dmcnews-digest V3 #430
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dmcnews-digest V3 #430

Title: dmcnews-digest V3 #430

dmcnews-digest        Tuesday, October 20 1998        Volume 03 : Number 430

       In this issue:
        DML: New Engines and New Frames (is Byran Pearce out there?)
        DML: DeLorean fires
        DML: DeLorean Events
        DML: DeLorean accident (updated)
        DML: Re: New Engines and New Frames (is Byran Pearce out there?)
        DML: Christmas Cards
        DML: DeLorean Poster-Fullsize
        Re: DML: New owner
        Re: DML: New owner
        DML: DMC Poster (WAS: DMC Crash worthiness)
        Re: DML: Re: Speaker Boxes
        DML: Temp, Scratches, & Parade (was "New Owner")
        DML: Re: leaking fuel lines?
        Re: DML: transmission change
        Re: DML: New owner
        DML: DMC Crashworthiness -- and safety!
        Re: DML: Interested in the DMC 12
        Re: DML: New owner
        DML: Re: New owner
        DML: Sighting - N of Toronto
        Re: DML: transmission change
        DML: Re: transmission change
        DML: Re: New owner
        DML: My torsion bar spontaniously tweaked.
        DML: New Orleans Owners
        Re: DML: Interested in the DMC 12
        [long] Re: DML: DMC Crash worthiness
        Re: DML: DeLorean accident (updated)
        Re: DML: Re: Speaker Boxes
        DML: Re:  The DeLorean Communication Center


Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 22:15:03 -0700
From: Eric Altendorf <altevan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: New Engines and New Frames (is Byran Pearce out there?)

Two recent messages caught my attention.  The first was about the
possibility of replacing the DeLorean's engine with an approximate
equivalent with seemingly greater HP.  Remember that the DeLorean's 130
HP is SAE net HP.  It's measured at the wheel, after the power has been
transmitted through the entire drivetrain.  The drivetrain saps some of
the power.  I don't know the numbers myself, but I'd expect the engine
on a dyno by itself could generate at least 150HP, maybe 170.  If you
drop in a 160HP engine, you'll probably still get the same 130HP at the
wheels.  :-)

The second was about replacement frames.  First, I was under the
impression that DMC Houston still had original frames.  Also, for a
while, there was a guy named Bryan Pearce who was supposedly building
stainless steel replacement frames -- at a modest $8,000 / pop.  I went
searching for his web page again last week, but couldn't find it.  Has
he "gone under"?  It supposedly was stiffer than the original, had
improved front crush members, and weighed 30lbs less.  Not bad...

- -e.


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 00:25:17 -0000
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DeLorean fires

A longtime DeLorean mechanic (and recent subcriber to the DML) wrote an
article for the next 'zine regarding DeLorean engine fires. Without going
into too much detail here, the fires did originate from the fuel lines,
though not the ones in the vicinity of the fuel tank. If the author wants
to chime in before publication, he's invited to do so, otherwise look for
it in the next issue of the 'zine.



Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 00:05:42 -0700
From: Hank Breer <hbreer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DeLorean Events

Hi All,

Mimi and I just returned from a DeLorean event organized by James Cooper
the Northern California DeLorean Club (NCDC).  Breakfast at Dennys, guided
tour through the Blackhawk Automotive Museum, Lunch at a local restaurant.

Due to James' good planning, the museum allowed us to park on the circular
walkway in front of the musuem where our 9 cars drue a continual stream of
admirers.  Unfortunately, the museum had just shipped their DeLorean (the
prototype James Espey and I saw at the Barrett-Jackson auction last
out to another show, but they did give us xerox copies of the display

Coming from Southern California, we thought we would have driven the
distance, but Dick Ryan (RadDad) drove over from Colorado and beat us by
miles.  Our thanks to the NCDC for allowing us to join them.

For any of you who will be in the Palm Springs area on Saturday evening,
December 5th, you are invited to join the Southern California DeLorean
Club (SCDOC) at the Festival of Lights parade.  This will be our 3rd year
the parade and it is an unusual sight.  Each car is decorated with at
400 miniature white Xmas lights.  We will have dinner afterward in a local

This is open to anyone with a DeLorean, affiliated with a club or not.  Or
just come and help decorate the cars and schmooz with the rest of us. For
   Phone:  (626) 798-6279
   Fax:     (626) 798-9764
   Email:  mailto:hbreer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hank Breer

- ----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 00:42:53 -0000
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DeLorean accident (updated)

Things are going well, albeit slow IMO, with the repairs to my DeLorean.
To briefly recap, my DeLorean was hit on the passenger side by a Mazda
pickup truck. I was driving thru a parking lot, and the Mazda backed out
of a parking space into the door and front fender of my car.

