RE: [doc] Change settings
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RE: [doc] Change settings

Yes, Phil, I did exactly the same last week on the DML I can't get on with
the digest format. I Just sent my request direct to the moderators, they
sorted mine out.

As we don't have moderators, probably Tris could guide you through it.

Ref your repeaters, I've never seen "dummy black" ones, recon there rare!

Best regards

Chris P

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Peters [mailto:PhilPeters@xxxx]
Sent: 19 March 2002 15:56
To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [doc] Change settings

Hi all,
I currently recieve the daily digest version of our beloved mailing
list, but I now want to change to the individual e-mail method. Anyone know
how I go about changing my settings so I can achieve this?
Also thanks to everyone for the help with my door lights and jammed
gullwing. I sorted them both last night in the time it took to drink a beer. to replace my rear repeaters. Does anyone else, like me, have
dummy repeaters (i.e. matt black bits of shaped plastic in place of the
proper red ones) fitted to the back of their car?
Phil Peters
VIN #4400

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