dmcnews-digest V3 #318
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dmcnews-digest V3 #318

Title: dmcnews-digest V3 #318

dmcnews-digest        Thursday, January 8 1998        Volume 03 : Number 318

       In this issue:
        Re: DML: Sticky Steering Rack
        re: DML: DeLorean vs. Corvette
        DML: "Automobiles" on the History Channel
        DML: Side Trim
        DML: Wiring Diagram
        DML: Only could happen to me
        DML: Specs
        DML: DML- cracked louver
        Re: DML: Oxygen sensor, mixture control, and oxygenated fuels
        DML: RE: "Automobiles" on the History Channel
        DML: Updated DMC Parts Database uploaded to web site
        DML: DMC  speed
        Re: DML: Specs
        DML: More on the Remote Starting
        Re: DML: DMC  speed
        Re: DML: DML- cracked louver
        Re: DML: DML- cracked louver
        Re: DML: DML- cracked louver
        DML: New DeLorean owner!!!!!
        DML: ADMIN NOTE: Web pages updated
        DML: RE: New DeLorean owner!!!!!
        DML: In Search for a DeLorean
        DML: Re: Buying (and modifying) Deloreans
        DML: DeLorean Mentioned on Leno
        DML: DMC Keys
        DML: Re: Re: sticky steering rack


Date: Sun, 04 Jan 98 12:02:20 PST
From: "Brandon S. Moody" <bsmoody@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Sticky Steering Rack

> I haven't taken the pinion cover off yet, and since this was considered a
> "No User (or mechanic) Servicable Parts Inside" piece by DMC there is no
> tech info on it. Has anyone run into this? If I open it up, is there
> anything to look at/lube/adjust?

The rack on these cars is a very light duty and weak design.   Its
worn really bad.   I would check with PJG,  I think he either has rebuild
kits or
gets them rebuilt or something.

- -Brandon


Date: Sun, 4 Jan 98 21:42:46 -0000
From: David Swingle <dswingle@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: re: DML: DeLorean vs. Corvette

"M. Garrett Frandsen" WROTE:
>Subject: DML: DeLorean vs. Corvette
>    Hello all DeLorean Owners,
>      Right ... Im
>looking for another car .... Either a 1990-95 Corvette  or a real nice
DeLorean.... i would apreciate any feedback on this subject.
>  Garrett  Future Vette or DeLorean owner

You'll probably get a lot back on this one! I know there are several
DML'ers that own both.

Easy question first - I'm 6'4 and it fits me as good as any Corvette.
It's no Crown Vic, but that's probably not what you're looking for. Don't
wear a hat.

Other answer - it depends on what you're looking for, and to some extent
where you live. How good a mechanic are you? Comparing a 5-7 year old car
with one 2-3 times that age may not be a fair comparison, though. I
bought my DMC last May. I'd always liked Deloreans. I wanted a "hobby
car" to work on and wanted something more unique than a Corvette. I
haven't been disappointed on either count.

Major benefit - Besides the fun-to-drive part, the attention you get.
This is definitely not a car for someone trying to maintain a low
profile. I'd be willing to bet that there aren't many Vette drivers that
have had people jump out of other cars at stoplights and take pictures.
I've had that happen with the DMC.

Major drawback - no way would I have this as a primary car in the snow
belt. This topic has already been beaten to death, but after two weekends
of scraping loose epoxy off my front frame, and looking (more intimately
than I ever wanted to) at the design of the frame, I'd never want to
expose this car to extended road salt without doing something in
stainless or galvanized reconstruction. I have seen Vettes with frame
rust problems as well, so maybe this isn't a unique DMC problem.

Comparing the DMC to the Vette, parts seem to be just about as available
and similarly priced, the car probably needs a similar amount of
maintenance work. In the $20K+ range, you can be VERY picky. People
complain here about parts prices, but IMO they have not tried buying
Porche or even Honda parts recently.  Be sure to leave some $$ for fixup
- - people always let things go before they sell.  Beware of pristine cars
that have extremely low mileage and have not been exercised.These can be
expensive and still need a lot of work.  Also beware of cars with haywire
modifications. Remember, it's still a 16-year-old car.

Good luck, and (maybe) welcome to the club.