I called the other guys insurance company (Civil Service Employees
Insurance, apparently related to or underwritten by Metropolitan Life).
The adjuster asked if I knew where I wanted the wrok done and I told them
"DeLorean Motor Company". She paused and said, "Are they still around?"
and I explained who they were and where they are located. She then asked
if I could take it to them for an estimate. I replied that I was in
Phoenix and repeated that they were in Houston. She paused again, and
said, "Can I put you on hold for a minute?" She eventually came back and
had arranged for an independent appraiser to come out to my home and
assess the damage for them.

The appraiser guy came out last Wednesday morning and looked at the car
"Looks like you need a new door and fender!" He took some pictures and
asked if I had any idea where parts could be obtained. I said I thought I
knew a place in Texas that could supply the parts and do the work. I gave
him DMC's phone number and he left.

This morning I had a message from the others guys insurance saying that
they had received an estimate from DMC for $5426.21 and were prepared to
send out a check to me immediately. I had a copy of the estimate already
in hand and that amount did not include shipping to/from Houston. That
alone will probably run about another $1,000. Not sure if I am entitled
to a rental car, either, but DMC estimates about two months to complete
if there is not hidden damage (fiberglass, suspension, inner door
mechanisms, etc.).

More as it happens...



Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 01:06:49 -0700
From: "Dave Price" <davep2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: New Engines and New Frames (is Byran Pearce out there?)

>The second was about replacement frames.  First, I was under the
>impression that DMC Houston still had original frames.  Also, for a
>while, there was a guy named Bryan Pearce who was supposedly building
>stainless steel replacement frames -- at a modest $8,000 / pop.  I went
>searching for his web page again last week, but couldn't find it.  Has
>he "gone under"?  It supposedly was stiffer than the original, had
>improved front crush members, and weighed 30lbs less.  Not bad...
They're still around (in fact Mr. Pearce just posted recently to the DML).
Go to

- - Dave


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 07:53:32 -0400
From: "Watkins Family  watbmv@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <watbmv@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Christmas Cards

I know James is probably very busy with moderator duties and all
SO........could someone tell me how to order a set of the Christmas Card?
I feel fortunate that this forum exists for DMC owners/fans, especially
those of us who live in the boonies of Maine and can't find someone who
knows how to work on my car!!  I feel buying some cards is well worth the
information and help I have received from all of you!


Tom Watkins


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 06:45:35 -0500
From: scottmueller@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Mueller)
Subject: DML: DeLorean Poster-Fullsize

With all the new DeLorean products being made, i wanted to know what
> all of you would
> think of a full sized DeLorean poster, for all you owners, and soon to be
> owners. I always
> thought a 15'x4' poster would look nice in my house. I've been thinking
> of looking for a
> good publishing company that can make posters, and getting a good shot of
> a DeLorean. Any
> thoughts? phoenixl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I would be interested in a color poster.  Any idea what the cost would

James Espey - What would your guess be for cost and number required to
be economical?

Scott Mueller


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 06:45:13 -0500
From: scottmueller@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Mueller)
Subject: Re: DML: New owner

eurojet@xxxxxxxx wrote:

just let it run while he figured out where to connect what
> wire where. I was watching the temp guage slowly go up into the red and
> quickly went over and turned off the engine.

 I also want to show the car in a parade coming up but am afraid
> of overheating in the stop and go procession. Fil.

The car should not overheat.  Have you bleed the cooling system.  Do the
fans come on at the proper temperature.  Do you have antifreeze in the
system.  You better check all of these things before you ruin the

Duke has a bleeding procedure on his web page
( )

and the back issues have many discussions about overheating.

Scott Mueller


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 04:04:50 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: New owner

At 09:33 PM 10/19/98 EDT, you wrote:
>First of all, sorry if I insulted any of you by comparing my Fiero

Sense I was one of the guys that reacted to your It's only fair
offer a bit of help.

