dmcnews-digest V3 #433
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dmcnews-digest V3 #433

Title: dmcnews-digest V3 #433

dmcnews-digest        Sunday, October 25 1998        Volume 03 : Number 433

       In this issue:
        Re: DML: Re: DMC & A&E
        Re: DML: Re: Alternator??
        Re: re DML: Delorean self bleeder (again)
        DML: DMC:Steam Cleaning
        Re:  DML: A missing De
        DML: how do you remove the center a/c vents
        DML: Lowering
        Re: DML: DMC:Steam Cleaning
        DML: delorean viable?
        DML: Self Bleeder
        DML: GULLWINGS CARS! Change of Address and Update. 
        DML: Re: Delorean Dealer
        DML: Re: Brake fluid?
        DML: Mystery Delorean
        DML: Re: how do you remove the center a/c vents
        DML: RE: coil covers
        Re: DML: Re: Alternator??
        DML: Re: DMC:Steam Cleaning
        Re: DML: Re: DMC & A&E
        Re: DML: Re: Alternator??
        DML: Cooling Bleeder
        DML: Custom Made DeLorean's?
        DML: Was I kidding about Liquid Nitrogen?
        DML: Zine #3 Available Online
        Re: DML: CAR HISTORY
        Re: re DML: Delorean self bleeder (again)
        DML: DML Productions!
        Re: DML: DML Productions!
        Re: DML: delorean viable?
        Re: DML: Re: how do you remove the center a/c vents
        Re: DML: delorean viable?
        DML: Seat Covers
        DML: Delorean Models
        Re: DML: DML Productions!
        Re: DML: delorean viable?


Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 23:59:29 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Re: DMC & A&E

At 06:23 PM 10/22/98 -0400, you wrote:
>TV programs are produced not by viewer demand but by sponsorship support.
>Cable networks like A&E, Discovery, TNN, etc. are only carriers of
>that fit their target audience. The only way to influence the creation and
>production of a television program is to convince an advertiser why it
>would be beneficial for them to support the program you have in mind. Your
>best bet is to find a program that is similar to the type of show your
>looking to create, a classic auto show would be a good candidate, than
>check out who the advertisers are. Who ever the show "is bought to you by"
>is the best candidate. Remember, they are the ones that put up the mega
>bucks to produce the show. If they think your idea has merit they will
>produce a pilot and in turn show the pilot to the TV or cable network. If
>the network thinks the show fits their format and would pull a lot of
>viewers they would than contract the producer to do a series.
>Your heart is certainly in the right place but as much as you, I, and all
>of our friends love DeLoreans it is not "series" materiel. A one hour
>special might fit the bill. 
>In the early days of TV viewer demand could influence program choices,
>is; no more! It all boils down to the "mighty dollar". The sponsor is your
>target not the carrier.
>DMC Joe / DeLorean Services
> Send postings to "dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
> Before posting, search the archives!
> Thank you!


        Sorry to say this, but you are just way off base this time. I have worked
in the TV industry at some level sense 1976,  I am quite aware of how the
industry works and while I am not personally doing any thing directly, our
(Radiance Software's) subsidiary E' Luminaire Studios is currently in
production on a number of TV projects. As winner of a TV EMMY for best
technical achievement, and having work in the industry,  I stand by my

        You should go back and re-read my post, I did not suggest that viewer
demand was the secret. And by the way you are wrong about the sponsors
in the TV programming these days. You have been watching to many Bewitched
episodes. The cable market and advertising business is quite different as
well, I know, "we" produce a number of spots for very well known
basically you have it backwards. snip<..."It all boils down to the "mighty
dollar"...> my aching a**, Yes it must be those nasty greedy corporate
monsters again.

        If I did not think there was any chance that such an effort would work I
would not bother to suggest it in the first place or go to the trouble of
researching the correct address and information to support the effort.

        By way of example: I have at this very moment a letter from a client
asking advice on what existing shows I think might enhance their products
and possible content ideas that "we" could produce to meet scheduling
deadlines for open time slots. The industry simply does not work as you
suggest it does.


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Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 23:11:13 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Re: Alternator??

