Hey all- I've set up an auction for a service that I will eventually make available to all-- new keys cut to your lock code. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1854167736&ssP ageName=ADME:B:LC:MT:1 (#1854167736) They're just simple blanks-- kind of a small head, not the replica rubber heads from Houston or anything-- though I can do those too, on request. I'm kind of using the auction as to a guide as to price this service for y'all. I'll run a couple and see what kind of problems I run in to before open it up and say "bring it on". The problems I'm expecting-- are changed locks (or doors), locks too worn to work on original key depths, and that 1% of the population that is out to swindle everyone. I am locksmith in a former livelihood; I mainly decided to get back into this because I did not see that anyone was offering this service to our community and I myself needed a new (original depth) key. Respond privately; or publicly if it enriches the group[(s) :-( ] Thanks! -Kevin