dmcnews-digest V3 #416
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dmcnews-digest V3 #416

Title: dmcnews-digest V3 #416

dmcnews-digest      Thursday, September 17 1998      Volume 03 : Number 416

       In this issue:
        DML: Tires
        DML: A different perspective on Expo 98 (lengthy)
        DML: Installing Window Motor - what a joke!
        DML: Gathering of owners in Concord, CA
        DML: Re: Dash lights
        DML: Video/Oral History Program
        DML: Back to the Future D
        Re: DML: New 'zine
        Re: DML: Tires
        Re: DML: Just a few questions
        DML: Idle Problems
        Re: DML: Video/Oral History Program
        Re: DML: Grand Delusions
        RE: DML: Video/Oral History Program
        DML: A car for sale...
        Re: DML: Video/Oral History Program
        RE: DML: Video/Oral History Program
        DML: Fwd: Availability of Delorean parts for retail sale
        Re: DML: A car for sale...
        DML: 1981 DeLoreanfor sale
        Re: DML: Tires
        RE: DML: Video/Oral History Program
        Re: DML: A car for sale...
        Re: DML: Idle Problems
        DML: Photos and tales from the DOA Expo98 at Universal


Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 21:23:03 -0400
From: "Sean Howley" <tsuyoi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Tires

Thank you all for your help on getting information on the new tire issue,
but now I have another question that I guess is more of a personal
preference kind of question.  Some of the tires available are offered in
white lettered walls while others are offered in black lettered walls.  I
have seen a few pictures of DeLoreans with white lettered walls (including
the BTTF DeLorean) and of course have seen several with black lettered
(including my own).  The question is, what does everyone feel about the
difference between the two?

With me planning on purchasing a new set very soon, I have been
the white lettered tires, but a few of my friends are telling me that they
think that the white lettered tires look better on utility type vehicles
better than the sports cars and that black lettered tires look better on
sports cars than on utility types.

I know this may seem to be a silly or even insignificant question, but I
just wondering what everybody thought and possibly what everybody is


Sean Howley


Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 18:15:24 -0000
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: A different perspective on Expo 98 (lengthy)

After reading Mike's report on Expo '98, I reflected on my experience in
LA over Labor Day weekend. I like Mike and his wife Patti (I even went to
their wedding in Ohio last November), and I spent more time with them at
the Expo than anyone else. However, I saw the event from a different
perspective. Many longtime DML'ers know of my frustration with the DOA,
and recall their threat of legal action against me about a year ago, so
bear in mind that as you read my report.

In spite of all that, I decided to go the Expo for several reasons - (1)
the opportunity to meet many of the Southern California owners/DML'ers
who I figured would attend an event in their own backyard, (2) the
opportunity to display and sell items at the product fair, and (3) many
of my friends were going to be there (the Montgomery's, the Substelny's,
the Wynne's, Scott Mueller, etc). Plus it was just a short drive from my
home in the Phoenix area.

I learned a few days before I left that the turnout was going to pretty
light in comparison to the last Expo I attended in 1996 in Nashville and
the Cincinnati DeLorean Show. In all, I don't think there were more than
140 people (counting board members) and not more than 30 DeLoreans. I was
surprised that the DOA could not draw more people, I mean, they had over
a hundred DeLoreans at the opening of the BTTF ride a few years back -
where were they all on Labor Day weekend?

I arrived early Friday morning after driving and evidently just missed
the the bus headed to the Getty that Mike spoke of - I inquired about
just driving over myself, but was told that there was very limited
general parking, so I just skipped it and caught up on some sleep at the

That afternoon/evening we were bussed to the Peterson Automotive Museum
for a reception and then one of the $60 per plate dinners. The Peterson
is a fantastic place for the car nut - hundreds of cars in a very "cool"
setting. We ate the dinner among a large display of Duesenbergs. IMO, the
dinner left a bit to be desired - certainly not what I'd expect for $60.
I realize that things are more expen$ive in Los Angeles, and also heard
that the DOA was charging less than cost for the meal.

Saturday morning brought the Product Fair and Concours - both at the same
time. The concours competitors had to stay with their cars and couldn't
attend the Product Fair. Many of those selling items at the product fair
couldn't get away to see the concours. An announcement was made that the
Product Fair would run late to accomodate the concours competitors, but
it still seems like poor planning to me.

