCDMC'
Please visit my website at:         kenm@xxxxxxxx

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 00:53:43 -0500
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Scratched power window glass

This is one of those items that after you remove this item you might wish
that you never did. Do whatever you can (paint brush, spray, etc.) to
removing this plate. You are correct in being concerned about scratching
the torsion bar, especially when you consider replacements are between
and $400. You might also discover that replacing this part might be more
difficult than removing it.

DMC Joe / DeLorean Services / dmcjoe@xxxxxxx

> On a repair note, I'd like to remove the clamp (part 108297 item 10
> section
> 840 in the parts manual) becuase it's rusting and either paint it or buy
> new one.  I can't however get enough leverage to remove the screws which
> are obscured by the torsion bars.  I'm afraid to get too close to the
> t-bars with my screwdriver, because I might accidentally score them.
> Anybody have tips for removing these screws? (short of removing the
> of course) Am I being overly cautious about the t-bars?
>                       -Steve <dmc@xxxxxxx>

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 01:37:16 -0500
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: looking at my first Delorean... (long)

Most of the items you listed are normal wear and tear items for the
If all of those items did not have to be replaced or repaired the price
would be around $19,000. Therefore the $ 12, 750 is reasonable. With
an additional 3 to 4 thousand dollar investment in replacements and
repairs you could have a DeLorean in A-1 condition that would be worth
$ 19,000 plus.

DMC Joe / DeLorean Services / dmcjoe@xxxxxxx

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 02:10:34 -0500
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: One Question, One Curiosity

The green stickers are I.D.. labels that were used at the factory and are
common throughout the car, unfortunately we don't know what the numbers
indicate. Another factory mystery.

DMC Joe / DeLorean Services / dmcjoe@xxxxxxx

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 02:14:13 -0500
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: High idle

You should feel very lucky that you car contains the Bosch K-Jetronic Fuel
System. This is by far the simplest and one of the most reliable fuel
injection system ever developed. Trying to carberate your engine would not
be cost effective not to mention very labor intensive. If you feel you
do this changeover try to locate a 1976 to 1978 Volvo 260, (very few
around) they are equipped with a carburetor fuel system.
Be aware that this changeover would render your emissions system useless.

DMC Joe / DeLorean Services / dmcjoe@xxxxxxx

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 12:19:37 -0500
From: Scott Donnelly <oharajem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: D car cover sources?

Can anyone direct me to a source for a DeLorean car cover.
It will need to more than I dust cover as I may need to keep
the car outside until I can free space in my barn.
Scott Donnelly
Thinking long and hard about D purchase VIN11291 @ $12750

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 08:30:03 -0500
From: Josh Haldeman <haldeman.4@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Very Sad Note

    Depending on where you go to college, it may not be necessary.  For
example, I'm a student at Ohio State, and bought my DeLorean knowing that
may be a problem bringing it up here. (I live in Cincinnati which is a
100 miles away)  Several things helped me make my decision to bring it up.
First, the Kapac/Consolidated/DMC Houston warehouse is in Columbus,
very close to campus.  Second, Bauerle Automotive (expert DeLorean
repair) is
a short 45 minute drive north of Columbus.  Third, I live in an apartment
has a secure garage where I can park my baby without fear.  Finally the
and deciding factor was that I also own a beat up old 85 Honda Accord with
267,000 miles on it that I can always count on as alternate means of
transportation and cargo space.  These are very specific factors which
not be present for everyone granted, but I can almost guarantee that if
love your DeLorean, you will find a way to make it work.  I recommend
out the area you plan to bring the car to.  Is it far from home?  Is it
Is it near a good repair shop?  Etc... You get the idea.  If it works out
these can be good bargaining chips to use with the parents.  Right Dad?
    Well good luck, I hope you don't have to resort to selling it!
        VIN# 5102

Jimbo0946@xxxxxxx wrote:

