[DML] Digest Number 698
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[DML] Digest Number 698

Title: [DML] Digest Number 698

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There are 20 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. Re: Is LockZilla Expensive ? / Bob Zilla
           From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
      2. Re: Re: Door Lock Module
           From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
      3. Re: Car won't Shut Off
           From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
      4. Re: Car won't Shut Off
           From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
      5. Re: Re: Car won't Shut Off
           From: Dick Ryan <deloreanbiker@xxxxxxxxx>
      6. What does it take to install a Zilla ? (asks Mike)
           From: ZillaDelorean@xxxxxxx
      7. buying a delorean for tall person
           From: fdld@xxxxxxx
      8. RE: buying a delorean for tall person
           From: "Buckner, William" <William.Buckner@xxxxxxxxxx>
      9. Re: buying a delorean for tall person
           From: "Ryan Foster" <westiething@xxxxxxxxxxx>
     10. Re: buying a delorean for tall person
           From: "Jason Rowe" <rowejj@xxxxxxxxxxx>
     11. RE: buying a delorean for tall person
           From: "Willie Mack" <wmack@xxxxxx>
     12. Viruses from Cameron
           From: Whalt@xxxxxxx
     13. Craig Radio Question
           From: Delorean17@xxxxxxx
     14. Re: Craig Radio Question
           From: "Joseph Molino" <foxmul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     15. Re: buying a delorean for tall person
           From: Christian Williams <delorean@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     16. Re: Craig Radio Question
           From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
     17. Re: Craig Radio Question
           From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
     18. Radio Preset Stations
           From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
     19. Re: Craig Radio Question
           From: "DMC Joe" <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
     20. Caravan to NCDMC event
           From: Henry Breer <hbreer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Message: 1
   Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 07:22:28 EDT
   From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Is LockZilla Expensive ? / Bob Zilla

Group, I would like to express my thoughts as to what Bob Zilla is saying
about R & D. He is right on target with all the expense that goes into a
product. Virtually all products have the upfront cost of R & D. I own a Book
distributing company, and just to let you know that even books have a 6X to
10X of the print cost. So a book that cost $2.00 to print you will see in the
retail store at $14.95 up.
We at SpecialTauto also spend a lot of time and money finding parts, initial
assembly and testing to come up with a product that will work consistently
over a long period of time. If it wasn't for the love of the De Lorean car,
I'm sure Bob or anyone else wouldn't take the time to do what we do. It isn't
a big money making project because of the quanity of cars out there, it's
because we like the cars and would like to help out the De Lorean community
and it's somewhat of a challenge to try to come up with (as the old saying
goes: a better Buggy whip.). An example is the present problem with what GM
did with the Voltage regulators for the aftermarket alternators. They are
failing big time. So we researched out another light wire only regulator,
tested it on the car for as long as I could till I had to ship it. Now I have
been testing a new voltage adjustable regulator alternator and it's working
great. Point is: Time and money. You can't always go by what the catalogs say
on the parts. We have to build and test. All I can say to anyone building
anything and trying to reach the final goal of building a company or a
product. There are people that do nothing but sit back and criticize the
efforts of others and do nothing,  then there are those people who are doing
something about the problem. Do the best you can, and keep on trying no
matter what the cost.
John Hervey


Message: 2
   Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 07:54:54 EDT
   From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Re: Door Lock Module

Group, My last comments for now about the door lock module. Again, I'm not
making a case to save them, just pointing out some things that I have found.
A fuse or a circuit breaker is current sensing electro mechanical devise made
to protect something. Whether it's a module or a hair dryer. Some fuses blow
and you have to replace them and other fuses like the CB trip and self heal.
Match the current needed to the circuit and the lag time for the circuit to
trip the protection devise. The circuit breaker has a slow response time to
the current flow. By using the lower current/amp CB, you tighten up the
response time for it to trip, thus saving the devise your trying to protect.
40 amp CB are to slow to respond in this circuit, that will allow the circuit
to burn up or blow a diode or something. The Module already has 1000 mf cap's
in the circuit to lessen the spark, and the coils of the relay's are
activated by the door lock switch. These have virtually no current on them
and will almost last forever.
To sum it up, 1st, I'm not trying to build a door lock module, 2nd, the 10amp
or 15 CB amp will help protect, 3rd, I do have better relay to go into the
module if you want to update it, and 4th, if you will lubricate to mechanical
mechanism that activates the locks and make sure the door lock switch handle
isn't a compromising position, you may not have a problem with the module
failing. Bob, has done I'm sure a great design on this module and I have
other fish to fry at this point.
John Hervey         


