> He took the risks. He reaps the rewards. > The words above really sum it up for me. While I love the products some of you have made (Tom's mirrors are on order!!) I do have to say, without any disrespect intented, Those making products on a limited scale are not really taking a huge risk on their product that would destroy their livelyhood if it didn't sell. I believe in risk vs. reward 100%. DMCH has taken that risk and proves it over and over again with all the new stuff they are investing in. it costs alot of money to re-tool some of the part we all need. If you had taken the time to re-register a trademark and spend the millions of dollars in a new facility and purchasing the entire Delorean inventory and have worked hard to recreate parts for our cars wouldn't you be a little protective over the use of the DMC logo? Come on people, get some clarity here. So yeah, maybe DMCH came across heavy handed but look at the investment they have laid on the table for the benefit of all of us! I'm not saying we should all bow down and kiss DMCH's feet for what they have done but understand they took that risk. What risk have any of you put on the line that deserves the use of the logo..really. A few hundred buck, a thousand? two thousand?......It's peanuts compared to the risk Stephen took to get DMCH to where it is. Even if DMCH's claim on all uses of the logo is false, which nobody has really proven, it would be bad form to not at least call them to see if they would like to market your product. You certaintly will have a larger audience than if you tried to market it yourself. Unless of course you are looking at making yet another DMC logo T-shirt. Is some of this "sour grapes" that Stephen had the foresight to re- register the logo? I can't help but think that some of this is jealousy and a bit of "who does he think he is". My answer is (and I do love you all, really) GET OVER IT! It's a friggin logo for a car. Make your products but forget the logo...if you want the logo for your car go ahead, nobody can stop you from adorning anything you make for yourself with the DMC logo but it you try to sell it.....you take the risk of DMCH sending you a letter I guess. again, no disrespect intended to any of you. I'm just tired of reading about this whole logo issue and seeing Stephen getting beaten up for tyring to protect it. Group Hug????? Tom Watkins To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address: moderators@xxxxxxxxxxx For more info on the list, tech articles, cars for sale see www.dmcnews.com To search the archives or view files, log in at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dmcnews Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dmcnews/ <*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional <*> To change settings online go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dmcnews/join (Yahoo! ID required) <*> To change settings via email: mailto:dmcnews-digest@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mailto:dmcnews-fullfeatured@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: dmcnews-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
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