Re: [doc] Mailing list and paid up members argument
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Re: [doc] Mailing list and paid up members argument

Hi all,
Just a couple of thoughts for the current discussion about our beloved mailing list, paid up DOC members etc:

It's true to say the DeLorean Owner's Club has something special which other classic car owners clubs simply don't have. If it weren't for the unfailing support of people such as Chris P, Dave Howarth, Martin and other prominent figures then I know for a fact that I for one, and probably many other club members, would not own a DMC-12 today or take such a keen involvement in the club itself. 

The thing that strikes me about the DOC is the fact that each and every new club member and DeLorean enthusiast is instantly made welcome and taken seriously by other DOC members. Even when I was a young enthusiast of 14 or 15 years old, I never once got looked upon as a "kid" when I spoke to people at the NEC club stand. It was the simple love for the car which came first above everything else, and that is what makes the club special. I feel it's imortant that the support for new members and enthusiasts should continue as it always has done. If new enthusiasts are made to feel welcome into the club then they will undoubtedly take a much more active role.

However, that said, you only get out of the club what you put into it; I'm sure there are many people reading this who would agree. I promise any "non paid-up" DeLorean enthusiasts reading this that spending your £15 and joining the club for real will be the best decision you will EVER make regarding the DeLorean. 

A final question (perhaps Tris can supply the info?): how many subscribers do we currently have on our mailing list?

All the best to everyone,

Phil Peters
DOC #84
VIN #4400

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