The Product Fair vendors were - PJ Grady, DeLorean Motor Company, Joan
and John Truscott, the DOA and myself. Conspicuously absent were DeLorean
One and DeLorean Motor Center. The hotel required a $1,000,000 liability
policy from the vendors which may have scared some folks off.

I missed seeing the concours cars as I was working the Product Fair, so
I'll refrain from commenting on them, perhaps someone else will fill in
the blanks there.

The Saturday night dinner was at the hotel, and I had the opportunity to
spend some time with C.R. "Dick" Brown. An amazing man with quite a
history in the automotive industry. The raffle preceding the dinner was
full of interesting prizes - Ed Bernstein acted as the master of
ceremonies and as always gave a great performance. The highlight for me
(and many DML'ers in attendance) was when Ed described the stainless
steel coffee mug provided by PJ Grady. Ed described the prize as very
rare, "one of the few in existence that does NOT say 'Free James Espey'
printed on it". Even a year later, Web Bixby is still providing
entertainment for us all.

The dinner was again, unspectacular, IMO. At $55-60 per plate, I'd hope
the food would be at least cooked. The Cornish Game Hens that came to the
table I was at were almost inedibly undercooked. C.R.'s speech followed
the dinner and to the surprise of some, it was not very flattering of
JZD. Don't forget that C.R. left the employ of DMC under less than
pleasant circumstances and lawsuits between JZD/DMC and C.R. Brown waged
on for some time after the company was a non-entity. C.R. offered a truly
insiders perspective into the goings on at DMC, and in that light it was
very interesting.

Concours awards were after C.R.'s speech, and since I did not really
closely examine any of the cars, I won't go into them further. I did hear
some wry comments about the fact that two DeLorean One prepared cars
finished in the top three, interesting as the Concours is sponsored by
DeLorean One and Ed Bernstein (owner of DeLorean One) was one of the
judges. I am not suggesting any impropriety, but certainly the appearance
is there as evidenced by the comments I heard. Perhaps getting some IASCA
judges, properly briefed on the nuances of the DeLroean automobile, as
Ken did in Ohio, would've been a better idea.

The Sunday morning drive to the Arobretum was led by DOA board member Ray
Haug, who quite ably led a procession of 21 DeLoreans through the maze of
streets with no serious hitches. Many thanks to DOA board members (and
DML'ers) Hank and Mimi Breer who graciously picked up the tab for the
Aboretum attendees! The catered lunch was the best meal of the Expo, IMO.
The arboretum was particularly interesting to me as there was a great
deal of green plant life - not much of that here in the deserts of
Arizona. Marla and I were the last of the Expo crowd to leave the

A few people have asked me to compare it to the Cincinnati DeLorean Show,
but that wouldn't be fair to the DOA or to Ken. It's not quite like
comparing apples and oranges, but more like a "Macintosh" apple to a
"Golden delicious" apple. Attending every Expo event and staying at the
DOA hotel would cost about $1,000 per couple for the weekend, Ken's event
ran about $300 for the whole thing. One was in the rather cosmopolitan
Los Angeles, the other in the heartland of America in Ohio. It's easy to
try and compare the two, but not really fair.

All in all, I didn't think the Expo was as "polished" as previous ones
had been. Maybe that's because Linda Porter is divinding her time as both
President and Activities Director. Or maybe it was just my perception.

As Mike alluded, next years Expo is in St. Louis, Missouri. St Louis is
where I call "home" and I still have family there, so odds are I will
give it another go next October...


Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 23:04:14
From: Massimo Troiani <maxt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Installing Window Motor - what a joke!

Firstly, let me say thankyou to all those that helped with my previous
- - help with power windows. With all the responses dissasembling the door
panels were easy.

Now I have removed everything from the door frame, the only things left
some wire pulleys. I sucessfully removed the old window motor and waited
anxiously for the new ones to arrive. After reading the instructions (just
barely passes for it) I attempted to install the new one.

I separated the sleeve from the motor, put both halves into the door and
reassembled it. That was a chore in itself. After that I could not see how
to bolt the dog leg brackets to the door. The whole assembly seemed to be
out of angle. So I called PJ Grady and they politely instructed me on the
method of attaching the brackets.