3M pads..etc.,

The correct item is called "Blending Hand Pad" Scotch-Brite #7446 this pad
generally cost $1.79 at any well stocked Hardware store. If you have any
problems finding it you can get information on your local distributor from
3M Abrasive Systems Division St. Paul, MN 55144-1000

You should also get stainless cleaner, there are two brands generally
favored by most DeLorean owners:

1. 3M Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish #34-7032-2354-4
    Commercial Care Division product. Comes in 21 oz spray can


2. DuBois USA Super Hi-lite Stainless Steel Cleaner & polish comes in 18
spray can.Customer service 1-800-543-4906

To use this stuff:

The Blending pads come in 6X9 inch by half inch thick pads. The fibers
very course but are correct.

You will need a Blending block, made from any wood. It should be 5 3/4X8
3/4X2" a cut from any 2X6 is perfect.

To use start by spraying either cleaner on to the stainless surface and
work in using an old towel or clean cloth, rub in the same direction as
brush pattern of the panel ONLY! do not rub cross grain or in circles.
you have fully covered the area to be blended (should be wet with polish)
place the blending pad onto the stainless surface, place the block on top
of the pad so that pad extends evenly on all sides of the blending block,
now pressing against the stainless push the blending pad in the same
direction as the brush pattern, try to keep the stroke in line with the
factory brush pattern. when you complete the first stroke completed pick
starting point place the pad on to the surface and repeat the process. As
you work you will see a black build up of cleaner, this is normal,
working and adding cleaner as you work. I suggest no more than half a
at a time. When you have completed a section, stop, wash out the blending
pad with worm soapy water then clear cool water, shake dry and start next
panel. Use more cleaner to remove the ugly black streaks that form during
blending. At this point you have a choice of leaving a very thin film of
cleaner on the stainless surface or having the slightly briter "Dry" look.
For the dry Look just wash the DeLorean and then dry it completely. You
also "Dry" blend if you like by doing the Blending with out the cleaner.
The problem with this approach is that dry blending leaves a fine black
powder on the stainless that comes off on everything. Many DeLorean users
like to use "Windex" window cleaner to keep their DeLoreans bright and
fingerprint free.

Over heating: This is almost always due to air in the coolant system, The
best way to deal with this is to have the system flushed, filled with
coolant (not water) and purged of air. This process is a bit tricky, Joe
will likely jump in and suggest how you can do this.

Wings-Up, Generally it should be OK to drive at 5MPH with the doors open.
The only caveat is that a pot hole could cause a door to suddenly drop and
maybe catch a finger across the door seal thunk a head??

I am confident you will get other helpful hints from other DML'ers



Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 09:03:41 -0400
From: Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DMC Poster (WAS: DMC Crash worthiness)

Take a look at

Mostafa Sayed wrote:
> With all the new DeLorean products being made, i wanted to know what
> all of you would
> think of a full sized DeLorean poster, for all you owners, and soon to be
> owners. I always
> thought a 15'x4' poster would look nice in my house. I've been thinking
> of looking for a
> good publishing company that can make posters, and getting a good shot of
> a DeLorean. Any
> thoughts? phoenixl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 08:52:05 -0400
From: Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Re: Speaker Boxes

Based on the picture you have, I do not see how the seats can go back
all the way.

On my car, if the seats are pushed back as far as they can go, and the
back is reclined as far as it can go, the seat back follows the same
angle as the cargo net. 

The box you have does not follow the angle of the cargo net, so I am
guessing the seat adjustment range is limited.  This is why my
requirements were that the box should fit with the cargo net over it.

I guess my search will continue, or I will have to go pay some bux to
have a custom box built.  My attempt at building a box has been, well...
Poor!  I am no carpenter!

Duke wrote:
> I can make you a box perfect for a set of 10's or 12's.  It will fit
> perfectly in the storage space but you won't be able to use the cargo net.
> You can see pics of mine at my website.  I've added new equipment and will
> update the pics on the stereo equipment Wednesday.  Email me if you're
> interested.


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 09:02:02 -0400
From: Mike Substelny <SUBSTEM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Temp, Scratches, & Parade (was "New Owner")

Fil took his car in for an emissions check:

> I was watching the temp guage slowly go up into the red and
> quickly went over and turned off the engine.