Message: 3
   Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2001 14:13:33 -0000
   From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Car won't Shut Off

This is not a common problem in Deloreans. I would start with the
ignition switch, maybe it has damaged contacts in it allowing the
current to continue to flow after it has been turned off. There is
always the possiblity that the wiring in your car has been modified,
maybe a remote starter was installed and is malfuntioning? This could
be a serious safety concern. A temporary shut-off measure would be to
trip the inertia switch, killing the fuel pump. It won't shut
everything down but it will stop the motor.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757

--- In dmcnews@xxxx, dclark@xxxx wrote:
> My DeLorean loves to run so much that today when I stopped to get
> and turned the key to shut the car off it decided it would keep
> running.  Not the sputtering, bad gas type of running but a smooth
> idle as if the key had not been turned.  I took the key all the way


Message: 4
   Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 09:29:59 EDT
   From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Car won't Shut Off

Dreeic, This kind of problem is usually a relay sticking, barring that the
ignition switch is working ok. You could go the long route and replace all
relay's, but what I would do if this happens again, lightly tap on top of the
relay's one at a time and see if the jarring breaks loose the contacts. Or,
You can take specific one's out and check the contacts. It happened to me one
time a long time ago and never happened again. You can email me direct for
more info.
John hervey


Message: 5
   Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 08:04:03 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Dick Ryan <deloreanbiker@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re: Car won't Shut Off

--- jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
 This is not a common problem in Deloreans. - - Then,
John said it had happened to him. - -   AND, I
experienced the same thing years ago while on a trip.

For two days I could not get the engine to shut off
unless I flipped the battery cut-off switch.  It
wasn't "dieseling", it was purring.  Every gas station
and fast food place and every hotel required the use
of the cut-off switch.  I had several gas station
mechanics try to solve the problem (I was in nowhere
land as far as DeLorean mechanics were concerned).  No

Then, it disappeared, never to happen again.

As frustrating as it was, it was a heck of a lot
better than the alternative.

Dick Ryan 

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Message: 6
   Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 13:36:02 EDT
   From: ZillaDelorean@xxxxxxx
Subject: What does it take to install a Zilla ? (asks Mike)

You asked in a post:   what's needed to install Zillas ?

ALL Zillas plug-in  in seconds.
No tools / No modifications

Frank Russo
Zilla DeLorean

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 7
   Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2001 18:22:55 -0000
   From: fdld@xxxxxxx
Subject: buying a delorean for tall person

I am 6'3", and cannot seem to find any info about height limits for
drivers. This has been an issue for me before, so I thought I would
Thanks for your help


Message: 8
   Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 15:15:37 -0400
   From: "Buckner, William" <William.Buckner@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: buying a delorean for tall person

I'm 6"4" , 235 lbs.  Vin # 11268.  No problem

Bill Buckner

Instrumentation Supervisor
Electrical and Instrument Dept.
Pfizer, Inc.
Global Manufacturing
Holland, MI Facility
   %   Phone:  616-392-2375  x-2449
 *   Fax:      616-392-8267
     *  Email:    william.buckner@xxxxxxxxxx

-----Original Message-----
From: fdld@xxxxxxx [mailto:fdld@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 2:23 PM
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [DML] buying a delorean for tall person

I am 6'3", and cannot seem to find any info about height limits for
drivers. This has been an issue for me before, so I thought I would
Thanks for your help


Message: 9
   Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2001 19:03:05
   From: "Ryan Foster" <westiething@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: buying a delorean for tall person

Well I am 6'2" and I fit really well in a Delorean. It is actually alot more
comfortable than I figured it would be. I think you would be fine.

