dmcnews-digest V3 #442
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dmcnews-digest V3 #442

Title: dmcnews-digest V3 #442

dmcnews-digest        Monday, November 16 1998        Volume 03 : Number 442

       In this issue:
        DML: Re: Fender removal...
        DML: Dealer Stripes
        DML: Custom tail light pics
        DML: 81 Delorean, electrical 'leak'
        DML: JZD
        Re: DML: Custom tail light pics
        DML: Engine Swaps
        DML: brake rebuilding
        DML: Service
        DML: RE: narrow stripe kits
        DML: Dave's Trans - Part 4
        DML: re: Fender Removal
        DML: NEW (!!!) De Lorean for sale
        DML: De Lorean for sale
        DML: Looking for any original De Lorean collectors items
        DML: re: Brake System Rebuild
        DML: DMC Stripe kits
        DML: Looking for worn-out door strut...
        DML: Re: 81 Delorean, electrical 'leak'
        DML: Re: JZD
        DML: Re: Dealer Stripes
        DML: Mobile Car Show 1998, Last Update
        DML: SEDOC November Meeting
        DML: Book vaule
        DML: CO adjustment
        Re: DML: Custom tail light pics
        DML: Luggage compartment struts !!
        Re: DML: Book value
        DML: JZD
        DML: JZD and the DML
        Re: DML: JZD
        DML: Automatic transmission
        DML: Fanzilla
        Re: DML: JZD
        DML: white lettering on bumper?
        Re: DML: Looking for worn-out door strut...
        DML: DeLorean sighting
        DML: SEDOC November meeting


Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 09:21:08 -0500
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Fender removal...

When you lift the hood you will find a row of Philips head screws running
between the hood hinges. For more detail go to (8:5:0) in your parts
the angle bracket they are talking about is item # 21. Also be aware that
there is a bolt molded into the inside section of the fascia on both the
left and right side. The nuts and washers securing the fascia at this
will have to be removed. Once again check (8:5:0) items 21 & 22, follow
dotted line to see where they are located.
DMC Joe / DeLorean Services

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Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 01:08:34 EST
From: Jimbo0946@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Dealer Stripes

Just curious, can you still purchase the black side stripes for a
Is anybody who has them interested in selling?


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Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 01:45:39 -0700
From: scottmueller@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Mueller)
Subject: [none]

To:  DMCNEWS <DMCNEWS@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
Subject: New PC

Sorry about my irregularity during the last couple of days.  Maybe I
should clarify that, irregularities in posting.  I just finished
upgrading my PC, AMD K6 350 MHz, 128MRAM.  WIN98

I'll tell you, going from a P5-66 to this is amazing.  I now have a
machine that crashes so fast, you don't even know its happening.

My posts will be sporadic, so don't worry, I'm not ignoring you.

Scott Mueller

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Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 00:47:18 -0800
From: "Dave Price" <davep2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Custom tail light pics

Several of you sent me email to see pictures of my custom tail light
project, so I thought I'd post the URL on the list..

I have a cheap digital camera, so the pictures are poor quality, but
get the idea.

Take care!

- - Dave

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Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 10:51:28 CDT
From: "Steve Seikel" <seikel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: 81 Delorean, electrical 'leak'

I have an Oct. 81 delorean, vin#5279, and for some reason I have to jump
the car every time I start it.  I took the positive lead off of the
battery post, took the multimeter and put the positive end to the battery
post, and the negitive to the lead, and there was power drainage coming
from somewhere, i did this with NO fuses in and the doors shut.  This is
wierd to me, any help? is there any other precautions I should do for my
car?  upgrades ect?  thanks.

steve seikel

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Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 12:14:48 EST
From: gt-roadracer@xxxxxxxx (GUY T AVELLON)
Subject: DML: JZD

