dmcnews-digest V3 #336
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dmcnews-digest V3 #336

Title: dmcnews-digest V3 #336

dmcnews-digest         Thursday, March 5 1998         Volume 03 : Number 336

       In this issue:
        Re: DML: Bulbs
        Re: DML: Bulbs
        Re: DML: Web page and headlight covers
        DML: DeLorean Car Show Cincinnati
        DML: Re: Delorean Commercial
        DML: Coolant System Replacement
        Re: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug
        Re: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug
        DML: DeLorean UK
        Re: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug
        Re: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug
        Re: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug
        DML: Squeak ??
        DML: Hesitation
        DML: Delorean 1
        DML: RE: Delorean UK
        RE: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug
        Re: DML: Squeak ??
        Re: DML: RE: Delorean UK
        RE: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug
        Re: DML: Squeak ??
        Re: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug
        Re: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug
        Re: DML: RE: Delorean UK
        Re: DML: RE: Delorean UK
        RE: DML: RE: Delorean UK
        DML: Need clutch and pressure plate
        DML: RE: DeLorean UK
        Re: DML: RE: Delorean UK
        Re: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug
        DML: DMC Manuals for sale
        DML: Help
        Re: DML: RE: Delorean UK
        DML: Fwd: Stainless burnishing
        Re: DML: Squeak ??
        Re: DML: Squeak ??
        Re: DML: Need clutch and pressure plate
        DML: Shopping Around for Parts (was: Need Clutch Pressure Plate)
        Re: DML: Help
        DML: Re: Water Leaks (was: HELP)
        Re: Who's attracted to the DMC? (was: DML: RE: Delorean UK)
        Re: DML: Need clutch and pressure plate


Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 10:45:43 -0800
From: Dave Price <davep@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Bulbs

>I was wondering if anyone has a cross reference number for the bulbs =
>that illuminate the A/C panel. 

I don't think they're anything special.. I just took mine out, went to my
local VW parts shop and they found the replacements... They were pretty
pricey. $2.50 each I think, but they're fairly standard..

Hope that helps!


Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 15:39:39 EST
From: medic-1@xxxxxxxx (A Johnson)
Subject: Re: DML: Bulbs

When I replaced mine I got them at the local Advance Auto; right off of
the rack.


Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 23:51:43 EST
From: Kayo Ong <KayoOng@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Web page and headlight covers

Mr. Battles,

Check with Rob at PJ Grady 800-350-7429.  He has them, but be warned. 
are illegal, in many if not in all states, because they alter the
brightness.  You will also find that it is not helpful, because they do
diminish the amount of light that you will need for proper driving
For more info, they are made by the Lund Industries 800-329-9005.

Kayo Ong
Lic.  9D


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 08:14:18 EST
From: KKoncelik <KKoncelik@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DeLorean Car Show Cincinnati

I've had a few calls lately in regards to the flyer that has gone out for
registration.  A few of you kindly pointed out I did not put a space for
and address. 

It was not a total oversight I ran out of room on the flyer and I get the
and address when you send in the check either on the check of the
envelope so
It has worked out fine.  Many of you simply are writing your names and
addresses on the form before mailing it in and thats fine.  There are two
forms out there that I did not print it looks like it was copied in a
newsletter.  I'd like to thank whomever included the event in their flyer.

If you have any questions about the show please contact me at
visit my <A HREF="" href="">">website</A>


Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 12:01:30 -0800
From: ostam@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Re: Delorean Commercial

If you would rather just download the video directly, point to

- - Matt

dmcnews-digest wrote:

> ------------------------------
>         For the commercial, go to and click on the
> button on the right hand side of the screen. There you can download the
> dmc commercial and other dmc/bttf material. Hopes this helps,
> Trevor


Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 09:37:30 EST
From: "Dave.Sontos@CAGTAO" <uscagdas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Coolant System Replacement

