dmcnews-digest V3 #468
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dmcnews-digest V3 #468

Title: dmcnews-digest V3 #468

dmcnews-digest       Wednesday, January 13 1999       Volume 03 : Number 468

       In this issue:
        DML: Reminder  Minnesota meeting....
        Re: DML: Re: looking for a CRAIG Radio, news from France...
        DML: RE: Am I paying too much?
        Re: DML: Am I paying too much?
        Re: DML: Am I paying too much? and another article
        DML: New to the list
        DML: Pics of our DeLorean
        DML: DMC in showroom, Auckland, New Zealand
        DML: Intercoolers
        DML: Keys-R-Us
        DML: My Doors
        Re: DML: New to the list
        Re: DML: Fuel distributer rebuild? (Or cleaning)
        Re: DML: Intercoolers
        DML: Door lock "Zilla"
        DML: First time poster (with questions) and a sighting!
        DML: johnny lightning
        DML: PRV Performance Parts
        DML: Re: My Doors
        DML: Re: Availability Of Delorean Motor Cars In The Uk.
        DML: Re: Am I paying too much?
        Re: DML: My Doors
        DML: RE: My Doors
        DML: RE: My Doors
        Re: DML: Re: Am I paying too much?
        DML: Zilla?
        DML: RE: johnny lightning
        DML: Re: First time poster (with questions)
        DML: installing a fire extinguisher
        Re: DML: Door lock "Zilla"
        DML: Re: Re: Am I paying too much?
        DML: Re: Droopy Doors Doors
        DML: Re: Door lock "Zilla"
        DML: Re: johnny lightning
        Re: DML: Re: Am I paying too much?
        DML: Last Call


Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 13:32:38 PST
From: brian_roy@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Reminder  Minnesota meeting....

This is just a reminder about a proposed meeting of Minnesota area owners
and enthusiasts.

  Here are the details

  When:  Saturday January 23
  Where:  Chi Chi's in Roseville, MN  (across from Rosedale)
  (I will email out directions if needed)

  Time:  Noon until 2:00????
  Who:  Whoever loves the Delorean  (owner or not)

  Any questions? Respond if interested... PLEASE


  Vin #4150
  Lic  DMC XII

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 15:42:37 -0600
From: "John T. Streckfuss" <jtspring@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Re: looking for a CRAIG Radio, news from France...

Carte Blanche Limousine wrote:
> Happy new year to you and best wishes for your DMC organisation !
> I am still looking for a Craig radio for my DMC. If someone got one, it
> will be a pleasure for me to listen to some music in my DMC. Do you also
> know the equivalence for the rear speakers in some actual catalogues ? I
> also inform you that the DMC french Club and the English DMC club is going
> to join the big 1999 meeting in Silverstone (International british motor
> show). Let me know if some of US DMC wants to join us...
> DMC yours
> Cyril Binet
> VIN 1804

Delorean Motor Company has your radio. 281-568-9573 the cost is about
275.00 for a brand new radio.

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Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 17:11:51 -0500
From: Gerald Deutsch <Jerry1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: Am I paying too much?

It sounds to me like you'll be putting between $2,000 and $3,000 into it =
in just the things you had mentioned. It all depends if you are going to =
be doing the work yourself. Then, you might do ok if the rest of the car =
is in top shape. It's your call. Be very thorough though when looking at =
the car. And if you can, have someone with experience with these cars =
look at it for you. Tell everyone the area you are in. You might get a =
volunteer. If you are in my area, I'll help you. Good Luck. ---Dan

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Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 16:11:07 -0500
From: bttfdmc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Am I paying too much?

12K, nice price if you ask me.  I would go for it!  Especially
for the condition in it's in!


At 09:56 PM 1/9/99 EST, you wrote:
>I just got back from looking at a Delorean which I'm considering buying.
>an '81 and the body looks very good, and it runs fine, but the mileage is
>thousand (mostly freeway mileage) and both seats need all new leather
>upholstery (they've cracked from sitting in a hot garage  -- the people
>in an area which is quite warm in the summer). Also needs two new tires
>the brakes feel kind of shot. The owner is asking 13K but I'm considering
>offering 12K. Is that too much for a Delorean with such high mileage?
>What do
>you all think?