Well after spending almost two hours trying to do it, all I can say is
the design of the new motors are a joke. Nothing aligns correctly! The
people that designed it could not have know what the inside of a Delorean
door looks like or any of the dimensions.

I tried fixing the sleeve to the door handle bracket (as instructed by PJ
Grady) but I could not get the bolt to go in. So I removed all the screws
from the door handle bracket to try and get the bolt it. That worked, but
now the handle bracket will not sit square to the door. There has to be an
easier way, I am thinking of piecing back the old motor as best I can and
re-installing it. What would be really handy is to have a photo of the
motor fully installed. I'm sure that wouldn't be too hard for people like
PJ Grady and the like to include in their instructions.

Excuse the tone of the message but I am trying to blow off some steam
before I lose it.

VIN# 4819


Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 21:36:27 +0000
From: kenm@xxxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Gathering of owners in Concord, CA

This coming Sunday morning (the 20th), a few owners and their cars
will be gathering for breakfast at the Peppermill Restaurant at 1100
Concord Blvd. in Concord, CA at 9:00 AM. If you can make it, e-mail
or call me so we know about how many to plan for at breakfast. The
Peppermill has a large parking lot. It's just off of Hwy 680, near
the airport.

I have plans to start up a new DeLorean group for the Northern
California area. Work is already underway. If you'd like to join in
drop me a line!

Ken Montgomery home # (916) 944-3252

- -------------------------------------------------------
Ken Montgomery    My DeLorean VIN #10911 'OUTTIME'
Sacramento, CA   
kenm@xxxxxxxx     "When the wind gets under these wings
Operating           You will feel what freedom brings"
Systems Analyst        From 'On-Air' Alan Parsons
(916) 278-7646
- -------------------------------------------------------


Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 22:34:37 -0700
From: "Sandy Bigman" <bigmanortho@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Dash lights

Has anyone had experience when the lights in the dash doesn't work,
including the air conditioning panel?  I checked the fuses and they were
okay.  Do you have to change a relay or is it the rheostat under the



Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 21:56:50 -0400
From: "Eric " <aerostar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Video/Oral History Program

On Mon, 14 Sep 1998 11:37:01 -0400, Mike Substelny
wrote in DMCNEWS-DIGEST V3 #415:

> Subject: DML: Expo Report (lengthy), includes funny stories
> The climax of the weekend came the dinner that evening, when Leif
> Montin and C.R. Brown gave their talks.  I expect almost everyone on the
> DML recognizes both names, but if you don't:
> Both Mr. Montin and Mr. Brown gave wonderful talks.  I wish I had them
> on video tape.  Concentrating more on facts than opinions, C.R. Brown
> expressed a very interesting take on the whole DeLorean saga which I
> will not attempt to duplicate here.

Mike, you're right. Think about that a second; these folks are giving some
interesting talks that are not being recorded. Maybe we should do that, be
it video or audio.

In the years to come, all of this information will be lost if we don't
it. It would be easy to do, with a little forethought. With all the events
going on, are there any future plans to record future speakers? If not,



Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 15:49:12 +1000
From: "Brad Gaffy" <gaffy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Back to the Future D


I have about one dozen close up pics of a Delorean that was on display
in Australia a few years back.  It was supposed to be one of the BTTF cars
but I'm not sure.  I don't have a web page but I would be willing to send
them to someone to put on their page so everyone can have a look



Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 04:45:49 -0500
From: scottmueller@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Mueller)
Subject: Re: DML: New 'zine

James Espey wrote:
> Issue #3 of the zine is complete and debuted at Expo 98 in LA, it will be
> posted early next week. I'd invite anyone who saw it at Expo to give
> their opinions on it...
> James

James, I liked the 'zine.  Please do not take offense, but I wish that
the photos were higher resolution and in color.  I particulary enjoyed
the @ Large guest columns.  The techs were very informative, I hope that
there are many more written.  Perhapes I will try my hand at one.

If your in Alabama, come to the show and BBQ October 31st.

Perhapes you and Chris can transport that D through then.



Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 06:44:32 -0600 (MDT)
From: raddad@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Tires


Black - definitely Black!

