dmcnews-digest V3 #426
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dmcnews-digest V3 #426

Title: dmcnews-digest V3 #426

dmcnews-digest       Wednesday, October 14 1998       Volume 03 : Number 426

       In this issue:
        DML: sighting...
        DML: Moulded plastic dash tops
        Re: DML: Crash Test Video
        DML: 140MPH Speedo's and Brake lines
        Re: DML: 3rd Brake Light
        Re: DML: Crash Test Video
        Re: DML: USING FLOOR JACK ON DeLorean
        DML: RE: No Gas!
        DML: DeLorean for sale
        DML: Re: USING FLOOR JACK ON DeLorean
        DML: Inspector Gadget DeLorean?
        DML: rebuilding brakes
        DML: door struts / air conditioning
        DML: RE: Re: USING FLOOR JACK ON DeLorean
        DML: Re: rebuilding brakes
        DML: DMC Stuff
        DML: New owner
        DML: Re: door struts / air conditioning
        DML: constantly drained battery; unseen circumstances
        DML: voltage readings vs amperage output
        DML: Anticipating Ken's Cleveland 2000 DeLorean Show
        DML: Phone Number needed
        Re: DML: JZD gets reprieve in sale of estate
        DML: another sighting
        DML: Jag Shop
        DML: Re: certificate
        Re: DML: New owner
        DML: New discoveries
        Re: DML: Jag Shop
        Mesa Auto Works (was DML: Phone Number needed)
        Re: DML: door struts / air conditioning
        Re: DML: JZD gets reprieve in sale of estate
        DML: Set of grey seat covers and backs for sale
        DML: Re: voltage readings vs amperage output
        DML: RE: Re: door struts / air conditioning


Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 18:17:23 -0400
From: Gerald Deutsch <Jerry1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: sighting...

Well, I think that everybody will be interested in this post:
        My name is Dan and I live in New Jersey. My family and I were on our =
way to a family affair in north Jersey today. On our way up Rt.202 & 206 =
in Bridgewater, I saw a really nice car. It was a car that I've always =
admired. An Acura NSX. And it was red. I was thinking, "wow, what a =
beautiful car." As we were passing it, I was truly admiring it. It was =
very clean and looked new. But then I noticed something even more =
interesting. What was so interesting you ask? (I'm sure most of you have =
guessed by this point.) The driver. Yes, John Z. himself driving his =
very own NSX. I was flipping out. I screamed at my father to slow the =
minivan down, but he didn't. I was pretty mad at him for not doing that. =
Then John took his exit and was probably on the way back to his estate. =
I couldn't belive it. I mean, what are the chances of this happening? =
Very slim I would say. So, I just thought that I would share my =
experience with all of you.

- ---Dan Vin.# 5493


Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 22:45:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Dave Price" <davep@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Moulded plastic dash tops

Hello all!

I'm sure you've all seen at auto parts places or catalogs, these moulded
plastic dash covers.  I personally feel this item would be great for our
cars in look and function, however, I've yet to find a company that makes
one for DeLoreans.  I've emailed one company and here is the response I

<< Dave,

Our parts are generally priced at between $50 to $150, and in order to
justify making a new mold, we have to be assured of selling 500 to 700
dashtops over the course of a year, or it isn't cost effective.

I would be happy to approach the team and try to convince them in
doing it at this time, but I will need some help.

Is there a club that you know of, or perhaps some catalogue that would
buy parts from us in quantity that you could provide me with.  It will
help in making my arguement to do it now.

Feel free to call me here in Northern California if you would like to
talk about it.    (650) 493-7919

Joe Sparaco
dashtop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx >>

I wrote back with the Names/Numbers/Websites of the major DMC service
centers, as well as the DOA and DMCNews ...  I would suggest that any
interested parties email or call this company or the parts suppliers..
500-700 units doesn't seem too far off, does it?  It would be great
preventative maintenance, or to cover up a cracked dash for far less $$
what it costs for a new one.


Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 06:06:29 +0100
From: "Martin Gutkowski (UK)" <>
Subject: Re: DML: Crash Test Video

According to the "Back from the Future" Documentary for UTV and available
from the DOA, some tests were conducted at 40mph, and not the statutory
30mph. This could explain the extra damage.

One also must remember that the more the car distorts, as long as it
interfere with the driver's body, the more energy is absorbed. The
has a space where the engine would "normally" be thus allowing the front
to crush far more than in a front-engined car, and (I imagine) having less
effect on the occupants.

