Thanks Dave, I've now actually begun the adjustment. The engine is in surprising ly great shape inside. Clean,- actually shiney- no signs of sludge or overheating, no signs of valve stem or cam wear. (But then this car only has 20K on it!) As you said, I did only find two valves (on the one bank I have completed so far) that needed adjustment - but WOW, what a difference! The rocker noise has diminished a lot. I still have one bank to go. I decided to just adjust (or check) each valve at it's low spot (or exactly opposite the peak, and only follow the manual with regard to the clearance measurement. As a sanity check, I took a compression reading of each cylinder before I started, and am comparing that reading - to one taken after I finish. - This will at least tell me that I have not "over adjusted". (this, combined with accurately measured clearances). So far, I'm pleased with my results. And I'm hard to please! :-) Eric Dunedin, FL --- In dmcnews@xxxx, "jtrealtywebspannet" <jtrealty@xxxx> wrote: > I just completed a tune-up on a "D" and I found after 30,000 only 3 > valves needed adjustment and it was very minor. The valves don't > change all that much. If you need a lot of adjustment to quiet a noisy > valve I think you will find bigger problems. BTW I find the procedure > in the manual hard to follow so I just make sure when adjusting a > valve that the mate in the cylinder I am working on is open, that way > I can be sure the one I am adjusting is closed. That ticking might not > be a valve. When you get the valve cover off look for signs of past > overheating, coked up oil, sludge etc. Check oil pressure and do a > compression test to check the health of the engine. Mechanical > problems with the motor are rare but if the engine was abused > (overheated or run with low or never changed oil) all bets are off. > David Teitelbaum > vin 10757 > > > --- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Eric" <ericp@xxxx> wrote: > > I have decided to check and adjust my rocker arm clearances, since I > > have this loud rocker ticking. (no, it is not an exhaust leak at the > > gaskets...that was checked) > > > > I grab my trusty shop manual and open to section C:05:02 and :03, > > figures 26 and 27 where Method One is laid out clearly. I > interpreted > > the instructions in the chart as: position cylinder 1 so that Intake > > and exhaust rocker arms are "on the rock" or on the peaks, then
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