Dick Ryan


Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 07:43:21 -0500
From: Thomas Bohmier <Bohmier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Just a few questions


Check out the Yokohoma's. Alot of people use them, including me, and have
extremely satisfied. DMC Houston, I think, recommends them over the


Sean Howley wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I have a few questions:
> I
> have begun to look for a new set of tires.  I am in the tire industry -
> kind-of (I
> design equipment used to manufacture tires - I am not involved with the
> production of tires directly), and have looked through the web sights for
> Dunlop, Cooper, Firestone/Bridgestone, Goodyear, Kelly/Springfield, and
> Pirelli in their performance section only and have found bizzare results.
> It
> seems that there are many tires available for the front (195/60R14), but
> very
> little available for the rear (235/60R15).  And to beat it all, when I did
> find
> a brand and model for both, the front would come with black lettering
> while
> the rear would come with white lettering.  My question is:  does anyone
> have
> any suggestions for a brand and model tire set for the car for the
> original
> sizes
> only?
> Thank you all!!!
> Sean Howley
> VIN# 2345


Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 05:33:01 GMT
From: " 903453918" <mrfusion@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Idle Problems

My '81 DeLorean has problems with the idle when the air adjusting screw
is turned all the way in for 750rpm as per the manual.  The engine
surges up and down and will not smooth out unless I back the screw out 4
turns.  I disconnected the Idle Speed Regulator and the engine seemed to
run properly. I hear a buzzing sound coming from this unit and want to
know if it could be defective. Is there a way to test this or the ECU
Module.  Thank You!



Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 09:25:22 EDT
From: KKoncelik@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Video/Oral History Program

Just a comment back on why we don't sell videos.  At The Delorean Car
Show in
Cincinnati I know of many people like Ken Montgomery, Mike S., Shaun and a
whole bunch more that videotaped the event.  While they are good the
sound is
marginal with background noise, camera is a bit jerky etc.  While they are
great to look at once in a while they are not necessarily collectable. 
those that attended it will be a priceless memory.  What would be good is
quality edited version.....
All this takes time, money, marketing etc.
I don't disagree and certainly would encourage anyone to video anything I
on or any other event but we did video a lot of the show and yet nothing
come of it.
I have three videos shot by three different people but none of them has
offered it for sale or even free.
Just a thought I'm sure there are different opinions on this one.




Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 10:23:50 -0700
From: raddad@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Grand Delusions


Next weekend I plan to be in Denver with my DeLorean (not positive yet,
quite probably).  I have a trade show to attend in the Denver Tech area.

While there I hope to look up Michael Babb, a long time DML member who has
recently moved to Denver.

I mention this because you seem to have lots of questions about the D.
You'll never get the "right" answers by reading Grand Delusions, Stainless
Steel Illusion, or any other book or article, even those that are
flattering.  The reason is simply that one man's meat is another's poison;
or, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For example -- is the vision so
limited as to make the car uncomfortable or dangerous?  Depends on your
point of view (pun intended).  It takes getting used to and you might
get used to it.  The same is true for performance - can you accept the
that many new cars can waslk away fromm the D at a stop light?

So --- you might get a better feel with an up close and personal look at a
D and I would be glad to arrange that if I do come down next weekend.
Perhaps both Michael and I could show up and really blow your mind.  I'll
keep you posted.



Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 11:48:42 -0500
From: Gowler Don-CFPO01 <cfpo01@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: DML: Video/Oral History Program

Ken, I took a number of minutes of Hi8 video that you can have for free if
you intend on putting something together for participants.  I can transfer
if to VHS or S-VHS.  Sound is bad as well but I would think that
dubbing would be the solution to that.

Best regards,  The Silver Fox

> ----------
>       KKoncelik@xxxxxxx
> Just a comment back on why we don't sell videos.  At The Delorean Car
> Show in Cincinnati I know of many people like Ken Montgomery, Mike S.,
> Shaun and a whole bunch more that videotaped the event.  While they are
> good the
> sound is marginal with background noise, camera is a bit jerky etc.  While
> they are
> great to look at once in a while they are not necessarily collectable. 
> For those that attended it will be a priceless memory.  What would be good
> is
> a quality edited version.....
> All this takes time, money, marketing etc.
> I don't disagree and certainly would encourage anyone to video anything I
> put on or any other event but we did video a lot of the show and yet
> nothing
> has come of it.
> I have three videos shot by three different people but none of them has
> offered it for sale or even free.
> Just a thought I'm sure there are different opinions on this one.
> thanks
> Ken


Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 13:10:42 -0400
From: "MyBigOne" <mybigone@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: A car for sale...