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Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 21:57:21 -0500 (EST)
From: William T Wilson <fluffy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Am I paying too much? and another article

On Sat, 9 Jan 1999 Msstrygrl@xxxxxxx wrote:

> the brakes feel kind of shot. The owner is asking 13K but I'm considering
> offering 12K. Is that too much for a Delorean with such high mileage?

I don't think so.  The PRV will run forever.  If it's been well maintained
68K is not too bad especially if it has been used for freeway cruising.
Also, DeLoreans with high mileage are frequently in BETTER shape than ones
with low mileage because they have been driven more.  A car that has been
driven often will typically have basically working electrical system, all
the recalls and updates, and a general lack of strange problems.

A couple weeks ago there was an article on seat covers, you might check
that out for a possible alternative to reupholstering.  You may as well
have seat covers anyway if you plan on driving it a lot, it will keep the
seats from wearing so fast.  And, finally, how do the brakes "feel" shot?
Maybe they just need to be bled, or maybe you're just not used to them.
If you really want to buy the car, take it to a local brake shop and have
them check the brakes.  Many will do it for free, I think Midas is one of
those.  If the brakes aren't worn out, no worries.  If they are, well,
you'll want to have them fixed anyway.  Maybe you can use it as a
bargaining chip for the owner to lower his price.

Things you should check in this case (besides the brakes) are: Hydraulic
fluids, all the electrical gadgets, A/C, trailing arm bolts, clutch.

I found another auto history article that mentions JZD.
The 1970's section also mentions JZD's efforts to get airbags into
Chevrolets, but he doesn't get credit for it

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Date: Mar, 12 Jan 99 09:51:07 +0100
From: LGG <lgg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: New to the list

Hi list,

My name is Luc and I am living in  Monaco.
I bought a few weeks ago a Delorean which  is a 1981, M/T with grey =
interior, VIN 3131
which needs  some minor works of restoration.
Here in Monaco, there are only two "D" which are registered in the =
Principality.Mine will be the third >
After exploring the archives, I have no idea if I can put a power =
automatic antena in the front fender as the fixed one is broken.
Does anyboby has made this operation because i don't want to make =
another hole in the rear fender?
Thank you for any input on this matter


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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 20:31:54 +1100
From: "R. Haslewood" <delorean@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Pics of our DeLorean

Hi all,

Well, I got my photos back from the developer the other day and scanned
the good ones of our DeLorean for my website if anyone wants to view 'em.
I've got a few which were taken at the museum on the day we bought the
some of it in the driveway when we got it home, and some that were taken
other days. Just go to the "Our DeLorean" page of the "DMC" section of the
website (btw, all pics are thumbnailed). The URL is

>From the photos, the re-painted
fascias are quite obvious, but we are planning on getting them re-painted
(some day) in a colour which more closely resembles the factory-original

Also, FYI, I was corresponding with Linda Porter and David Knudsen quite a
few weeks ago about writing an article for DeLorean World towards the end
the year about our DeLorean in the 2000 Olympic city....Sydney. It'll
hopefully involve lots of nice pics of our DeLorean at various locations
around the town, and I was even contemplating on whether to contact the
Sydney Olympic Committee about driving the car out to the Olympic Stadium
(which is still under construction - and off limits to the general public)
for some photo opportunities. Hopefully the article might encourage a few
you to invest your money into our tourist industry by paying us a visit
. It'll also be nice to see an article in DeLorean World that isn't based
the USA (I know there are other international members, but why the hell
don't they write stuff for DW?).

Bye for now,

R. Haslewood,
Sydney Australia

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 23:53:52 +1300
From: "John Faulding" <Planet.telex@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DMC in showroom, Auckland, New Zealand

Hello Everyone
    For all those on the list (if any) that live in New Zealand,
specifically Auckland, there is an '82 DeLorean in the showroom of an
Automobile Memorabilia shop (I have forgotten the name) in Newmarket.
    The car is in perfect condition, looks brilliant (the first time I've
seen a DMC in real-life), and I am told by the shop owner it is one of
five in the country.
    It *is* for sale, I am told, so if you live in the area, make sure you
go and check it out, perhaps place an offer. The car looks great inside
out, has a reasonable amount of miles, and has apparantely been 'kept in
storage for eight years', according to the owner. And the best part? The
personalised numberplate, very fitting for the BTTF theme:

                                 E MC2

(E=MC squared - the Einstein formula)

I thoroughly recommend viewing this fine automobile.


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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 08:44:42 -0600
From: magriese@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Intercoolers

I tried to draw this with bad ascii art and came up with a mess.
I'll try it with words.