Dave Swingle
81 VIN 5429
DOA, DMC, DMC(Midwest)


Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 19:36:13 -0600
From: thgraham@xxxxxxxx (Travis Graham)
Subject: DML: "Automobiles" on the History Channel

There has been some discussion of this in the past, but it is time for
another round.  I'm sure most of you are familiar with the program
"Automobiles" that airs on The History Channel.  They have yet to do an
episode on the DeLorean.  I find this strange, as they have done episodes
on such insignificant (in the US) cars as Renault and Alfa Romeo for
example.  I've sent them suggestions before, but only got a
reply.  Perhaps if enough of us suggest an episode on DMC, they will
finally listen!! The suggestion can be placed at

Thanks for your help, I hope it will result in some action!

- - Travis Graham


Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 14:33:25 -0500
From: "John Stiefel" <stiefel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Side Trim

I have been an owner since Feb. of 1997 and I have taken the time to buy =
all the DeLorean books I can get my hands on reading the history and =
specifications.  I have seen pictures of some DeLoreans with a different =
side moldings on them.  I have not been able to determine what years and =
where they came from.  I know there were many minor changes from year to =
year (lets be honest, from month to month), but this seems to be a major =
difference.  Help.

Jack Stiefel
Vin 3461
Visit my page at


Date: Sun, 04 Jan 98 13:12:59 PST
From: "Brandon S. Moody" <bsmoody@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Wiring Diagram

Order Verification has been sent to all people that have requested
a copy of the 36"X56" wiring diagram.   If you sent a request and didn't
receive verification, then please send request again.   I had some
with the mail server and may have lost some request.   Send to:
bsmoody@xxxxxxx        DIAGRAM  in the subject

- -Brandon


Date: Sun, 04 Jan 1998 19:07:22 -0600
From: scottmueller@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Mueller)

Today, 1/4/97, three DeLorean owners traveled a considerable distance to
meet with each other in Greenville Alabama.  Duke Bladorn, Bill Burton
and Scott Mueller met at the "SMOKEHOUSE" on Pineapple Highway for
bar-b-que poak samwichs, spelling from the menu, and good conversation.
This was the first time that I, Scott Mueller, have met Duke or Bill.  I
just moved from the San Francisco area to Mobile, AL.

Duke, lives near by, and showed me some of that good old Southern
Hospitality.  I no longer feel like a stranger in a strange land.  It
just seems like where ever I go, I end up meeting DeLorean owners that
are really great people.

If there any other DeLorean owners within two to three hours of Mobile,
feel free to drop me an email if you would like to join us the next time
we meet.

Scott Mueller
vin 2981


Date: Sun, 04 Jan 98 14:20:08 PST
From: "Brandon S. Moody" <bsmoody@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Only could happen to me

I once again have purchased another Delorean car for
pocket change.   Its in need of a full restoration but all
stainless and exterior plastics are in great shape. BUT,
on the way home, pulling the car on a trailer,  the
fuel door blew off.   I have no idea where and it was
an 1.5 hour trip so I'm sure I will not find it.  SO,  does
anyone have one they would like to sell me ? :-)

- -Brandon


Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 11:24:36 +0100 (MET)
From: Ingmar Foerster <foerster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Specs


For Christmas I have got teh DeLorean Gold Portfolio Book

from reading in it and exploring the net I have a question:

I know that the DeLoreans were built in several spcifications e.g.

U.S. version, European version, canadian version (?)

My question is: what are the differences?

I know of different speedometers and axle ratios
but what about the spring setup (I've read something like this here in the
Mailing List)

Can anybody help me?

Ingmar Alvar Foerster - Foerster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 01:03:56 -0500
From: Yugoman@xxxxxxxxx (Ralph Isenberg)
Subject: DML: DML- cracked louver

my louver on car #2324 has a crack, a break actually , on the passenger
side. Have to be very easy putting them up or down. Has anybody
attempted a hme repair, (epoxy, super glue, whatever), or is it
something to send off to the big boys? Also some screws are missing from
the rear  trim that frames the license plate. Do any D sources sell
these, or does someone know the size to ask for in the store? Thanks for
the help!

Ralph Isenberg (Yugoman@xxxxxxxxx)
1977 Pacer
1975 Vega (for sale-trophy winner!)
1990 Yugo Convertible (rare- also for sale)
2 Corvairs ready to restore, Comet, VW, 1988 Yugo GVX, too many
carburetors to feed, somebody adopt one!


Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 17:38:58 +0000
From: BRUCE BENSON <delornut@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Oxygen sensor, mixture control, and oxygenated fuels

Here in Minnesota we are now forced to use fuel with a 10% ethonal blend
year round. We do have a very few sites that offer "real" fuel for lawn
mowers, snowmobiles, outboard motors, and collector cars. What is apparent
with this fuel is that it results in about a 5% reduction in fuel economy
and that inefficiency would probably correlate into a power loss of the
percentage. It does boost the octane, which means it burns slower, and
during winter driving it's no longer necessary to add any alcohol to the
fuel to prevent icing. I had a bad ethonal experience with a SAAB I owned
during the early years of ethonal blend fuels. The fuel gauge quit working
and when I removed the sending unit I discovered the float was stuck in
plastic tube. The fuel sender was designed very much like the DeLorean's
that it used a plastic tube immersed in the fuel with a float that
up and down a wire inside the tube. As it travelled up and down it changed
the resistance in the wire and that was read thru the fuel gauge which was
calibrated to interpret these changes into a fuel level reading. I
the sender and with-in one week the gauge quit working again. Same
The SAAB dealer asked where I bought my fuel. He said if the mix exceeds
ethonal  [a very real possibility. We experienced problems a few years
in the Ford Plant where I work , with a separation of the gas and alcohol
the storage tanks after an extended shutdown such as vacation down time]
the plastic is effected and there are consequential problems. SAAB updated
the sender to a brass tube but that required electrical changes as well
because the resistance in the brass sender is different than the plastic.
the EXPO in Las Vegas a couple of years ago, Ed, of DeLorean One, was
the fuel system thing for the tech seminar. When he brought up the fuel
sender and someone mentioned alcohol blended fuels I attempted to offer
I had learned from my SAAB but as soon as I mentioned a SAAB fuel sender
shot me down with the statement "we don't want any non-DeLorean parts in
cars" and quickly moved on. My companions and I left with the feeling we
were witness to an agenda rather than a learning experience.   

I use "real" fuel as often as possible but I've had no problems with the
DeLorean and oxygenated fuel. I do make sure I use only major brand fuel,
such as Amoco, because they move a lot of fuel and it doesn't sit in the
tanks long enough to have separation problems. My only question is that
a 5% drop in mileage, we're using 5% more fuel. Of course 10% is no longer
petroleum based but it almost seems self defeating. Last year I watched a
television expose' about those who choose to use a government agency of
sort or another to cheat the rest of us out of our hard earned dollars. It
began at the bottom of the ladder with a specific type of welfare cheat
progressed up to, what the producers felt, was one of the top cheats. It
none other than Archer Daniels Midland who was raking in billions because
the corn based ethonal fuel. I think anyone in their right mind is
about the environment but it's becoming apparent that these issues are
being used by those that have the bigger concern of getting into our
books rather than enhancing the environment.

Bruce Benson 

- ----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------


Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 09:59:08 -0500
From: "Yocom, Shannon" <syocom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: "Automobiles" on the History Channel

Over the new year holiday I happend to catch part of show on the History
Channel.  They mentioned JZD now and then with his involvement w/ the
GTO, other Muscle Cars and his prototype the Banschee.  Not to be
confused w/ the prototype for the new design for the Pontiac Firebird a
few years back.
  I would also like to see a full show fully dedicated to his carreer
and dream instead of tiny mentions here and there.  How ever it is nice
to have him mentioned now and then compared to the shunning he gets from
other organizations/museums.

Shannon Yocom
future hopefull DMC owner
> ----------
> From:         thgraham@xxxxxxxx
> Reply To:     dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent:         Sunday, January 4, 1998 9:36 PM
> To:   'dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
> Subject:      DML: "Automobiles" on the History Channel
> There has been some discussion of this in the past, but it is time for
> another round.  I'm sure most of you are familiar with the program
> "Automobiles" that airs on The History Channel.  They have yet to do
> an episode on the DeLorean.  I find this strange, as they have done
> episodes
> on such insignificant (in the US) cars as Renault and Alfa Romeo for
> example.  I've sent them suggestions before, but only got a
> "standardized"
> reply.  Perhaps if enough of us suggest an episode on DMC, they will
> finally listen!! The suggestion can be placed at
> Thanks for your help, I hope it will result in some action!
> - Travis Graham


Date: Mon, 05 Jan 98 08:00:00 PST
From: Knut S Grimsrud <Knut_S_Grimsrud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Updated DMC Parts Database uploaded to web site

I have uploaded the latest version of the DMC parts database to the
web site. This latest version corrects the pre-release expiration
problem and adds print capability as well as a couple other minor
fixes. This release also includes a cross-reference list provided by
the German DeLorean club that has particularly good coverage of the
Bosch components. My thanks to Markus for his contributions to the DMC
community and for his comments in refining the program.

