A beautiful thing to behold....
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A beautiful thing to behold....

Dear All,
    had a wonderful weekend with PSO, and must be about the happiest D driver in the UK at present. Just came back from nearly a month in Central America, and brought back my fiance of six months. She and I are settling into life back in the UK, and life with the D again. I have to say, even being away from PSO for only a month, I missed her greatly, and couldn't wait to be back in the cockpit, enjoying those dulcit engine tones. My fiance thinks that PSO is beautiful, and was amazed that there were RHD Deloreans around at all. She's driven it, and was very smitten indeed, I'm having to keep hold of the keys very tightly:)
   I'm also happy because I've finally sorted everything bar the door locking modual now, which I hope to post to Martin in the very near future. List of things fixed on PSO.
    Door Struts(you just pull the catch, and up they go, slowing down as they reach their highest position, nice)
    New high speed petrol filler(very useful)
    Bonnet release fixed, and now on drivers side as it should have been.
    All coolant system hoses replaced, and coolant system holding its pressure perfectly.
    Steering rack adjusted, and boots too, most important thing you can do on a RHD.
    Interior heating/cooling system now in perfect order(had to take motor and dashboard to pieces, but we came through with a system that works just as it should, I could have hugged my mechanic for the patience he had on that)
    Interior lights now all on, and working fine.
    Exterior of car cleaned down with white spirit( that took me nearly 8 hours to complete last weekend, but she looks lovely for it)
    All black plastic reblacked with black trim wax, and looking shiney and new.
    Leather treated, cleaned and finished, in lovely condition, along with the grey interior, and black carpets too, very proud of how good this looks.
    Stainless steel coolant expansion bottle and throttle cover fitted, nice.
    Engine bay cleaned, reblacked up, and all connecting pipes blacked up. This is one area of the car which I'm very pleased with.
    Alloys cleaned with a tooth brush to perfection, highly impressed with how these look, along with silicone treated tires, look like new.
    In my very humble oppion I believe that PSO must now be one of the best condition RHD, grey interior Deloreans around, and has had at least two grands worth of new parts, professional mechanic time, and my time so far. I'm very very happy with PSO, and at this point would like to send another big thankyou to all the DOC group, as nearly all my information has come from here, and on that I can't put a price. More than anything I think Dave would be pleased with how much the car has improved since its been in my hands. Also, could someone let Dave know that in accordance with the deal we made, I have finally affixed the Delorean badge to the front hood, and was happy to do so. We said that it should only go on, when every job on his list of problems with the car was done, which they now all are.
    With the weather as beautiful as it is at the moment, I hope to be showing off PSO at every opportunity I can. Which shows would be best to take her to over the summer months?
                                Regards to everyone,
VIN #6896
Grey RHD

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