I've been travelling a bit lately and been up to my armpits in old
e-mail, only 104 messages! Just wanted to comment on the last DML posting
someone mmentioned JZD was not continuing a car project due to ill
health. During my latest travels, I had some consulting jobs on the east
coast and decided since I was close to where John lived, I might as well
call him. Respecting the man's privacy, I wrote to him first, thanking
him for his automotive and engineering contributions, as we are fellow
SAE members. I got his address and phone number from the SAE Roster list.
I also enclosed a picture of my car not really knowing if he saw it or
remembered it as one of his early show cars his brother Charles had
painted.I don't know why I was surprised, but he was extermely cordial
when I called and envited me to his home.
I'm glad it wasn't being sold at the time, it is beautiful. The drive is
a gravel road over 1/2 mile long, through the trees and over two stone
bridges. Then you come upon the paved drive which snakes towards  the
Georgian colonial. The entry was paved with bricks and his red NSX was in
front. He came from around some bushes with a bottle of weed killer in
his hand, dressed in a Polo shirt, Dockers and boat shoes-no socks-and
looking extremely fit for a man of his age. He does NOT look his age. My
wife concurred.
He even mentioned the 'project' he was working on. It was rumored but he
told us himself about a carbon-fiber framed light weight car (1800 lbs.
or less) with a small block V8 projected to go 0-60 in 3.4 seconds and
cost less thea $20K. (that should cull the male teen population!).
Anyway, I had him sign the glove box door of my D. He said he could sign
my wife as it would be more personal! Sure, the last time that happened I
was racing in SCCA and introduced her to a Datsun 510 sedan driver with
PLN over the door. Since he was just one of the 'guys' Paul Neuman was
very congenial, but Linda wouldn't wash her hand for weeks!!
Recent articles in AUTOWEEK relating to the history of the Tempest
described some of JZD's career at GM and his involvement with engineering
design, such as changing the angle of the drive shaft 11 degrees to give
the car an essentially flat floor without the traditional hump.He has and
probably will contribute more great ideas to society, if they would only
leave the man alone! My best to him.
GT Avellon

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Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 13:46:08 EST
From: NJP548@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Custom tail light pics

Hey Dave,

    I like how your car looks now great idea.  I had an idea in the
middle of
the night a few months ago that I actually went to the computer and
started to
do it so I wouldn't forget.  I printed out big DMC letters on thick
card like paper in the delorean font and cut them out and put them inside
taillights so whenever at night and I hit the brake pedal u can see dmc
each one of the tail lights.  I put the D and the C in the parking lights
I put the M in the middle brake light so anyone behind me at a stop light
something can see DMC in my taillights.  I just thought people might
think of
this as a good idea or something and put it in their own car.  Its not
permanent so whenever you want u can just take them out.


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Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 15:05:37 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
From: Jim Lill <jpl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Engine Swaps

The purists would probably want to stick with some PRV variant. My PRV
page gives the lowdown on all the

The Dodge Monaco PRV only made 150HP and uses rather sad FI and ignition
systems. The best combination of parts available in the US would be:

- - Dodge 2975cc or late Volvo/Peugeot 2849cc blocks.

- - Volvo B280F or Peugeot ZN3J heads/counterbalancers with their improved
oiling (all early PRV lacked the balance scheme)

- - Volvo B280F 780 series FI and Ignition ECU (or Peugeot ZN3J mod's to
those specs) which yielded 180 HP

- - Extrudehoned intake/plenum

- - rising rate fuel pressure regulator

- - low-restriction cat/exhaust

This combo would give 200+ HP. A donor car can be picked up for 500-800
making the whole thing a reasonable job.

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Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 22:07:51 -0500
From: "Larry C. Hildreth" <Hildreths@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: brake rebuilding

Reply to Lane Ougsted
Vin 06624
Subject:  DeLorean Brake Master Cylinder and DOT 4 versus 5 Brake Fluid

First off the DeLorean brake master cylinder is  a Girling model (no real=

surprise there) and a rebuild kit for the model number (which escapes me)=

is available.  The Girling model number will be found right on the side o=
the master cylinder when you remove it.  Basically what you will be
replacing are the neoprene seals.  Once you remove the master cylinder,
you'll want to disassemble the unit (easy) and inspect the cylinder walls=