Sorry for lurking so much, but I do have a question now.  I have found a
DeLorean in my area that is for sale.  I need some advice. 
Here is the specs that I can tell so far:
1) The car was hit in the right rear 4 years ago.  He has most of the
parts to repair it, but has yet to do it.
2) The car was running when it was hit (don't know condition), but has
sat idle for the past 4 years.
3) He has seems to have these parts: Passengers Quarter Panel; Passengers
Front Fender
4) The car seems to have no major damage anywhere else, but it's in a
pretty trashed (dirt, grime from 4 years of sitting uncovered.)

If you want to see the pics of it, just go to and click on DMC for sale.

He is asking $6000, which seems high for a car in this condition.  Do you
guys think so?

Eric Pullen
'87 MC SS (305 HO)
'94 Jeep ZJ 4X4


Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 10:48:20 -0800
From: "Ken Montgomery" <kenm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Video/Oral History Program

Ken Koncelik wrote:
> Just a comment back on why we don't sell videos.  At The Delorean Car
> Show in Cincinnati I know of many people like Ken Montgomery, Mike S.,
> Shaun and a whole bunch more that videotaped the event.  While they
> are good the sound is marginal with background noise, camera is a bit
> jerky etc.  While they are great to look at once in a while they are
> not necessarily collectable. For those that attended it will be a
> priceless memory.  What would be good is a quality edited version.....
> All this takes time, money, marketing etc. I don't disagree and certainly
> would encourage anyone to video anything I put on or any other event
> but we did video a lot of the show and yet nothing has come of it.
> I have three videos shot by three different people but none of them has
> offered it for sale or even free. Just a thought I'm sure there are
> different opinions on this one.

I managed to tape a full 2 hours worth of video at Cincinnati and I
also taped and hour and a half's worth at the DOA Expo. While I did
make several copies for people I wouldn't want to make copies for
sale. I wouldn't feel right taking money for them and I don't want to
become a duplication service. I would do TRADES with others who
videotaped these events. I'd really like to see them. I taped way too
much of the awards event in Cincinnati and at the DOA Expo, Dick
Brown talked so long I had to stop and rewind so I could record the
awards part of the banquet. To record the event properly I would have
needed to have a fixed mount for the camera and a remote microphone
(plus an extra tape and batteries). What Mr. Brown said was history I
dont think any of us had heard before. This had been his first
DeLorean event and he just kind of opened up on us. I don't know how
much of what he said was emotion over facts. I didn't get his whole
talk or I'd turn a copy over to someone else to transcribe. I did
talk to Mr. Brown the next morning and suggested that he write about
his time with DeLorean. He may do so, but not without more prompting.
But if you feel that JZD could do no wrong it wouldn't be something
you'd want to read.

I also find if you set up a camera on someone, what they say will
change a whole lot if they think it's being recorded.

I'm also doing a short report on the DOA Exop98 and I have photos to
go with it. I'll post that later today.

- --------------------------------------------------
Ken Montgomery    My DeLorean VIN #10911 'OUTTIME'
Sacramento, CA
kenm@xxxxxxxx     Operating Systems Analyst
W(916) 278-7646 H(916) 944-3252
Please visit my website at:
- --------------------------------------------------


Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 13:49:19 -0400
From: "Yocom, Shannon" <syocom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: DML: Video/Oral History Program

Ken, & others
  My friend Mike Comstock is a video editor (many may remember him
hanging out the back of my car w/ a video camera during the caravan from
Cinn. to the warehouse in Columbus).  He and I were going to take the
good portions of those shots and put them together w/ music to get rid
of the background noise & mutter.  So then there would exist a sort of
music video of just DeLoreans.  One problem is that we only have what we
shot at Cinn and edited that would only take up 15min at most.
  Mike and I are willing to make a DeLorean video for free.  We say free
because we love DeLoreans and enjoy making videos. 
  Mike does editing for a living and the quality of his work will be
professional.  This will not be just one tape coppied behind another
persons tape and so on.
  Since we only have roughly 15min of edited video we would need the
help of others.  If anyone could send me coppies of your home videos we
could use your shots & return your tape.

