[DMCForum] Dispelling Myths
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[DMCForum] Dispelling Myths

Just received lengthy nasty-o-gram off forum from person who wishes to
remain anonymous. Probably not worthy of reply, but I sent one anyway.

Nevertheless, person's observations could be (I hope not)
representative of misconceptions held by others. To correct:

Myth #1: I am *NOT* ashamed of my DeLo. Would have thought driving
1,340 miles this weekend to play with Mid Atlantic crowd is contrary
evidence enough. Yes, Lincoln Mark V is a better car, but Ford's
pockets much deeper than JZD's, vehicle is genesis of 8 year
production run, and let's be honest: is bit of apples to oranges
comparison (plastic to sheet metal?)

#5939 is ultimate fixer-upper, but that's price of admission. I don't
have budget for a $15K car. Car is dented. Has no headliners. But I
love to death. Has become my regular drive-to-DC vehicle BTW. Is not
for sale.

Have never called my DeLo a POS. That was Louie's pet name for #10115
-- a title I never thought it deserved (but then again I didn't have
to deal with its mechanical tantrums). Still think I miss car more
than he does.

Myth #2: I harbor no ill will towards Martin G. I harbor no ill will
towards anyone, including anonymous sender of nasty-o-gram. Am wearing
a cross in my left ear for crying out loud.

Martin and I did recently grab opposite ends of the same stick and
procede to whack each other with it, but I thought plans already made
to commit rude acts at Pigeon Forge and make up...

Myths #3 & #4: I did NOT remove Lamda from my engine. Was never there
to begin with. Look closely at my fuel distributor -- port for lower
chambers was never drilled and tapped! Don't know if they're even in
there! Is NOT function of not understanding system. I can NOT remove
something that never was there in the first place.

Did remove idle speed motor and ECU, but:
1) My engine never was built for them. Grafting by PO never 100%
successful. Not only no microswitch, but no room to put on myself (at
least not DeLo style). That's why it was hard wired active. My upper
air assembly and cold start tube designed for an aux air valve, not
idle speed motor. Port under fuel distributor especially different
(fortunately no O ring issues for me!). Am also missing all the
sensors in internal water distribution pipe.
2) My motor, as installed, became very unreliable very quickly. Is
very disconcerting to have the thing stick closed at stop light. Which
brings us to:
3) I DO understand how automatic system works. I just don't LIKE it.
Didn't try to fix, or improve installation, because I don't like ANY
onboard electronics other than ignition (even converted a set of
points over) and the radio. Call me old fashioned. An old fashioned 39
year old with spiked hair and ear rings. Wanna see my tatoo?

Traded motor and ECU to someone for a brand new RPM relay. Still think
I got better part of deal.

Myth #5: I do NOT advocate melting plugs, predetonating fuel, or any
of the other ills that befell trip home from SEDOC.
1) Plugs melted from vacuum leak in mode switch. Happened during trip
-- car didn't leave driveway that way. And problem was NOT related to
2) Predetonation was ALWAYS occassional, not constant. Worse on this
trip due to plug meltdown. Yes, plugs were too hot (used R44 by xRef).
Yes, octane was too low (topping tank with 93 did stop BTW). But

Only marveled that PRV runs so well on passenger back alone because a
460 never would. Lose just one cylinder and that engine starts stumbling.

Sometimes feel so misunderstood...

Bill Robertson

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