BTW, there was some discussion on the subject of airbags. At one point,
DeLorean was to become the first production car to be fitted with an
and I have seen (god knows where) a picture of a prototype with airbag.


ShadowDMC@xxxxxxx wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have not so good news to report.  I remember a while back someone asked
> about how the car faired in crash tests and it was down right scary. I
> had the
> pleasure of meeting another DeLorean owner in the South Florida area and
> it
> just so happend that he had a video of the crash test.  This short 2
> second
> clip was part of a Discovery Channel special a few months ago on crash
> tests.
> The crash test was a standard head on crash with a wall. Although you
> couldn't
> see the aftermath of the crash test the impact mostly said it all. The
> front
> of the car was compeatly crushed and the driver door opened half way on
> impact. Also the car bent upwards on impact.  As soon as we can transfer
> the
> video to AVI or MOV format I'll post it on my website.
> Orlando Lopez
> #06882


Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 14:49:19 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: 140MPH Speedo's and Brake lines

If you are thinking about doing the 140MPH Speedo from Marty
(WINGD2@xxxxxxx) here is a review of the process.

I decided I liked the 140MPH speedo set up, so I ordered one from Marty to
use with a "New Speedo" from PJ Grady. Which was anything but new. All the
steel parts were rusty. (I knew it was 27 years old). When the speedo
arrived the trip reset arm was broken and needed to be replaced.

When I found out Marty was also offering stainless break lines i contacted
him to get a set. To my great surprise and wonderment when I explained to
Marty the condition of the Speedo and the fact I had ordered it in the 170
configuration, Marty volunteered to remove the 170 speedo face, fix it
recondition it, re calibrate it and apply the new speedo face. I called
PJ's and they were more than happy to send Marty the repair part, which
they did. Rob was very helpful and explained that there was a basic design
defect in the reset arm and that they had a bad history of breaking.

Marty did a great job in doing my Speed, which now sits waiting to be
installed. I would and do recommend that if you ever have an occasion to
any kind of business with him you can feel confident that he will do his
level best to complete what ever he starts.

In all of this the reset arm was broken again in shipment and I was
forced to work up a repair that corrected the original week ness. This has
been done so any one who has a broken trip reset arm. to can be repaired
matter how badly it is broken. I haven't worked out who would do this
Marty my self or Rob but this annoying problem has been resolved.

BTW no one should fault either PJ Grady's or Marty for the breakage that
plagued my speedo project, they both have my respect and trust.

BTW2 The break lines are great, if you haven't gotten a set you should!
the cost is probably the best investment you could even make. They could
make the difference between an accident and safety.



Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 23:54:46 -0700
From: mike atkinson <mikeatk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Tonight I used  a floor jack to raise the left rear tire on my
DeLorean.  I checked the owners manual first to verify where I should
lift it from.  While raising it slowly I heard a popping noise which
sounded like it came from underneath the car and then again which
sounded as if it came from the roof.

I decided to take a look around and underneath the car while it was up.
I found the left side of the transmission mount was broken.  I just
purchased this car last week so I don't really know what condition its
in yet.  Could I have done this when I raised it with the floor jack.
Is it O.K. to raise the car in this manner or should I have used another

Thanks for your advise

Mike Atkinson



Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 00:42:29 -0500
From: Thomas Bohmier <Bohmier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: 3rd Brake Light

I have one just like it on my 1983 DMC. The folks at DMC Houston said it
appeared to by from a Corvette.

Thomas Bohmier
Dallas,  Texas

Marc A Levy wrote:

> Wow! This looks good!
> Anyone know the source of the light?


Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 03:19:51 EDT
From: KayoOng@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Crash Test Video

I understand that when Mr. John Z. DeLorean first started to design the
he wanted it to be with Gullwing doors. 

His next consideration and aim was to do it with "safety" in mind.  The
factor was the ability of the occupants to survive a crash.  This was the
primary goal and the number one importance of his design?  The vehicle's
end is engineered to "collapse correctly" upon impact.  Check out the
why there are notches on the front end of the chassis.  Planned and
predetermine "folding and collapsing" of the front end when there is an

The doors also have a heavy beam "built in" for the side impact.  This
"impact beam" across the door is why the doors weight so much as they do.

The strength of the new resin plastic and the clam shell design of the
that he used back in the 1980s was also a big help in the vehicle's crash
ability upon the impact and roll overs.  

If it wasn't for all these major point of his engineering, I think the
test you people are viewing be much would be worst.