Air at ambient temperature is drawn through the air box and filter
by the turbocharger.  The turbocharger compresses the air from
the airbox.  The energy to run the turbo comes from the exhaust
gasses leaving the engine.  These gasses are hot, which raises
the temperature of the turbocharger.  The fact that the incoming air is
compressed also raises its temperature air.

Next, the compressed, warmer air from the turbocharger is passed
through an intercooler.  The intercooler is a lot like the evaporator
in your air conditioner.  It has a core with fins on it and water
(or other coolant) flowing through it.  The function of the intercooler
is to remove heat from the compressed air and transfer it to the
circulating fluid.  This makes the compressed air denser, which
aids combustion.  The cooler air also helps reduce detonation
at the wrong time (pinging).

Finally, the cooler compressed air enters the intake manifold
where it is mixed with fuel from the injectors and the mixture then
enters the combustion chambers.

Some considerations -

The path from the exhaust to the turbocharger must be as short
as possible to reduce turbo lag (lag is the time it takes for the
turbo to spin up and provide extra boost from the time it is
requested.  It feels like a hesitation on acceleration).
The design of the path must take into consideration the
exhaust pulses so the turbo sees as smooth a flow of air as

The path from the turbocharger to the intake manifold must also
be as short as possible, again to reduce lag.  This path must be
engineered to provide as much boost as the engine can take
and protect itself from overboost.  The most direct protection
is a 'pop-off' valve that opens whenever the boost pressure in
the intake side goes above a preset limit (this is how CART limits
boost on Champ cars).  Another method senses pressure in
the intake and opens a wastegate on the exhaust side to reduce
the amount of exhaust gasses that go through the turbo.  The
designer must also take into consideration the effects of the closure
of the intake valves on the incomming charge.  As the valve closes,
a high pressure pulse is generated that travels backwards through
the intake system.  This pulse, if large enough, can stall the turbine
blades in the turbo.

The turbocharger needs oil to lubricate and cool the bearings
for the turbine.  This oil normally comes from the engine and
is circulated by the oil pump.  Designers must consider the
additional flow requirements and the additional temperature
rise in the engine oil system.

Michael A. Griese
Storage Software Development Manager
IBM Storage Systems Division
Rochester, MN  55901

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 09:01:18 -0800
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Keys-R-Us

Just a quick note:

To all of you who have ordered Keys in the last few months.

I haven't forgotten you, I am not planning to run off to South America
all the cash!

I have been waiting for key blanks from England.

Well they finally arrived and I will get your keys to you just a soon as I
can. Please give me two weeks to get threw the current orders.

That should take care of every one except one...which is giving me fits
trying to get a good matched set using a very odd pre cut blank.

Thanks for your understanding  

Lee Fumblefinger

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 13:05:49 CST
From: "Steve Seikel" <seikel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: My Doors

I have an Oct. 81 Vin# 5279, When I bought the car, the owner had just
put on new door struts, from PJ Grady.  These door dont, however, open
all the way in the cold, and sometimes you have to push them up, they
will stay up, when they are pushed, this seems like there is something
wrong, any suggestions?

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 13:38:11 -0600
From: DON GOWLER <dongowler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: New to the list

Luc, you don't have to cut any holes in the rear fender to mount a power
antenna.  The power assembly mounts inside the fender behind the left
rear wheel to the left of the motor next to the air conditioner
compressor.  Take a look in that area and you will see that you can get
into this hidden compartment through a bolted on panel.  The antenna
then moves up and down through the air intake.  You will have to
probably cut a small grove in one of the plastic slats in the air intake
cover to allow the antenna to move up and down.  That's how the 1982's
and 1983's are done.  Order that assembly from a dealer.
Regards,  The Silver Fox

LGG wrote:

> My name is Luc and I am living in  Monaco.
> After exploring the archives, I have no idea if I can put a power =
> automatic antena in the front fender as the fixed one is broken.
> Does anyboby has made this operation because i don't want to make =
> another hole in the rear fender?
> VIN#3131

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 12:58:19 -0800
From: Ben Krasnow <kraz@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Fuel distributer rebuild? (Or cleaning)