At 05:35 PM 10/22/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Sounds like, I mean smells like your alternator is dead, you have probably
>burnt up the diodes. Replacement alternators are available from all of the
>major DeLorean parts suppliers.
>DMC Joe / DeLorean Services
> Send postings to "dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
> Before posting, search the archives!
> Thank you!

You should also be able to get rebuilt and new alternators from local car
parts and alternators shops. I had mine rebuilt to a plus 90amps at a
shop, and so far it's been just fine.


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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 00:06:45 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: re DML: Delorean self bleeder (again)

At 08:17 PM 10/22/98 -0000, you wrote:

 >Difficulty in finding the parts is why it's worth buying the kit from
>Arnie for 17 bucks.

Hay Dave,

        What is Arnie's e-mail or mailing address?   I want one too!


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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 08:36:56 EDT
From: ToniLFHS98@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: DMC:Steam Cleaning

To All,
I am think of getting my engine compartment steam cleaned before putting
away for the winter.  Is there any thing I should be aware of on steam
cleaning an engine.  I am planning on having it done by a detail shop. 
advice from you all will be appreciated.

VIN# 2157

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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 10:16:29 EDT
From: NOSLACK686@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re:  DML: A missing De

If you want to see a real nice Delorean, go visit the Jag Shop in Pompano
Beach during business hours. He's got a nice show car sitting in his
place. If
you are lucky, you can get stuck in traffic going south on 95- this will
you enough time to check things out - if you look to the right after
Blvd. You will see the shop with several Deloreans out front waiting for


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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 12:15:45 -0400
From: "Larry Shulan" <lshulan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: how do you remove the center a/c vents

I need to pull out my radio (in the hopes I can have a broken off shaft =
replaced) and know you can remove it thru the vent opening but have not =
been able to get the vents out - do they just pop out and are there any =
tricks to it?  Also, was reading in the archives about how hard it was =
to hook up the hoses to the vent (they must be attached correctly now as =
the vents work fine).  Any hints on this too?  tks Larry #1409

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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 12:43:39 +0000
From: ausmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Lowering


If anyone is really interested in lowering their car via the method
described in SSI on page 110 have I got a deal for you. Mine was
lowered via this method and I have a set of springs all ready to go.
I didn't like it at this height and don't recommend it, but if you
are determined, make me an offer. I've even got a set of spring
compressors I'll loan out.


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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 17:23:07 EDT
From: JSteuben@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: DMC:Steam Cleaning

Hi TK,
Don't!  Unless you trust the steam cleaners to take the time to avoid
blasting the heat shields at the cat and at the muffler, don't do it.  The
steam cleaning process will destroy the shields.  The last time I looked,
were still expensive as Hell and a bit of a pain to replace.  Also, unless
your car has been totally ignored and is covered with grime, think twice
forcing water into all of those potential rust zones under the car. 
that's my
2 cents worth, Joe

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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 17:05:00 -0400
From: Donald - SA Intern <saintern@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: delorean viable?

Hello all,
hopefully i can get a few straight answers on this, i am now 17 and
shopping for my first car. I have the money for a delorean and am
seriously looking at a $13k car w 80k that was a restoration by PJ Grady
and is mechanically great. But, i just want to know....even though its a
great car( i will get one later if not now)should a person in my
situation buy it or go for a more conserative car like a honda ...ect. I
know many of you will say that the car is so unique and is worth the $,
and believe me...i'm a huge delorean fan...PJ Grady is only a 10 min
ride from my house...but paying $4500 a year in collision insurance
kinda takes the coolness away from owning the car along with the annual
repair fixes , ect. Is it expensive, especialy if the car ends up being
not all it seems, and can they REALY be a daily driver?Are there any
others out there my age that are owners?
Any and all thoughts and comments will help alot as i will make the big
decision in about a month , and can't afford at this point a $13,000
mistake that can't be sold fast if i can't afford it in the end. Also
any insurance suggestions will help as this is the reason i might not
buy my dream car.
Thanks alot
Donald Kazmark

VIN:....eagerly waiting......still......

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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:18:20 +0000
From: ausmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Self Bleeder


I called Arnie Brandon to get his permission before posting his
address and phone number. Got his answering machine. As soon as I
hear from him I'll either post them or not, depending on his wishes.

