[DML] Digest Number 287
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[DML] Digest Number 287

Title: [DML] Digest Number 287

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There are 13 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. Track rod ends
           From: "Ulli Ziegenfuß" <101.174325@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      2. Re: Antenna Question
           From: "Jan van de Wouw" <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      3. New poll on eGroups
           From: "Jan van de Wouw" <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      4. Re: Door Locks
           From: "Jan van de Wouw" <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      5. Re: Antenna Question
           From: "Robert Rooney" <DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx>
      6. Re: New DMC chronology information uploaded to web site
           From: "Grimsrud, Knut S" <knut.s.grimsrud@xxxxxxxxx>
      7. Re: Re: Cooling fans staying on
           From: "Lynn Metz" <metzlynn@xxxxxxxxxxx>
      8. Re: Antenna Question
           From: Roland Barmettler <roli@xxxxxxxxxxx>
      9. Chatting, VINs 507-514, DMC2 and Harry Ward.
           From: Stephen Jones <smj@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
     10. Re: Antenna Question
           From: "Jim Reeve" <ultra@xxxxxxx>
     11. Re: Re: Antenna Question
           From: Roland Barmettler <roli@xxxxxxxxxxx>
     12. Re: Another DMC chat option
           From: "Steve Rubano" <srubano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     13. Re: Dashboard replacement
           From: "Steve Rubano" <srubano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Message: 1
   Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 09:24:26 -0000
   From: "Ulli Ziegenfuß" <101.174325@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Track rod ends

Hello DeLorean friends,

I look for an alternative manufacturer for the track rod ends for our
DeLorean.  The original are nevertheless quite expensive.  Then to me
would come in addition the dispatch and the control for the import to
Germany. Did someone exchange its track rod ends?  Taken from another
vehicle?  And made good experiences?  Please contact me!

VIN #03857


Hallo DeLorean-Freunde,

ich suche nach einem alternativen Hersteller für die Spurstangenköpfe
für unseren DeLorean. Die originalen sind doch schon recht teuer. Dann
würde bei mir noch der Versand und die Steuer für die Einfuhr nach
Deutschland hinzu kommen.
Hat jemand seine Spurstangenköpfe getauscht? Dabei welche eines
anderen Fahrzeug genommen? Und gute Erfahrungen gemacht?
Bitte kontaktiert mich!

VIN #03857


Message: 2
   Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 09:37:24 -0000
   From: "Jan van de Wouw" <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Antenna Question

--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx, Watkins Family <watbmv@xxxx> wrote:
> As you all know the power antenna always goes up when the radio is
> turned on. 
> Is this as simple
> as putting in a switch in the blue antenna power line from the
radio?  [snip]
> Will a on/off switch make the antenna stay down if the radio is "on"
> and then if I decide to listen to the radio,
> will flipping the switch to "on" make the antenna go up?

Yes, that's all there is to it...

I actually have such a switch on my Escort,
the antenna goes up when power is supplied to the blue wire,
so if you make a cut-off-switch in this wire it doesn't rise...

I actually made it so that I can make the antenna come up
without the radio being on, so I could use it for a CB too...
It's just a matter of putting a two-way-switch in with
an open conteact when in the middle-position:
connect the center-contact to the wire going to the antenna,
connect one contact to the wire from the radio,
connect the other contact to the wire that's live with the
ignition on
(can't remember the color right now)

That's it!
Goodluck on installing,

Jan van de Wouw
Thinking Different...   Using a Mac...
Living the Dream...   Driving a DeLorean...

#05141 "Dagger" since Sept. 2000

Check out the DeLorean-Files at:


Message: 3
   Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 09:55:57 -0000
   From: "Jan van de Wouw" <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: New poll on eGroups

Hello everyone,

I was cleaning my car this weekend and found it extremely difficult
clean some parts of the windows...

This made me curious to what parts other people find hard to (keep)
clean, so I made a poll to check this out.

Please take the time to go to
and put in your vote.
While you're at it, take a look at the other polls too!