Our sort of disclaimers:
  Video production time depends on free time & lack of being busy w/
jobs at work.  So this will more than likely take a while to complete.
But if you have patients (sp?) I know you will be please w/ the final
  Due to copywrite laws & such, concerning cool music, this video can
not be sold for profit.  This would have to be coppied from one person
to another as a favor.  If anyone does decide to "sell" coppies of this
tape it is your doing & not ours.  We are doing this for fun and are
willing to pass it along to our friends.  (And I concider all on the DML
my friends.)

What does everyone think?

If you would like to send us videos you can mail them to me at:
Shannon Yocom
136 N. Summit Street
Toledo, OH 43604-1000
(Your tapes will be returned to you one way or another, if you do not
need them back please let me know.)

VIN# not yet!


Date: Thu, 17 Sep 98 11:12:20 -0000
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Fwd: Availability of Delorean parts for retail sale

I called this guy this morning and he no sheet metal, glass or wheels,
just mechanical parts. He has no list of the parts and did not seem
inclined to make one up. probably only worth it to someone who lives
close enough to go and see what he's got.

James Espey
Moderator, DeLorean Mailing List

BTW - They don't have a dealership sign anymore, either.

- ---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
Date:        09/15  2:22 PM
Received:    09/16  10:18 AM
From:        Amarige01@xxxxxxx
To:          James Espey, espey@xxxxxxxxxxx

Attention Delorean Owners,
 We currently have in inventory,never used original Delorean parts in
original boxes for retail sale.Please contact Chris Brewer @ 870-733-6514
for more information or email to Amarige01@xxxxxxx and it will be
forwarded to him.

 Thank you and Happy motoring
 Chris Brewer  c/o
 Liberty Chevrolet
 2520 East Broadway 
 West Memphis, Ar.72301

- ----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------


Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 13:59:53 -0600
From: Greg Guillot <gguillot@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: A car for sale...


I think $6k for a dissasembled car is way too much. I bought an '81
automatic for $4k. It is complete, no dents, except the interior had
been ruined from the car being left in the sun for 10 years. Go to
the bookstore and pick up one of the classic car pricing guides - that
car classifies as a totalled auto - it is worth less than $2500.00 in
it's current condition. I can't remember the names of the
publications that I bought, but there was one magazine and two
softcover pricing guides that listed Deloreans.
BTW - is that a hole in the center of the dasboard? What hit it, a
Email or call me anythime if you have any questions.

Greg Guillot
VIN #2926

Morial Convention Center - New Orleans
Greg Guillot, Director of Info Systems & Services
900 Convention Center Blvd,New Orleans, LA 70130
Phone (504) 582-3116,Fax (504) 582-3104
Email gguillot@xxxxxxxxx


Date: Thu, 17 Sep 98 12:34:45 -0000
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: 1981 DeLoreanfor sale

Got a call from a guy in central texas that has a DeLorean for sale - 81,
automatic (needs a computer) - ask is $6,000 for it, but would probably
take less. Email me for the guys phone number...

James Espey
Moderator, DeLorean Mailing List

- ----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------


Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 15:48:28 EDT
From: ROBLAMROCK@xxxxxxx

For those of you that missed the two previous conventions held in Belfast
want to come along to the factory and drive the original test track at
Dunmurry, then please note that the next EURO EXPO will be held in May
It promises to be bigger and even better than before.  BTW the Mike Loasby
(Former Director of Engineering at the factory) technical seminar is now
available on video from the DeLorean Owners Association.

More later....
Robert Lamrock


Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 15:22:41 -0500
From: Jordan Gary <jordang@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Tires

My car has the Dunlops.  They have white lettering which is
turned to the inside of the rims, so you do not see the
white lettering unless you are under the car.  I would not
like the lettering showing.  Jordan Gary

Sean Howley wrote:
>  Some of the tires available are offered in
> white lettered walls while others are offered in black lettered walls.  I


Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 15:18:34 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: DML: Video/Oral History Program

At 01:49 PM 9/17/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Ken, & others
>  My friend Mike Comstock is a video editor (many may remember him
>hanging out the back of my car w/ a video camera during the caravan from
>Cinn. to the warehouse in Columbus).  He and I were going to take the
>good portions of those shots and put them together w/ music to get rid
>of the background noise & mutter.  .......<Snip>..........  Due to
copywrite laws & such, concerning cool music, this video can
>not be sold for profit. .......<Snip>.................>What does everyone