I have one of his kits on my car and it's great. All parts and
directions are included. Saves a lot of footwork.


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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:22:53 -0700
From: Alex Krochmal <alexk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: GULLWINGS CARS! Change of Address and Update. 

Change of Address and Update. 
My new address is
And it is updated too!

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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 13:01:52 -0400
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Delorean Dealer

We have several clients in Tennessee were located in Atlanta. If we're too
far for you check out Import Auto Specialists in Forest Grove, 503
DMC Joe / DeLorean Services

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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 13:05:15 -0400
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Brake fluid?

Castrol .4 available at most auto parts and some Kmarts is what your
looking for.
DMC Joe / DeLorean Services

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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 19:32:43 EDT
From: "James Fay" <jfjr@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Mystery Delorean

I've seen a Delorean riding around my small town of Closter, NJ.  I was
wondering if anyone knew of the owner.


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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 14:35:38 -0700
From: "Dave Price" <davep2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: how do you remove the center a/c vents

>I need to pull out my radio (in the hopes I can have a broken off shaft =
>replaced) and know you can remove it thru the vent opening but have not =
>been able to get the vents out - do they just pop out and are there any =
>tricks to it?

The vent is secured by little clips along the inner edge of the vent
You should be able to see the little cutouts along the edge, use a thin
flathead screwdriver or something to push the clip inward..  be very
careful, the vents are made of very low-grade plastic, and break easily.
Once the clips aren't securing the vents, they do just pull out.

>Also, was reading in the archives about how hard it was =
>to hook up the hoses to the vent (they must be attached correctly now as =
>the vents work fine).  Any hints on this too?  tks Larry #1409

Well, I've pulled my vents off a few times, and heating the rubber hoses
with a hair dryer helped some... but it's a pain in the rear, and even
harder if you have the radio in.  I've just pulled the console trim off to
do radio-related work, and put the radio in last...

- - Dave

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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 17:38:14 +0000
From: "darryl@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <darryl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: coil covers

ARGGGGHH!   Not DeLorean One!  DeLorean Motor Center is repro-ing them,
I believe DeLorean Motor Co. in Houston may have found some originals in
KAPAC stuff.  Contact either, or I can get one for you.  Darryl @
Automotive, WA 360-495-4640

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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:50:09 -0700
From: "Dave Price" <davep2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Re: Alternator??

>You should also be able to get rebuilt and new alternators from local car
>parts and alternators shops. I had mine rebuilt to a plus 90amps at a
>shop, and so far it's been just fine.

While on the subject of alternators...  Is there a standard alternator
that can bolt onto our cars without any special bracket? (i.e. GM, etc..)
I'd like to get one of those 130-150amp units, but I'm not too thrilled
about fabricating a special bracket.  Thanks!

- - Dave

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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 21:19:33 -0400
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: DMC:Steam Cleaning

I know were not supposed to do "me too" postings but this is important. As
mentioned by another list member; DO NOT STEAM CLEAN THE ENGINE. You can
a very good job yourself. Get yourself some degreaser like Westleys Bleach
White, Fantastic, Etc. and lots of rags. Actually Westey's is my choice.
Caution! try not to breath the vapors this is a strong product. Spray a
section at a time than stand back for at least 30 seconds, than wipe the
area with a rag. This is best done out doors. Use a small paint brush to
reach the nooks and crannies. After you have done the entire engine and
surrounding areas try a touch of Armorall or equivalent to bring
to a nice shine. Don't knock yourself out, just do what you can see.
DMC Joe / DeLorean Services

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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 23:15:41 -0400
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Re: DMC & A&E

Please accept my apology, I'm sorry if I deflated your well researched
information. I guess my knowledge is too broadcast oriented. Believe it or
not I have never watched "Bewitched" but I am glad to see that we are both
in the same business. Actually I have a few years on you, I started my
broadcast carrier as an engineer/camera operator in 1966 at ABC and NBC
Network Operations in NYC, Sesame Street and several MTV projects are also
among my credits. I now specialize in directing multi camera live
productions and occasionally am contracted as a studio production
consultant. I was lucky enough recently to marry TV and DeLoreans when I
was contacted by ABC New York to do consulting for their "Spin City"
promo's. I still love broadcasting and DeLoreans so I too would love to
our fabulous cars in some type of a TV product. If I can help you in any
way let me know.
DMC Joe / DeLorean Services

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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 23:18:08 -0400
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Re: Alternator??