> I am sorry to say that I might have to sell my DeLorean.  Ouch, I get
> pains in
> my stomach just typing it.  Anyway, my parents want me to get a "more
> practical" car for college.  As everyone knows, the D does not have a lot
> of
> cargo space, and I am a little skeptical about bringing my D to college.
> But
> like I said, I might not have to, but I will be accepting offers.  It is a
> 1983 DeLorean, grey interior, 5-speed.  Absolutley perfect condition.
> Clean
> engine.  All origional, except I added an alarm w/remote lock and unlock
> doors
> and I also added a 12 disc CD changer. Under 19K miles.  Mint, Mint
> conditon.
> Email me any offers.  Jimbo0946@xxxxxxx
> Jim
> Vin# 15880

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 11:22:36 -0500
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: DMC- Convertible

You will find an artists rendering (very nice) of a DeLorean convertible
the cover of DeLorean World Magazine No.13.

DMC Joe / DeLorean Services / dmcjoe@xxxxxxx

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 10:28:10 EST
From: RICHAJG@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: DeLorean Wall Paper for Win 95/98

Does anyone know where I could download wallpaper (featuring the
DeLorean) for
my pc?  I checked out most of the links on the DMCNEWS page, but didn't


Rich Galichon

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 06:42:04 -0700 (MST)
From: raddad@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: DMC- Convertible

Hmmm - now let's see - I've chopped the top off - how the hell do I get
these dang gullwing doors to open??????

In an old DeLorean World there was an artist's rendering of a D
- - sans gullwing doors off course.

The "Coyote" which has been referred to here in past posts was a
"semi-convertible"; ie, the window had been removed and they had been cut
much further into the top so you essentially had a T-top DeLorean.

Dick Ryan

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 07:32:12 -0600
From: magriese@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Re:  High idle

Lisa - Probably not a good idea to change back to carbs.
Legal issues aside, carburettors are much more fiddly to
keep running right than a working fuel injection system and
you'll probably spend more making the switch.  Just off the
top of my head you'd need a new intake manifold, the carb
itself, new air intake ducting, possibly a new fuel delivery
system (pump, return system).  Realize that most of this would
be custom built.  I don't recall for sure, but I believe the
PRV was always fuel injected.

Michael A. Griese
Storage Software Development Manager
IBM Storage Systems Division
Rochester, MN  55901

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 12:08:17 -0500
From: Josh Haldeman <haldeman.4@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: DMC- Convertible

    There was a sketch drawn up for a convertible DeLorean featured on
the cover of an old issue of "DeLorean World".  The only detraction to
this setup would obviously be that they would have to do away with the
gullwing doors, which is an essential feature in my definition of a
DeLorean.  I imagine you may be able to work around the problem with a
t-top opening where you'd still have the center support structure, and
attachment points only at the front and rear of the door itself.  I
don't imagine that could be made to be structurally sound though, and
I'm not about to cut up my doors to check it out!  By the way, I don't
think the concept sketch ever got any further than the drawing board.
I'm not even sure who originally did that sketch.  Anybody on the list?

- -Josh
VIN# 5102

"lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" wrote:

> I have often thought that a DMC - - Convertible would be very hot!
> Question !
> Has there ever been an actual DMC Convertible?
> Has any one ever heard or seen one?
> Does any one have photos of a DMC Convertible?
> Lee

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 11:49:39 EST
From: JCox4001@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: St Louis Expo

Fellow DML'ers,

I hopefully will be attending the St Louis Expo, barring no conflict with
work.  I thought that I would respond to the inquiry of "Things to do" in

The first week of October should be mild in terms of weather, although,
in the
Midwest, anything could happen.  Baseball season is winding up, unless the
Cardinals can find some pitching, THEREFORE, we need to concentrate on the
other  activities around the area.

The ARCH and Laclede's landing area, downtown is fun.  There is a museum
the Arch, which has a unique layout done in chronological rings.  You can
ride to the top of the Arch.  Lacledes landing is a neat area full of
little shops and restuarants, night clubs, and good music.

Other sites include Grant's Farm, where the Clydesdales live. Alot of fun
especially for the kids.  The Busch brewery gives tours as well.  The St.
Louis Zoo is spectacular, and ranks right up there with Cincinatti, and
as nice as San Diego.  There is a SIX FLAGS, but usually closes that time
year unless unseasonably warm, and then usually opens only on the
And don't forget Ted Drews, the absolute BEST ice cream in the world. 
have a treat called a CONCRETE which is to DIE FOR, even if its cold
You wont believe the crowds in line to get a concrete!