Shannon ,

        Please be sure that you understand the copyright laws fully before you go
much further with your video project. As a long time publisher dealing
daily with copyright issues, I assure you that "any selling" is not
permitted, profit has nothing to do with it. The Law is quite clear on
issues. You may recall our very own James E. received T-shirt designs for
the contest that included designs containing images that apparently lacked
appropriate copyright releases. I don't mean to dampen your enthusiasm for
what you want to do, and I trust you understand that there are many clean
sources for cool music. We have all sorts of talent in the DML and given a
bit of effort I don't think you would have a problem finding the music you
would like.
        I recently posted a two position job posting on the DML for work on the
limited edition model DMC Kit instructions and received over 30
applications, so I have no doubt you can source your music needs from the
        I would be happy to do a cassette label (full color) and/or box cover if
you like.

Good luck with your project.



Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 19:26:06 -0400
From: Sean Jones <shain@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: A car for sale...


The previuous owner decided to put speakers in,  thats the whole.  The guy
also has a new fender,  auto tranny, and other assorted parts.  I feel
$6k is much, i've talked to the guy,  he has $8k into it and wants to
it.  Nice People.

- - Sean

MyBigOne wrote:

> Sorry for lurking so much, but I do have a question now.  I have found a
> DeLorean in my area that is for sale.  I need some advice.
> Here is the specs that I can tell so far:
> 1) The car was hit in the right rear 4 years ago.  He has most of the
> parts to repair it, but has yet to do it.
> 2) The car was running when it was hit (don't know condition), but has
> sat idle for the past 4 years.
> 3) He has seems to have these parts: Passengers Quarter Panel; Passengers
> Front Fender
> 4) The car seems to have no major damage anywhere else, but it's in a
> pretty trashed (dirt, grime from 4 years of sitting uncovered.)
> If you want to see the pics of it, just go to
> and click on DMC for sale.
> He is asking $6000, which seems high for a car in this condition.  Do you
> guys think so?
> Eric Pullen
> knight@xxxxxxxxx
> '87 MC SS (305 HO)
> '94 Jeep ZJ 4X4


Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 20:10:20 EDT
From: OLopez1@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Idle Problems

In a message dated 9/17/98 12:55:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
mrfusion@xxxxxxxxxx writes:

<< My '81 DeLorean has problems with the idle when the air adjusting screw
 is turned all the way in for 750rpm as per the manual.  The engine
 surges up and down and will not smooth out unless I back the screw out 4
 turns.  I disconnected the Idle Speed Regulator and the engine seemed to
 run properly. I hear a buzzing sound coming from this unit and want to
 know if it could be defective. Is there a way to test this or the ECU
 Module.  Thank You! >>

I don't know if this is related but I have a similar problem.  On idle my
engine "surges up and down" Two different DeLorean service facilities
including the aforementioned Jag Shop traked the problem to a broken "Y"
in the exhaust before the Lambda oxygen sensor which controls the fuel
injection mixtiure.  An incorrect reading by the oxygen sensor sends a
to the fuel injection to increase enrich the fuel mixture, when the exaust
increases this then levels off and recycles thus causing the up and down
surges.  I'm taking my car in tomorrow to David Wynne for that an another
series of nagging problems

Orlando Lopez


Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 17:27:00 -0800
From: "Ken Montgomery" <kenm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Photos and tales from the DOA Expo98 at Universal

Photos and tales from the DOA Expo98 at Universal

I have posted several of my photos from the DeLorean Owners
Association 'DeLorean Expo '98'. Check them out at:

My wife Judy (yes Mike, her name is Judy) and I drove the 400 miles
down to Universal City from Sacramento. This was the first long trip
we ever made in the car and it performed flawlessly. We did drive
through a storm of bugs that coated the car so badly we could hardly
see the headlights by the time we got into the L.A. area.

We didn't go to all the dinners and events the DOA had planned. We
just didn't want to spend that much money when we didn't really know
anyone. So we chose the 'Fiesta de Mexico Reception & Buffet' by the
pool on Thursday night, the 'DeLorean Expo'98 Reception' and the
'DeLorean Expo '98 Banquet and Program'. The Hotel put on a really
good buffet on Thursday and we enjoyed the evening entertainment of
watching Patty Substelny win most of the raffle prizes. I won one of
the door prizes, a DOA t-shirt, mug, tote bag and an NBC studio tour
for 4.

