Mike, this post is not _entirely_ appropriate for this list. It's the reason I've not added my 2p to the discussion on the DML. When it comes to parts cross references, we're in luck over here - so much of the DeLorean is bog-standard parts. We can take a part off the car, walk into a motor factors, and probably get about 75% success in sourcing OEM parts still brand new on the shelf over here. Only yesterday I ordered a new pair of track rod ends for the grand sum of £12 each. We're not talking "almost match" - we're talking IDENTICAL. The DeLorean vendors know this - indeed there are a lot of items you guys pay for which are bought over here. For my part, finding cross-references is half the fun of owning the car. It's considered an exotic, but it's increasingly surprising how inexpensive it is to maintain for the reason of being a) reliable and b) being made from off-the-shelf parts! I also need to stick up for Gary (checksix) - that guy seriously knows his stuff. I've "clashed" with him over modifying the car for reasons of reliability where I would keep things original, if less reliable, simply out of a desire to keep it unchanged. His is a different opinion, and as a new owner, I can see why he'd say what he did about the vendors' prices. BTW it was James Espey, NOT Gary that addeed the "scammers" to the subject. Anyhoo, that's my 2p :-) Martin #1458 Senatorpack@xxxx wrote: > > > Installing cheap or inferior parts doesn't work. However if you want to > try it by all means go for it! > > There has been a number of DeLorean service centers that quickly opened > and quickly closed after the DeLorean factory closed in 1982. Why did they > close? Lack of business? ...I doubt it. There were more cars on the road > then, driven everyday, than today. > > The DeLorean specialists available PJ Grady, DMCH, DeLorean One, > DMCenter, Baurle, Joe Lore, etc., are all very talented specialist's that > have been in business longer than any of the fly by night centers that > quickly became entangled with the EPA and who knows what else. > > I agree with RadDad (Mr. Dick Ryan) as I am a purist to a degree when it > come to the DeLorean...why mess up a beautiful design & concept...inside and > outside? > > I'm not trying to be didactic, as we all have different views & personal > opinion about the car. > > However, I am willing to & have installed all the Zilla products, a new > cooling system, and DeLoreanOne Relay Upgrade kit and whatever products that > the DeLorean specialist recommend. > > In addition, the material & parts that the specialist's sell, add to my > bottom line. My bottom line is that with this particular car, it isn't work > the aggravation, time, wasted expense ("it's what you keep" ) driving all > over asking the same damn questions to a clueless parts salesman that has no > interest in my car or my interest. And 99% of the time they won't have what > you are looking for...What a waste of time and money, in addition to the > incubus of fear that the "make do" part that they sell will work after you > install it. > > However, If you call the DeLorean specialists, display some couth & > decorum, and you are willing to understand that they are there to assist you. > They are not a consortium of ignoble, perfunctory, Machiavellian, repugnant > mechanics. > > They are a group of sophisticated, dedicated, fastidious, bona fide, > eminent professionals that care more for the DeLorean car than John DeLorean > did, and many of the owners care for their own DeLorean. > > Best Regards, > Michael Pack
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