Today, I dropped to my knees and thanked God for helping me start my car. Well sort of... After soaking for 2 days in Marvel Mystery Oil my compression shot up to 150 psi. (For those who care, the specs are 114-156 psi, engine HOT, throttle wide open) Previously, it was 100-120 psi, but that's cold because the thing wouldn't start. At any rate, with fuel disconnected, and Marvel in the chamber, I gave it a shot of ether. It fired, struggled, then ran -briefly- (10-15 seconds) on ether. The timing appeared correct, I didn't have time for the timing light but the engine chugged along without "fighting" itself. After that, the plugs fouled with Marvel and the starter wouldn't crank it fast enough. I suspect my problems are two-fold. Low compression due to slow cranking, and weak spark. I'm going to replace the coil, wires and plugs with something hotter...18-20,000 volts, Bosch +4's and some good wires. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Rich #5335 (on life support)