Boy, did some of you miss a great time! 12 DeLoreans from Michigan, Ohio, Ontario, and Ron from Gullwing Magazine (St Louis, Mo.) and his yellow customized Delorean all enjoyed fine sunny weather, an interesting & relaxing site seeing cruise around the area, good food and lots of it at a restaurant on the beach at a Lake Erie resort town, unbelievable photo oportunities, unique Inn and pool / waterslide, and more!!! No glitches except my car! A sharp eyed tourist noticed my a/c belt was fraying--how embarassing! We were parked at the park relaxing after our cruise portion. Immediately 3 belts were made available and Rick from Ohio insisted that he put it for me! The event was a great success by all accounts! 2005 will be even bigger as I plan a weekend at the beach - on the shores of Lake Huron. 1000 people live in this tourist destination, but during the summer the population grows to 70,000 on event weekends. This event is planned to be the largest DeLorean meet outside the USA. A famous person connected to DeLorean cars will hopefully join us, a tech session, sunshine, (see how good my connections were for this past weekend?) beach, bikinis, DeLoreans.....does life get any better? Marv. # 17077 marv@xxxx> >