I always remember in the "pre-introduction" days and the years that the
was being sold.  They stressed the fact that it was a safer car then any
sports cars in the world.  It can with stand an impact or a crash better
all the other sports cars that it rivaled at that period of time.  I
never saw
facts and figures to this claim, but that is what I kept hearing back in
years from dealers all supports of the DeLorean. 

When the DMC-12 was first introduced and being sold, I never like the
front of
the nose being so high.  I did not purchase the DMC-12 at its
introduction in
1981 because the front of the vehicle did not strike me in its looks.  In
opinion, the nose was too high.  I would like it being a little lower in
height.  More sloping, starting at least from half of the head lights up
the windshield.  The reasons why the front of the vehicle looks the way it
does?  They told me it was to conform to the engineering design in
keeping the
vehicle's crash ability and for other safety requirements of D.O.T., etc.,
etc., etc., or yadah, yadah, yadah.

In either case, no crash is a good crash!

Kayo Ong
Lic 9D  NY


Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 01:03:05 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: USING FLOOR JACK ON DeLorean

At 11:54 PM 10/10/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Tonight I used  a floor jack to raise the left rear tire on my
>DeLorean.  I checked the owners manual first to verify where I should
>lift it from.  While raising it slowly I heard a popping noise which
>sounded like it came from underneath the car and then again which
>sounded as if it came from the roof.
>I decided to take a look around and underneath the car while it was up.
>I found the left side of the transmission mount was broken.  I just
>purchased this car last week so I don't really know what condition its
>in yet.  Could I have done this when I raised it with the floor jack.
>Is it O.K. to raise the car in this manner or should I have used another
>Thanks for your advise
>Mike Atkinson


        You will get an assortment of answers so don't be surprised if my
does not agree with others to follow.

        First there are six (6) points you can lift (jack) up the DMC from. They
are the four OEM jacks points just in front of the rear wheels and just
behind the front wheels. You will see a dimple in the "Jack pad" that is
supposed to capture the jack end and prevents slippage from the hardened
jack point to the softer FRP under-body.
 where damage can occur. You also have two steel cross beams that you can
use providing you lift from the center of the beam half way between the
right and left side.
        The DMC body is quite flexible, so much so that windshields have been
broken just jacking up the DMC to change a front tire. From that you
described you may very well have broken the engine mounts. With out seeing
the actual breakage there is no way for any one to tell if you broke in
good condition parts or if they were rusted. You will have to repair the
broken mounts before you drive the DMC any distance.
        I use a floor jack all the time, but I have a 2X6" block I use as a pad
and always use the cross beam lifting at the bean center. If I want to
for any length of time I put the DMC on Jack stands which are placed at
normal jack points.



Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 08:59:02 -0400
From: Mike Griese <magriese@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: No Gas!


The latest edition of the 'zine has instructions on how
to remove and replace the fuel pump sealing ring.
That's about 80% of the work required to replace the
pump.  Two electrical connections, and a fuel line
is the only remaining disconnects to remove the pump.

Michael A. Griese
IBM Storage Systems Division
Rochester, MN  55901
Internet: magriese@xxxxxxxxxx

'81 DeLorean #2135


Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 13:49:54 -0400
From: John Murray <jwmurray@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DeLorean for sale

Hello List,

        I am reluctlantly offering for sale my 1981 5spd, black leather,
gas flap in hood,  23K miles, runs great, looks awesome, has DMC
Houstons lowering springs(all 4) new girling shocks, all new suspension
bushings, new steering rack, tie rod ends, steering shaft, radiator, all
cooling hoses, all relays, steel header bottle, alternator, all 6
struts(hood, doors, louvre)new a/c accum., evap., lockzilla, wheels
media blasted and refinished, new Yoko's all round, new brake pads all
round, front calipers rebuilt w/new pistons and seals, needs windows
repaired(drivers needs to be placed back on track,motor sill works, and
passenger needs new motor)radio(org craig!)works sometimes, but shows
nothing on display(flex plate prob)last owner of car replaced clutch
line with SS one, replaced slave cylender, water pump, I replaced angle
drive, lower speedo cable, and adapter cup(speedo did not function when
I purchased car)tail light boards replaced with Grady units, fuel pump
is perfect. Electrically this car is fine. Cooling wise this car is
great(as evidenced by all those HOT summer days in Florida with the A/C
blastin and not a milimeter above 160 degrees!)Car starts perfectly and
has NO hot start or reliability problems whatsoever. Idle is smooth and
revs freely. Whoever buys this car is psyched. Last and regretably it
does have some frame rust. The front passenger side cone(where sway bar
mounts) is rusted through. The rear(under engine) is getting soft and
where the control arms bolt up there is some surface rust. Not the
trailing arms(those are fine)but the black control arms that have the
rubber bushings in them. All 4 shock towers/spring perches are fine.
When the lowering springs were put in the shock towers were cleaned up,
checked for rust, and re-sprayed with the org DMC frame grey. I have
many pics of underside(showing problem areas) scanned and will email
upon request.  Lastly the car is in Boston now and I will not travel to
sell it.  I have over $19K invested in this wonderful car and hate to
sell, but wife is 2 months pregnant.  If we were not 'with child' then
this car would not be for sale at any price. Since we are, the price is
$15,000.  The best cars you never see for sale, they pass silently
between club members, which is why I offer it here first. Please feel
free to call me or email me and we can discuss the details of my "1st
baby" in order to make room for "2nd baby". Thank you.