Thanks in advance,

Jan van de Wouw
Thinking Different...   Using a Mac...
Living the Dream...   Driving a DeLorean...

#05141 "Dagger" since Sept. 2000

Check out the DeLorean-Files at:


Message: 4
   Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 09:50:03 -0000
   From: "Jan van de Wouw" <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Door Locks

--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx, "Joel Matos" <jmatos22@xxxx> wrote:
> I install a remote door lock unit in my D,
> the latch part NO problem,

I don't really know what you mean by this; a DeLorean allready has
solenoids inside the doors to lock and unlock the dors simultaneously.
Perhaps you mean that you've allready connected the solenoids to the

> but how i can make (connet) that the remote open the door lock.

Look for the brown-pink and brown-slate (according to the
wiring-diagram; don't have my car here right now) wires at the
lock-module, one is for locking, one for unlocking.
The activate the system by grounding one or the other...
Don't know which is which,
but you'll probably figure that out in no-time...

If your remote-system only as positive outlets,
use a couple of relays to do the grounding;
it works fine for my car-alarm!

Good luck on installing everything,

Jan van de Wouw
Thinking Different...   Using a Mac...
Living the Dream...   Driving a DeLorean...

#05141 "Dagger" since Sept. 2000

Check out the DeLorean-Files at:


Message: 5
   Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 11:31:26 -0000
   From: "Robert Rooney" <DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Antenna Question

I have the Kenwood deck installed with the 180° rotating faceplate.
When ever the 10 disc CD changer or the tape deck is selected, the
antenna retracts.

But I wanted to add a question to this thread. I know it may sound
kind of dumb, but when driving at speeds of 60mph+, is it possible to
damage the antenna if it bends too much? On my other cars I've always
noticed how much their antennas bend at higher speeds. Because of
this I usually switch over to CD's when I get on the highway.

vin 6585



Message: 6
   Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 08:43:50 -0800
   From: "Grimsrud, Knut S" <knut.s.grimsrud@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: New DMC chronology information uploaded to web site

I have gotten several messages with corrections to the data used for the
chronology, and thought I would let you all know the most streamlined
approach to updating submitted information/data.

The chronology is largely based on the DOD data (DeLorean Owners Directory)
that Ken has so expertly handled. You might notice that the chronology
generally gets updated shortly after a new DOD comes out. In order to ensure
that corrections/updates get properly carried through in the future, it's
best if the updates are made at the source by sending updates to the DOD.
That way the next time I get a DOD database for the chronology, the source
data will already be corrected.

Thanks to everyone for their nice comments on the chronology.



Message: 7
   Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 03:30:57 PST
   From: "Lynn Metz" <metzlynn@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re: Cooling fans staying on

This would be my first guess as well, however, also check for leaks.  My
otterstat seal was leaking slightly and causing the fans to come on
periodically.  My best guess is that the antifreeze was acting as a
conductor between the two poles and causing the fans to come on now and
then.  However, the switch itself was not BAD!!!  Just an easy check that
may save you some time.

Brian 16584

>From: "Robert Rooney" <dmcvegas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

>Check the otterstat.
>1. Unplug the wires from the otterstat. If the fans turn off, then a
>bad otterstat is the culprit.

> > A quick search of the archives yielded plenty of messages about
>cooling fans
> > *not* coming on, but mine are staying on.
> > Ryan McCaffrey
> > #10014

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Message: 8
   Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 12:21:16 +0100
   From: Roland Barmettler <roli@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Antenna Question

Hi Tom

Watkins Family wrote:
> the on position the antenna will function normally.  Is this as simple
> as putting in a switch in the blue antenna power line from the radio?  I
> Will a on/off switch make the antenna stay down if the radio is "on" and
> then if I decide to listen to the radio, will flipping the switch to
> "on" make the antenna go up?