(bore) for any scrathes, rust  or abrasion.  If any of this is evident, I=
opt for a new or rebuilt master cylinder.  However a little discolaration=

is normal.   If the latter is the case, take one of the small dish, pot
scrubbing pads (the green cellulose type NOT the metal ones)  and gently
remove the discoloration or adherring impediment.  (UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE=
WORK PROPERLY IF AT ALL!)  Install new seals, reassemble, reattach, add n=
fluid, bleed the brakes as per the tech manual and viola, you're back in
business.  Now reference wheter you should install DOT 4 or DOT 5 (silico=
based brake fluid).
Now THIS is going to be a hot topic or  THE GREAT BRAKE FLUID DEBATE.    =
my opinion it will come down to how often you drive your DeLorean and how=

you drive it  when you do!  My once daily driver is now a show car!  My c=
is driven only on weekends,  for the once a year cross country and to and=

from car shows. I use DOT 5 silicon base fluid for both the brake and
clutch master cylinders.  In a nutshell, its (DOT 5) higher temp (wet and=

dry boiling point) rated and it doesn't absorb water vapor.   More
importantly,  it does not promote corrosion (due to moisture contaminatio=
of internal system parts.   For my car, at least, these qualities alone,
make it an obvious choice.  On the other hand, silicone fluid will (unlik=
glycol-based fluid) compress at high temperatures  and this may cause a
spongy pedal under continued hard braking.  Whatever you decide, don't mi=
the fluid.  It has been said that DOT 5 will work well in British clutch =
brake systems, but that you must start with all new or fully rebuilt  and=

clean systems if you want to use silicone fluid.  Good luck and Let the
Wars begin!

Larry C. Hildreth
VIN 903 or 00903 to those with a passion for the finite!   

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Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 22:35:15 EST
From: ABatt10347@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Service

Fellow DMCer's,
It is always a positive experience meeting you guys face to face. In the
years  of ownership I have had the chance to get to know many of you in
person. I always come away with the feeling that we have known each other
years. I guess that owning one of these autos has a way of making us
in arms. With that said I would like to send some praise towards Joe of
Delorean Services. Yes, he has taken the time to answer mine and lots of
everyone else's questions, but in the past two weeks I have had the
chance to
become a customer of his. First he is one of the most knowledgeable
people on
the Delorean I have ever met. Second his way of doing business is first
As many of you will remember I had a problem with my third gear. I called
Steve W. of DMC Houston and he helped steer me to the possible solutions.
that I thank him. ( If I was in TX, DMC Houston would have done the
but with Joe being in Atlanta and my car being in TN, well Joe was my
repair shop. Allen ( Joe's son) called me every other day to keep me
posted on
the progress of my repairs. Joe not only fixed the problem but also took
of some other stuff before they became problems. In short he treated me
way one wants to be treated. In this day where the average repair shop is
interested in getting the car out with no regard to the customer having a
complete repair ( not the DMC repair centers, other makes) it is
refreshing to
find someone who really cares not only for the car but for the customer!
you are tops in my book, and I would recommend anyone in the southeastern
to give Joe a try. Not only will your car be repaired but you will be
with the way you are treated! Thank you James for letting me have this
for my comments.
Bruce Battles
Vin #6569

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Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 21:27:59 +0000
From: "darryl@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <darryl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: narrow stripe kits

I have about 10 sets of the narrow stripe kits @ $75 each.  Let me know if
anyone is interested.

Darryl Tinnerstet
Specialty Automotive
4 LaBelle Lane
McCleary, WA 98557
PH: 360-495-4640
FAX: 360-495-4680

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Date: Sun, 15 Nov 98 01:08:05 -0600
From: David Swingle <dswingle@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Dave's Trans - Part 4

Kind of on hold for the moment.....
You may remember last time (DMCN #437), I had opened up the trans - upon
further inspection I have determined that in addition to the broken 1/2
roll pin I have a torn up 3/4-gear slider, and third gear synchro is not
looking too great either. Looks like the prior owner waited WAY too long
to replace that #$%^@ teflon clutch line. I'm in the process of locating
repair parts - these are not generally obtainable from the normal parts
sources (DMC sells only whole transmissions), or if they are the costs
are astronomical. I think I've been following Joe LoRe on a telephone
hunt around the country looking for these same parts. Not much more to
say at this point - I'll write more as things come together, probably in

In the mean time I have Marty's stainless brake lines to install (easier
with the trans out of the way) and trailing arm bolts to check/replace.

Dave Swingle
81 VIN 5429
DOA, DMC, DMC(Midwest)

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Date: Sun, 15 Nov 98 01:08:09 -0600
From: David Swingle <dswingle@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: re: Fender Removal

James "crash" Espey asked (looking like he's decided to do his own fender
replacement, AND about to find out why it costs so much in labor):

>From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: DML: Fender removal...
>...... Step 6 says:
>Open the hood and loosen the Phillips head screws securing adjacent side
>of the front fascia panel support bracket to the body angle bracket.
>Can someone identify these screws for me?
>All I need to do is move the right side of the front fascia forward about
>an inch to gain access to the three screws that attach the front fender
>to the body mounting bracket - ideas anyone?
I replaced my facia last winter. It's a little more complex than the
manual states - my guess is that whoever wrote the manual had not
actually done it.