John Murray
978-762-6430 home/nights
781-286-1810 work/days


Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 15:21:58 -0400
From: "DMC Joe" <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: USING FLOOR JACK ON DeLorean

Have no fear it is unlikely you caused the crack at the trans mount. The
popping sounds that you heard come from the points where the fiberglass is
attached to the frame, this is normal. Here is a suggestion on jacking up
your DeLorean. When jacking the rear roll the floor jack from the back of
the car and line up the jack saddle directly under the rear suspension
frame member, (the large gray section between the wheels), insert a piece
of wood on top of the saddle to protect the frame than jack the car up.
the same method up front but be sure to place the jack saddle behind the
frame extension (area metween the wheels). In either case this method will
allow you to jack up both front or rear wheels simultaneously.
Joe/DeLorean Services


Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 16:31:28 -0400
From: "Dave Stragand" <dave.stragand@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Inspector Gadget DeLorean?


I know from time to time the question comes up about whether Inspector
car was a DeLorean.  I don't know about the cartoon world, but in the
world" of the movies, it definitely isn't a "D".

They're filming the movie in the plaza of my office here in Pittsburgh,
and the
car (a "Gagdetmobile") appears to be based on a late-60's Continental
convertible.  I took a quick peek at one of the three, and to my
surprise, there
was a Chevy engine, rear-mounted wayyyy behind the back axle, and a very,
odd looking Corvette-style Independent Rear Suspension setup to put the
power to the pavement.  I couldn't even begin to guess the transmission...

As for the interior, well, there's a soft drink dispenser (Coca Cola,
Yello, Sprite) and snacks (McDonald's, M&M's, etc.)

Oh... and the doors open normally.  No gull-wings here.  Oh well.

- -Dave


Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 17:38:00 -0400
From: Gerald Deutsch <Jerry1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: rebuilding brakes

I'm rebuilding my brake calipers. I would like to replace the rubber =
lines as well. Anyone have any info on a cross-reference number for the =
brake lines or what other car they may have come off? Any info would be =
greatly appreciated. Thanks!
                                                ---Dan Vin# 5493


Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 21:16:05 -0400
From: "David W. Silek" <dsilek@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: door struts / air conditioning

I am a new owner of my D.  Needless to say I am clueless as to problems

Is the problem with door (lifts or door arm struts) common place and can I
replace them with
readily available parts?  Also, A/C did I make a mistake retrofitting the
A/C to R-134(?) system?  The old system had a leak and the mechanic gave
this EPA speech and told me that I had to retro fit it.  I hope that was
true.  I do not know.  Please advise.

Thank you
David Silek
Front Royal, VA


Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 20:41:31 -0500
From: Gowler Don-CFPO01 <cfpo01@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: Re: USING FLOOR JACK ON DeLorean

Be extremely careful.  Use a long enough and deep enough piece of wood
on the jack or you can inadvertently bend the frame in these two areas.