We used Friday to go to Universal Studios and do some exploring of the
area. We would have had a better time if the weather had not been so
bad. We're used to the heat living in Sacramento, but not the humidity
and the smog. We rode the Jurassic Park ride and got soaked through
and because of the humidity we never did dry out. The park didn't have
the BTTF cars out on display so we didn't get to see them except for a
passing look as the back lot tour tram passed them behind the ride
building. When we tried the Back To The Future ride, it broke down
early in the ride and we were stuck in the car for a long time. My
REAL DeLorean has never done that! How ironic. The Universal City Walk
provided a number of very good eateries.

Saturday was the 'DeLorean One's Concours DeLorean'. I got my car in
place as soon as they opened the lot and got busy trying to clean the
last of the bugs that the car wash missed but I didn't have enough
time to get things properly cleaned. I only entered the concours just
to say I did it. I had no expectation to win, especially since the
winning cars had been trailered in. As Mr. Bernstein said at the
dinner that evening, it was "not a 'car show'. Concours is to showcase
the best of the best". I just wonder how the others felt trying to
actually compete against those cars.

I managed to dash into the 'Products Fair' (which cost $4.00 just
look) and buy a few items. But since I really had to stand by my car I
didn't get much of a chance to shop. I did pick up a package of James'
Christmas cards, they're really great, and a couple of DOA items.

Over in Valet parking, there was the 'other' Car show. These cars were
a bit dirtier then the cars at the Concours, but the mood was much
more relaxed. 

In the early evening was the 'DeLorean Expo'98 Reception'. This
'event' cost $4.50. I have no idea why they charged us to stand around
our own cars and still have to pay for our own drinks. We did the
group photo thing in suits and ties.

The 'Banquet and Program' had a reasonable dinner but they ran rather
late and didn't get the game hens cooked all the way through. The
program had 2 speakers and Ed Bernstein as Master of Ceremonies. Lief
Motein (sp) was the first speaker, who entertained us with tales of
properly controlling parts handling and distribution, plus he gave a
lengthy biographical introduction to C.R. 'Dick' Brown, who was
President of DeLorean Motor Works. Mr. Brown talked so long I had to
stop and rewind my video recorder so I would have some tape and
batteries left to record the awards part of the banquet. What Mr.
Brown said was history I don't think any of us had heard before. This
had been his first DeLorean event and he just kind of opened up on us.
I don't know how much of what he said was emotion over facts. I did
talk to Mr. Brown the next morning and suggested that he write about
his time with DeLorean. He may do so, but not without more prompting.
He came down pretty hard on Mr. DeLorean. It was around 11 PM when
they finally got to the awards portion (see my web site for more on

Sunday was the drive to the Arboretum. We gathered at the hotel and
drove to the Arboretum in Arcadia Via the Wrigley Mansion, the Rose
Bowl, the Gamble House, and several other interesting sites. This was
the most fun of the whole weekend for us. There were 21 cars in the
caravan (funny thing, the winning cars from the Concours didn't come)
and managed to all make it to the arboretum together. We had not
bought into the lunch at the arboretum so we left on our own and went
back to the Gamble house (it was Doc Brown's house in BTTF) to take
the last tour of the day and get some photos. The caravan had only
passed the house without stopping. But when we pulled up the docents
invited us to pull our car right up onto the brick driveway. I've yet
to see the pictures we took there. They're still in the cameras. The
sun was behind the house so I'm not expecting much. This was also the
moment the car decided to act up on me. I'll post a separate message
detailing my problem.

The whole event was very different from the Cincinnati show. It wasn't
meant to be the same so you really can't make any useful comparison.
For the most part we had a good time. It was really great to spend
time with Mike and Patti, James and his fiancee (sorry James, I can't
remember her name!) and Scott Mueller. We met 2 other owners from
Sacramento (Capn REX, Call me!) and some very interesting people from
other countries.  When you get right down to it, it's the people who
make these events, and the people were wonderful. Our thanks go to the

- --------------------------------------------------
Ken Montgomery    My DeLorean VIN #10911 'OUTTIME'
Sacramento, CA
kenm@xxxxxxxx     Operating Systems Analyst
W(916) 278-7646 H(916) 944-3252
Please visit my website at:
- --------------------------------------------------


End of dmcnews-digest V3 #416

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