(Moderators Note: Ok guys, we're NOT going to start a thread on this. If you can help Joe out with some info, please respond directly to him. Any responses to the DML will be rejected. Marty, this weeks moderator) Hello group, I got a speeding ticket today in my Delorean on I-40 in NC. I was reading the speedometer to be between 80 and 85, and the officer said he clocked my going 120 MPH! I could not belive this, I told him that that is immpossible, but he wrote me a ticket for reckless driving and speeding 120 in a 65. I have never been able to get my car to go over 100, it just can't do it, there is not enough flat land over here in the east to get her going 120 MPH. I would venture to say that it is not possible for my car to get up to that speed in the area where I got pulled over, is there anyway to prove this? Also The officer did not seem to follow procedure, as he came over to my passenger door and opened it in a rather harsh fashion to ask me for my license and registration(and slammed it too). I believe that because it is the end of the month he was trying to reach a quota and decided to screw me because I was in a car that looked fast. Anyone have any police officers you believe profiled you because of your car? Joe Palatinus VIN 17167 6808