Re: [doc] Re: Gaydon open time (MXI 4811......DASH FIRE nearly!!!!!)
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Re: [doc] Re: Gaydon open time (MXI 4811......DASH FIRE nearly!!!!!)
- From: Alan Hammond <vin569@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 11:13:01 -0700 (PDT)
Well, not really, James I nearly had a heart attack last night :o(
I went to the car last night with the battery that I took of it (all charged up!). and connected it all up, after that I thought that I would just check the lights and make sure that they all work ok.
Checked all lights apart from the rear fog (for that to work you need the ignition on!). so I put the ignition on, didn`t get a chance to look if the fog light worked, as the wipers came on and I couldn`t turn them off!! I also heard a funny noise coming from under the dash, next thing I know theres smoke coming out of the pipes each side of the dash!!!!!, OH S**T I thought!!. first thing was to disconnect the battery and then grab my FLAME BEATER fire extinguisher, by that time the smoke had stopped! (fire extinguisher still not used!!!), but I sat in the thing for 3/4 of an hour to make sure that it didn`t start up and burn my pride and joy!!.
looking under the dash I could see where my problem was, two wires (pirple/blue and purple white) were totally burnt with no covering on them at all!, must be a short somewhere under the dash (I will remove the whole dash next, is this a hard job James, I know you`ve done it to your car to get it re-covered)..
so MXI 4811 (or smokey as it`s now known) will be unable to come along to Gaydon.... I would love to bring it up but theres always something happen to my car!!!...
I will hopefully see ya at Gaydon on Sunday James, once I can trust smokey I will come over to some shows.
but for now smokeys grounded!!!!.
all the best
Alan hammond and Smokey!
jamesrguk <James_rg@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Your car now ready for gaydon then?
--- In doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Alan Hammond <vin569@xxxx> wrote:
> Hi all, just wondered what time Gaydon opens on sunday....
> See Ya all there
> all the best
> Alan and mxi4811
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