Buying my first delorean
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Buying my first delorean

I am ready to take the big jump and buy my first delorean.I want to 
hear all the positive and negative things about them.I have 
considered buying a project car instead of a running one since I am 
a mechanic,but I would like to know if its really worth it and how 
long it takes to get parts and stuff.I would like to know exactly 
what stuff I am going to need to keep this thing running 
spares/special tools etc.I plan to probably drive it about quite a 
bit since I cant stand seeing cars sitting around.How well do 
deloreans do on long trips? I seem to see people posting about 
overheating problems fairly often,whats up with that? is it a chronic 
ongoing thing?Are there areas on the vehicle that need special 
attention and supervision besides the normal car stuff?How long do 
the door pistons last?I have a million questions and I appreciate all 
answers.:)Anyone know of companies that finance deloreans?I dont 
think I can afford to shell out 20,000 dollars right off so any 
suggestions appreciated.If you happen to have a delorean project car 
for sale drop me a line.Anyone can email me hecklerkochgmbh@xxxx 
or catch me on yahoo messenger with that handle. thanks guys

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