This is a continuation of my efforts in replacing the cooling system on
vin 2573. I am now up to the engine compartment having replaced all of
the foward hoses, heater and cooling. I've got the intake manifold off
and the fuel distributer and draftbox laying over on its side. There is
a pile of nuts, acorns of something, in the middle soaked in antifreeze.
After using my shop vac to suck out all the debris I tried to remove the
coolant "Y" pipe and managed to break one of the bolt heads off. I got
the other three off and using plenty of WD40 and a pair of vice grips
got the broken bolt out. It was mainly corruded around the pipe and not
in the threads. As I tried to remove the water pump I broke the bottom
bolt off. I've got six complete engine rebuilds experience under my belt
and have NEVER broken a single bolt off till now. They were all american
engines though. Apparently euorpean bolts can't handle it. I've got
about 1/8" of the bolt sticking out and I've cut a screwdriver slot in
it with my Dremmel tool. Its been several days of WD40 soaking, heating,
tapping, and trying to turn, but that buggers in there. I will try
playing with it some more this weekend, but if I can't unscrew it I'll
have to remove the rear facia and drill it out. I ordered the waterpump
replacement from Rob Grady so maybe that will be here for the weekend

I'll keep everybody posted. Later...

P.S. By the way I'm in the Newport News, Virginia area.


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 13:18:41 -0700
From: raddad@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug

Clearly, the resurrection of the DeLorean marque would have a positive
effect upon the price of existing D's.  Though there would be no *REAL*
relationship between the two, just the fact that the D would no longer be
an orphan would push up prices somewhat.

This gets us back into the "should the car sell for more" discussion.
Since I don't plan on selling mine, I don't care.  If I didn't own one and
wanted to, ala Shannon, I'd probably hope that the prices remained lower.
As one who loves the DeLorean, I must admit that commanding a higher price
brings "respect" and thus brings new owners to the marque that may be in a
better position to maintain the cars.

Please don't misunderstand the comments above.  I am not a snob about the
DeLorean ownership.  I am a realist who recognizes that *TYPICALLY*,
someone who pays 30-40K for a car takes better care of it than someone who
pays 15K.  While I believe that to be true, I ,for one, would hate to see
the younger D fans priced out of the market.

Dick Ryan
The Rad Dad


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 98 09:55:24 -0700
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug

On 3/3/98 7:46 AM, Mike Substelny shared these fine thoughts...

>As the Bug collectors spewed affection for their beloved VW, I
>wondered to myself if release of the D-2 (John DeLorean's fabled new
>project) might have a similar effect on DeLorean prices.

I truly believe that monkeys will fly in flocks from my buttocks before
we ever see the etheral D2 in a protoype stage, much less hit the market.
Nevertheless, it is fun to speculate, and I think we would undoubtedly
see a temporary rise in the prices of the "classic" DeLorean. I don't
believe it would be a long-term price rise.

I think there is a greater (albeit slightly) likelihood of a movie being
produced about the life of JZD, though we probably won't see it come to
fruition until after his passing. A movie would probably have a similar
short-term effect on values, ala Tucker.

The popularity of the "Wedding Singer" movie (still the number one
comedy) has already increased awareness of the car, in spite of it's
appearance. I picked up my fiancee at the high school she teaches at just
as a basketball game let out. Any kid that failed to recognize it was
quickly educated by his/her peers. These kids are the reason we need to
keep the car in the public eye - they are the owners of tomorrow.



Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 23:47:29 +0000
From: The DMC-12 <msg101@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DeLorean UK

Just thought I'd plug DeLorean Owners Club of Great Britain with whom I
am an active member. The page hasn't been there long, but it looks

John Hanley, are you there? I lost your e-mail address. You might like
to have a squint at this page because you're on it, now thanks to the
photos you e-mailed me!

BTW Can anyone help me in my quest to convince my girlfriend that a D is
not a "poser's" car? Any comments would be MUCH appreciatied :-)



Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 17:11:56 +0000
From: ausmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug

Dick wrote,

> This gets us back into the "should the car sell for more" discussion.
> Since I don't plan on selling mine, I don't care.  If I didn't own one and
> wanted to, ala Shannon, I'd probably hope that the prices remained lower.
> As one who loves the DeLorean, I must admit that commanding a higher price
> brings "respect" and thus brings new owners to the marque that may be in a
> better position to maintain the cars.

Hi all,

Back when I had my first DeLorean, I would get it tuned at Ron
Tonkins' in Portland and got to know the mechanics pretty well. A
current model year Ferrari 308 came in on a tow truck while I was
there. Its' engine had seized at 15,000 miles. It had never been in
for service and when the mechanic drained the "oil" he got about half
a quart of sludge. Money doesn't necessarily equate to either care or

Just a sad story.