For your download convenience, I have created an "update" disk that
can be used to update a previous installation to the latest version
and which saves quite a bit of download time (the update disk is about
700KB while the entire program consists of four 1.4MB disks). The
update must be installed over the top of an existing installation
using the same directory and folder options. The program can be
downloaded from the DMCNews web site at

I welcome your comments and suggestions for ways to further enhance
the usefulness of the program or for corrections to the database
information. If you would like help in creating your organization's
plug-in module, please contact me.

                                        Knut Grimsrud
                                        DeLorean Club of Oregon


Date: Mon, 05 Jan 1998 13:01:39 -0500
From: Matt Teagarden <blazer40@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DMC  speed

Hi all!!!

I have been lurking on this list, for curiousity reasons and haven't said
anything.  I am wondering one thing, how fast were these cars?  like 0-60
and quarter mile times? 

- -Matt Teagarden


Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 19:04:30 +0000 (GMT)
From: The DMC-12 <msg101@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Specs


I can tell you of a few of the differences in the construction of the
European spec car I got to sit in at the Birmingham show, but the first
point comes with a message:

A while ago, there was talk of re-producing the 140MPH speedo seen on some
cars. This car: Right-Hand Drive VIN#12179, irish registered SIJ 1079, has
such a speedo, so does anyone want a picture of it such that a re-pro may
be created?

This car, apart from being a right-hander has:

1) Front indicators are mounted flush with the bumper, they are NOT lit
when the headlights are on - running lights are peculiar to North America
(I believe - certainly not in Europe) and these simply flash when

2) the rear light assemblies are totally different, being from a trailer
(it is a prototype, after all) and has integral fog-lights as well. The
moulding is also for a UK number-plate (about 18" long by 3" high)

3) There is no catalytic converter or Lambda sensor.

4) The rear side running lights are amber, like the front ones and are
integrated with the indicators.

5) There is a higher final drive ratio, 3.44 from memory, a stock engine
puts out 156HP (according to the book you've been reading (I've got it

6) The fuel tank is epoxy-coated steel, like the frame, but is at least as
problematical after 15 years as the plastic ones :-).

I can't think of any more at this time, but I'll post them when I've
spoken to Jim Hooper next and I'll ask what others are.

Hope this helps!!


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On Mon, 5 Jan 1998, Ingmar Foerster wrote:

> Hi
> For Christmas I have got teh DeLorean Gold Portfolio Book
> from reading in it and exploring the net I have a question:
> I know that the DeLoreans were built in several spcifications e.g.
> U.S. version, European version, canadian version (?)
> My question is: what are the differences?
> I know of different speedometers and axle ratios
> but what about the spring setup (I've read something like this here in the
> Mailing List)
> Can anybody help me?
> Ingmar Alvar Foerster - Foerster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 11:51:34 -0800
From: "Murray Fisher" <murrayf@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: More on the Remote Starting

I have received quite a few inquiries on the Remote starting
 for the De Lorean.   I am sorry that I did not think to mention
that these are available for the manual shift cars.  Mine is Automatic,
 and I was not thinking that the big majority (maybe 10 to 1 !!) are
 Manual.   They are a separate kit and the cost is about $50 additional.

 Also my technician said it takes about another 1 1/2 hours labor to
install.  From the research I have done on the subject, this seems to be
the only one available that can be used on a manually shifted car.
 Also, there is a caveat to this, It requires a little bit of an extra
operation to use it.  You must take the key out and flip a little
 mini toggle switch to ARM it...Then close the doors.  It cannot be
started with the doors open.  There are several fool proof safety

Also I neglected to include the address of the company.  It is as

DesignTech International, INc.
7955 Cameron Brown Court
Springfield, VA 22153

Phone:  (800) 337-4468
Fax:       (703) 866-2001

It is called "AutoCommand Remote Starter"
They have many other producats some of which
might be of interest, such as a receiver for your
garage door opener and an Automatic Headlight
switch that is activitated by light and dark weather.