This should not happen.  If your temp guage really gets into the red then
you have a problem with your cooling fans or radiator.  Do your cooling
fans come on normally?

Note that it is normal to warm a car up to its highest normal operating
temperature before conducting an emissions test.  The catalytic
converter is most efficient when it is very, very hot.

> The first mechanics left some scratches near the right rear
> window where they had dragged their hoses across the finish.
> I'm new at this stuff and am afraid to make them worse. Do I really
> use a 3M pad for these?

Honest to goodness, you can take out minor scratches from the stainless
finish with straight, long strokes from a Scotchbright pad.  It really

> I also want to show the car in a parade coming up but am afraid
> of overheating in the stop and go procession.

If your car has a cooling problem then driving in a parade WILL overheat
your engine, and probably cause damage!  If the fans have an electrical
problem then get that fixed pronto.  If the fans are working normally and
the car still overheats, then your radiator is probably clogged.

> Last question: is it bad to drive in a parade with the doors open?
> 5 mph tops...

The idea of driving in a parade with "doors up" can make you nervous at
first, but fortunately for you hundreds of us have tried it before you and
lived to tell the tale.  If the parade officials don't mind then your car
probably won't mind either.  The decision is up to you; don't blame me if
some Shriner clown whacks you on the head with a lollypop, or if you
whack the clown's head with your door!  Doors in good condition should
be tough enough to handle 5 mph driving, but you have to consider the
hazard they pose to others.

Doors up or doors down, the DeLorean is always a crowd pleaser.

- - Mike Substelny


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 09:11:54 -0400
From: Mike Griese <magriese@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: leaking fuel lines?


I have had a problem with leaking banjo clips at the fuel injectors.
This has led to a small blaze in the engine compartment while I
was driving the car.  Fortunately I noticed it almost as soon as it
started and was able to put it out without damage to the car.

By the way, diet Dr Pepper is a pretty good flame retardant.

Michael A. Griese
IBM Storage Systems Division
Rochester, MN  55901
Internet: magriese@xxxxxxxxxx
voice:     (507)253-1853
fax:        (507)253-2880


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 09:07:35 -0400
From: Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: transmission change

The Automatic and Manual frames are different.

Mostafa Sayed wrote:
> Has anyone here ever tried changing their transmission from automatic to
> manual? is it possible and how much did it cost?
>     Later,
>         Mostafa
> DMC VIN#: Soon enough...


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 11:55:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: Bill Wilson <fluffy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: New owner

On Mon, 19 Oct 1998 eurojet@xxxxxxxx wrote:

> First of all, sorry if I insulted any of you by comparing my Fiero to my
> DeLorean. I promise NEVER to use the "F" word again on the DML.

Heh, doesn't upset me.  I actually LIKE the Fiero (not for the same
reasons as the DeLorean, though).

> advise. I also want to show the car in a parade coming up but am afraid
> of overheating in the stop and go procession. The weather is cool now but

There's a brass radiator available which is much better than the one that
comes stock, and they don't cost too much either.  Supposedly they are not
too hard to install either.  Probably don't have time to get one before
your parade, but...

> the car in the parade! Any advice? Last question: is it bad to drive in a
> parade with the doors open? 5 mph tops...Thanks a lot. Fil.

No.  I don't think that the car looks best with the doors open - although
they certainly are unique.  The torsion bars don't care where the doors
are as long as they stay in one place.  The real problem is that the
DeLorean frame is flexible and depends on the doors as structural members.
Therefore you must be very careful when you drive with the doors up to go
very slowly and not hit any bumps.  Be sure your gas struts are in good
shape before attempting this, too, or your doors might flap up and down.
This won't do them any good either. :}


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 09:34:18 -0700
From: Eric Altendorf <altevan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DMC Crashworthiness -- and safety!

At the risk of wearing this issue thin, I would like to make an argument
for the meaningfulness of the DeLorean crash test video, and at the end
make a point about the safety of your cargo net...

First, there is no difference between a 120mph impact against a
stationary object and a head-on impact between two objects traveling at
60mph.  The velocity difference is the same.  The relative motion of the
ground underneath the objects is irrelevant.  Remember the laws of

Second, a concrete wall undergoes almost no change in state when
impacted; therefore it has absorbed almost no energy.  Remember, energy
absorbed will equal work done, and work done equals force times
distance.  If the wall doesn't move, no work has been done on it, and
thus no energy has been absorbed.  Certainly, some energy will have gone
into chipping bits of concrete off, generating a loud crash sound, and
heating up the wall a negligable amount.  However, by and large, it is
the car that will absorb the energy of the impact.