Dick, as soon as I get the part #s I'll get them to you. I'm sure
sick of the rain this year.



Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 17:46:51 -0800 (PST)
From: max headroom <_designer_@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug

I've been lurking for quite some time, but had to reply to this one...

>the biggest crowd was constantly around a single specimen of the
> new Bug,

At the L.A. Auto show, the New Beetle stole the show.  Other
companies' displays seemed deserted in comparison!

> wondered to myself if release of the D-2 (John DeLorean's fabled new
> project) might have a similar effect on DeLorean prices.

Okay, now this may not be polite, but a new sports car in today's
market?  It couldn't compete with the Selfish Useless Vehicle (or
S.U.V.) fad.  I believe that the DMC would again enter a market
controlled by the big three (you know...Toyota, Honda, Nissan).
Another failure would be devistating.  However, the McClaren F1 may
need some competition...


Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 21:03:11 -0800
From: Nathan Gess <delorean12@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug

James Espey wrote:
> On 3/3/98 7:46 AM, Mike Substelny shared these fine thoughts...
> >As the Bug collectors spewed affection for their beloved VW, I
> >wondered to myself if release of the D-2 (John DeLorean's fabled new
> >project) might have a similar effect on DeLorean prices.

> The popularity of the "Wedding Singer" movie (still the number one
> comedy) has already increased awareness of the car, in spite of it's
> cameo
> appearance. I picked up my fiancee at the high school she teaches at just
> as a basketball game let out. Any kid that failed to recognize it was
> quickly educated by his/her peers. These kids are the reason we need to
> keep the car in the public eye - they are the owners of tomorrow.
> James

Dear DML,
        I am one of the owners of tommarrow that James was speaking of.  I was
just curious if there were that many DeLorean owners that would refuse
to sell to a younger person.  I am 15 at the moment, I work hard at
saving for my DMC.  I plan on buying one between 18-20.  Many owners
feel that a younger person wouldn't respect and appreciate a DeLorean
like the older generation.  I love the DMC and dream about owning one
every moment, this car has a grace and style like no other.

Nathan Gess


Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 18:55:04 -0800
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Squeak ??

In the past few months my passenger side door has developed a seaquake,

It sounds like it is in the rear hinge, I have tried 3-n-1/ WD40/Stp to
no avail, I don see any way to grease or oil the hinge. This door also
has  about 20 droop in spite of new air struts.

Any one have suggestions?

another question? Do the air vents behind the side windows actually work?
If so is there any way to adjust flow?




Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 21:50:45 -0700
From: "Stephen Jaeger" (sjaeger01@xxxxxxxxxxx)
Subject: DML: Hesitation

I am having a slight problem with hesitation when the engine is cold.
I pulled out the manuals and found the warm up control circuit. I
checked the engine versus the manuals and found that the vacuum
line that goes to the warm-up regulator was looped into itself. Checking
the regulator, there were no vacuum connections on it. The regulator
looked new. The wiring to the regulator was there. My question is, could
this be an upgraded warm-up regulator? How wold it operate without
the vacuum from the thermal control valve? Any help would be appreciated.


P.S.- The car runs good after warm up.


Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 23:31:53 -0800
From: Matt Peak <mpeak@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Delorean 1

Ryan Bennett and others,

        A simple theory the I learned in a psychology class I am taking is that
people overvalue goals they suffer for and, once the goal is achieved,
people are reluctant to pass on the reward for fear of belittling their
sufferings and accomplishments.  This holds true for such things as
fraternity hazing (after going through intense hazing, you want to stay in
the fraternity regardless of whether you believe you belong there) and it
holds true for Delorean One.  With all the negative postings and horror
stories about this company, why would anybody even attempt to patronize
them?  Maybe its because we want to see if we are one of the lucky few
can have the privilege of being Delorean One's client, to see if we have
what it takes.  If one is lucky enough to be chosen, the negative press
about the company and its growing elitism only increases loyalty due to
status of being one of the select few that successfully made it "into the
          Why waste your time on a gamble when there are several SUPERIOR
alternatives?  To name one, four months after I bought my Delorean, I
it from the Bay Area to Delorean Motor Center in Garden Grove (L.A.) for a
complete diagnostic analysis followed by many dollars worth of surgery by
Don Steger.  This experience was extremely pleasant and I could not have
hoped for a better start to my life with the Delorean.  If you are upset
because you believe you can't arrange for a certified Delorean mechanic to
review you car in the Los Angeles area, look again.  The best mechanics
don't always have the best PR.