Also for info of a couple DeLorean owners who inquired,
there are no diagrams available with the kit, but you
might check with the company.  Also for prices of

I was surprised at the interest, but I guess the
remote starting goes along with the neat car!

Murray VIN#05962


Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 21:00:39 EST
From: RMoore2208 <RMoore2208@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: DMC  speed

According to my books on DMC, the car pulls 17 seconds in a 1/4 mile, and
accelerates 0-60mph in a little under 9 seconds.
- -RM


Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 00:13:40 -0800
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: DML- cracked louver

At 01:03 AM 1/5/98 -0500, you wrote:
>my louver on car #2324 has a crack, a break actually , on the passenger
>side. Have to be very easy putting them up or down. Has anybody
>attempted a hme repair, (epoxy, super glue, whatever), or is it
>something to send off to the big boys? Also some screws are missing from
>the rear  trim that frames the license plate. Do any D sources sell
>these, or does someone know the size to ask for in the store? Thanks for
>the help!
>Ralph Isenberg (Yugoman@xxxxxxxxx)

Hello Ralph,

        I discovered that my louver was cracked(broken) and painted over when I
got it home. I repaired it to a point that it now looks new and is quite a
bit stronger than the original.
        I took a series of photos of each step with the intent of posting them on
the list, but I never finished this project (posting to the list) because
never figured out how to upload or send the project in.
        There are a few things to be aware of before you start a repair.
        1. The louver is not flat, it has a curve to it and you must build a jig
to hold it in the correct configuration when you do the repair.
        2. The clearance between the gas strut brackets and the rear quarter
are very close, you must not add any thickness on the out side of the gas
strut bracket channel.
        3. You can use any high quality 2 part epoxy or polyester resin to do the
actual bonding.
        4. Carefully mark the exact but position of the louver hinges on the
louver so that it will be aligned when reinstalled.

        To ensure a strong joint I used an aluminium "L" channel 3/4 X 3/4 inch
and stainless pop rivets (counter sunk). Holes were drilled along the
channel. The channel was also ground and bent to match the unbroken side
the louver (big Mallet).The inner side of the bracket and the under side
the louver along the broken side bracket at the gas strut bracket was
sanded down to the core resin (about half original thickness). The channel
was clamped in place with the louver in the original curved configuration.
I used epoxy to bond the channel to the sanded louver underside and
angle, as well as in the crack, which was right at the connection of the
gas strut bracket. When the epoxy was set I drilled and pop riveted the
channel with counter sink facing out, then ground down the aluminium to be
flush with the original thickness of the bracket channel, then applied
epoxy, filling all hollow poprivits and covering all the aluminium, let it
cure, then sanded it again to match the original and then using engine
black enamel painted the whole louver (3 very light coats). Reinstalled
original air tube brackets, bolts facing in and remounted it on the rear
deck using the alignment marks.

        The whole job took one week end.

        materials cost $25

        Tools: 1. 1/4 inch drill motor,
                2. assorted drills and counter sink (1/4 inch)
                3. pop rivet tool.
                4. 0ne pound leather mallet    
                5. Right angle Grinder and steel cutting disk
                6. Assorted sand paper and emery paper
                7. Sanding block (12 inch 2X4 inch)
                8. Hand tools for removing louver
                9. 1 inch "C" clamps 6 each
                10. Eye and face protection

        supplies: 1. One pint 2 part 50/50 marine epoxy or equiv'
                   2. 31 inch long 3/4 X 3/4  X 1/8 aluminium "L" channel
                   3. 12 each counter sunk 3/16 pop rivets
                   4. one can automotive flat black engine or high temp paint
                   5. 8 oz waxed mixing cups, mixing or popsickel sticks
                   6. Epoxy solvent, vapor mask, liquid hand soap

I would suggest any book on FRP use and repairs. available at most
automotive or boat supply/parts/hobby shop.

If you are not failure with using these materials there are lots of books
in the public library. You can make a mess but there is little you can do
that is a complete pooch screw in a repair. If you don't like the results
you can re do it until you like your work. The project need not be a mess
or difficult, take your time, try out the materials first in a test
project. follow all safety tips that come with materials have fun.