Lee is correct just be sure its not the infamous "Ducillier".
DMC Joe / DeLorean Services
- ----------
> From: lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: DML: Re: Alternator??
> Date: Friday, October 23, 1998 2:11 AM
> At 05:35 PM 10/22/98 -0400, you wrote:
> >Yugoman,
> >Sounds like, I mean smells like your alternator is dead, you have
> >burnt up the diodes. Replacement alternators are available from all of
> >major DeLorean parts suppliers.
> >DMC Joe / DeLorean Services
> >

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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 22:27:55 +0000
From: ausmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Cooling Bleeder


Just talked to Arnie and got his permission to post for the cooling
system bleeder kit ( full time ) he sells. Complete kit with
instructions is $17.00 plus $4.00 S&H. Total $21.00 to;

Arnie Brandon
12839 SE 45th Place
Bellevue, WA  98006

This kit will cure any overheating problem you have due to trapped
air. The preceding was my own opinion. Works for me.


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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 02:07:35 -0700
From: mike atkinson <mikeatk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Custom Made DeLorean's?

We recently purchased our DeLorean in Pleasanton, California and had it
shipped to us here in Chandler, Az.  When the car arrived the driver
told me about a small shop across and down the street a little ways from
where we had bought our car that was building frames for the DeLorean by
hand as well as custom made interiors and where planning on using
factory frames to finish the car.

I thought this must be Perma Frame of  Pearce Design.  However I now see
that they are in Illinois.  Has anyone heard of this shop.  I'm not
interested in this, just curious since I haven't read anything about it
on the dmcnews or elsewhere.



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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 02:16:31 -0700
From: mike atkinson <mikeatk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Since there seems to be such a great amont of assistance, help and
information available on this great car from all the owners and clubs.
I was wondering if there might be a way of finding some past history on
our car.  Maybe through a club in the area where we bought it or a
friend of a friend type of thing.

If this is off topic for the group then I'll drop it.


Mike Atkinson


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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 10:08:28 -0500
From: "Kemp, Nick (MN10)" <nick.kemp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Was I kidding about Liquid Nitrogen?

Desperate people do desperate things. 

When troubleshooting, one needs to move through a progression of analysis
starting with obvious to not so obvious, possibly from damage free to
potentially more damaging.  When normal effort applied to a wrench does
work, the next steps are to apply progressively more assistance.  As each
incremental measures does not work, you need to consider that the next
measure may cause damage and at each point it is prudent to select
techniques that minimize the potential damage.  Applying liquid nitrogen
make sense if this could be the least damaging alternative and other
reasonable alternatives did not work.  Your point is well taken that this
technique may not be a damage free route.  On the other hand, a longer
handled tool is not without risk as any member of the "OH S---, I just
the bolt" club knows.

It was just an idea that may have worked ( or maybe not) if things started
looking REALLY desperate.

Note:  It is common practice, in some assembly procedures, to assemble two
parts by raising the temperature of one and cooling the other.  The heated
one expands and the cool one shrinks enough for the two to fit together.
Once normal temperature is reached, the two are so snug that they cannot
move.  If I recall correctly, tractor ring gears are assembled into axle
bell housings this way as well as some gears onto shafts.  Trying to press
them apart results in damage to one or both parts.  The only chance,
(very) small, is to try to get them to expand/shrink like when they were

:-)  NK 
Lifetime member of the "OH S---, I just broke the bolt" club.

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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 98 12:58:44 -0000
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Zine #3 Available Online

The latest edition of DMC-News, the 'zine, is now available for download.
This issue was was distributed in printed form at the DOA Expo in Los
Angeles and was a smash hit. Contents of Issue #3 include:

Cincinnati Show report
Tankzilla Installation
Luggage Rack installation
Mode Switch Rebuild Instructions
140MPH Speedo Kit Article
Regional Club news
And more...