There is also the Planetarium right out there by the Zoo which is nice as
well.  Not far from there is the Central West End, which is in the
University area.  Here you will find the "Culture" shops and restuarants,
where the neat people go!  The St. Louis Cathedral is not far from there,
WELL WORTH a visit.  The moziac tile work is incredible, and will take
breath away!

St. Louis has some of the finest restuarants in the United States, and you
could gain 10 pounds by the end of your visit if not careful.  Dierdorf
Hart, has a restuarant there, so does Stan Musial.  If you like Italian,
will be in heaven with the myriad of fine restuarants on The Hill, as
well as

Enough from me, how about some of you others throw in?


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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 16:57:33 -0600
From: "MARK" <mazz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Mint DeLorean For Sale

For Sale:
- - 1981 DeLorean
- - Automatic Transmission
- - In Storage for 15 years.
- - Professionally Maintained
- - Excellent Conditon
- - 3,000 Original Miles.
- - Original Tires
- - Original Cleaning Kit
- - Original Sales Brochure.
- - Gray Leather Flawless Interior.
- - Price $23,500
I have kept this car in absolutely excellent condition and stored in a
climate controlled facility. Because the car has been in storage for  many
years, it receives a yearly scheduled professionally serviced
to keep the engine and components in top shape.   If you are looking for
all original Delorean that has:  blemish free stainless steel, new looking
original leather interior, excellent running engine and showroom
condition,then contact me.
Thank You.
Mark .

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 16:57:17 EST
From: My83DMC@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: DeLorean Wall Paper for Win 95/98

         My website: DeLorean Headquarters
( has several nice BMPs in
Gallery 2 or 3... Check it out.  -=]


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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 22:14:32 -0000
From: "Tris Harvey-Rice" <laddie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: DeLorean Wall Paper for Win 95/98

>Does anyone know where I could download wallpaper (featuring the=20
>DeLorean) for my pc? =20


I've collected 30 or so nice DeLorean pictures from various web-sites - =
I simply asked AltaVista for "DeLorean pictures"! I can reccommend the =
UK DeLorean Club website (the web address is listed on DMCNews) as it =
has quite a few quality, hi-resolution pictures. Not sure how they feel =
about copyright and so-on, but I can't see them having a problem with =
your uses.

You're welcome to any of my pics if you want - I can send you some =
thumbnails or something.

No VIN. *sniff*
- ------------------
"Live every day as if it were your last. One day you'll be right."

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 11:16:35 -1000
From: "Thomas Smithson Associates" <tsassoc@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: D car cover sources?

Scott, DMC Houston has DeLorean car covers. Aloha!
Thom Smithson
VIN #3089
- -----Original Message-----
From: Scott Donnelly <oharajem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, January 29, 1999 9:55 AM
Subject: DML: D car cover sources?

>Can anyone direct me to a source for a DeLorean car cover.
>It will need to more than I dust cover as I may need to keep
>the car outside until I can free space in my barn.
>Scott Donnelly
>Thinking long and hard about D purchase VIN11291 @ $12750

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 15:35:36 -0600
From: "BRUCE BENSON" <delornut@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: DMC- Convertible

>Has there ever been an actual DMC Convertible?
>Has any one ever heard or seen one?
>Does any one have photos of a DMC Convertible?

Back in the early days of the 'Federal Saftey Czars' convertivbles were
considered a potential liability in Detroit and production of them stopped
for a period of years. Many conversion shops sprung up, some good, some
with the intent of converting hard top vehicles into  convertibles. There
was one here in Minnestota and the owner was a friend of Tommy Herms, the
boxer. Tommy owned a DeLorean and this fellow was working on Tommy to
convert his DeLorean into a rag top. That was the last I heard on the
subject so I don't know if it was ever tried.