An impact against a concrete wall is effectively the same as an impact
against a large truck.  Large trucks do not have any energy absorbtion,
and with a mass of around 10 times that of a car, they are almost as
immovable as a concrete wall.  So a 60mph crash against a concrete wall
is about equivalent to a 30mph head-on crash against a large truck.  In
my opinion, this is a very fair and reasonable test.

An excellent book on the physics and mechanics of car collisions and
automobile design is *When It Comes to the Crunch -- The Mechanics of
Car Collisions", by Noel W. Murray, Emeritus Professor of Structural
Engineering at Monash University in Australia, copyright 1994.

Incidentally, there is also an interesting chapter in the book about
"loose objects in automobiles".  Make sure your cargo net is strong
enough to hold in whatever you put in it when subjected to the 50 or 60
g's you may experience in a head-on collision!  It may save your life.

- -e.


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 13:37:53 -0400 (EDT)
From: Bill Wilson <fluffy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Interested in the DMC 12

I would reply personally, but the email address is missing.

On Mon, 19 Oct 1998 dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> around for information on them.  I am 15 and I liked them a lot when I
> was younger, before I knew anything about cars, and of course, It was in
> "Back to the Future" that I first saw one.  Recently I have seen the
> movie again and I also saw one in "The Wedding Singer".  From what I have

There are a lot of younger DeLorean enthusiasts.  Internet demographics as
a whole aside, I bet half the members of the list are under 30 and a not
insignificant portion are under 20.

> gathered, they go for about $16,000 to $20,000, depending on their
> condition.  I really would like to get a "D" with a few problems and fix
> it up.  I really like how they have features of world class automobiles

You're in for good news - DeLoreans that need work often go for well under
$15K and sometimes as little as $10K.  $16 to $20K will get you a
ready-to-go DeLorean in good condition.

> main questions are: A: Can a Delorean be painted, and B: Are there any
> people  who know of Deloreans for sale in the Ohio area or anyone who can
> provide me with further information on the car. 

Yes, they can.  You have to specially treat the stainless or the paint
will fall off, but there are many painted DeLoreans out there.  Be warned,
though; a properly painted DeLorean is not easy to get the paint off of.
If you're going to paint, I think that black is the best color for the
car, but red is quite popular also.  It was going to be a dealer option in
'84.  But I personally wouldn't paint one - I think the stainless exterior
is one of the best aspects of the car.

Stay on the list or read the archives - you will be deluged with
information on the car. :}


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 14:09:22 EDT
From: CBL302@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: New owner


For a while,I used to drive my Delorean with a black interior,(not my
with the drivers door open,because the air conditioner wasn't working,but
regular street roads,and below 40mph,and I never drove with the passenger
open,I suppose at low speeds,you could have both doors open,but watch out
you don't hit anything with the passenger door along the parade route.



Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 11:42:15 -0500
From: "Duke" <at88mph@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: New owner


Trust me, you DON'T want to get in a parade with the D overheating!!!!
you give me some more info on your overheating problem.  Maybe we can
the problem before the parade so you don't have to worry about it at all.
As far as opening the doors, go for it!!! 5 mph won't hurt anything.

Hope this helps,


- -----Original Message-----
>From: eurojet@xxxxxxxx <eurojet@xxxxxxxx>
>To: dmcnews-digest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <dmcnews-digest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Date: Tuesday, October 20, 1998 2:22 AM
>Subject: DML: New owner
> I also want to show the car in a parade coming up but am afraid
>of overheating in the stop and go procession. The weather is cool now but
>I'll still be nervous. I don't want the embarassment of having to push
>the car in the parade! Any advice? Last question: is it bad to drive in a
>parade with the doors open? 5 mph tops...Thanks a lot. Fil.


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 98 14:18:05 -0400
From: "Rob Corkum Hrdc-drhc" <rob.corkum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Sighting - N of Toronto


Had my D out for the first time in a while and saw another pass me while
visiting a friend out of town.  Are you on this list?