                         Ryan- vin.#16301


Message: 10
   Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 14:42:51 -0700
   From: "Jason Rowe" <rowejj@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: buying a delorean for tall person

            I'm 6' 3" also and it doesn't bother me any sitting in the car for long
periods of time.
My suggestion would be to find one and just drive it around for a little bit and see
what you
think. You might also consider what you are buying the car for, Daily driver or just
to take out on the weekends or whenever. If you think that it is a little small
inside then it might
not be a good daily driver but if your getting it just for fun then it should be fine
for you. In case
your wondering about mine, it's not a daily driver.

                                          Jason #5903


Message: 11
   Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 15:17:48 -0400
   From: "Willie Mack" <wmack@xxxxxx>
Subject: RE: buying a delorean for tall person

I am 6'1"  and i fit into the car fine.  I am told that the car was designed
aroud John himself, and he's 6'4 i think...so you should have no problem
fitting in.  You will just have to adjust the seat.
Hope that helps
  Willie Mack
  Vin 5043


Message: 12
   Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2001 19:49:01 +0000
   From: Whalt@xxxxxxx
Subject: Viruses from Cameron

My computer has been thoroughly infected by that
attachment that Cameron just warned you about. My
computer may have been generating hoax letters with an
attached virus to various people.  So if any of you get
an e-mail from me with an attachment then don't open
it.  I know that postings about virus warnings generally
are not allowed on the DML, but this one came as a
result of using the DML and has previously been
discussed on it.  No hard feelings to Cameron...  But
now my computer is trying to do (or has already been
doing?) the same thing.  I had to just unplug it. 
Little would stop it from sending virus infected e-mails

Walt   Tampa, FL


Message: 13
   Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 16:31:28 EDT
   From: Delorean17@xxxxxxx
Subject: Craig Radio Question

    For some reason my car will not hold its pre-set stations.  If you are
listening to the radio and then start the car the radio will shut off and
then go to 530AM once the car is started.  If you preset the stations they
will work fine until you shut the car off or turn the radio off.  Then the
next time you turn it on; the presets from the previous owner are there.  I
can't seem to get rid of them.  I checked both inline fuses and tested for
power at both and they are fine.  Just to to make sure I also cleaned  the
fuse holders, installed new fuses and checked the harness connection to the
radio and all were fine.  The digital display tape door still works on my
radio so I really don't want to get rid of it.  Is there anything I can do to
the radio or will I just have to keep tuning in the stations every time I get

Thank You all!


Message: 14
   Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 17:43:42 -0400
   From: "Joseph Molino" <foxmul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Craig Radio Question

I think your "constant hot" wire has been wired to the "acc only" wire.  The
stations you are getting were not the old memory from another owner but the
preset factory ones.  Sort of like when you unplug a TV and it's preset is
Channel 2.  Check your wiring or have it checked by a radio guy.


Vin # 2850

----- Original Message -----
From: <Delorean17@xxxxxxx>
To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 4:31 PM
Subject: [DML] Craig Radio Question

> Hi,
>     For some reason my car will not hold its pre-set stations.  If you are
> listening to the radio and then start the car the radio will shut off and
> then go to 530AM once the car is started


Message: 15
   Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 15:20:06 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Christian Williams <delorean@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: buying a delorean for tall person

[Moderator note: Last one thru on this topic unless you are over 6'5"!]

Standing 6'4" and weighing 260 pounds, I wondered the same thing. I bet if
you search the archives you can find it as one of the first questions I
ever asked. It wasn't until Dave Swingle let me take a seat in his car at
a car show that I realized the possibility of a dream becoming a reality.
John DeLorean (himself standing 6'4") designed the car so that he would be
able to drive it.

I've owned my car for over a year and have been using it as my daily
driver. I find myself to be much more comfortable in it than in any other
car. I just rode with a friend to lunch in his Toyota truck. There was no
room in that thing. I almost got out to lay in the bed. :)

The best thing to do though is to see if for yourself. If you know of any
owners in your area or know of any upcoming shows, that's really the best
way to judge if you're going to feel comfortable in the car. If you're
near San Jose, write me back and we'll go for a drive.