Bruce Benson

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 17:39:55 EST
From: Msstrygrl@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Idle thoughts

>>You should feel very lucky that you car contains the Bosch K-Jetronic Fuel
System. This is by far the simplest and one of the most reliable fuel
injection system ever developed. <<

Simple? Then why does it take up 45 pages in the Manual?!
( You're kiddin' me, right?)

Anyway, I didn't hear any viable suggestions from anyone here as to how
 to diagnose or fix a "simple" high idle problem, so I really have to
 question how easy and simple this system is.

As I said earlier, the problem was the car was idling at 1000 rpm.
As someone suggested, I checked my ECU module and it was putting out
 12v through one wire to the idle regulator, as it's supposed to. The Idle
 Speed Regulator was buzzing, as it's supposed to. The idle speed screw
 was screwed all the way in, as it's supposed to be.
So,  I took the Idle Speed Regulator out and cleaned it and put it back in
 and that made no difference.  The *@%+# manual gives no details about
 how the ECU (aka black box) operates, exactly, so I have no idea if
 where the problem is. The manual also shows a device called a
 *thermistor* which is supposed to cause high idling when the engine
 is cold and supposed to be mounted on the 'coolant system distribution'
 pipe (on the right) but this *thermistor* is no where to be found - and
 I looked everywhere! I'm wondering now if this manual was written
 after my car was built.
 Anyway, It seems the most likely origin to my high idle problem is
 either in the black box or in the Idle Speed Regulator. Perhaps the
 have worn out some in the regulator. Anyway, I'm not going to spring for
 the $200 for a new one of either until I'm sure.
 And maybe not even then, as I did employ a pretty good alternate plan. I
 took off the Idle Speed Regulator again and plugged off its air duct.
 I went to the set screw on the throttle and set it to open the throttle
 plates a little bit. Then I started it, and for the first time since I've
 owned it it started like a car ought to! No more VAAAARRROOOMM!!! and
 no more high idle. However, the engine was warm at the time so I wasn't
 quite ready to call it a victory. This morning when I started it it
 a slight depression of the gas pedal, but it started fine and didn't
kill and
 the RPMs are hovering around 850 now instead of 1000.

Produced: May '81

P.S.  *@%+#  means "lovely and helpful"

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 18:43:55 -0500
From: haldeman <haldeman@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Very Sad Note

Gee Josh, I was going to make him an offer so you could actually get VIN
away from me!

But seriously, Jimbo - maybe another family member could "hold" it for
you until
after college - they are a good investment after all...

David Haldeman

Josh Haldeman wrote:

> Jim,
>     Depending on where you go to college, it may not be necessary.  For
> example, I'm a student at Ohio State, and bought my DeLorean knowing that
> it
> may be a problem bringing it up here. (I live in Cincinnati which is a
> good
> 100 miles away)....

>        Sincerely,
>         Josh
>         VIN# 5102

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 04:50:52 -0800
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Delorean and radar (Lees Story)

At 07:04 PM 1/28/99 -0000, you wrote:
>>I decided that this would be a good place to
>>hid, so after gassing up a very empty like 8.4 miles to the gallon?
>8.4?? Thats pretty dismal! Is this normal D economy?
> Send postings to "dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
> Before posting, search the archives!
> Thank you!


Actually it's probably is at all out speed. As I mentioned it's just a
guess based on what I recall were the times and distance, 90 mile trip and
13 gals of fuel. I have one of Marty's 140MPH speedo (not installed yet)
but at the time My discernable speed was 88 +/- speedo gauge. Around town
and at legal speed I have gotten 26 to 29MPG.

My DMC 12 is not any thing special as De Loreans go, but it is a low
mileage car and it has very good even compression, I keep the oil very
clean and run new plugs and points every 1K miles, I soak and clean the
injectors and use a high quality injector cleaner.

I have had several private e-mails claiming every thing from a DMC won't
over 110MPH to one that claims he gets 160MPH quite often. Gas mileage at
high speed can be very good, but you have to set up the car for that, and
pay for it with poor low speed performance.

For my self I think I was taking care of some old personal car baggage.
Several years before I picked up my DMC I drove one of 18 Yellow Lambo
in the US, I drove it only on occasion and eventually sold it. I think I
always felt that anything else was just another car,   well that is until
got my DMC! It's unlikely I will get another personal car.


