dmcnews-digest V3 #366
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dmcnews-digest V3 #366

Title: dmcnews-digest V3 #366

dmcnews-digest          Tuesday, May 19 1998          Volume 03 : Number 366

       In this issue:
        DML: Re: The DeLorean Motor Club
        DML: Revelations !!!!
        DML: Re: The DeLorean Motor Club
        DML: Re: TNN carshow
        DML: Re: Revelations !!!!
        DML: Tires
        DML: Cincinnati Car Show
        DML: History Channel DeLorean Ballyhoo!
        re: DML: DeLorean vs. Corvette
        DML: More Info on Joe LoRe
        DML: Cooling fan electrical problem
        DML: DeLorean comic
        DML: RE: Cooling fan electrical problem
        DML: Answer to "What is the DOA?"


Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 17:17:35 -1000
From: "Thomas Smithson" <tsassoc@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: The DeLorean Motor Club

Ken, I bought my "D" almost a year ago and was also hungry for info. I
joined DOA and get 4 slick magazines and a membership card for $65; DMC
got a membership card and a decal for $40; and Pacific Northwest DeLorean
Club and got a parts conversion list, a membership address, periodic
newsletters, phone number list and a lot of information and advise on any
questions I have for $20. The PNDC group is the least expensive and best
far in my estimation. (no membership card, decal or magazine though)
Thom Smithson
VIN #3089
- -----Original Message-----
From: Ken Montgomery <kenm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, May 14, 1998 3:32 PM
Subject: DML: The DeLorean Motor Club

>Can anyone tell me any information about the 'DeLorean Motor Club' in
>Las Vegas, NV/Sun Valley, CA? I had them send me their membership
>information by signing up on their web site. They sent me a letter
>talking about The Cincinnati event (which I didn't think they were
>part of), and that they put out a publication 'DeLorean
>International'. Their web site doesn't really say anything and I've
>not heard a single word about them on the DML.
>As a new Delorean owner, I'll join most anything and give it a
>chance, but I also don't want to send $40 off into nowhere.
>Ken Montgomery    My DeLorean VIN #10911 'OUTTIME'
>Sacramento, CA
>kenm@xxxxxxxx     "When the wind gets under these wings
>Operating           You will feel what freedom brings"
>Systems Analyst        From 'On-Air' Alan Parsons
>(916) 278-7646


Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 22:59:29 -0400
From: Richard Strecker <dmc1219@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Revelations !!!!

For all of those who have been wondering about things like
windshield antennas, hoods with filler flaps, facia colors,
wheel colors and other important details about our vehicles,
I have found the answers!!!!   No less an authority than the
DMC Parts Bulletins.  While I was looking through my book
(purchased from Delorean One BTW) I happened across several
parts bulletins that provide the answers.

1. Windshield antennas, discontinued as of VIN 2711,
2  Gas Flap discontinued as of VIN 3200 ,  PS-01-9/81
3.  Front/Rear Facia color - darker matte gray - as of VIN
3600, PI-03-12/81
4. Non Locking Gas Cap beginning with VIN 3200, PI-03-12/81
5.  Exterior Mirrors changed (?) as of VIN 5930, PI-03-12/81

6.  Lighter Color Silver Wheels as of VIN 1884,  PI-01-9/81

Now that these pressing  questions have been answered, I
know I'll sleep better.

See you in Cincinnati!

P.S. Some time when you have nothing better to do this book
makes interesting reading, lots of trivia.  Might be an
interesting source for questions at the Cincinnati show.

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Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 08:32:00 -0400
From: Mike Substelny <SUBSTEM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: The DeLorean Motor Club

I joined the DMC too, and got exactly what you got.

All I can say is that the DMC has promised to have a presence at the
Cincinnati DeLorean Car Show.  While DMC has nothing to do with
arranging the event, it is a convenient opportunity for them to explain
themselves and I hope they take advantage.  If you want to find out the
scoop, I suggest you come to Cincinnati and ask them.

In the mean time, the DOA and the DML are functioning just fine, as are
the major parts vendors.  Messages on the DML are timely and useful,
and I look forward to a terriffic time at the DOA Expo in Los Angeles.
Even if the DMC never materializes there will still be plenty of support
new owners through the existing channels.

- - Mike Substelny


Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 11:09:19 -0500
From: "Micah Fryman" <nocoke2@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: TNN carshow

The car show with the Delorean is owned by Lincoln Nation of Mt. Vernon,
Illinois.  The Mid-State Delorean Club of Illinois participated in the
first "My Classic Car Autofest" which was held in Evansville, IN last
October.  Lincoln was interviewed by Dennis Gage and also featured the
members cars opening there doors all the same time before a commercial
break.  For a half hour show, the Delorean received a lot of time in the
show.  We had 8 Deloreans participate in the show.  Needless to say the
club made an impression at the show.