The Silver Fox

> ----------
> From:         DMC Joe
> Reply To:     dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent:         Monday, October 12, 1998 7:21 PM
> To:   dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject:      DML: Re: USING FLOOR JACK ON DeLorean
> Mike,
> Have no fear it is unlikely you caused the crack at the trans mount.
> The
> popping sounds that you heard come from the points where the
> fiberglass is
> attached to the frame, this is normal. Here is a suggestion on jacking
> up
> your DeLorean. When jacking the rear roll the floor jack from the back
> of
> the car and line up the jack saddle directly under the rear suspension
> frame member, (the large gray section between the wheels), insert a
> piece
> of wood on top of the saddle to protect the frame than jack the car
> up.
> Use
> the same method up front but be sure to place the jack saddle behind
> the
> frame extension (area metween the wheels). In either case this method
> will
> allow you to jack up both front or rear wheels simultaneously.
> Joe/DeLorean Services


Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 21:16:25 -0500
From: "C. Longwisch" <CL1954@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: rebuilding brakes

Marty Maier at WINGD2@xxxxxxx is offering a stainless brakeline to replace
the rubber ones which provides  a firmer pedal  by not allowing the
expansion of the rubber. All DeLoreans could benefit from anything that
would help braking. Just another option!

Cecil Longwisch
VIN# 10663


Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 22:06:59 -0400
From: "Watkins Family  watbmv@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <watbmv@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DMC Stuff

I have 15 mint Mcdonald's BTTF toy Happy meal DMC's with a little Doc
hanging out the window.  All are still in original sealed bags. E-mail me
if anyone is interested.   I also have a bunch of other stuff from BTTF
including an original set piece from underneath the Texaco Gas Station.
I've pondered selling it and have made up my mind to put it out there for
any interested party.   It will take me a few days to put together a list
of all the other "stuff" I've got as well as a price list.  So, if anyone
has an interest please send me a personal correspondance.

Tom Watkins


Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 23:10:48 EDT
From: eurojet@xxxxxxxx
Subject: DML: New owner

Well, I did it! Flew up to San Jose last Friday night  and bought  #6232.
Left San Jose at 8 a.m. and spent the next 11 hours in heaven. Yes, the
car ran perfectly and on the original NCTs to boot. Of course I was
scared with every small bump in the road, not to mention the semis! I
kept the car at arount 60-70 with the air off, windows down and the vent
open with full fan. I wanted to be able to hear the engine just in case.
The highlight was cruising through LA at sunset listening to the Eagles'
Hotel California coming out of the original stereo. Even a guy in his new
Lamborghini slowed down to wave!
I want to thank all of you on the DML who helped me make this purchase
and answered all of my pre purchase questions. I love my 40th birthday
present and am proud to be a member of the DeLorean family!  Fil Vigil.


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 09:28:39 -0500
From: "Duke" <at88mph@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: door struts / air conditioning


Congratulations and welcome to the family.  First off, you can get the
struts from any of the major DeLorean suppliers.  You can also order them
line at  On the A/C part, I had mine switched over to R-134
and haven't had very much success.  I was in the same situation as you.
However, it was me that decided to do the conversion and I would like to
warn all other D owners that keep the old freon system as long as you can.
My car doesn't cool well at all except for at night.  Has anyone gotten
results from R-134a?  I know there was a big discussion a while back, but
don't remember seeing anyone post their results.  My opinion is, it just
doesn't work.

C ya,


P.S.  Don't forget the Hooter's car show coming up Oct. 31 in Mobile, Al

- -----Original Message-----
From: David W. Silek <dsilek@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tuesday, October 13, 1998 12:28 AM
Subject: DML: door struts / air conditioning

>I am a new owner of my D.  Needless to say I am clueless as to problems
>Is the problem with door (lifts or door arm struts) common place and can I
>replace them with
>readily available parts?  Also, A/C did I make a mistake retrofitting the
>A/C to R-134(?) system?  The old system had a leak and the mechanic gave
>this EPA speech and told me that I had to retro fit it.  I hope that was
>true.  I do not know.  Please advise.
>Thank you
>David Silek
>Front Royal, VA


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 16:24:27 +0200
From: bettycat@xxxxxxxxxxx (BETTYCAT)
Subject: DML: constantly drained battery; unseen circumstances

Hello :-)
for two years my battery was constantly drained. I charged the battery =
and after some days it was weak again. I tried everything from new =
batteries, new door switches, new alternator to some neat hightech =
procedures. Nothing works !!! I tried 4 different service centers. They =
couldn=B4t help. A few weeks ago my starter solenoid died. I put a new =
one in and believe it or not: my battery is allright now !!! I think it =
might have something to do with the volt gauge which displays the =
voltage from the starter.
So don=B4t forget: when your batterie is always weak and nothing works, =
try a new starter or a new starter solenoid. Maybe ?!?