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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 18:41:06 -0500
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: DMC- Convertible

The artist is Theodore C. Alexander Jr, an automotive illustrator.

DMC Joe / DeLorean Services / dmcjoe@xxxxxxx

- ----------
> From: Josh Haldeman <haldeman.4@xxxxxxx>
> To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: DML: DMC- Convertible
> Date: Friday, January 29, 1999 12:08 PM
> Lee,
>     There was a sketch drawn up for a convertible DeLorean featured on
> the cover of an old issue of "DeLorean World".  The only detraction to
> this setup would obviously be that they would have to do away with the
> gullwing doors, which is an essential feature in my definition of a
> DeLorean.  I imagine you may be able to work around the problem with a
> t-top opening where you'd still have the center support structure, and
> attachment points only at the front and rear of the door itself.  I
> don't imagine that could be made to be structurally sound though, and
> I'm not about to cut up my doors to check it out!  By the way, I don't
> think the concept sketch ever got any further than the drawing board.
> I'm not even sure who originally did that sketch.  Anybody on the list?
> -Josh
> VIN# 5102

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 22:39:07 EST
From: UNCLEUMP@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Frozen CLutch Line??

Help.  My D has been running fine for years and now I have a glitch.
Currently, it's living in its garage which tends to get rather cold
during the
winter.  I had the car out and running perfectly a few weeks ago.  Then
cold came.  Lately, the temps are milder and I went out to run it.  When I
depress the clutch, it has a light spring tension feel to it and will not
engage.  Does it sound like the line froze up on me?  Any ideas would be
greatly appreciated.  I'd like to fix it myself, so I don't have to have
towed to my mechanic.

Thanks in advance!!


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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 20:48:41 EST
From: ShadowDMC@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: D car cover sources?

In a message dated 1/29/99 3:05:34 PM Eastern Standard Time,
oharajem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

<< Can anyone direct me to a source for a DeLorean car cover.
 It will need to more than I dust cover as I may need to keep
 the car outside until I can free space in my barn.
 Scott Donnelly
 Thinking long and hard about D purchase VIN11291 @ $12750 >>

The automotive section of K-Mart has several car covers and one of them
the DeLorean according to the table in the back.  It's water resistant (it
claim's it's 99% waterproof) but it's also breathable.  It's also heat
and UV
resistant. I used it for a while until I got a Insty-Shade carport.  It's
about $40.00

Orlando Lopez

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 23:42:49 -0500
From: Paul Gress <pgress@xxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Re:  High idle

The European cars that used the PRV engine had carburetors.  I've seen a
set once (carb & manifold) at PJ Grady's.  He could answer all questions
if anybody is interested.

Paul Gress
Vin 10193

magriese@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Lisa - Probably not a good idea to change back to carbs.
> Legal issues aside, carburettors are much more fiddly to
> keep running right than a working fuel injection system and
> you'll probably spend more making the switch.  Just off the
> top of my head you'd need a new intake manifold, the carb
> itself, new air intake ducting, possibly a new fuel delivery
> system (pump, return system).  Realize that most of this would
> be custom built.  I don't recall for sure, but I believe the
> PRV was always fuel injected.
> Michael A. Griese
> Storage Software Development Manager
> IBM Storage Systems Division
> Rochester, MN  55901

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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 21:25:14 -0600
From: "Brad Fudge" <bfudge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: seat belt warning buzzer


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Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 01:44:59 EST
From: CBL302@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: DMC- Convertible

In Response to the convertible Delorean,a friend and I went to go look at
1986 Lotus Esprit Turbo,that he was interested in buying,and Boy, am I
the Delorean has gullwing doors,I had a little bit of a problem getting
the Lotus,and I am 5'9"tall and 170lbs.,anybody taller than six feet
could not
get into a Lotus Esprit,Mr.Delorean being 6'3" would never be able to get
a delorean if it had regular doors,next time you have a chance to get
the wheel of a Lotus,you will see what it would be like if the Delorean
been made without gullwing doors.


