Re: John DeLorean letter
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Re: John DeLorean letter

--- In dmcnews@xxxx, Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxx> wrote:
> Top of Page 11, "British Sickness"? The context implies that Sir 
Cork is a
> homosexual. Although I have never heard this term before, it seems 
> incorrect.. I guess JZD does not care.

Not to start an argument here or anything, but it's almost humorous 
in a way that all these years JZD has been called a drug dealer, a 
thief, a crook, what have you. Not to mention the fact that he has 
been the butt of an endless amount of tasteless jokes. And all this 
time not one person has ever said, "Hey, that's not nice." But the 
first time JZD says something about someone else... JZD being called 
anything derogitory is no more politicly incorrect then anything he 
may say about Sir Kenneth Cork, or anyone else for that matter. Just 
about every reporter that has ever done any type of in-depth story on 
JZD has kicked the man square in his teeth. If JZD is bitter about a 
pizza arriving late to his house, let alone someone he's had bad run-
in's with, I don't blame the guy! As an owner of a DMC-12, like many 
others here, I've heard more then my fair share of cocaine jokes just 
as others have. And just like many people here, I am sick of them. 
But has anyone ever thought of what it must be like for JZD to not 
only hear the jokes, but end up being made the joke?

We live in a world where people lose considerable amounts of money on 
the stockmarket, then end up killing themselves and thier families 
because they can't handle that kind of pressure. Yet John DeLorean 
has lost his family, his home, his reputation, and saw his dream of 
building his own car company senselessly murdered by others due to 
their own political whims. In comparison to other people, JZD is 
still alive and kicking almost 19 years later. Now THAT is the very 
definition of admirable!

Bottom line: For the past 20 years we've had to put up with numerous 
ignorant yokel magazine editors, and hack "journalists" who have 
given us thier opinions fused with bastardized facts not in the 
spirit of journalism, but for the self gratification of seeing their 
own names in print. I for one say cut the man some slack, let JZD 
have his say!

vin 6585

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