James Espey DeLorean Motor Company Houston, Texas
281/568-9573 800/USA-DMC1 http://www.delorean.com
The First is in a bank in Snyder, Texas. This one has a black interior and 0 miles on the clock. It has never been started
The second is in the National Auto museum in Reno, Nevada. This has been driven round the test track (the video on the Back
from the Future Docco) and home from the auction through a snowstorm where the current owner bought it. It has a saddle-brown
A spare set of panels and saddle trim were made for spares, but the bonnet was damaged. These were Assembled by Consolidated
and sold as the LAST production DeLorean. It is an Automatic. The car has the plate 24KTGOLD and I believe was sold with a
standard stainless bonnet which the current owner had plated with limited success.