Moderator is soon going to tire of my predicament, especially since I don't even have the car yet (I'm looking, trust me). But many responses have raised interesting question: technical considerations aside, is there a "moral" or "spiritual" reason to keep cars as built (fuel injected PRV). I'm all hot and bothered to rip that plant out, yet go to *GREAT* lengths to keep my Lincolns stock (ask me which junkyard I spent all day last weekend in). This is more than just a philosophical exercise: the supply of DeLoreans is definitely a fixed number, that can only go down. My desire to re-engine one of these cars could actually be counter productive to the hobby (obviously I don't think so, but have received persuasive eMail's otherwise). Speaking of eMail's, my box runneth over. I intend to reply to each, but it's going to take a few days. In contrast my Lincolns and AMC's have been rather solitary sink or swim experiences. It's *SO* important to take questions seriously and not underestimate effect of answers. Something second nature to a veteran can be a revelation to the novice. I lurked for several months before popping the PRV question, and I learned volumes. Once I did speak, was literally overwhelmed with replies. Am still willing to accept your engine-less DMC castoffs. If I never open the rear louvers, will any of you really know what I've done back there? Bill.
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