I don't think that DMC Houston or P.J. Grady is selling a consumable part like a clutch M/C that's 20 years old. Just a few months ago DMC Houston indicated they were out of stock on this item...So if they are selling 20 year old parts why did they have to get in a new shipment? Perhaps James could enlighten us on this. The werehouse is full of 20 year old items but if I'm not mistaking this is one item that is a replacement need for most stick cars at various times in it's life. I know my first car went through 2 of them in heavy Los Angeles stop and go traffic. Rob is rebuilding them with a coating inside, I suspect this is more profitable than buying new ones and reselling them. We all want to try and save a buck on parts so if someone wants to get aftermarket items that o.k. but like Joe said, we should try to support our DMC service places so that we have reliable parts, tech support AND service. I frankly wouldn't want Pep Boys or Autozone installing stuff in my car. IMHO stuff like wipers and replacment horns are one thing but vital working components are another. Tom #5732