The older RPM relays act just as you describe. The newer ones will pulse the fuel pump on for a moment when you first turn the ignition on and then start running steadily once the motor starts. I am not sure but I think the older style relays had a white spot on them. They also have a moderate failure rate. If it bothers you just replace it with the newer one. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "James LaLonde" <deloreandmcxii@xxxx> wrote: > I've been looking over the electical diagram today, to no avail. > > John Hervey - seems like this one is right up your alley. > > When my key is the ON position my fuel pump does not charge-up. > Therefor when I turn it to START it THEN primes-up and takes a > little longer to start the engine. I've done some looking. And the > RPM Relay doesn't close in the ON position. BUT once the engine is > started the RPM relay stays closed, and the car runs just fine. > > Looking at the electrical diagram tells me that if in the ON > position, the wiper blades should work too.... they DO! so the > ignition switch is fine... as is the main relay. It's only the RPM > relay that seems not to work in that position. I haven't check the > other companants on the first fuse... I just now thought of that... > but it seem like there is very little to fail between the fuse the > RPM relay... especially considering the RPM relay (and everything > else for that matter) works fine AFTER the key snaps back into the > ON Position from START. > > Confusing enough for ya? Any help?? Anyone? > > > BTW, I finally caught that episode of Monster Garage... Nice job > guys!! Did WAY better than I ever could have done... But Eric took > the fun ride... That jump looked like great fun!! > Also... that One wheeled vehicle on the same show... that was cool. > > Thanks for any help anyone can provide, > James 004009
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