Thanks very much for all of the info on this.   The reason I asked if a
rebuild was possible was because I took each of the injectors out and
observed the spraying behavior of each.  5 of them looked pretty
similar, however my Number 4 injector turns on and off at idle
positions.  If I push the air metering plate down, all of the injectors
look similar, but at idle conditions, one injector is off, then spurts,
then turns off again.  I thought it was a bad injector, so I swapped it
for another one that works, and I saw the same thing.  At this point, I
suspect a pressure differential valve inside the distributer.  It is
encouraging to hear it probably just needs cleaning.  How do I clean the
fuel distributer?  I thought those gas tank additives were pretty
worthless.  Has anyone had good luck with a specific brand?  How do
professional service centers clean the distributer, short of

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 13:20:07 -0800
From: Ben Krasnow <kraz@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Intercoolers

Just a quick suggestion:  Some rear-engine cars that have turbos use
rear-mounted intercoolers.  These are cooled by electric fans mounted
directly to the intercooler itself (much like a radiator).  With this
set-up the intercoolers could be mounted in any position in the engine
compartment, with the fan pumping air though them.  I am pretty sure
some Ferraris use horizontally mounted intercoolers with fans blowing
straight up through them.  I saw a picture of the Legend Turbo engine
(In Stainless Steel Illusion), and this forced induction  system had
twin-horizontally mounted intercoolers (probably with electric fans
aimed upward).  For those alrady with the pleasure of positive manifold
pressures, try looking into fan-cooled intercoolers.

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 17:25:06 -0500
From: "Watkins Family  watbmv@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <watbmv@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Door lock "Zilla"

The drivers side door lock works fine on both locking and unlocking from
the outside.  The passenger side will lock (with the drivers side) when I
exit the car and lock it........BUT when going to UNLOCK from the drivers
side, the passenger side does not unlock.  It works sometimes but I wonder
if "Lockzilla" would solve this problem.  I'm pretty sure the solenoid is
good as the prior owner had it worked on.  Anybody have the same symptom
and has had a Lockzilla put in?   Perhaps some bend arms in there
preventing it from unlocking on a consistant basis?  Any thoughts

Tom Watkins

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 17:38:41 EST
From: Doopdoops@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: First time poster (with questions) and a sighting!

Well, I am a first time poster so...hi everyone! 

First off, I have a few questions to ask.  I have an oppurtunity to pick
up a
D' for about $11K is good shape with around 80,000 miles.  So, what I
need to
know is, how much will a new interior run (carpeting and center console)?
And, is this a good value for the car? 

In Arlington, TX, last night (Jan. 11, '99) at 7:56 P.M. while leaving
dinner, I spotted a D' coming down Collins.  I couldn't really tell what
year it was but, I know exactly what it was when I saw it!  I was so
flabbergasted by seeing one on the road (1 of 3), I just said "whoa, a
DeLorean!".  So, what I am wondering is, is the owner of that car on the

Eric Bergman
ICQ:  Hit Man X

P.S.  I do not know for sure if it was Cooper or Collins, I always get
streets mixed up.

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 15:21:40 PST
From: "D -MAN" <dpgardner@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: johnny lightning

johnny lightning makes a 1:64 size replica of the time machine in bttf.

but to get one you not only have to pay the 20 or so $$ for the car,
which i have no problem with, but it seems that you have to pay a 15$
membership to even get the opportunity to buy the car.
i was wondering if anyone on the list was a member of johnny lightning,
and would be willing to help me out with getting the car without getting
the membership.

any responses would be greatly appreciated!

vin # coming sooooon!

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 18:56:23 -0500 (EST)
From: William T Wilson <fluffy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: PRV Performance Parts

I found PRV performance parts at
At the very least, they have forged pistons and rods.  They also have an
improved throttle body which might fit the DMC fuel injection system, or
might not.  Not much there for the PRV but better than nothing...

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 19:38:42 -0500
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: My Doors

You will need to have the door torsion bars adjusted.

DMC Joe / DeLorean Services / dmcjoe@xxxxxxx

- ----------
> From: Steve Seikel <seikel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: DML: My Doors
> Date: Tuesday, January 12, 1999 2:05 PM
> I have an Oct. 81 Vin# 5279, When I bought the car, the owner had just
> put on new door struts, from PJ Grady.  These door dont, however, open
> all the way in the cold, and sometimes you have to push them up, they
> will stay up, when they are pushed, this seems like there is something
> wrong, any suggestions?

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Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 00:28:25 +0100
From: "Carte Blanche Limousine" <carteblanche@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Availability Of Delorean Motor Cars In The Uk.

