Richard, you will find complete instructions are with the new bushing I just mailed to you. Its not that difficult - remove the two bolts that hold the steering column to the dash, remove the bolt where the top u-joint in the intermediate shaft meets the column (after marking the position of the u-joint relative to the column shaft), disconnect the two wiring plugs where the column wires plug into the under-dash harness, and pull the column out toward the seat. The new bushing will probably have to be driven into place with a piece of wood like a cut-off broom handle or large dowel. Examine the expanded metal outer column for breaks, which are common, and repair (weld) as necessary. When replacing the column, you may need to wedge something through the outer column to keep the inner one from collapsing as it is supposed to do in a wreck - I use long nose vise grips. Match the alignment you marked on the u- joint when re-assembling. Its about a 1 hour job, best done with help as its difficult to align the marks and get the shaft into the u-joint while putting the column back in (but I have done it alone several times).