The 'zine has a new format and design with this issue, many thanks to
DML'er Travis Graham for his assistance in preparing it. Additional
thanks go out to all of those who contributed to this issue:

Mike Griese
Bruce Benson
Scott Mueller
Marty Maier
Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club
DeLorean Club of Ohio
DeLorean Club of Oregon
DeLorean Mid-Atlantic

NOTE: Due to the new format and increased content, this is 6.3MB download
and requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader software (avaialble free from

Send complaints to me, praise to the list! Thanks!

James Espey
Moderator, DeLorean Mailing List

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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 98 13:07:37 -0000
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>

On 10/24/98 9:15 AM, mike atkinson shared these fine thoughts...

>Since there seems to be such a great amont of assistance, help and
>information available on this great car from all the owners and clubs.
>I was wondering if there might be a way of finding some past history on
>our car.  Maybe through a club in the area where we bought it or a
>friend of a friend type of thing.

Best way to start is to post the VIN, many clubs and individuals keep
track of VINs. I was able to get a full hisotry on mine by going down to
the "big" DMV office in Phoenix and having them pull the history on the
car. Even though the car was purchased in Minnesota, moved to Indiana and
then to Phoenix, they all copies of all the paperwork since new. Cost was
about $15 - downside was you had to go in person and do it.

James Espey

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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 10:55:53 -1000
From: "Thomas Smithson" <tsassoc@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: re DML: Delorean self bleeder (again)

Lee, As I recall, the self bleeder assembly is $21.00 for non-members and
$17.00 for members of the Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club. I live in
and am a member because of the great support PNDC gives members, parts
conversion lists and newsletters for only $20.00 per year.  Contact Gary
Hull (Arnie's son-in-law) at (425) 822-1749.  I have this bleeder system
my D and I never have air in my lines or any overheating problems! Aloha!
Thom Smithson
VIN# 3089
- -----Original Message-----
From: lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, October 23, 1998 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: re DML: Delorean self bleeder (again)

>At 08:17 PM 10/22/98 -0000, you wrote:
> >Difficulty in finding the parts is why it's worth buying the kit from
>>Arnie for 17 bucks.

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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 13:59:12 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DML Productions!

                        Stainless Horizon

I was Just sitting today doing a minor repair to my knee brace and
about the exchange between Joe and me when it suddenly struck me!

The DML could be the perfect foundation to "make the DeLorean story".

Sounds like a nutty Idea I know but just for a moment consider the
following facts.

1.      With 1100 members the DML could raise a bare minimum of $100,000. to
finance production. Just suppose that each member would be willing to
invest 100 dollars each at say $10 a month, an amount easily affordable by
any one.

2.      Out of the 1100 members I would guess there are many professional with
skills and resources that could be used in the production of a 1hour - 90
minute feature.

3.      There is no doubt that among the 1100 DML members all the information
needed to produce such a project is already in hand. Including access to
the key element, JZD himself. There is no doubt in my mind that JZD would
be most happy to get a chance to tell his story.

4.      Selling the project once completed will not be the real risk in such a
DML produced project, Completing the project will be the real challenge.
Such questions as is such a project a risky investment and can such a
project be success only time can tell.

5.      There are secondary benefits to a successful production, the most
immediate is the value of the DMC's on the market.

        The above thoughts are just that ideas that could become a reality. That
reality depends on our infamous leader "The Es'", after all the DML is his
and looks to him for direction and support. I am not saying it would be
easy nor am I suggesting that there is any guarantee of success. I do
suggest that some of us 1100 members may very well see some potential and
might like to get together and discuss the possibilities. It can all start
as just an e-mail or two between DML members, Our leader might even set up
a closed space to promote a dialogue.

        Well as I said, is just a thought that drifted in which I wanted to


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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 16:39:10 -0500 (CDT)
From: Dan Rosenstein <dr4@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: DML Productions!


I am a student, new to the list, and I would be willing to put up 100
dollars (or 10 dollars a month) to see the Delorean Story made.

who else is in?

Dan Rosenstein
ACM President
Washington University

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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 16:53:04 EDT
From: NJP548@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: delorean viable?