Contact the DMC Club: Simon Lee Milne on behalf of Cyril from France:

Let me know if you don't find one. Maybe we have some in France for you

Cyril VIN: 1807

- ----------
> De : Mikael Evans <mikael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> A : dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Objet : DML: Availability Of Delorean Motor Cars In The Uk.
> Date : vendredi 8 janvier 1999 02:24
> Hi Im Mikael And Im From S.Wales
> I Would Like To Hear From Anyone Who Has Any Information As To The =
> Whereabouts Of Any Delorean Motor Cars For Sale In The U.k
> Thankyou very much.

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 19:43:44 EST
From: Msstrygrl@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Re: Am I paying too much?

Thanks to everyone who emailed me and helped me get a better sense of
what to
offer. I made my offer of 10K last night and it was accepted so in two
I'll be leaving to pick up my new car. (yeeeees!!!!) I'm sure all of you
extremely excited to get your Delorean, but I feel like it's my wedding
day or
something. Never thought of myself as a materialistic person before, but I
suppose I just needed to meet the right car... Are there any other ladies
own  Ds besides myself? Or is it true that the vast majority of D owners
handsome, sexy, and extremely intelligent males?? Well??  

But actually I really am wondering what sort of person is drawn to this
Are you all die hard nonconformists like me? Do all of you like the
or do some of you own it just because you enjoy it's elegant looks...?

Anyway, I'm getting all dingy with excitement -- I better quit this email
before I make a fool of myself!


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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 19:49:43 -0600
From: DON GOWLER <dongowler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: My Doors

Steve, what you are experiencing is not unusual.  When the new struts
were installed the torsion bars should have also been attended to.  They
do get weak over time and need tightening up.  If this was done, and done
in warm weather, then you will usually experience a droop in the doors in
cold weather.  That is the result of the struts acting differently in
different temperatures.  Wait till the weather is 'normal' and then
adjust the torsion bars.  Then be prepared for a slight droop in cold
weather and a slightly aggressive opening in hot weather.

Take care,  The Silver Fox

Steve Seikel wrote:

> I have an Oct. 81 Vin# 5279, When I bought the car, the owner had just
> put on new door struts, from PJ Grady.  These door dont, however, open
> all the way in the cold, and sometimes you have to push them up, they
> will stay up, when they are pushed, this seems like there is something
> wrong, any suggestions?

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 23:07:36 -0500
From: Gerald Deutsch <Jerry1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: My Doors

When it's cold out, the doors will never work as well as when it is =
warmer out. Your car is probably fine. Even Rob Grady's doors on his =
green car don't go up fully when it's cold. He said it's normal. Mine =
act the same way, so if they work fine when it's warm out, you're ok.

- ----------
From:   Steve Seikel[SMTP:seikel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent:   Tuesday, January 12, 1999 2:05 PM
To:     dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:        DML: My Doors

I have an Oct. 81 Vin# 5279, When I bought the car, the owner had just=20
put on new door struts, from PJ Grady.  These door dont, however, open=20
all the way in the cold, and sometimes you have to push them up, they=20
will stay up, when they are pushed, this seems like there is something=20
wrong, any suggestions?

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 23:07:36 -0500
From: Gerald Deutsch <Jerry1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: My Doors

When it's cold out, the doors will never work as well as when it is =
warmer out. Your car is probably fine. Even Rob Grady's doors on his =
green car don't go up fully when it's cold. He said it's normal. Mine =
act the same way, so if they work fine when it's warm out, you're ok.

- ----------
From:   Steve Seikel[SMTP:seikel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent:   Tuesday, January 12, 1999 2:05 PM
To:     dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:        DML: My Doors

I have an Oct. 81 Vin# 5279, When I bought the car, the owner had just=20
put on new door struts, from PJ Grady.  These door dont, however, open=20
all the way in the cold, and sometimes you have to push them up, they=20
will stay up, when they are pushed, this seems like there is something=20
wrong, any suggestions?

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Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 00:19:00 -0500
From: Richard Strecker <dmc1219@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Re: Am I paying too much?


Congratulations! Welcome to the "group".

I'd like to know were you got the impression that " the vast
majority of D owners are handsome, sexy, and extremely
intelligent males??"


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Date: 13 Jan 99 05:34:10 America/Fort_Wayne
From: Gabriel Prado <gprado@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Zilla?