Matt Peak


Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 08:39:51 -0500
From: Geoffroy Birtz <gbirtz@xxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: Delorean UK

> BTW Can anyone help me in my quest to convince my girlfriend that a D
> is
> not a "poser's" car? Any comments would be MUCH appreciatied :-)
> Martin
Excuse my ignorance, what is "poser" ?


Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 09:38:50 -0500
From: Geoffroy Birtz <gbirtz@xxxxxx>
Subject: RE: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug

> Dear DML,
>       I am one of the owners of tommarrow that James was speaking of.
> I was
> just curious if there were that many DeLorean owners that would refuse
> to sell to a younger person.  I am 15 at the moment, I work hard at
> saving for my DMC.  I plan on buying one between 18-20.  Many owners
> feel that a younger person wouldn't respect and appreciate a DeLorean
> like the older generation.  I love the DMC and dream about owning one
> every moment, this car has a grace and style like no other.
> Nathan Gess
I don't think you have to worry , When someone sells their car it's
usually because they need money, if you have money they'll sell you the
car ! Just remember the cost of owning any "classic" car far exceeds the
price of purchase.


Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 07:02:40 +0000
From: ausmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Squeak ??

Lee wrote,

> In the past few months my passenger side door has developed a seaquake,
> It sounds like it is in the rear hinge, I have tried 3-n-1/ WD40/Stp to
> no avail, I don see any way to grease or oil the hinge. This door also
> has  about 20 droop in spite of new air struts.
I had one of those in my drivers door. The metal rail that holds the
top piece of interior trim had loosened. It's held with screws to the
SS. I just had to take them out and put them back with a little
dielectric grease.
> another question? Do the air vents behind the side windows actually work?
> If so is there any way to adjust flow?

No to both.



Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 16:25:18 +0000 (GMT)
From: The DMC-12 <msg101@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: RE: Delorean UK

Sorry, people. "Poser" - having a car purely for the purpose of
ego-inflation. "You just want to drive around in it to look cool, don't
you?" HELP!



Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 10:49:21 -0700
From: raddad@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug

Further to this thread and the sellilng of a DMC to a young person.

While I have no intentions of selling my D for years, unless I am forced
do so because of money problems, I'm sure that my attachment to the car is
such that I would much rather take a little less and know that it was
to someone who would feel about it as I do than simply sell it for top
dollar.  The age of the pruchaser would be unimportant.  Like Geoffrey, I
believe that the purchase price is just the beginning and I would want to
make sure that the purchaser clearly understood that.

Dick Ryan
The Rad Dad


Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 10:51:59 -0800
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Squeak ??

At 07:02 AM 3/4/98 +0000, you wrote:

>Lee wrote,
>> In the past few months my passenger side door has developed a seaquake,
>> It sounds like it is in the rear hinge, I have tried 3-n-1/ WD40/Stp to
>> no avail, I don see any way to grease or oil the hinge. This door also
>> has  about 20 droop in spite of new air struts.

>I had one of those in my drivers door. The metal rail that holds the
>top piece of interior trim had loosened. It's held with screws to the
>SS. I just had to take them out and put them back with a little
>dielectric grease.

>> another question? Do the air vents behind the side windows actually work?
>> If so is there any way to adjust flow?

>No to both.


Hi Chris,

        The strip you mentioned in mine are pop reinvites in, and the gasket is
torn? looks like some work ahead there....Wink.

        I thought the vents were fake, but you know that the outer part is
functional, any one interested in a functional exhaust vents? the are
made of plastic! On my DMC there are two unused switches, which cloud be
used to open and close these vents.

        Cris is this something you would be interested in? should we call it
"Ventzilla"....snicker  Wink!