As far as I understand the antenna circuit, it should work as you described.
Actually, I was thinking about the same thing a while ago since I'm also
listening to the CD more often.
Perhaps some over-winter-project... :-)


Roland Barmettler - roli@xxxxxxxxxxx - http://www.DeLorean.ch - VIN #11512


Message: 9
   Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 02:21:21 -0800 (PST)
   From: Stephen Jones <smj@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Chatting, VINs 507-514, DMC2 and Harry Ward.

I do agree that using IRC is the best option for

a reliable chat site that most people can access.

The mirc client will work well for Windows folks.

ircII (or others) are fine for UNIX.  I suppose

that the channel is #delorean on EFNET.

This maybe old news and I'm not sure if the owners

of these cars are on the list (I'm just assuming

they're VINs are taped on the bumpers and that they're

in that order) but I found this picture and someone could find it 'fun':


I saw a prototype sketch of the 2nd DMC2, but I was

wondering if anyone has seen anything other than the

blackish italian looking sportscar.  I'd like to see

some pictures.  The videos on the deloreantime page

say that the v12 is 85% complete.  He states the 2nd

car has gullwings, a composite frame .. but SS panels?

Finally, does anyone have a pointer to photos of

Harry Ward's car?  I've not seen that issue of

Delorean World and all I've seen is the photo that

is on the cover.

Stephen vin #2533

YourName@xxxxxxxxxxxx -- it's free from <a href="" href="http://www.delorean.com">http://www.delorean.com"> DeLorean Motor Company</a>!


Message: 10
   Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 16:23:57 -0000
   From: "Jim Reeve" <ultra@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Antenna Question

Yes, by manually cutting the remote power (blue wire) going to the
antenna, you can manually control the antenna.  I was planing on
doing this exact same procedure by using another rear-defogger switch
in place of one of the dummy switches.  Soooooooo, does anyone have
one from a parts car they would like to sell?

Jim Reeve
AIM - Ultra2169

> Will a on/off switch make the antenna stay down if the radio
is "on" and
> then if I decide to listen to the radio, will flipping the switch to
> "on" make the antenna go up?
> Tom
> #005732 MT


Message: 11
   Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 18:05:30 +0100
   From: Roland Barmettler <roli@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re: Antenna Question

Robert Rooney wrote:
> But I wanted to add a question to this thread. I know it may sound
> kind of dumb, but when driving at speeds of 60mph+, is it possible to
> damage the antenna if it bends too much?

Well, mine didn't break with 115mph. But then I don't know how much
it bent. But I think the antenna is quite tough and flexible.


Roland Barmettler - roli@xxxxxxxxxxx - http://www.DeLorean.ch - VIN #11512


Message: 12
   Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 19:17:45 -0000
   From: "Steve Rubano" <srubano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Another DMC chat option

 [MODERATOR NOTE: This thread is getting tired.
  I am glad to see people use the DML to set up
  chats, but there is little point in simply
  discussing every chat option on the whole
  Internet.  If you decide that you want a chat
  during my watch on the DML, please decide on a
  time and place then announce your decision
  instead of polling the entire DML to work out
  details.  The following post by Steve is a fine
  example of the courteous way to set up a chat.
                    -Mike Substelny]

Or you can go to my site where you don't need to download and install
anything, and you don't have to search for rooms. Works with all
Operating systems and browsers. So far it's been a success with
people just "popping" by every night. Just a reminder. Scheduled
chats are every Thursday starting at 8 pm (eastern) but the chat room
is there 24/7 and is always up. So far I have had over 118 hits on
that page so I assume people are using it and having a good time.




Message: 13
   Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 20:08:45 -0000
   From: "Steve Rubano" <srubano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Dashboard replacement

At those Prices I would just buy NOS from DMC houston. Dash: $612.33,
Binnacle: $338.00 and glove door: a whopping $68! (can't go wrong)

--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx, maurit@xxxx wrote:
> Speaking of dashes,  www.justdashes.com offers dash restorations. 
> online price list shows the following information under Delorean:
> Dash: $480, Binnacle: $280, Glove Door: $120.
>Snip< >
> Mauri T.
> #3153
> Austin, TX


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