You were westbound on Hwy 9 at the 400 at 4pm Sunday the 18th.  We were
both moving fast enough in the opposite direction for me not to get your
licence plate.  8)


DMC vin 1723
Stealth R/T TT


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 14:20:50 EDT
From: CBL302@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: transmission change


DON'T DO IT! Because unless you can make your own brackets and plates,for
shifter,and put in the slave cylinder and third pedal,OR change the
and standard shift frames are different where the shifter bolts up)it is
and easier to just buy a standard shift Delorean.



Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 14:10:00 -0400
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: transmission change

$$$$; Yes, very labor intensive and expensive. Changing from an auto to
manual requires changing the following: Bellhousing, flywheel, chassis
transmission mounts which requires welding and cutting, all shift linkage,
replacement of the brake and clutch pedal assembly, installation of all
clutch hydraulics, and electrical modifications. Price tag including the
price of the trans. around $8,000.
DMC Joe / DeLorean Services
- ----------
> Has anyone here ever tried changing their transmission from automatic to
> manual? is it possible and how much did it cost?
>     Later,
>         Mostafa
> DMC VIN#: Soon enough...


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 14:57:28 -0400
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: New owner

I will let some of our other list members answer most of your questions I
will, however, address your over heating problem. When the DeLorean
system is operating as designed it should never over heat even under the
severest conditions. The two most common problems are cooling fan
electrical problems or trapped air in the coolant pipes. You said in your
message that the car was idling for a while and the temperature gauge
into the red". Try this easy test. Let the engine idle and watch the
temperature gauge. If it slowly rises and goes past the 220 mark rev the
engine several times and watch the gauge. If the temperature falls quickly
shortly after revving the engine your problem is trapped air. While doing
these test listen for operation of the cooling fans, they should turn on
before the temperature gauge gets to 220.
DMC Joe / DeLorean Services


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 13:54:44 -0700
From: "Dave Price" <davep2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: My torsion bar spontaniously tweaked.

A few days ago I was in the garage with my DeLorean, busy at my workbench,
and I heard a loud bang that sounded like someone had thrown a large rock
my garage door.  I looked around the garage, looked outside... I didn't
anything that had fallen or been thrown, so I just ignored it, and kept
doing what I was doing..

Well, today I tried to open my driver's side door, and it wouldn't budge.
So I figured my door lock solenoids were acting up again.. I opened the
passenger side door and unplugged the door lock module, re-unlocked the
driver's side door, and  again to open it. It still was stuck closed..
although I did feel it give sightly.  So I thought it might have been hung
up on the door lock bolts...   I grabbed the bottom of the door and gave
a good heave-ho, and it opened up...  Then I looked around at the door,
I saw that the torsion bar was broken right at the hinge of the door
the rear of the car.  That was what the loud bang was earlier this week.

Does anyone know what could have caused this to happen?  The car was just
sitting there undisturbed with the doors closed.  I've never heard of this
happening before, is it common, or am I just unlucky?  It would probably
cause some serious damage if the t-bars were to give out while the door
open.  Man, I am not looking forward to fixing this.. not only are they
each, the process to replace/adjust sounds like it requires an expert.
Damn, just when (almost) everything was working....

- - Dave


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 17:45:45 -0500
From: Stephen R <StephenR@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: New Orleans Owners

If anyone on the list is in the New Orleans area could you please
contact me.  I am trying to gather a few people to attend the meeting
that is going to be in Alabamma soon.

If you live anywhere in the New Orleans area (or anywhere in Louisianna)
please let me know and we will see if we can make some arrangements to
meet up and follow each other to the meeting.


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 19:58:02 -0400
From: Harley Cascio <harley@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Interested in the DMC 12

   I know how much fun it is to get a car that you think will be a hobbie
to work on.  But that was my first car, '74 MGB, and I loved it.  However,
it isn't something I'd recomend.  I know that you don't want to hear this,
but without a car that you can always use, it'll really be a pain in your
tail.  This is my recomendation, wait until you are really able to leave
your hobby on the jacks for a week without it taking your transportation


At 04:57 PM 10/19/98 -0400, dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>Hi, My name is Andy.  I really like Deloreans and I have been looking
>around for information on them.  I am 15 and I liked them a lot when I
>was younger, before I knew anything about cars, and of course, It was in
>"Back to the Future" that I first saw one.  Recently I have seen the
>movie again and I also saw one in "The Wedding Singer".  From what I have
>gathered, they go for about $16,000 to $20,000, depending on their
>condition.  I really would like to get a "D" with a few problems and fix
>it up.  I really like how they have features of world class automobiles
>at a fraction of the cost.  My dad currently owns a '73 DeTomaso Pantera
>that is black with a black interior and has a delta spoiler.  Anyway, my
>main questions are: A: Can a Delorean be painted, and B: Are there any
>people  who know of Deloreans for sale in the Ohio area or anyone who can
>provide me with further information on the car. 
>P.S. Feel free to E-mail me back about the Pantera!