        If any one is interested or has comments please just send me a e-mail
"Vents" and I will tally it!. send to (lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx)




Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 11:15:31 -0800
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug

At 05:11 PM 3/3/98 +0000, you wrote:

>Dick wrote,
>current model year Ferrari 308 came in on a tow truck while I was
>there. Its' engine had seized at 15,000 miles. It had never been in
>for service and when the mechanic drained the "oil" he got about half
>a quart of sludge. Money doesn't necessarily equate to either care or
>Just a sad story.

Hi Chris and all!

I just love Ferrari storys, and I love Ferrari/DMC-12 stories even
better...and here comes one now!

        At our office building the first row of parking spaces that are at the
steps of the entrance are reserved for those willing to pay for the
space. The first space or closest to the actual entrance (1) is used by
the building owner. he drivers a Ferrari (Black). In space # 2 I park my
DMC-12 with license 81DMC-12. Every day of the week when I park at the
building, there is a constant stream of people who go threw the building
entrance, and every day many people stop and look at the DMC, peek in the
windows, leave their business cards under the wipers........I have never
seen any one give the Black GT a second glance.

        When ever I leave the building , most people in the coffee shop on the
ground floor watch as the gull wing doors rise and watch as I get in and
drive away.

        The owner of the GT once remarked he would never buy a car he could not
get parts for! His GT has been in the shop for repair 3 or 4 time the
past year, Mine has never failed to start on the first hit!....BIG smile!




Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 11:00:39 -0800
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug

At 09:03 PM 3/3/98 -0800, you wrote:

>Dear DML,
>       I am one of the owners of tommarrow that James was speaking of.  I was
>just curious if there were that many DeLorean owners that would refuse
>to sell to a younger person.  I am 15 at the moment, I work hard at
>saving for my DMC.  I plan on buying one between 18-20.  Many owners
>feel that a younger person wouldn't respect and appreciate a DeLorean
>like the older generation.  I love the DMC and dream about owning one
>every moment, this car has a grace and style like no other.
>Nathan Gess


        I can easy understand why you would have the impression older owners
don't want younger  people buying the DMC. I might suggest that it has
long been accepted that younger owners are more likely to have accidents,
(thus reducing an already small number of DMCs), and driving in a manner
that reflects poorly on the DMC.

        I am the first to say that "all" young people are not like "that", but
that does not change the facts and the impression. You should of course
lust after your dreams of owning a DMC, and hopefully if and when you do
get one car and drive it as the dream it actually is. For many ownership
is only the first step, there is so much more ahead for owners who have
an abiding love of machines.

Good luck with your interest.

and may the aerosapiens never cross your tread!




Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 10:58:01 -0800 (PST)
From: thomas reed <reedted@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: RE: Delorean UK

> Sorry, people. "Poser" - having a car purely for the purpose of
> ego-inflation. "You just want to drive around in it to look cool, don't
> you?" HELP!
So you're trying to convince your girlfriend that your Delorean isn't a
car?  Hmmm... A toughie.  I mean, looking cool is kind of what it's all
That's why I bought a Delorean instead of, say, a Honda Civic.  I love
the car,
yes, but I love it because it looks good.  My advice is tell her "Of
like it because it looks cool!  Why else would I have it?"  and see what

Ed Reed
VIN 3117


Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 12:27:22 -0700
From: raddad@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: RE: Delorean UK


My wife and I put 100,000 miles on our first DeLorean "posing" in
California, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona,
Mexico, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota -- Oh, well, I guess you get the

We got a "new" Delorean last June and have now "posed" with it in New
Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Ontario Canada,
Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa -- again, I guess you get the

The DeLorean is a wonderful road car that just begs to be driven.  A
DeLorean that is driven regularly is usually in much better shape than one
which has become a "poser".

If this doesn't work, there are other girls!

Dick Ryan
The Rad Dad

P.S.  My wife is as ardent a supporter of DeLorean ownership as I. First,
she is the only other person who I'll let drive it.  Second, she says that
she would much rather I have it as a mistress than the other kind.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---

>Sorry, people. "Poser" - having a car purely for the purpose of
>ego-inflation. "You just want to drive around in it to look cool, don't
>you?" HELP!


Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 14:19:35 -0500
From: Geoffroy Birtz <gbirtz@xxxxxx>
Subject: RE: DML: RE: Delorean UK

> Sorry, people. "Poser" - having a car purely for the purpose of
> ego-inflation. "You just want to drive around in it to look cool,
> don't
> you?" HELP!
> Martin
Simple solution, let her drive it !


Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 17:33:01 -0500
From: "Ronald  Pohala" <rpohala@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Need clutch and pressure plate

HI all Delorean lovers,

Is the Houston supplier the best place to purchase the clutch and pressure
plate or does someone know the correct numbers to buy from a supply house
at much more reasonable prices. ThaNk you. Kind of in a rush to get my D
back on the road. Should the slave cylinder be purchased also.

Also need a water pump?

Thanks for taking the time to reply if you can help


Vin # 3567


Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 16:59:02 -0600
From: thgraham@xxxxxxxx (Travis Graham)
Subject: DML: RE: DeLorean UK

This site has a newsletter's image whose headline reads: "Bill Collins =
Prototype Found."  Does anyone have any reports, photos, info, etc. on =
this prototype that I can get to from the Internet?  From these small =
photos, it looks to be in SAD condition...

Travis Graham

>Just thought I'd plug DeLorean Owners Club of Great Britain with whom I
>am an active member. The page hasn't been there long, but it looks


Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 19:30:43 EST
From: SoundKillr <SoundKillr@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: RE: Delorean UK

I think she is worried because she knows....girls LOVE the Delorean. They
gonna be all over the car and she knows this....Hmmm. Tell her not to


Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 20:13:01 -0600
From: "Paul Hamer" <phamer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: The DeLorean, The D-2, and The Bug

- -----

>> Dear DML,
>> I am one of the owners of tommarrow that James was speaking of.
>> I am 15 at the moment, I work hard at
>> saving for my DMC I plan on buying one between 18-20.
>> I love the DMC and dream about owning one
>> every moment, this car has a grace and style like no other.
>> Nathan Gess

Nathan, all you have to do is want it and it will be yours.  You may not
have money now, but as long as you have wanna...

I have owned three DeLoreans and loved them all.


Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 20:47:40 -0600
From: "Paul Hamer" <phamer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DMC Manuals for sale

I have a few extra copies of DMC manuals for sale (it seems I got about =
two sets with each of the three cars I bought).

Service Bulletins  1 copy

Technical Owner's Guide/Parts Manual  2 copies

Parts Catalog   4 copies

I am looking to get $25 each plus $5 P&H.  These are spiral bound and =
one copy of each has a few finger prints from use.  I would sell all for ="">
$125 and I would ship them overnight at my expense.

I also have copies of the DeLorean Parts Pricing Guide.  This shows all =
the DeLorean part numbers with the suggested price and the dealers =
price.  I got this years ago when I purchased all the old DMC inventory =
from the local Chevy dealer.  It's pretty fun to see how things started =
and how they have changed.  A couple examples are 110072  365 motor, =
window RH 190.93 (list), 129.23 (dealer).  109260  873 cover, seat back =
(gry) 82.23 (list) 41.13 (dealer).

I still have a few parts out in one storage building I should dig out =
and put on the list.

Also my friend needs a new gear lever boot in black (100688).  Maybe we =
could do a trade. =20

Thanks in advance for any help.

phamer@xxxxxxxx or phamer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx=20


Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 21:15:05 -0600
From: "Paul Hamer" <phamer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Help

I probably better tell the list right off that I don't own a DeLorean =
anymore.  I have owned three though, so it should count for something =
(and I have been negotiating on a fourth, but we can't agree on the =
price yet).  I was helping a friend with his in Atlanta this weekend (I =
live in Omaha, NE) and it has two problems we can't trace. =20

One is a water leak on the right hand side.  He said he recalls it >
happening when the car is parked either uphill or downhill, but he can't =
remember which.  Sorry for the limited information on this.  We don't =
see any stains on the ceiling or anywhere.  Just water on the floor.  My =
guess is it was coming in under the dash.  We are looking for ="">

The other problem is with hot starts.  The car just will not start if it =
is hot from running or even if it has set out in the sun and gets hot =
from radiant heat.  I should add that he has a single turbo on it, I =
think it is a Garrett, I know it is not a Rayjay.  Thought this might be =
a vapor lock or possibly the fuel regulator (I know a bad fuel regulator =
did a similar thing on mine, but never just from the sun). =20

The serial number is about 3700 (I can't remember, it's not my car).  =
Thanks in advance for any help.

