Ok here's the situation: 1981 DeLorean with over 50k miles costemically it's in very good condition. But the transmission is a bit worn. It works, but may soon need work or replacement. How much would it cost to get a D. trans. rebuilt? How much to replace (no labor)? I here that the frame of D. is key.. it's can easily ruin the value of and the car itself. If the frame was completely shot, what would it cost? What is it 1/2 way shot? and what if the rust was only superficial, but still should be tended to before it get out of hand? Total waht would it cost to repair those two things and do some minor superficial interior work?? And also what are some other important questions to ask about a used D.?? Thanks so much! -Hopefully soon to be fellow DeLorean owner, James LaLonde