What is Lockzilla?

And while we are at it, what are the other *zillas I hear you guys talk a=


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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 22:02:58 -0800
From: "Montgomery, Ken" <kenm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: johnny lightning

I'm sure that after a few more weeks (months?) that they will be
available at every toy store, but for now, if you really want one, I
would suggest buying the whole set of 8 in the Hollywood on Wheels
series (the Monkee Mobile is really cute too). I found these to be
available at the Imex model Company in Florida. (904-754-8522) They have all 8 as a
set for $29.95. I'm sure they're also available from many other toy
suppliers. The Johnny Lightning web site is at:

When they finally make it to the stores, they should cost about $5 each.
The local toys have had the Blues Bros. and Dragnet cars for some time.

The detail is really very good, right down to the inside (early 81 w/gas
flap and a black interrior.

People are already making a killing on these on e-bay.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: D -MAN [mailto:dpgardner@xxxxxxxxxxx]

> johnny lightning makes a 1:64 size replica of the time
> machine in bttf.
> but to get one you not only have to pay the 20 or so $$ for the car,
> which i have no problem with, but it seems that you have to pay a 15$
> membership to even get the opportunity to buy the car.
> i was wondering if anyone on the list was a member of johnny
> lightning,
> and would be willing to help me out with getting the car
> without getting
> the membership.
> any responses would be greatly appreciated!
> Danny..
> vin # coming sooooon!
Ken Montgomery          VIN #10911      Work  : (916) 278-7646
Sacramento, CA          'OUTTIME'       Home  : (916) 944-3252
Founder, Northern California DeLorean Motor Club 'NCDMC'
Please visit my website at:         kenm@xxxxxxxx

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Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 00:12:14 -0800
From: "Dave Price" <davep2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: First time poster (with questions)

>First off, I have a few questions to ask.  I have an oppurtunity to pick
>up a
>D' for about $11K is good shape with around 80,000 miles.  So, what I
>need to
>know is, how much will a new interior run (carpeting and center console)?
>And, is this a good value for the car?
Center console is listed at about $700 for the console, $90 for the arm
rest.  I'm not sure what an entire carpet set is from the parts guys, but
I've contacted an aftermarket carpet place that had the pattern for
DeLoreans, and they quoted me about $400 for the complete set (heat molded
to conform to the contours..)

- - Dave

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Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 02:45:32 -0700
From: mike atkinson <mikeatk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: installing a fire extinguisher

I would like to mount a fire extinguisher to one of the walls in the
trunk and would like to know if there is a preferred way of going about
it.  The aft wall on the right hand side looks to be the best area to do
it, however I'm not sure what's behind there and don't want to start
drilling holes until I do.

Couldn't find anything in the archives on this.  If anybody has done
this I would appreciate a little advise.


Mike Atkinson
vin 16232


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Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 07:15:07 -0700 (MST)
From: raddad@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Door lock "Zilla"


I had the same problem in the past.  Had the solenoids replaced, etc. and
then the problem ultimately came back.  Bought Lockzilla and upgraded
solenoids from PJ Grady and have not had a problem since.  My personal
opinion is that the Zilla products are the best aftermarket investments
can make -- I have both Fanzilla and Lockzilla.

Dick Ryan
VIN 16867

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 23:56:46 -0800
From: "Dave Price" <davep2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Re: Am I paying too much?

>But actually I really am wondering what sort of person is drawn to this car.
>Are you all die hard nonconformists like me? Do all of you like the attention,
>or do some of you own it just because you enjoy it's elegant looks...?

I'm just drawn to unusual, gimicky, frivilous (sp?), toys.. I'm not in it
for the "attention" which is mostly from other guys, and it's not that I
don't like conformity.. I'd still love DeLoreans even if everyone on my
street had one (probably more than I already do..)....

>Anyway, I'm getting all dingy with excitement -- I better quit this email
>before I make a fool of myself!

Hehe.. I get dingy every time I open the door to my garage....

- - Dave

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Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 00:07:33 -0800
From: "Dave Price" <davep2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Droopy Doors Doors

>do get weak over time and need tightening up.  If this was done, and done
>in warm weather, then you will usually experience a droop in the doors in
>cold weather.  That is the result of the struts acting differently in
>different temperatures.  Wait till the weather is 'normal' and then
>adjust the torsion bars.  Then be prepared for a slight droop in cold
>weather and a slightly aggressive opening in hot weather.