DIRK (VIN # 6795)


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 10:54:10 -0400
From: "Larry Shulan" <lshulan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: voltage readings vs amperage output

I have an 81 that always reads just at or below 13 Volts.  My mechanic
did a
load test and convinced me I needed a new battery (not getting into which
brand since that thread was long enough).  With the old battery, his meter
showed only 34 amps being measured at the battery and 12.6 volts.  With
new battery, the amps jumped to 74, but the battery still shows less than
ideal, only about 13 with no accessory draw and lower with anything on
(headlights, vent fans, etc).  He told me not to worry, its the amps not
volts to worry about.  He thought I might have a bad ground somewhere and
thats why at the battery the reading could be low.  Is this valid and if
where should I look for a bad ground?


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 10:59:20 -0400
From: Mike Substelny <SUBSTEM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Anticipating Ken's Cleveland 2000 DeLorean Show

Those of you following Ken Koncelik's plans for a Cleveland 2000
DeLorean Car Show will be amused by this.

The current plan is to display our DeLoreans in front of both the Rock
and Roll Hall of Fame and the Great Lakes Science Center.  These two
brand new museums sit side-by-side on the lakefront in the middle of
downtown Cleveland.  You can see them by visiting these pages:

To help him put together the webpage and other publicity for the show,
Ken asked me to take some photographs of my DeLorean in front of both
Museums.  Last Sunday afternoon was perfect.  The weather was
beautiful and sunny.  The Indians' playoff game had most Clevelanders
occupied.  It was closing time for the museums.   Expecting to have the
area to myself,  I took my car downtown to shoot the pictures.

Before I could get my doors opened at the Science center a crowd had
gathered.  I am used to my DeLorean drawing attention, but this was
ridiculous!  As I tried to set up the shot more and more people clustered
around to marvel at my DeLorean and ask questions, which I politely
answered.  It took a long time to move everyone away so that I could see
my own car, and by that time a shadow had fallen across it.

I took some pictures then moved the car a few hundred feet away from
the building for a background shot.  A new crowd gathered, and I went
through the same routine of herding the gawkers and answering
questions.  The sun sank toward the horizon.

Finally I moved the car over to the Rock Hall, and yet another crowd
gathered.  A sympathetic policeman came by to help me control the mob,
but then HE started asking questions about DeLoreans!  By the time I got
everyone moved out of the picture the sun had almost set.

I finished so late that I don't know if those pictures will come out or
My little flash won't light up a whole building.  We'll know soon.

I cannot say enough about the great site Ken has picked out.  Not only is
it very scenic, it also attracts attention easily.  If one DeLorean can
a crowd like that on a Sunday evening, then scores of DeLoreans on a
Saturday afternoon will probably bring the whole city to a halt!

Looking forward to 2000 . . .

- - Mike Substelny


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 13:27:58 -0400
From: John Hanley <106165.1407@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Phone Number needed

I understand that there is a Delorean repair and Service facility somewhe=
near Phoenix does anyone have the Phone Number thanks in advance

John Hanley =



Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 16:53:31 EDT
From: EJH555@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: JZD gets reprieve in sale of estate

Who is Morganroth, and why is he suing John DeLorean?


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 17:18:02 EDT
From: EJH555@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: another sighting

I was walking down the street, i started walking up to a low silver car.
i walked a little further and cam around the car parked next to it, i
it resembled a "D", but didnt even think that it might be, i thought it
make an interestind article for the mailing list,"imposter DeLorean" i
some writing on the bumper,"DeLorean", my heart almost stopped, i never
i would ever see one, i stared at it for about 5-10 miniutes, until a car
almost ran me over. (the "D" was parked in front of an alstate insurance
but there was no alstate building in view)
then finished walking to best buy, which was right the end of the
block,got a
video game, and ran back to where i saw the DeLorean, and it was still
so i stared at it for about 10 min., until a huge truck on monster truck
almost ran me over, then started walking back home. it was beutiful,
i see dont do it justice. it was the most beautiful car i have ever seen.

B.T.W. it was parked on baltimore pike, in spring field PA, the liscenc
# is 77911, it was a "Classic Car" liscence plate, which explainds why it
in mint condition. If this is your "D", it is beautiful.


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 14:53:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Duncan Ermini-Leaf <spacerobot@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Jag Shop

does anyone have the address of the Jag Shop in Florida?


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 14:52:06 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: certificate

At 01:14 AM 10/13/98 -0400, you wrote:
>im sorry to bring up old news but my computer has been down. i was
>wondering what this certificate thing i read about is all about? could
>you fill me in? soory

Sure chip no problem at all.

