Swapping engines.
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Swapping engines.

--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "content22207" <brobertson@xxxx> wrote:
> Moderator is soon going to tire of my predicament, especially 
since I 
> don't even have the car yet (I'm looking, trust me). But many 
> responses have raised interesting question: technical 
> aside, is there a "moral" or "spiritual" reason to keep cars as 
> (fuel injected PRV).

Like I said before, when you keep the engine stock, you'll keep 
the support for it. Other than perhaps an increase in power, there 
really is no advantage to swapping the engine. Parts wise, the 
DeLorean is MUCH cheaper than other automobiles in a good 
many respects. And obvously, availability is not an issue.

Support wise, the DeLorean carries the best of any automobile 
that I've ever seen. Yeah, there's alot more people that can talk to 
you about other makes/models of cars. But since the DeLorean 
community is so much smaller, the information distributed is 
much more accurate because information distribution (mailnly 
thru the online presence of the DML) is put thru many more 
filters by direct experts for accuracy.

Is it wrong to do an engine swap in a DeLorean? I don't know, 
because that is going to be a question that only you can answer. 
After all, it doesn't matter what the opinions of others are. It is 
after all going to be your car. What I normally reccomend to 
others is to first try out the PRV. Drive it, and see what you think 
of it. Myself, I know that I want more power out of my car, so I'll 
probably just go the route of a high performance engine from 
DMC Houston. Now if I were to come across a car that had no 
engine, then I would probably consider the installation of a 
different engine. That though would be a different case. The 
price of a new PRV engine would probably outweigh the cost of a 
crossover. But that's a different situation for myself than it would 
be you. I have a DeLorean, and have it to fall back onto in the 
sense of being able to drive it.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is this: Try drving a DeLorean 
around, and see what it's like, and decide for youself how much 
you enjoy it. Not owning one, I realize that this does indeed 
present a bit of a catch-22 situation. But try to show up at a 
regional meeting to two. Especially one perhaps where DMC 
Houston might show up with one of their test cars. You may just 
find that the hi-po, or even the regular engines may just suit your 

vin 6585 "X"

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