The facia is not all that flexible, in other words to pull it out on the
one side you pretty much have to get the whole thing loose. Your best
strategy is probably to tilt the whole thing forward rather than trying
to pull one side forward.  My recollection is that you have to remove all
of those phillips screws. First, you really do need to remove the trunk
lid (hood??), since the screws are under the leading edge. This is
simple, except that to unplug the light fixture wiring you have to remove
the upper fake grille. This ie easier if you remove the headlights first,
although you may not have to except as noted below.

The phillips screws you mentioned are all across the front of the car,
just inside leading edge of the trunk lid. In my case, the phillips
screws at either end had been removed and replaced with screws and nuts.
This looked like one of the dealer re-fit items, so I have no idea how
common this is. To get to the nut, I had to remove each of the outer (low
beam) headlights and brackets (yuck). To remove the outer headlight
bracket, I had to remove the inner one first (more yuck). The nice part
is that by removing the headlights first it was easier to remove the

Then there is a stud from the facia that goes thru the fender about the
centerline of the black (bumper) portion just forward of the edge of the
facia. THe manual NEVER mentions this one, but it does appear in the
parts manual on page 8/5/0. After you get the nut off of that (if there
is one - mine did not have it) you have to stretch the facia outward a
little to disengage it from the fender. There are 5 screws across top of
the lower air intake grille. To remove the facia all the way you have to
get under the car and remove a bunch of nuts holding the spoiler on,
usually during this process you will break off several of the studs that
are moulded into the spoiler. I suspect you won't need to do this to pull
the facia forward enough to remove the fender.

Feel free to call if you'd like a verbal explanation.

Dave Swingle
81 VIN 5429
DOA, DMC, DMC(Midwest)

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Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 15:18:03 +0100
From: bettycat@xxxxxxxxxxx (BETTYCAT)
Subject: DML: NEW (!!!) De Lorean for sale

Brand New De Lorean

absolutely mind condition

5-Speed, grey leather, all updates are made, including Service,
3 month Waranty

for furthrer Informations see also the article in the `ZINE 2, "An 81
mile De Lorean" - this is the car !!!

If you have interest in this rare car send me an offer higher than US $

De Lorean Automobile
Christoph Wirz
Hauptstrasse 80
9506 Lommis/ Schweiz

Fax and Phone ....0041 52 376 33 66 (US 011-41-)
e- Mail DMC-12@xxxxxxx

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Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 15:00:47 +0100
From: bettycat@xxxxxxxxxxx (BETTYCAT)
Subject: DML: De Lorean for sale

1981 DeLorean available for sale.VIN# 6xxx, 45.000 kilometers
automatic transmission
black interior, recovered seats, new headliners
more new parts than can be listed here (e.g. brakes, wheels) new service
payed TVA and tax for germany / last runs im germany
price: 24.800 german marks (approx.14.600 US $)
The car is in switzerland but can be shipped to any place in the world !!!
Call 0041 52 376 3366 or eMail me

Christoph (DMC-12@xxxxxxx)

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Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 15:24:23 +0100
From: bettycat@xxxxxxxxxxx (BETTYCAT)
Subject: DML: Looking for any original De Lorean collectors items

I=B4m looking for any original De Lorean collectors items, especially =
De Lorean stocks, DMC dealer-signs ......

Mail to

CU Ch. Wirz

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Date: Sun, 15 Nov 98 01:08:13 -0600
From: David Swingle <dswingle@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: re: Brake System Rebuild

"Lane Ongstad" <longstad@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>Subject: DML: Brake system rebuild
>....  My brakes feel a little mushy - When sitting at a stop =
>light I can feel the pedal gradually "sink".  It doesn't bottom out and =
>pumps to the top quickly when released and reapplyed once.
>It sounds like a master cylinder problem (diaphram bypass leak?)

I agree - best to replace it. Rebuild kits do not seem to be available. I
also felt that personnally, brakes were not the place I'd scrimp to save
a few bucks.