<< Are there any
 others out there my age that are owners? >>
Hey Donald,

  My name is Nick.  I am 16 and I have a De Lorean.  My car has a black
interior and is a 5speed, it only has 30,000 original Miles and it only
me $6500.  I think it is well worth it to have the car as your first one,
did it.  I am also about 30 minutes from P.J Grady's so If you want, you
come over to see my car.  Its not on the road yet but its a start. 
E-mail me
personally if interested.


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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 14:50:18 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Re: how do you remove the center a/c vents

At 02:35 PM 10/23/98 -0700, you wrote:
>>I need to pull out my radio (in the hopes I can have a broken off shaft =
>>replaced)  ...............................>Well, I've pulled my vents off
a few times, and heating the rubber hoses
>with a hair dryer helped some... but it's a pain in the rear, and even
>harder if you have the radio in. .............................Snip, Snip

Hi Guys,

I went all through this and had no luck at first re-assembling the vent
hoses, so I called Delorean One, and got a great tip from Ed Brenstine on
reassembling the hoses and vents.

First pop out the air deflectors leaving the Vent housing empty. The
deflectors pop out in the very same way as the whole vent assembly does.
(there is a small black "O" ring on the inside of each deflector, don't
loose it).

Using a wire coat hanger cut and bend it into a very shallow "S" shape
one end formed in to a loop. Place both rubber hoses part #101697 in place
(Square ends out), then position the vent frame in place with the two open
ends against the back of the frame. Using the "S" tool loop end in, work
the hose end out and around the vent neck, as you work you push gently on
the whole vent, this will allow you to get first one side then the other
seated worth the soft rubber hose on the out side of the vent housing,
you have both vent hoses in place you can push the vent into place until
you hear and feel the locking tabs snap into place. Taking care to hold
black "O" rings in place snap the two air deflectors in place one at a

And that's it! Once you get the hang of pushing on the vent frame and
working the "S" tool you should be able to re-install the vent assembly in
just a minute or so.

I hope this helps!


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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 20:50:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: Bill Wilson <fluffy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: delorean viable?

On Fri, 23 Oct 1998, Donald - SA Intern wrote:

> hopefully i can get a few straight answers on this, i am now 17 and
> shopping for my first car. I have the money for a delorean and am

Good choice. :}

> seriously looking at a $13k car w 80k that was a restoration by PJ Grady
> and is mechanically great. But, i just want to know....even though its a

That's a good price.  Call PJ Grady and ask his opinion of the car before
you buy it.  He might be willing to tell you if there are any special
quirks you should know about.  $13K is an EXCELLENT price for any restored

> great car( i will get one later if not now)should a person in my
> situation buy it or go for a more conserative car like a honda ...ect. I

If you've got the money, by all means go for it.  The cars aren't
unreliable, they're quirky.  The engine has been build into tens of
thousands of Volvos and many, many of them have well over 200,000 miles,
and several DeLoreans have this many as well.  The key is to not overheat
them and change the oil regularly.  Especially with your proximity to PJ

> ride from my house...but paying $4500 a year in collision insurance

Ouch.  Well, you have a few choices here.  First, look for a better
insurance company.  There are several DMC owners under age 20 who pay less
than half that for full coverage.  You also have the option of buying a
small, cheap car for $2000-$4000 and insuring it as your daily driver,
then you can declare the DeLorean as your pleasure car.  If you do this
you also have the option of calling a classic car insurer such as Hagerty,
they place no mileage restrictions but you must have another car to drive
to work etc.  You might want to do this anyway.  When I finally manage to
afford a D (should be in ~6 months) I fully intend to hang onto my Geo and
do something very similar to this.  You might actually save money, and
then you don't have to be worried about maniacs in SUV's who think that
4WD is an excuse to drive in winter like it's the Indy 500.  There are
going to be conditions when you would rather be driving something other
than the DeLorean.  :}

Also, once you've had insurance for a year, your rates will drop
dramatically - mine went down 50% after the first year.  Turning 18, 21,
then 25 will also lower your rates.  (once past 25 it doesn't make any

> repair fixes , ect. Is it expensive, especialy if the car ends up being
> not all it seems, and can they REALY be a daily driver?Are there any
> others out there my age that are owners?