Lic 81DMC-12


Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 11:17:46 -0700
From: raddad@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: DML- cracked louver

Further to the cracked louver thread:

On my first D I experienced louver cracks, had them repaired and then
experienced new cracks in different spots - always, however, in the
brace".  Obviously, one of the things to look at is what causes the
cracks/breaks.  The stress caused by raising the louvers with uneven
pressure on one side or the other will, over time, caused stress cracks.
Also, if the louver does not latch tightly (securely and snugly) vibration
is a major culprit.

Long ago I obtained a brace that stiffens the center of the louvers.  The
problem has ended, permanently.  When I got my new D I had the old louvers
transferred simply to retain the brace.  I, God forbid, must drive often
rather rutted gravel roads.  They sometimes shake the fillings out of your
teeth, but the louvers are still in one piece.

The brace is invisible until you raise the louvers, and even then many
not noticed it until I point it out to them.  It is one of the best
aftermarket investments I have ever made on my D.

Oh, yes, I got mine through Terri Jennings.  I believe that Don Steger
makes a similar piece.

Dick Ryan
The Rad Dad


Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 13:41:01 EST
From: JSteuben <JSteuben@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: DML- cracked louver

ORRRRR,  Contact PEGASUS AUTO RACING SUPPLYS at 1 800 688-6946 and ask
for the
Polyfix Thermal Repair System  (page 124 of their current catalog.)

This stuff chemically welds almost any plastic.  Yes, you can fix those
broken plastic pieces on your 'D'.   I used it to fix my broken louver,
great.  But you must follow the instructions exactly because you don't
want to
make a mistake with this very potentent stuff.  Is it strong?  Pegasus
only things for race cars, 'nough said?

BTW, the kit sells for $37.49, get a free catalog from them, you may
some of the stuff and it's lot's of fun  to thumb through.

Good Luck, Joe


Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 17:38:00 EST
From: NJP548 <NJP548@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: New DeLorean owner!!!!!

hey All,

      I am the proud owner of VIN#001852.  I bought the car for only
but is worth $10,000 as it is sitting now.  It only has 30,718 miles but
speedo doesn't work so i don't know how many miles are REALLY on it.  it
is a
stick shift with black interior.  I need a drivers side window that goes
and the headliner that is on the passenger side.  If ya have any of these
items, i would love to buy them from you.
Nicholas Pitello
VIN#1852 (I always wanted to do that!!!!)


Date: Wed, 7 Jan 98 10:39:09 -0700
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: ADMIN NOTE: Web pages updated

Web pages were updated overnight, items of interest include:

Sections 8 and 9 of the Parts Manual in PDF

Information on the Iowa and Georgia clubs added

Back Issues updated through January 5, 1998

Thanks to all who sent JZD cards for the holidays and his birthday. I
understand the response was great and he was pleasantly surprised. I hope
to have some word from him directly to the list later this month.

James Espey
Moderator, DeLorean Mailing List


Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 11:55:47 -0600
From: "Steven W. Gilseth" <sgilseth@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: New DeLorean owner!!!!!


Depending on why the speedo doesn't work.  As in my case, if the upper
cable from the Lambda counter isn't just right my speedo doesn't work. 
A good way to estimate the mileage is to remove the Lambda counter and
apply the following formula posted earlier on the group.  It is pretty
accurate.  At least it was for my car.

Michael A. Griese Wrote Previously:
>The Lambda counter is located under the dashboard
>next to the steering column.  The speedometer cable
>passes through the counter (that's why there are
>upper and lower speedometer cables).  The counter
>measures percent of use of the oxygen sensor, and the
>sensor has a predicted 30,000 mile life.  That means
>that a Lambda counter showing 020 has travelled about
>6000 miles since the last reset (20% of 30,000).  The
>counter should never vary more than about 250 miles
>from the odometer.  If it does, your odometer has been
>tampered with or your car has had a rare upper
>speedometer cable failure.
>To reset the counter, remove it from the car and look on
>the right side.  You should see a small plastic disk with
>two holes in it.  Using a pair of snap ring pliers (needlenose
>work also) rotate the disk until the counter reads 000.
>You should also replace your oxygen sensor at this time.