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 14:47:06 -0400 (EDT)
From: Bill Wilson <fluffy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [long] Re: DML: DMC Crash worthiness

On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hate to get into a big physics argument here; everyone is in agreement on
the basic effects of things (crashing is bad and faster is worse), but
I'll present the real physics here.

> 1.    "mathematically you'd have to rear-end someone on the freeway going at
> least 110-120 mph to get the results you saw in the video".
> This is not so while it seams logical that the effect of hitting a moving
> object at twice it's own speed to have the same impact value as hitting a
> stationary object at half that speed. In the case of two moving objects,
> the amount of energy absorbed and the amount of deformation in either
> depend on their individual masses and the inertial forces of both. Such a

While the physics books will tell you that, in fact, an object at 120MPh
hitting another one at 60 MPh has the same properties as a 60-0 collision,
of course, the higher speed collision will be much worse.  It's due to
engineering effects though, like what happens when your wheels stop
turning and your frame bends at 90 Mph is a lot worse than if all this
happens at 30.  Common sense is all that is required to think about this.

> 3.    "2-the wall absorbs no energy "
>       THIS IS DEAD WRONG The wall absorbed a great deal of energy!
> much of which is transmitted to the ground, with the rest being
> transmitted back into the

Well, the wall absorbs all the momentum, and the car absorbs all the
energy.  But none of this matters, because the key component is
acceleration.  It's like they say, it's not the fall that kills you, it's
the ground.

 The key statistic is the acceleration imparted to the driver, and the
speed with which he decelerates and the propensity for him to collide with
other objects in the car.  Crumple zones reduce the first and simple good
design reduces the second (i.e. the steering wheel should break or drop
out rather than being shoved into the driver's chest).  Obviously the car
must decelerate from 30 (or 40) to 0 almost instantly and the wall has no
change of speed at all.

Crumple zones can be illustrated by the following.  Assume simple
F=MA (force = mass times acceleration).  We care about the driver.  Now,
assume a perfectly rigid car hits the wall.  We know the wall isn't going
anywhere.  Therefore the car must decelrate instantly (since it is
Acceleration is change in speed/time.  Speed change is 30 and time is 0,
The acceleration approaches infinity.  ouch.  Now let's assume a car with
a crumple zone of, say, 2 feet.  Now, figure time.  Assume the car
decelerates evenly.  At 15 mph (average of 30 and 0) we are traveling 22
feet per second and cover that 2 feet in 0.09 seconds.  Now, we go back
and plug that 0.09 into the speed/time equation.  Change in speed is 44
(feet per second) and time is 0.09.  44 divided by 0.09 is an acceleration
of 489 feet per second per second or about 15G.  That's not very pleasant
but I'm going to live through it (assuming I don't get impaled, struck by
flying engine parts, or something).

Of course, this is an oversimplification.  But it shows you how important
these things are.

> 3. "3-hitting someone on the freeway would cause them to absorb your
> energy and momentum."

Any non-fixed object will absorb some energy when hit.  Freeway collisions
tend to be worse because of all the other variables, like the potential to
roll, shearing forces, the potential to be hit by other cars, the
potential for fire, and the potential to kill yourself in a variety of
ways that the tests simply can't cover.

Answer this.  Would you rather hit another car on the freeway at 120Mph, a
parked car at 60Mph, or a telephone pole at 30Mph?  Well, you might have
the same kinetic energy transfer in all three, but I'd just as soon hit
the pole.


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 14:50:14 -0500
From: scottmueller@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Mueller)
Subject: Re: DML: DeLorean accident (updated)

James Espey wrote:
> Things are going well, albeit slow IMO, with the repairs to my DeLorean.