There are a lot of daily drivers out there.  There are probably more cars
out there that are driven only occasionally compared to every day, but
it's due more to the uniqueness of the car than any unreliability.  Most
people that have the DeLorean don't want to drive it every day because
they don't want to risk them or wear them out driving it every day.  Also
most DeLorean owners tend to own other cars as well.  But that doesn't
mean the DeLorean isn't suitable to drive every day.

> decision in about a month , and can't afford at this point a $13,000
> mistake that can't be sold fast if i can't afford it in the end. Also

Well, you'll be able to sell it, of course.  The bottom isn't going to
fall out of the market anytime soon.

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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 18:28:05 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Seat Covers

After much trepidation,

        After several conversations with our fearless leader learning about the
off's and on's of seat covers and finding a mysterious tool known as "HOG"
nosed players I attacked my seat cover project this week end.

        So by Monday or so I should have a set of seat covers (original OEM
They are in excellent shape with two hand sewn (undetectable) seams
(Broken thread). Rather than just throw them away, I thought some one in
need of a set to replace their own might like having them. I must stress
that these seat covers are in very good shape and but for the fact that I
have brand new leather seats I am installing I would not think of

        Any one interested can drop me an e-mail at:

        lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx or lee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        And we can discuss a very reasonable price.........


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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 22:08:11 EDT
From: WINGD2@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Delorean Models

Last week I posted a note about a new Delorean model being made by a
called Autosclupt.  Well, I just received mine today and I must say I'm
impressed.  The car is about  4 inches long  ( 1/43 sacle ? ) and is
out of a resin / aluminum mix that looks like peweter and is then
The car is molded in one piece with no working parts, but comes mounted
on a
roadway type base. The detail is fantastic, from the tail light lenses
down to the DMC logo on the grill. It makes for a very nice display piece.
Cost is $42each.
Anyone interested in these can contact:  Lori Newby at  Morris Manor
Collectables at:  253-891-2775    or e-mail at :  morrcoll@xxxxxxxxxx

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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 19:25:26 -0500
From: scottmueller@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Mueller)
Subject: Re: DML: DML Productions!

lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>                         Stainless Horizon
> I was Just sitting today doing a minor repair to my knee brace and
> thinking
> about the exchange between Joe and me when it suddenly struck me!
> The DML could be the perfect foundation to "make the DeLorean story".
> Sounds like a nutty Idea I know but just for a moment consider the
> following facts.
> 1.      With 1100 members the DML could raise a bare minimum of $100,000. to
> finance production. Just suppose that each member would be willing to
> invest 100 dollars each at say $10 a month, an amount easily affordable by
> any one.

> Lee

Lee, Count me in.  What do yo think we could sell this "production" for.

My wife always wants to know what the bottom line is before she will
allow me to invest in anything.  For all you unmarried guys out there,
believe me, its always easier if your spouse agrees with the investments
that you make.

Scott mueller

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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 23:30:00 EDT
From: ToniLFHS98@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: delorean viable?

Hi Don,
Sender: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Since you asked for advice.  Here is my 2 cents worth of opinion.

The DeLorean is a very attractive car to drive and own but it is more
as a second or third car then daily use.  I am sure there will be a lot of
folks out there that may disagree with me, but the following are my
and you can use your own judgment as to what it's worth.

1. It is not a car that the average mechanic can fix or parts readily
available ( some garage won't even want to work on it because they are not
familiar with it). So if you needs it on a daily bases,  it will not be a
choice unless you are very handy and can do most of the work yourself
otherwise you have to budget some money for maintenance.
2.  The insurance is very high especially for your age group.  You most
probably can save 40 to 50% of your $4500.00 in insurance with a Honda or
other smaller car.
3.  The resell market on a DeLorean is not as easy as a regular car
unless you
want to sell it at a below market price.

Just my two cents for what it's worth.  I am sure it will generate a lot
opposing responses.  I know there are a lot of guys out there using it on
daily bases but I can bet you that the DeLorean is not their only car.


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End of dmcnews-digest V3 #433

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