The certificate notice is referring to reservation certificates I issued
people who wanted to have a reservation to commission me to produce a
1/24th inch scale model kit of the 1981 DeLorean Sports coupe'. Currently
there are 90 registered reservation holders all of whom have received
reservation certificates. There are 10 kits reserved for companies and
individuals I think have made important contributions to the DeLorean
Sports Coupe' owner and 600+ on the stand by waiting list.

If you would like to "see" the kits and read more about the Limited
you can drop in at -



Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 18:58:34 -0600 (MDT)
From: raddad@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: New owner

Man is it good to hear stories like this.  Some of us who have had our
15+ years may tend to get just a bit blase=B4.

Welcome to the nicest group of car owners in the world.

Dick Ryan
VIN 16867


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 22:16:36 EDT
From: eurojet@xxxxxxxx
Subject: DML: New discoveries

Since I brought my new DeLorean home last Saturday I have made a few
discoveries. The first is I found out that my Canon ELPH APS camera fits
perfectly in that little square behind the ashtray. The camera is
stainless steel and the case is black leather so it even looks great,
almost like an accessory. Also good to have in the car in case of an
The second is I was worried that my cat might use the NCT tires as a
scratching post like she does with the other cars in the
driveway/carport. I found that by covering the tires with plastic
trashcan lids I no longer have to worry and they fit perfectly! The car
covers hold them in place.
A few have wrote about the similarities between the Fiero and DeLorean
and now I have one of each sitting side by side. The Fiero is an 87 GT
(fastback model) and I can tell you that they do have a lot in common as
far as the design. Two seater, same size engine, windows on each side of
the engine compartment, emergency break handle in the same spot, power
accesories, etc. I hate to say this, but the Fiero is in a lot of ways
more fun to drive! It's smaller and handles like a slot car. It also has
more power and when I hit the gas I am pushed back in the seat. The
differences are that you ride in a Fiero but you DRIVE a DeLorean. You
get there in a Fiero but you ARRIVE in a DeLorean. The Fiero is a car and
the DeLorean is an AUTOMOBILE! Enough comparisons.
I also notice that in my DeLorean that there isn't a place to put my
sunglasses or garage door opener. The Fiero has door pockets which come
in handy. Any ideas? The glove box is too far away for practical
Anyone have JZD's address? Any chance of getting a photo autographed from
him? Please tell me how. See you on the road! Fil.


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 23:30:51 EDT
From: ShadowDMC@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Jag Shop

The adress for Jag Shop is:

The Jag Shop
David Wynne
1150 SW 10th Ave
Pompano Beach, FL 33069



Orlando Lopez


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 20:47:35 -0000
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Mesa Auto Works (was DML: Phone Number needed)

On 10/13/98 5:26 PM, John Hanley shared these fine thoughts...

>I understand that there is a Delorean repair and Service facility somewhere
>near Phoenix does anyone have the Phone Number thanks in advance

Mesa Auto Works, NE corner of Center and McKellips


Contact: Mike Bacon

Incidentally, Mesa Auto Works is an independent Mazda/Volvo shop a few
miles from my house that I have used extensively for mechanical work on
my DeLorean(s) and Mazda(s). They are conscientious, honest and fairly
knowledgeable when it comes to DeLoreans. At least a few DML'ers are
among those from Arizona that have used them for service.

I was just there on Friday to pick up my RX7 and was able to park right
next to another DeLorean - a first for me in AZ at a non-club event.



Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 23:40:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: Bill Wilson <fluffy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: door struts / air conditioning

On Mon, 12 Oct 1998, David W. Silek wrote:

> readily available parts?  Also, A/C did I make a mistake retrofitting the
> A/C to R-134(?) system?  The old system had a leak and the mechanic gave

The big problem with R134 is that it is much higher pressure than R12, and
the high pressure can damage the system.  You pretty much have to replace
the whole A/C for R134.  Next, you do NOT have to refit your system to
R134.  Cars that originally had R12 can still be charged with R12,
although you almost have to be a priest to actually get the stuff.  Though
on the list I've heard of virtual mail-order certification to do the A/C
stuff yourself.  Finally, R134 is not as cold as R12 even when it does
work, and your system must work harder to obtain the same result, this
means more load on the A/C, not a problem for systems designed for it but
bad on the DMC's equipment.  Don't forget, the British drink warm beer
because their refrigerators are made by Lucas... :}


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 20:56:24 -0000
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: JZD gets reprieve in sale of estate

On 10/13/98 8:52 PM, EJH555@xxxxxxx shared these fine thoughts...

