I set up a company called Delorean Productions, about 2 months ago, in readiness of puchasing my Delorean PSO69W from Dave. As it is, I've already been approached by a number of companies requiring promotional use of the car. Keep in mind if anyone else does this, you have to be insured up to the hilt, as many delorean car insurance policies, do not allow for commercial activity with the car. I'll start putting feelers out into the external marketing companies that the UK cinemas use, and see if they are already planning anything, if not, I'll try and secure a deal which uses as many of our cars as we can find. I've got a feeling that Showcase will go for front of house displays more so than any other cinema company. I'll look into it for sure. Plus, I really want to see the films, and buy the DVDs anyway:)
-----Original Message-----
From: funkymcfly [mailto:danielpwillis@xxxx]
Sent: 14 January 2002 13:53
To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [doc] BTTF DVD Release and info
As some of you may be aware, the BTTF DVDs are due for release this
Summer (at - bleeding - last!). What some may not know is that it's
very likely that the films will be re-released in the cinema
This is the reason I've been waiting for (you know, to buy a DVD
player ;o) )
What's the betting that some of the larger cinema's may want
DeLoreans for advertising purposes? Hmmm
(watch for website changes soon)
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