Well, In my opinion, these doors need to be adjusted every season if you
have cold winters and hot summers.  Personally I'd rather that the doors
droop in the winter, rather than spring up and bounce in the summer.  
is no damage that could possibly be done to the car if the door is droopy,
however there is a lot of damage that could be done if the doors open too

I'm ordering a pair of lift supports from JC Whitney (they're little
spring-loaded props), so in the cold, I'll just help the door up, and
stay there. All you have to do is reach up and push it out of the way to
close the door...

- - Dave

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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 23:59:27 -0800
From: "Dave Price" <davep2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Door lock "Zilla"

>The drivers side door lock works fine on both locking and unlocking from
>the outside.  The passenger side will lock (with the drivers side) when I
>exit the car and lock it........BUT when going to UNLOCK from the drivers
>side, the passenger side does not unlock.  It works sometimes but I wonder
>if "Lockzilla" would solve this problem.  I'm pretty sure the solenoid is
>good as the prior owner had it worked on.  Anybody have the same symptom
>and has had a Lockzilla put in?   Perhaps some bend arms in there
>preventing it from unlocking on a consistant basis?  Any thoughts

I was having a similar problem.. I pulled the interior trim off the doors,
and manually applied voltage to the solenoids.. The driver's side solenoid
worked for closing and opening and the passenger side only worked one
Go figure..  I'd try that yourself and determine if it's your control
or the solenoid...

Can anyone tell me if this is a good way to test, or if damage could
(My locks weren't working so I thought "what the hay..")

- - Dave

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Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 00:02:02 -0800
From: "Dave Price" <davep2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: johnny lightning

>johnny lightning makes a 1:64 size replica of the time machine in bttf.
>but to get one you not only have to pay the 20 or so $$ for the car,
>which i have no problem with, but it seems that you have to pay a 15$
>membership to even get the opportunity to buy the car.
>i was wondering if anyone on the list was a member of johnny lightning,
>and would be willing to help me out with getting the car without getting
>the membership.
>any responses would be greatly appreciated!

Are you unable to find it at your local "Toys R Us", "Walmart", or

Maybe another list member can send you one?  I found three, one if which I
am going to remove the BTTF modifications from, the other I will leave in
the package, and the third I'll open and leave as-is..  If I run accross
another one, I'll let you know...(and send it to you if you'd like..) 
retail for $3.99

- -Dave

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Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 07:17:25 -0700 (MST)
From: raddad@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Re: Am I paying too much?


Yes, it's true that most of the DeLorean owners are handsome, intelligent
and sexy males.  However, we are always willing to accept cute, pretty,
intelligent and sexy females into the group.


Dick Ryan
VIN 16867

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Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 08:24:02 -0800
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Last Call

To all DML members:

This is a last reminder to all De Lorean limited edition model kit
reservation holders , that Friday is the reservation dead line. If you
a reservation and did not get my direct e-mail please contact me by phone
or direct e-mail.

On Saturday I will update the reservation list and convert it into a
conformation list. Any un claimed reservations will be cancelled and
on the waiting list will be moved into the vacant edition number slots.
confirmed edition owners will receive an owner ship confirmation via
over the week end.

Each waiting list person issued an edition number will be contacted
directly threw e-mail and given an opportunity to become an edition owner.

Any unclaimed edition numbers will be put on the open market once the
waiting list is exhausted. The kit price will go up at that time. Most of
the unclaimed kits are scheduled to be offered on the QVC home shopping
network at an outrageous price. The Kit will also be advertised in our De
Lorean World magazine soon.

Less than 50% of the reservation holders have responded to date, I urge
one still interested in one of the limited edition kits to drop me an
e-mail with Vin and License number. There is a very good chance that even
at this late date you could still get one of the remaining kits.

I would like to remind all that you can see what the kit looks like by
going to:

You will see that the edition is no longer just a donor kit upgrade to the
BTTF vinyl plastic model kit. Very little from the BTTF kit is now used in
the Limited Edition, and all will be replaced in the Frame kit now planned
for release later this year.

Also assembly tips and help will be available on the DMC Bulletin board
along with photos and illustrations. Edition holders will also be able to
contact both myself and our assembly authors on the bulletin board.

I would like to thank James E. for his support and help, with out which
this project would not have been possible.



If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me directly via
e-mail or by phone.

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End of dmcnews-digest V3 #468

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