Paul Hamer

phamer@xxxxxxxx (work)
phamer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (home)


Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 17:50:45 -0800
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: RE: Delorean UK

At 10:58 AM 3/4/98 -0800, you wrote:

>> Sorry, people. "Poser" - having a car purely for the purpose of
>> ego-inflation. "You just want to drive around in it to look cool, don't
>> you?" HELP!

>So you're trying to convince your girlfriend that your Delorean isn't a
>car?  Hmmm... A toughie.  I mean, looking cool is kind of what it's all
>That's why I bought a Delorean instead of, say, a Honda Civic.  I love
>the car,
>yes, but I love it because it looks good.  My advice is tell her "Of
>like it because it looks cool!  Why else would I have it?"  and see what
>she does.
>Ed Reed
>VIN 3117

This all begs the question! what doe the girl look like and is she a
"poser"? you know to be seen in and look cool!

I think we have to have a photo in order to decide the issue.......





Date: Thu, 5 Mar 98 06:31:34 -0700
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Fwd: Stainless burnishing

- ---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
Date:        03/05  1:45 AM
Received:    03/05  6:26 AM
From:        lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx, lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To:          espey@xxxxxxxxxxx

Stainless Burnishing

        Some time back there were a number of post regarding the burnishing
patterns on the DMC. One "power tool" mentioned was the "SAND-O-FLEX". at
the time I commented but could not find the one I use, well it popped up
this evening. below is all the information one might want to get this
neat tool.

Info:           SAND-O-FLEX Model 350R
made by:        Merit Abrasive Products Inc.
                Compton CA.

        The units come in many sizes but all work the same way.

You can get detailed information by calling the company.



- ----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------


Date: Wed, 04 Mar 98 18:26:29 PST
From: "Brandon S. Moody" <bsmoody@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Squeak ??

> In the past few months my passenger side door has developed a seaquake,
> It sounds like it is in the rear hinge, I have tried 3-n-1/ WD40/Stp to
> no avail, I don see any way to grease or oil the hinge. This door also
> has  about 20 droop in spite of new air struts.

I have expierenced more squeeks coming from the ball/socket joints
on either end of the air piston rather than the hinge itself.  Also, the
door/roof seal can squeek and creek as it rubs against the roof

> another question? Do the air vents behind the side windows actually work?
> If so is there any way to adjust flow?

If your referring to the Qtr Panel louvre, then they are just cosmetic.
but solid fiberglass underneath. 

- -Brandon


Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 17:25:02 -0600
From: "BRUCE BENSON" <delornut@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Squeak ??

>       The strip you mentioned in mine are pop reinvites in, and the gasket is
> torn? looks like some work ahead there....Wink.

> Lee
> VIN#5729
> Lic:81DMC12

The rivets that hold these on are stainless and very hard. Removal is
easiest by grinding the heads off but the remainder of the rivet is only a
centimeter or so from the outside surface of the door. If you pound them
out of the hole you most likley will have an evenly spaced row of dents in
the top of the door. To get at it properly you should remove the rear
which is akward with the torsion bar still under tension. It gets more
complicated than it's worth. I replaced my and they just rotted away again
in an unbelivably short time. They do nothing but offer a more finished
look that is hardley noticable. Any water is channeled around the door
opening so why bother?

With all the discussion about why we own our DeLoreans I'd like to offer
story. I owned a Bricklin when the DeLorean began to appear in the auto
magazines and the gull wing doors were a natural attraction for me. Over
the 16 years since then I've met and became good friends with several
owners. I've made most of the trips with Raddad and his lovely wife and my
reasons for still owning it after all these years are as much social as my
love for the car. We've criss crossed the country several times in it and
have even run it around the track at Road America a couple of times. I
admit to being a bit finatical about it's upkeep but I wouldn't hesitate
jumping in it right now and driving from here in Minnesota to the west
coast. It's been extremly reliable, turbo charger and all!

Bruce Benson


Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 17:28:24 -0600
From: Bill Marcussen <billmarcussen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Need clutch and pressure plate

Ronald Pohala wrote:

> Is the Houston supplier the best place to purchase the clutch and pressure
> plate or does someone know the correct numbers to buy from a supply house
> at much more reasonable prices.