>Who is Morganroth, and why is he suing John DeLorean?

Morganroth represented DeLorean in many of his civil trials, including
his divorce from Cristina Ferrare, I believe. Many of DeLoreans assets
were frozen pending the outcome of these trials, keeping him from paying
Morganroth. Once DeLorean's assets were freed, he refused to pay
Morganroth, claiming "inadequate representation".

Morganroth obtained a judgement against DeLorean in excess on $10 million
sometime ago and has been trying to force the sale of DeLoreans New
Jersey estate to satisfy the judgement. Merrill Lynch holds the mortgage
on the estate (approx $8 million) and has been attempting to foreclose on
the estate for some time. Merrill Lynch and DeLorean reached an agreement
to sell the 434 acres of land to satisfy the mortgage, allowing DeLorean
to live in the house on the grounds and eventually pass it on to his
children, Zachary and Katherine.

Morganroth is contesting the decision of ML and JZD to spare the home
from the sale, and is attempting to have it included in the sale to
satisfy his suit as well.

If I have omitted anything pertinent, or grossly mis-stated anything,
others are welcome to correct me...

James Espey


Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 19:30:10 -0000
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Set of grey seat covers and backs for sale

A list member recently ordered a complete, six-piece set of seat covers.
I accidentally ordered grey instead of the black he requested - it was my
mistake so I am stuck with them and would like to sell them to someone on
the list as soon as possible.

These were ordered before the October 1st price increase ($700 vs $775).
I will sell them for $625 which includes insured shipping in the US. If
you are an overseas buyer, it'd have to be a bit more to cover the

Again, this is a six-piece set, a pair each of bottoms, back and rear
panels. Email me directly if you are interested...

James Espey
Moderator, DeLorean Mailing List


Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 00:11:36 -0400
From: "David W. Silek" <dsilek@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: voltage readings vs amperage output

I have the same problem with my new D.  It is an '81 and the voltage meter
on the dash sits always right below the median.  What's up with that?

Thanks to all for your comments on the door arm struts and A/C.

David Silek
Front Royal, VA
I would put my Vin # here if I could figure out which number it is.  Any
help here would be appreciated.


Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 00:20:29 -0400
From: Rob Hook <Rob_hook@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: Re: door struts / air conditioning

I remember my father saying that the R-134A systems run at a higher
pressure than the R-12 systems.  This means you'd have to get a different
pressure switch to make a converted system work properly.  Does that ring
bell for anyone else?

- --Rob Hook

- ----------
From:   Duke[SMTP:at88mph@xxxxxxxxx]
Reply To:       dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent:   Tuesday, October 13, 1998 10:28 AM
To:     dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:        DML: Re: door struts / air conditioning


Congratulations and welcome to the family.  First off, you can get the
struts from any of the major DeLorean suppliers.  You can also order them
line at  On the A/C part, I had mine switched over to R-134
and haven't had very much success.  I was in the same situation as you.
However, it was me that decided to do the conversion and I would like to
warn all other D owners that keep the old freon system as long as you can.
My car doesn't cool well at all except for at night.  Has anyone gotten
results from R-134a?  I know there was a big discussion a while back, but
don't remember seeing anyone post their results.  My opinion is, it just
doesn't work.

C ya,


P.S.  Don't forget the Hooter's car show coming up Oct. 31 in Mobile, Al

- -----Original Message-----
From: David W. Silek <dsilek@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tuesday, October 13, 1998 12:28 AM
Subject: DML: door struts / air conditioning

>I am a new owner of my D.  Needless to say I am clueless as to problems
>Is the problem with door (lifts or door arm struts) common place and can I
>replace them with
>readily available parts?  Also, A/C did I make a mistake retrofitting the
>A/C to R-134(?) system?  The old system had a leak and the mechanic gave
>this EPA speech and told me that I had to retro fit it.  I hope that was
>true.  I do not know.  Please advise.
>Thank you
>David Silek
>Front Royal, VA


End of dmcnews-digest V3 #426

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 Service Provider(s). The list moderator makes every effort to screen out
 false, misleading, and negative postings, but it is up to you, the
 of the DELOREAN MAILING LIST, to realize that nothing should be taken as
 actual fact without research and investigation of your own.

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