The club will again participate in the 2nd Annual My Classic Car Autofest
which will be held Oct 2-4, 1998 at Evansville, IN.  If you have any
questions about the event or would like to join us give me a call or

phone:  217-627-3265
e-mail:  nocoke2@xxxxxxxxx

Best regards
Micah Fryman
Mid-State Delorean Club of Illinois
Vin; 000697
Vin: 16694
Vin: 06872 


Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 05:39:56 -1000
From: "Thomas Smithson" <tsassoc@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Revelations !!!!

Richard, these bulletins should provide some new confusion and fun. My
VIN #3089 has no gas flap. I bought it from the original owner who says no
changes or major expenditures were made on my car. Another mystery. Aloha!
Thom Smithson

- -----Original Message-----

>For all of those who have been wondering about things like
>windshield antennas, hoods with filler flaps, facia colors,
>wheel colors and other important details about our vehicles,
>I have found the answers!!!!   No less an authority than the
>DMC Parts Bulletins.  While I was looking through my book
>(purchased from Delorean One BTW) I happened across several
>parts bulletins that provide the answers.
>1. Windshield antennas, discontinued as of VIN 2711,
>2  Gas Flap discontinued as of VIN 3200 ,  PS-01-9/81
>3.  Front/Rear Facia color - darker matte gray - as of VIN
>3600, PI-03-12/81
>4. Non Locking Gas Cap beginning with VIN 3200, PI-03-12/81
>5.  Exterior Mirrors changed (?) as of VIN 5930, PI-03-12/81
>6.  Lighter Color Silver Wheels as of VIN 1884,  PI-01-9/81
>Now that these pressing  questions have been answered, I
>know I'll sleep better.
>See you in Cincinnati!
>P.S. Some time when you have nothing better to do this book
>makes interesting reading, lots of trivia.  Might be an
>interesting source for questions at the Cincinnati show.


Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 19:59:44 -0400
From: John Murray <jwmurray@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Tires

Hello list,

        I currently work at a place called Tire Kingdom in Florida. I
see all types of sports cars and econo cars. Tires are the mose
important part of the ride of your car. The entire suspension is there
for one keep the tire tread flat on the pavement during
all driving conditions. The actual tire is the most vital piece. Do not
skimp on your tires. Buy the best you can afford. I have personally
tried 3 different sets of tires on my DeLorean. I have had Pirelli's,
Dunlop's and finally the Yoko's. I also have access to the tire
manufacturers specifications on all the different models. The Yoko AVS
Intermediate, that some of us currently have, is listed as "ULTRA-HIGH
PERFORMANCE" one of the best they make. The A378 or AVS U+4 are 'all
season' or M+S, which stands for mud and snow. If you are thinking about
replacing your tires, go with the Intermediates, the difference in
handeling on my car was very dramatic. The DeLorean is really a good
handeling car, it needs at least V rated tires. Go with the Yoko's!!! As
far as the alignment goes, get it done once a year if you drive
reguarly. Even small speed bumps can knock it out of spec. I suggest you
goto a reputable place and buy an alignment warranty, one that is a year
or longer. If it isnt done to you liking the first time, you can go back
and have them dial it in correctly. These two things will improve ride
and enhance pleasure!
Good Luck All!

John Murray
VIN# 2390
FL Lic.   81DMC12


Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 23:13:07 EDT
From: KKoncelik <KKoncelik@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Cincinnati Car Show

Still getting reservations in last week
Latest group from NY, NJ, OH, LA, TN, MI, VA, CA

For those of you attending the friday Dinner at Montgomery Inn Gregory
we will have live entertainment for your enjoyment.  A piano player during
dinner (tentatively) and a Soft rock band for your dancing and listening
pleasure for later in the evening.

For Saturday at the show we will have a Disc Jockey so bring your
(yes he will do BTTF and Wedding Singer)

Confirmations were mailed out Friday and late Today so everyone should
have it
by Wedensday.  If you don't please contact me and I'll send out another
Any questions please contact me at KKoncelik@xxxxxxx

Everyone will be at the Comfort Suites unless otherwise requested. An
canceled from the Hotel today so I got more rooms.  I think we have 78
so far.  There is a hospitality room for Friday at the Comfort Suites from
2til 5:30 see you there



Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 01:10:04 EDT
From: DGA7782 <DGA7782@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: History Channel DeLorean Ballyhoo!

Okay, the title is a bit corny, but I'm still reeling from the awesome
response to the History Channel's Best Sports Car Election.  Any DeLorean
enthusiast, owner or not, should visit the web site and read all the
from people giving their vote for the DMC.  It is amazing just scrolling
and seeing DELOREAN fill web page after web page.  Now, provided, there
some naysayers and critics of our fine machines, but if you read their
postings you will see they have no clue what they're talking about. 
concern is that we're all just members of a single DeLorean club trying to
innundate the HC's Voting Page.  If you don't belong to a DeLorean club or
know someone who doesn't, state that in your message.  If you haven't
know someone who could vote, know someone who wants to vote, do it and
them to do likewise.  As it has been said before, we may just show the
Channel that the DeLorean is worthy of its OWN show.  The History
voting page can be found at :

Show them the DeLorean is Number 1.



Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 23:01:35 PDT
From: "Jim Plamondon" <saab82@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: re: DML: DeLorean vs. Corvette

Hi this is Jim P.

I live in Iowa and I would like to know of any event around here and
if there is any clubs to join.

ps - what is the DOA?

Jim, VIN 1746


Date: Sun, 17 May 98 09:07:50 -0000
From: David Swingle <dswingle@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: More Info on Joe LoRe

For another look at "Who is Joe LoRe" check out the article on P148 of
the "Brooklands Delorean Gold Portfolio". (Available from the DOA, non
members OK). It's a D-World Reprint from Mar 1992. Sounds like a good guy
to have on the DML.

Dave Swingle
81 VIN 5429
DOA, DMC, DMC(Midwest)


Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 23:12:24 +0000
From: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Cooling fan electrical problem

        Hi all.

I'm wondering if any of you have run into this problem. My cooling
fans do not run. I have checked the fan relay. The fan fail relay has
been replaced by fused jumpers. If I run a jumper between the input
of the fan relay and the jumpers where the fan fail relay would be,
the fan(s) will come on (this is with the fan relay removed, power is
fed to the fan relay all the time). The only thing in the middle is
the circuit breaker. As far as I can tell, the circuit breaker is
good. I'm just guessing that the outer breaker (farthest from the
fan relays) is the right one. At least it has the right colored wires
attached. Placing a jumper across the breaker does nothing. I have
the tech info, parts manuals, back issues of DeLorean World etc.. I'm
right in the middle of this so I'm still digging through my
documentation for any answers. If any of you have any ideas I'd love
to hear them!

Right now I also have 1 bad fan (the pin in the axel of the fan motor
broke -- the motor runs but it doesn't drive the fan blades). I'm
going to make a really long punch to remove the broken pin and I hope
the parts folk have the E clip that holds the fan blades on. I guess
it's a good thing the weather has been so cold. At least I can run
the car around a bit.

        Thanks everyone!

- -------------------------------------------------------
Ken Montgomery    My DeLorean VIN #10911
Sacramento, CA   
kenm@xxxxxxxx     "When the wind gets under these wings
Operating           You will feel what freedom brings"
Systems Analyst        From 'On-Air' Alan Parsons
(916) 278-7646
- -------------------------------------------------------


Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 09:24:37 -0500
From: Carol Kempton <kkemp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DeLorean comic

Hi everyone,
        If you check out today's Sunday comic papers you'll find a comic by
Wiley Miller titled Wiley's Non Sequitur. The comic is a take-off on
Star Trek titled Lost Leonard's Log. It shows Leonard sitting beside a
automobile with a futuritic bubble top. Wiley is using a laptop computer
to type Stardate 2498.05.17 "Still marooned back in the Dark Age of 21st
century Earth, my search for an astrophysicist to help me find my way
home continues..." and a young kid beside him is pointing a the car and
saying "HEY.....IS THAT A DELOREAN?". Check it out. 

Kirk & Carol Kempton


Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 13:59:59 -0500
From: Duke <at88mph@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: Cooling fan electrical problem


I'm not sure if I quite understand what you mean, do the cooling fans =
come on with the A/C but not to cool the engine or do they not come on =
at all?  I don't know if this will help,  but if you go to the engine =
compartment and look on the driver's side, you'll see a cooling pipe.  =
On the bottom of it is your thermo switch.  There are two female =
terminals attached to it.  Disconnect the two wires and insert a jumper =
wire.  This will make your cooling fans run constant only when the key =
is turned.  (instead of all the time without the key in the ignition)    =
Just a quick check,  on your fan fail module bypass,  you have a fused =
link wire assembly with both wires coming from each Green/Black wire and =
plugging into the Brown/Orange.  Also, do the fans come on when the A/C =
is on???  If so, its a safe bet that your thermo switch is bad.  By the =
way,  you may want to reconsider driving the car with just one cooling =
fan.  (you never know when you might get stuck in traffic.)   If you =
have to drive it as long as you go 35 MPH or faster you shouldn't  have =
any problems

Hope this helps,



Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 08:30:11 -0400
From: Mike Substelny <SUBSTEM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Answer to "What is the DOA?"

Jim P asked:

> ps - what is the DOA?

The DOA is the DeLorean Owners Association.  It is a world-wide club
for DeLorean owners and enthusiasts.  They publish a quarterly
magazine called "DeLorean World" and host an annual convention called
the Expo.  They also sell memorabilia and provide some technical
support.  The DOA is probably the best place to find out about all the
DeLorean vendors out there.  For information, check out the DOA
website at:

- - Mike Substelny


End of dmcnews-digest V3 #366

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 not necessarily those of the list moderator (James Espey) or his
 Service Provider(s). The list moderator makes every effort to screen out
 false, misleading, and negative postings, but it is up to you, the
 of the DELOREAN MAILING LIST, to realize that nothing should be taken as
 actual fact without research and investigation of your own.

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