Steven Gilseth

- ----------
Nicholas wrote...
>I am the proud owner of VIN#001852.  I bought the car for only $6500,
>but is worth $10,000 as it is sitting now.  It only has 30,718 miles but
>the speedo doesn't work so i don't know how many miles are REALLY on it.
>it is a stick shift with black interior.  I need a drivers side window that
>goes down and the headliner that is on the passenger side.  If ya have any
>of these 2 items, i would love to buy them from you.
> Later,
>Nicholas Pitello
>VIN#1852 (I always wanted to do that!!!!)


Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 13:31:34 -0500
From: "John Stiefel" <stiefel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: In Search for a DeLorean

During the last year I have been blessed with my 1981 DeLorean.  Now that
it has been refurbished completely ( or as completely as I want), I am in
search for a fixer that I might work on in my spare time.  Anyone

Signed, Stiefel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx


Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 10:35:40 -1000
From: "Thomas Smithson" <tsassoc@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Buying (and modifying) Deloreans

Ben, Darryl Tinnerstet in Olympia, WA has a DeLorean with a Chevy V-6 in
it. He owns Specialty Automotive which is a DeLorean parts business. He's
member of the Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club and his phone number is

Thom Smithson
Pearl City, Hawaii
VIN #2089

- ----------
> Hi. I am new to the Delorean mailing list.  I live in the SF Bay Area,
> CA.  I don't own a Delorean yet, but I am in the casual to seriuos
> market for one.  I am asking any of you what you would tell the ignorant
> buyer to look out for. Such things like leaky wheather seals or parts
> that break commonly, and are hard to find, that sort of thing.  I have
> read the FAQ, but all it seems to suggest is fuel sitting in rubber
> hoses.  Also has anyone ever heard of putting a small block Chevy motor
> in there? Or even a more powerful V6?  Thanks  
>                                       Ben Krasnow
>                               kraz (at) wco (dot) com


Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 01:15:36 -0700 (MST)
From: bttfdmc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: DML: DeLorean Mentioned on Leno

On Tuesday, January 08, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno had comedian Dennis
Miller as a guest.  They were talking about the legal system in the United
States.  Miller went on to say that everything went nuts since the
trial.  He also made some very rude comments towards John Z. DeLorean.

I am a fan of Dennis Miller, but I am very digusted and disappointed in
his comments in which he made about John.  One thing even more which is
very strange, Dennis Miller lives in Santa Barbara.  Not to smart of an
idea to make rude comments about DeLorean when the head association
(DOA - DeLorean Owners Association) and a few dozen DeLorean owners
are his next door neighbors.

Not Pleased
Randy Atamaniuk


Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 03:45:26 -0800
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DMC Keys

Well it next year and the DMC Key project is winding down.

We have gotten most of the original and a substantial part of the X-Mass
request filled.

We had to stop making the key blanks for a week to make a new set of dies,
the original set were worn past producing good tops.

At this point if any is interested in extra or more DMC Key blanks just
drop me an e-mail.

One point I have forgotten to make:

        We Did a number of test, in DMC IGN's, we dropped them on the side walk,
backed over them with Genuine DMC-12, and stored them in a mayonnaise jar
on the back porch of Funken Wagnel's mothers house.

How ever if:

        Any one who has gotten or gets these key blanks, has a problem with them,
tops break or the key part is defective in some way, please get in touch
ASAP. I/We warrant the keys in the same way we do our company software. I
will be happy to fix or replace any defective key-blank we make for our
owners family.



Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 10:27:21 -0500
From: Mike Substelny <SUBSTEM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Re: sticky steering rack

Brandon said:

> The rack on these cars is a very light duty and weak design.   Its
> probably just worn really bad.

My steering rack died this year, too.  The DMC warehouse in Columbus
did not have any new ones, so  I got a remanufactured one from Dave
Bauerle (614) 595-3348 who is one of the few sources.  I once heard
that the DeLorean steering rack is exactly the same as the Ford Pinto.  Is
that true?  If so, there should still be some new ones out there

- - Mike Substelny


End of dmcnews-digest V3 #318

 Postings to the DELOREAN MAILING LIST are the opinions of the author and
 not necessarily those of the list moderator (James Espey) or his
 Service Provider(s). The list moderator makes every effort to screen out
 false, misleading, and negative postings, but it is up to you, the
 of the DELOREAN MAILING LIST, to realize that nothing should be taken as
 actual fact without research and investigation of your own.

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