I also got a few replies private, so let me respond to the list- I am neither British, nor a homosexual. I was in no way offended by the term. My comment was based on the constant hammering of being "politically correct" in the workplace as to avoid offending anyone. With that in mind, it seemed odd that Mr. DeLorean would publicly publish a document including a term that might be considered offensive by some. I in NO WAY find fault with what Mr. DeLorean wrote. I found the document very informative and it is great to be able to hear the story directly from the man, and not some trumped up version designed to sell magazines. I hope to read more in the future! Thank you Mr. DeLorean, and thank you Ken. BTW, I am also a DeLorean owner.. I hear all of the cocaine references as well. Although it is not fun to have a the car associated with drugs, and I am "sick of" them too, the fact remains that it was a very public event in the history of the car. We can have sympathy for Mr. DeLorean for the situation (even more so after reading his letter), but I do see how that relates to using a questionable term to describe someone. While I personally don't care about what terms were used to describe Sir Cork I do care about the public image of the man who's name is on the back of my car. If this letter were to ever make it to a large media outlet it could be a Public Relations mess for Mr. DeLorean. So, in addition to the cocaine jokes you may also hear gay bashing, or british bashing jokes. Truth is, I don't think any of this is a big deal... It was just some casual comments on the letter. Marc DMCVegas@xxxx wrote: > > --- In dmcnews@xxxx, Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxx> wrote: > <SNIP> > > Top of Page 11, "British Sickness"? The context implies that Sir > > Cork is a > > homosexual. Although I have never heard this term before, it seems > > politically > > incorrect.. I guess JZD does not care. > <SNIP> > > Not to start an argument here or anything, but it's almost humorous > in a way that all these years JZD has been called a drug dealer, a > thief, a crook, what have you. Not to mention the fact that he has > been the butt of an endless amount of tasteless jokes. And all this > time not one person has ever said, "Hey, that's not nice." But the > first time JZD says something about someone else... JZD being called > anything derogitory is no more politicly incorrect then anything he > may say about Sir Kenneth Cork, or anyone else for that matter. Just > about every reporter that has ever done any type of in-depth story on > JZD has kicked the man square in his teeth. If JZD is bitter about a > pizza arriving late to his house, let alone someone he's had bad run- > in's with, I don't blame the guy! As an owner of a DMC-12, like many > others here, I've heard more then my fair share of cocaine jokes just > as others have. And just like many people here, I am sick of them. > But has anyone ever thought of what it must be like for JZD to not > only hear the jokes, but end up being made the joke? > <SNIP>
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