>since I need to get into the system its probably a good idea to work on =
>the entire system.  My plan is to replace the master cylinder, add =
>stainless steel lines (thanks Marty!) and new fluid.  My questions:
>1)  How about going to silicone fluid to replace the DOT3/DOT4?  Seems =
>like a good idea to me,  Any known downsides / experiences??

I'll let this debate go elsewhere - I'd stick with the Castrol GT/LMA but
you'll get a lot of argument on this - lots in the archives too. Search
on "Brake fluid". Pluses and minuses to either.

>2)  Assuming I buy a "new" master cylinder from DMC how reliable might =
>it be given that the workings are basically 18 years old??  Am I better =
>off with a rebuild?  Or do any of the other retailers (PJ / DMC1????)

I bought a master from PJG - it was new, not old stock. Very minor
difference from original - the plunger pin is adjustable. Just make sure
its set in far enough or all the brakes lock up on the test drive. An
open invitation to "Flux Capacitor" jokes as you sit on the side of the

>sell a more effective unit??  How about cross reference or other =
>specialty parts suppliers??  Again, I'm looking for your experiences and =

Again based on the "no scrimping on brakes" policy during my brake
rebuild I also rebuilt all the calipers. You CAN get rebuild kits for
these. If the prior owner(s) did not periodically flush the fluid, you'll
find the beginnings of pitting in the caliper bores. Since you're already
doing the brake lines, this is not much farther to go into it.

Dave Swingle
81 VIN 5429
DOA, DMC, DMC(Midwest)

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Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 10:49:36 EST
From: JCox4001@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: DMC Stripe kits

I bought out a dealership not too long ago, of their entire parts
I have both the Grey stripe kit and the Wide Black Stripe kits, in the
original boxes.  I will never use them and would consider selling them if
anyone is interested.  Just e-mail me and we can discuss it.   

Jeff Cox       
VIN 5705       

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Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 10:10:13 -0800
From: "Dave Price" <davep2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Looking for worn-out door strut...

I made an attempt to adjust my passenger side door, as it opens too
but I was unable to remove the torsion bar bracket from the bar.. It looks
like the star pattern on the bar must be worn or marred just enough to
it nearly impossible to pull the bracket off the end (especially while
holding torque on the bar...)

Anyway, since it's not looking like I'll be adjusting the door any time
soon, I thought I'd try to put a strut on the door that is somewhat worn
out.  Does anyone have a weak strut they replaced with a new one that
want to donate to my cause?


- - Dave

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Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 01:25:04 -0500
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: 81 Delorean, electrical 'leak'

Good job so far, your test has eliminated all fused circuits, now its time
to check your un-fused circuits. Many of the electrical components are
wired with no fuse between the component and battery. Many of the relays
are in this category. Go to your master wiring diagram and find at 6/C the
master 12 volt harness. At that area you will find a group of wires
(N) that all terminate at a single point, these wires which are brown in
color are all unfused. Using the procedure you did for the fused circuits
repeat the same process for the relays.
DMC Joe / DeLorean Services

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Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 02:01:05 -0500
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: JZD

Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience with all of us. I had the
honor of meeting him back in 1980 just as the DeLorean was being
and I too experienced his cordial and friendly attitude. Your experience
once again reinforces the fact that he has made many positive
to the automotive world with the DeLorean being his most intense. As you
said, we could see even more contributions  to society, if they would only
leave the man alone!
DMC Joe / DeLorean Services

- ----------
> From: GUY T AVELLON <gt-roadracer@xxxxxxxx>
> To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: DML: JZD
> Date: Saturday, November 14, 1998 12:14 PM
> Recent articles in AUTOWEEK relating to the history of the Tempest
> described some of JZD's career at GM and his involvement with engineering
> design, such as changing the angle of the drive shaft 11 degrees to give
> the car an essentially flat floor without the traditional hump.He has and
> probably will contribute more great ideas to society, if they would only
> leave the man alone! My best to him.
> GT Avellon

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Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 04:12:58 -0500
From: "DMC Joe" <DMCJOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Dealer Stripes

I don't believe anyone has the wide stripe. Several years ago a tractor
trailer truck smashed my rear quarter panel, I tried locating a
stripe and none were available.
DMC Joe / DeLorean Services

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Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 14:06:56 -0700
From: scottmueller@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Mueller)
Subject: DML: Mobile Car Show 1998, Last Update

To all that attended the car show that was held at Hooters in Mobile =
Alabama on October 31, 1998, thank you for attending.  I had alot of =

As promised, the goody bags will be mailed this week.  I just finished =
addressing all of the envelopes, and if you showed your car, you will be =
recieving your stuff shortly.