On Fri, 7 Sep 2001 fdld@xxxxxxx wrote:

> I am 6'3", and cannot seem to find any info about height limits for
> drivers. This has been an issue for me before, so I thought I would
> check.
> Thanks for your help


Message: 16
   Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2001 03:30:08 -0000
   From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Craig Radio Question

My guess is that you have (1) a chronicaly under charged battery, (2)
a faulty charging circuit, (3) you use the car too infrequently for
the battery to be fully charged, (4) you have a bad or under capacity
battery, (5) you have bad connections somewhere between the battery
and the radio (6) any or all of the above.
 The problem is that when the voltage to the radio falls below a
critical point the radio cannot hold the presets. The radio may be OK
until you start the car. A low voltage during starting the car will
wipe out the presets. If the battery is over 4 years old it is highly
suspect especially if you don't drive the car often. Check all of the
battery cable connections too. Checking ALL of the ground connections
would also be a good idea.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757

--- In dmcnews@xxxx, Delorean17@xxxx wrote:
> Hi,
>     For some reason my car will not hold its pre-set stations.  If
you are
> listening to the radio and then start the car the radio will shut
off and
> then go to 530AM once the car is started.  If you preset the
stations they
> will work fine until you shut the car off or turn the radio off. 
Then the


Message: 17
   Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2001 23:31:00 EDT
   From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Craig Radio Question


this is easy.  just pull the deck out (the hard part) and run a wire direct from your battery (make sure you crimp an in-line fuse with it) to the constant 12 volt source wire on the deck, then tap into the ignition wire under the steering column and do the same thing for the ignition wire into the deck.  when i replaced stereos in my car with an alpine cd player, i found that the wires were mislabeled in the console, so instead of wasting my time sorting out wires, i just ran seperate wires from the battery and ignition, that way i KNEW that the wiring was correct!  everything works like it should now (except the deck does some funny things sometimes like it resets my EQ settings sometimes but keeps every other setting... hmm....).


In a message dated Fri, 7 Sep 2001  5:36:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Delorean17@xxxxxxx writes:

> Hi,
>     For some reason my car will not hold its pre-set stations. 


Message: 18
   Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2001 03:36:11 -0000
   From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Radio Preset Stations

A good tip when buying a car is to see what the presets on the radio
are set to. If you are familiar with the radio stations in your area
then you could guess what type of person or personality drove the car!
Someone listening to "Soft Listening Music" would have a different
personality that someone who listens to "Rap". Draw your own
conclusions but I wouldn't want someone checking what stations I
listen to! (Hard Rock played loud)
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757


Message: 19
   Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2001 02:25:20 -0400
   From: "DMC Joe" <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Craig Radio Question

Check to be sure that the two in line fuses are connected to the correct circuit. If the two fuses are cross-connected you will experience the condition you are describing.

"See You At The Cruise-In"
DMC Help / De Lorean Services / <dmchelp@xxxxxxx>

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Delorean17@xxxxxxx
  To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 4:31 PM
  Subject: [DML] Craig Radio Question

      For some reason my car will not hold its pre-set stations


Message: 20
   Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2001 01:24:12 -0700
   From: Henry Breer <hbreer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Caravan to NCDMC event

For those of you who are planning on attending the Northern California
DeLorean Motor Club's DeLorean/Bricklin West Coast Celebration in San
Ramon, September 20 - 23:

Is anyone interested in caravaning?

So far, 3 cars are leaving the SoCal area on Wednesday the 19th and
spending the night in the Pismo Beach area. On Thursday, 3 more cars
will meet us for lunch and then drive the rest of the way.

If you would like to join us, drop me an email at
hbreer(at)ix.netcom.com, phone me at 626-798-6279 or fax me at

More info on the event is available at http://www.ncdmc.org/Expo2001.htm

KODAK MOMENT:  On Friday there will be multiple examples of all 3
production gullwing cars (DeLoreans, Bricklins, and Mercedes 300SL's)
together at once in the circle in front of the Blackhawk Museum.

Looking forward to seeing many of you there.

Hank Breer
VIN 1141


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