> in hand and that amount did not include shipping to/from Houston. That
> alone will probably run about another $1,000. Not sure if I am entitled
> to a rental car, either, but DMC estimates about two months to complete
> if there is not hidden damage (fiberglass, suspension, inner door
> mechanisms, etc.).
> More as it happens...
> James

James, I went through this last year with my Truck, to date, the
insurance company has spent $22,000 repairing it, including a rental of
an equivalent vehicle.  Yes, the decimal place is correct.

You should demand that they ship it to Houston, since that is the
correct place to have it repaired and insist on a rental vehicle.  The
other guys company is responsible for repairing the vehicle correctly or
totaling the vehicle.  Show them D-1's adds for the $35,000 Deloreans,
that will wake them up.

Scott Mueller


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 20:02:55 -0400
From: Jack Stiefel <dmc-flux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Re: Speaker Boxes

Hi Marc A Levy, you wrote on 10/20/98 7:52:05 AM:

>Based on the picture you have, I do not see how the seats can go back
>all the way.
>On my car, if the seats are pushed back as far as they can go, and the
>back is reclined as far as it can go, the seat back follows the same
>angle as the cargo net. 
>The box you have does not follow the angle of the cargo net, so I am
>guessing the seat adjustment range is limited.  This is why my
>requirements were that the box should fit with the cargo net over it.
>I guess my search will continue, or I will have to go pay some bux to
>have a custom box built.  My attempt at building a box has been, well...
>Poor!  I am no carpenter!
>Duke wrote:
>> I can make you a box perfect for a set of 10's or 12's.  It will fit
>> perfectly in the storage space but you won't be able to use the cargo
>> You can see pics of mine at my website.  I've added new equipment and
>> update the pics on the stereo equipment Wednesday.  Email me if you're
>> interested.

I can say for myself that it is possible to build acceptable boxes in a
"D".  I have built one for my car.  I have 2 Kenwood 4-way 6x9's and one
inch Rockford Fosgate sub in the middle. 

Basically what I did was to buy a single sub box and add 2 smaller boxes
the outer ends of the sub box.  This allowed me to put the sub in its own
box and the 6x9's in their own.  I then ran all wires through to the left
side and connected them to 3 quick connect terminals.  Then the wires run
to the amp mounted under my seat.  This way I can remove the box without
much effort. 

I realize that you have 2 subs, but according to my measurements, I have
room left over on the shelf where if I were to add another sub I could
a new box. 

Now the cargo net will still not work, but there is just not enough room
for subs with the room under the net.  Subs need a certain amount of
space of air to work correctly.

Mine box is not as big as Dukes.  I am able to move my seat anywhere I
wish.  I think you can do the same thing with a smaller box and the right

BTW I also mounted my cd changer in the glove box.  worked out real well

Jack Stiefel
Blade Runner Tackle Corporation

DeLorean Vin Number 3461
DeLorean Build Date of August 1981

Visit me at


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 19:14:44 -0000
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re:  The DeLorean Communication Center

On 10/20/98 11:34 PM, Mostafa Sayed shared these thoughts...

>    I have recently finished a new project called the "DeLorean
>Communication Center" or DCC, the whole idea is to get all the DeLorean
>enthusiasts to communicate over one system, except for e-mail, which the
>DML has well taken care of. Below I've listed what the site includes.


Many DML'ers have emailed me to complain about this person. Evidently he
has used the archives of the DML as a source to get addresses to promote
this little project. I have emailed him and explained that unsolicted
email, no matter what the content, constitutes spam and that his use of
the list for his own self-serving purpose was unethical.

The idea of overlapping areas will only a dis-service to DeLorean
enthusiasts, as it will dilute the participation and content.

I apologize to the list members who were contacted by Mostafa without
their consent. I understand that he is young, and while not all people in
their teens are irresponsible, his actions certainly show why that seems
to be the popular notion.

James Espey
Moderator, DeLorean Mailing List


End of dmcnews-digest V3 #430

 Postings to the DELOREAN MAILING LIST are the opinions of the author and
 not necessarily those of the list moderator (James Espey) or his
 Service Provider(s). The list moderator makes every effort to screen out
 false, misleading, and negative postings, but it is up to you, the
 of the DELOREAN MAILING LIST, to realize that nothing should be taken as
 actual fact without research and investigation of your own.

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