On April 3, 1999 an open car show will be held at Bellingrath Gardens, =
Mobile Albama.  It is called the Camilia Classic.  I attended last =
spring and the gardens were a sight to behold.  The cars are all parked =
in a large manicured lawn area and you are surrounded by one of the most =
beautiful gardens in existence.  I will contact the show organizer and =
try to get a class created for the DeLoreans.  We had 9 cars at Hooters =
and I think that with this much advanced notice we should be able to =
double that.

Scott Mueller
DMC/ Das Mueller Companies
Mobile, AL
002981 DOA5031 DMCNEWS

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Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 18:35:12 -0500
From: "Tom Long" <trl2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: SEDOC November Meeting

This is an open invitation to all DeLorean Owners in the Southeast.

The Southeastern DeLorean Owners Club (SEDOC) is having their annual
November Meeting this coming Saturday, November 21 at my house in
Alpharetta, GA starting at 3:00 in the afternoon and lasting until
that evening.  This is an annual affair (14 years) that always gets a good
turnout of DeLoreans and their owners.  We will have a pot-luck meal with
people bringing their favorite dish other than a main course.  The Club
provide smoked turkey and beverages.   Joe LoRe (DMC Joe)  will be there
lead a tech session covering anything that you always wanted to know, but
were afraid to ask.  The social camaraderie of husbands, wives, and
significant others is always the most enjoyable part of the affair.

If you are interested in attending this affair, get in touch with me
directly at 770-449-1968 or by e-mail at trl2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx and I'll
provide detailed directions on how to get to our house.  If you can't
a covered dish, don't worry, because we always have an abundance of
excellent food.

Tom Long

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Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 18:45:35 -0500
From: "DOUG T VENNER" <DMC12@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Book vaule

Anyone know if there is a actual Book value for
our cars? I'm putting my car on the road this week
and trying to determine what to put on the line that
says "purchase price". Thanx
Doug Venner                 NJ

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Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 18:07:54 -0500
From: "DOUG T VENNER" <DMC12@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: CO adjustment

Gonna be doing a CO Adjustment and
I have some questions.
First, in the manual they say to remove
the tamper-proof plug. All I see is a blue
plastic plug that fits in the hole. With the plastic
plug out it is a clear shot to the screw.
Did someone already remove the tamper-proof plug?
Anyone know the size of the adj. screw??
looks like a allen head but I haven't found a size that fits
yet. Thanx
Doug Venner                NJ

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Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 20:24:38 -0700 (MST)
From: raddad@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Custom tail light pics


Your tail light set-up certainly looks interesting.  While it may not be
for everyone, It does impart a somewhat modern look.  Just curious: rather
than tinted plastic, did you ever consider using clear plastic and then
covering it with some of the great carbon fiber look coverings now

Dick Ryan

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Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 15:54:40 +0000
From: JOHN_GEULEY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Luggage compartment struts !!

  Hi All,

    Does anyone know the non Delorean part equivalent of the
    gas struts for the luggage compartment ??
    (Or what car has the same struts on)
    I assume the  struts must have been taken from another vehicle
    originally and the cost to import to the UK from the US is
    quite steep for what should be a stock item !!

    (I recently bought the Door Struts from PJ Grady but feel that
     the luggage compartment struts are a lot less critical in terms of
     performance etc)


    John Geuley

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Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 12:34:29 -0500 (EST)
From: Bill Wilson <fluffy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Book value

On Sun, 15 Nov 1998, DOUG T VENNER wrote:

> Anyone know if there is a actual Book value for
> our cars? I'm putting my car on the road this week

There is.  Look in the "classic/collector's" edition, you won't find it in
the regular edition.  If I recall correctly (there is always the chance
that I don't), the value was listed as 10,000/16,000/20,000 for
fair/good/excellent condition, respectively.  The value is the same for
all three model years.  (I was glad to see it in the Blue Book - they have
everything in there - but I didn't consider the wide range of values to be
particularly helpful).

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Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 11:47:23 -0600
From: Stephen R <stephenr@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: JZD

I never given this much thought but do any of you think JZD has much
knowledge about the DML?  It would be so cool if he were ever to join
the list.