IMHO, purchasing your parts from one of the stocking distributors is _THE
TO GO_!  I have found parts prices to be reasonable and they fit and
correctly.  However, if you want to explore the local option, there is a
cross-reference list at

Good Luck!


Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 09:37:01 -0500
From: Mike Substelny <SUBSTEM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Shopping Around for Parts (was: Need Clutch Pressure Plate)

Ron asked:

> Is the Houston supplier the best place to purchase the clutch and
> pressure plate or does someone know the correct numbers to buy
> from a supply house at much more reasonable prices.

There are a number of cross reference lists available, including Knut
Grimsrud's DeLorean Parts Reference Database available for free at  I don't have any list with me right now.

For most DeLorean parts you can get pretty reasonable prices from DMC
Houston, PJ Grady, DeLorean One, and the other dedicated DeLorean
shops.  Unless I need something really mundane, like wiper blades or
Armor All, I usually patronize DMC Houston.

As a firm believer in the free market, I encourage you to shop around.
Healthy competition is how we keep prices low.  However, you may find
it very valuable to build a relationship with at least one of the major
DeLorean suppliers.  I recommend calling all of them, but at the very
you should surf over to the DMC Houston website and get a comparison
price from their online store before you buy something from your local

- - Mike Substelny


Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 06:42:27 +0000
From: ausmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Help

Hi all,

> One is a water leak on the right hand side.  He said he recalls it >
> happening when the car is parked either uphill or downhill, but he can't =
> remember which.  Sorry for the limited information on this.  We don't =
> see any stains on the ceiling or anywhere.  Just water on the floor.  My =
> guess is it was coming in under the dash.  We are looking for ="">
> suggestions.

Check all the screws in the grill below the windshield. My old one
had some loose and I removed them, put a little silicone on them and
screwed them back in. That took care of it. By the way, my leak was
only noticeable when parked uphill.



Date: Thu, 5 Mar 98 07:57:06 -0700
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Water Leaks (was: HELP)

> One is a water leak on the right hand side.  He said he recalls it >
> happening when the car is parked either uphill or downhill, but he can't =
> remember which.  Sorry for the limited information on this.  We don't =
> see any stains on the ceiling or anywhere.  Just water on the floor.  My =
> guess is it was coming in under the dash.  We are looking for ="">
> suggestions.

The factory service bulletin concerning fixing water leaks is available
in PDF format from the DMC-News website. It is very clear and concise.

Chris mentined the screws holding the grille in front of the windshield
in place as a source for water leaks. I just replaced mine and both
Stephen and Warren told me numerous times to be sure and put some
silicone in the screw holes when I replaced it.



Date: Thu, 5 Mar 98 08:06:43 -0700
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Who's attracted to the DMC? (was: DML: RE: Delorean UK)

On 3/4/98 5:30 PM, SoundKillr shared these fine thoughts...

>I think she is worried because she knows....girls LOVE the Delorean. They
>are gonna be all over the car and she knows this....Hmmm. Tell her not to

Are woman categorically attracted to the DeLorean? I have always said
that if the DeLorean attracted single women like it does small children
and teenage males, I'd be married by now.



Date: Thu, 5 Mar 98 08:04:29 -0700
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Need clutch and pressure plate

Ron wrote:
>> Is the Houston supplier the best place to purchase the clutch and pressure
>> plate or does someone know the correct numbers to buy from a supply house
>> at much more reasonable prices.

Bill Marcussen responded:
>IMHO, purchasing your parts from one of the stocking distributors is
>_THE WAY TO GO_!  I have found parts prices to be reasonable and they
>fit and function correctly.

James chimes in:

In addition to knwoing you'll be getting the correct part, the added
benefit of getting the technical support after the sale from someone who
is knowledgeable about the DeLorean is worth a great deal, IMO.



End of dmcnews-digest V3 #336

 Postings to the DELOREAN MAILING LIST are the opinions of the author and
 not necessarily those of the list moderator (James Espey) or his
 Service Provider(s). The list moderator makes every effort to screen out
 false, misleading, and negative postings, but it is up to you, the
 of the DELOREAN MAILING LIST, to realize that nothing should be taken as
 actual fact without research and investigation of your own.

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