When I bought it, Warren at DMCH told me that they were about to stop selling the exhaust separate from the Stage II upgrade. I think this was one of the last exhaust systems sold without the whole Stage II upgrade. I'm pretty sure that is why it is not available threw their website anymore. Corey 2423 To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: KPoling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: Sun, 20 May 2007 10:27:31 -0500Subject: RE: [DML] DMCH performance exhaust (rust issue - need opinions) I went to look up the exhaust, which is listed as "currently unavailable" ontheir site. The rust issue could be one reason why. Anyway, at $1,500 forwhat has to be one of the world's shortest exhaust systems, they need toreplace it for you. The rust issue should be between DMCH and theircoating supplier - you should not have get involved with anyone but DMCH.And it sounds like they should really replace if for you. But since youhad it installed elsewhere, I'm sure you'll have to pay for thereinstallation and shipping. IMHO-----Original Message-----From: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Ofcorey oomsSent: Sunday, May 20, 2007 9:58 AMTo: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: RE: [DML] DMCH performance exhaust (rust issue - need opinions)I have my own guy who had previously done my Fiero's exhaust. He does greatwork. So, no, DMCH did not install it. But they still charged $1,500 for asystem that I have to pull back off the car and send away for rust issuesafter less than a year of being garage kept. WTF?To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: KPoling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: Sat, 19 May 200718:10:28 -0500Subject: RE: [DML] DMCH performance exhaust (rust issue - needopinions)Did DMCH do the installation? If so, then I think its clearlytheirresponsibility to handle the labor and shipping.KermitP-----OriginalMessage-----From: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf OfcoreysmooSent: Saturday, May 19, 2007 2:32 PMTo:dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: [DML] DMCH performance exhaust (rust issue -need opinions)In August of last year, I bought DMCH's performance exhaustsystem. I have no problem with the system itself and love it. My problem isthat I have had the system on the car for roughly 7 months and there is anice build up of surface rust on it already. One of the mechanics at DMCMidwest told me that it looks like rust that should take years to build up.I don't drive the car every day, and keep it in a garage under a cover, soit is not exposed to the elements very much.Steven Wynne personally took alook at the exhaust at the DMC Midwest grand opening and told me that theyget these systems coated by Jet-Hot coatings and I would have to talk tothem to fix this problem.I called Jet-Hot and they told me that they willcorrect the problem for free under warrenty for up to 3 years, but I wouldhave to send in the exhaust system to them to be repaired. They also told methat I am responsible for shipping and any other costs not covered by thewarrenty.Now, my question is, do you think DMC should have to flip the billfor removing the exhaust, shipping, and putting it back on the car? I didn'tpay $1,500 for a system that I would have rust problems with after only 7months of being on a garage kept car. I don't have ready access to a liftand it would be quite a pain in the ass for me to get the exhaust on and offin my garage.Penny for your thoughts?Corey2423[Non-text portions of thismessage have been removed] __________________________________________________________Download Messenger. Start an i'm conversation. Support a cause. Join now.http://im.live.com/messenger/im/home/?source=TAGWL_MAY07[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:moderators@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx more info on the list, tech articles, cars for sale see www.dmcnews.comTo search the archives or view files, log in athttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/dmcnews Yahoo! Groups Links _________________________________________________________________ Create the ultimate e-mail address book. 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