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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 23:18:41 -0800
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: HD Crash

To all:

Please excuse my delay this week in replying  to all e-mails sent this

My Hard Drive tripped with a sector crash which effected my mail and
Internet software.

As you see I am back, I will do what I can to catch up over the week end.
If you wish and you have not received a reply from me about some matter
it's fine to re-send me your message. I will take care of all old business

It really takes an effort to get all those tiny tiny bits all lined up
again on the HD. Wink!


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Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 21:12:28 -0500
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Idle thoughts


The repair procedure you described is a good temporary alternative to your
high idle problem but will interfere with your emissions operation and may
cause hard starting.

The reason I described this system as simple is because it is mechanical
and does not rely on electric's or electronics for its operation. It is
only fuel system that I know of where you can disconnect all of the
electrical supply less the fuel pump and the car will still run. Try that
with any other fuel injected car.

The idle system is designed to maintain 750 RPM plus or minus 50 RPM under
all operating conditions. The entire system is fully described in D:05:01
of your workshop manual. To answer your question as to how the Idle Speed
ECU works check out D:05:02 "electrical circuit function".  

You mentioned trying to find the thermistor, this device is located in the
coolant "Y" pipe under the intake manifold D:05:02 Fig. 38. Don't worry
about trying to locate this item, it is not the source of the problem. The
first item to check is the Idle Speed Micro Switch D:05:02 Fig. 37. With
the engine off manually operate the throttle spool and listen for a
when the throttle is released. If you don't hear the click the microswitch
is out of adjustment. If you do hear a click the switch ma be bad, let me
know what you find.

DMC Joe / DeLorean Services / dmcjoe@xxxxxxx

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Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 21:24:09 -0500
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Frozen CLutch Line??

Have you checked the level in your clutch fluid reservoir.

DMC Joe / DeLorean Services / dmcjoe@xxxxxxx

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Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 21:37:13 -0500
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: seat belt warning buzzer


Do what most DeLorean owners do, just disconnect the buzzer. Locate the
door plunger switch that has the purple/white wire, disconnect this wire
disable the buzzer.

DMC Joe / DeLorean Services / dmcjoe@xxxxxxx

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Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 20:45:33 -0000
From: "Tris Harvey-Rice" <laddie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DMC Speed and Speed-ometer

Anyone whos been reading my messages will know that I'm a newbie and =
general DeLorean luddite, so apologies if this has been covered =

I recently downloaded the Ezine backissues and read about the new 140MPH =
speedo. Apparently the original dial only went up to 85 miles an hour. =
Now this puzzles me - I've had 96mph out of my 1000cc Fiat Panda (shut =
it!) and it's speedo goes up to 100mph. The  Delorean's 2.8L engine must =
be able to well above 85 - does anyone know why the dial had such a low =
maximum? Has anyone gone beyond 85 in a DeLorean with an original =
speedo? Did the needle go past 85 or get stuck??

I worry about these things!

No VIN. *waaaa *
- ------------------
"Live every day as if it were your last. One day you'll be right."

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Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 15:54:32 EST
From: NOSLACK686@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re:  DML: BTTF VIN

dear Brian,

I have scrutinized the photos that I had taken of that BTTF car and the
footage of all 3 movies and it is my opinion that this car is not one of
original movie cars. Perhaps it is one that was made for display at the
afterward. I could be wrong and if anyone out there has the facts to
me, please do so, but i don't think the Universal Studio , Orland car is a
movie star.
Just a celeberty impersonator.


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Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 16:23:42 -0500
From: "Sean Howley" <tsuyoi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Rear wheel adapter plate

I am giving my DeLorean a brake job right now.  I just started working =
on the rear wheels and in order to remove the rotor, you must first =
remove an adapter plate (pn 110154 - really just a spacer).

Does anyone know why this "adapter plate" is used as opposed to making =
that portion of the rotor thicker by the same amount as the adapter =
plate thickness?

Also, just for curiosity, I mounted the wheel without the adapter plate =
(with the car on jack stands) and rotated it and found no interference =
issues, so is it really needed?

Sean Howley
VIN# 2345

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End of dmcnews-digest V3 #475

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