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Date: Mon, 16 Nov 98 12:12:21 -0000
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: JZD and the DML

>I never given this much thought but do any of you think JZD has much
>knowledge about the DML?  It would be so cool if he were ever to join
>the list.

JZD is well aware of the DML. Last year the DML was instrumental in many
folks sending him holiday birthday cards. Those close to him are
"lurkers"on the DML and keep him apprised of things that may be of
interest to him.

James Espey
Moderator, DeLorean Mailing List

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Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 14:36:52 EST
From: COREYDMC@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: JZD

john z delorean is a very nice guy. he lives down the street from me in
bedminster nj. about 2 months ago i was over his house to get my 83 dmc
autographed. we talked alot about the dmc-12. beleave it or not but he
own a delorean he drives a jaguar and a acura nsx. i have heard alot of
that he is a very unpleasant person. i found out that none of that is
true. i
run in to him all the time and will ask him if he has any interest about
joining the list.i know for a fact that he socializes over the internet
people about his DeLorean car company. i ll write back with his response.
thanks  corey

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Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 21:13:45 +0100
From: "Andreas Ludwig" <a-ludwig@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Automatic transmission


I have a problem with my automatic transmission. It often gets stuck in =
random gear until it gets really warmed up and then it almost never =
shifts down to first gear. Since I live in Sweden I can't get the car to =
a real DeLorean shop and the transmission is from a Renault that was =
never sold here so nobody understands what's wrong with it. The problem =
seams to be the governer computer. Appearantly nothing like that is used =
in most cars.

Right now a Chrysler mechanic is looking at it and he has confirmed that =
nothing else seams to be wrong with it. The reason that I chose Chrysler =
is that they take care of all Jeeps here in Sweden and I have heard that =
it's possible to take the governer computer from a Jeep Eagle. =
Unfortunatly he does not recognize it.

I'd be happy for any information on the topic.

Andreas Ludwig

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Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 15:51:47 -0500
From: edds202@xxxxxxxx (Andrew w Edds)
Subject: DML: Fanzilla

Since I began receiving this newsletter, I have heard about something
called a fanzilla, could someone please fill me in?


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Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 15:01:04 -0500
From: bttfdmc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: JZD

I actually find this stuff kind of hard to believe; people just going
over to his house and meeting him, talking to him on the phone, etc.

I had sent Mr. DeLorean a couple of letters in the past along with
a few emails and never have I gotten a response.  So if it's so easy
to get in touch with him, how come out the 6 years I have been trying
I've never received a "boo" from the guy.


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Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 18:32:40 -0500
From: Joe Capasso <capasso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: white lettering on bumper?

    I have noticed in a few pictures, some DeLoreans have "DeLorean"
in white lettering on the back bumper.  Others have "DeLorean" as just an
imprint in black on the bumper.  Anyone know which year(s) have the
white?  I
do not own a DeLorean yet, but when I buy one, I want one w/ the white

Joe Capasso

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Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 15:42:37 -0800
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Looking for worn-out door strut...

At 10:10 AM 11/15/98 -0800, you wrote:
>I made an attempt to adjust my passenger side door, as it opens too
  Does anyone have a weak strut they replaced with a new one that
>want to donate to my cause?

I would be willing to trade you a weak strut for the one you now have


Call me any time @ 1-510-649-9118

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Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 20:54:30 EST
From: Jimbo0946@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: DeLorean sighting

I was driving in PA on Sunday ( but not in my D) and saw another DeLorean
route 30 around 4:00 pm.  Just wondering if it was anybody on the list.


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Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 18:57:04 -0500
From: "Tom Long" <trl2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: SEDOC November meeting

This is an addendum to my message of yesterday inviting all DeLorean
in the Southeast to the November meeting of SEDOC at my house on November
On re-reading my message, I realized that many people may not realize that
Alpharetta, Georgia is a suburb of Atlanta.  My house is actually about 25
miles due north of the center of Atlanta.   Also, I forgot to mention that
there will be a door prize given out and, for everyone who will pay their
'99 dues at that meeting, we will give them a new, updated copy of our
DeLorean Parts Cross Reference List -- 9 pages of valuable information.

If you would like to attend, give me a call at 770-449-1968 or e-mail me

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End of dmcnews-digest V3 #442

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