dmcnews-digest V3 #401
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dmcnews-digest V3 #401

Title: dmcnews-digest V3 #401

dmcnews-digest        Tuesday, August 18 1998        Volume 03 : Number 401

       In this issue:
        Re: DML: 4speed delorean??
        DML: Shop Manuals
        DML: Alternator or Battery??
        DML: Silver4
        DML: Gullwings
        Re: DML: 4speed delorean??
        Re: DML: Re: Frame
        DML: Frame
        Re: DML: Mailing list anniversary
        DML: Not So Cool!
        DML: Re: Shop Manuals
        DML: Re: code
        Re: DML: A/C Retrofit to R134a (was: Not So Cool!)
        DML: Self Frame Repair
        Re: DML: Not So Cool!
        DML: Pricing Question
        Re: DML: Re: code
        DML: Hemet Delorean
        Re: DML: Not So Cool!
        Re: DML: Mailing list anniversary
        Re: DML: Aftermarket Shocks (and tires)
        DML: DeLorean Toys found at FleaMarket!
        DML: Re: 140 MPH speedo face
        Re[2]: DML: Mailing list anniversary
        Re: DML: 140 MPH speedo face
        Re: DML: Re: 140 MPH speedo face
        RE: DML: 140 MPH speedo face
        DML: Support DMCnews
        DML: Thanks


Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 21:08:21 EDT
From: RMoore2208@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: 4speed delorean??

I too saw the "mystery 4 speed", I called in about the same car
because it said something for a DMC I have never seen... Lease option, so
called about leasing it, the prices weren't bad, but I will think about
sadly, I called about the car before I noticed that it said "4 speed". I
call again tomarrow, and have the salesman look in the car, to see if they
didn't make a mistake.
Just wanted to share my info...
- -Ryan Mootr


Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 19:06:24 -0700
From: "Sean R. Manning" <mannings@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Shop Manuals


        Well I took the plunge yesterday and bought one.  '81 automatic with
interior.  Its the most beautiful car I've ever seen.  But now its my turn
to start fixing all the little irritants that I've been reading about on
this list.  But first I need to get my hands on the aftermarket shop
manual.  I remember seeing a web page that had them for sale by themselves
and bundled with the parts manual, owners manual, etc., but for the life
me I can't remember the URL.  I thought it was P.J. Grady but I didn't see
the page I remembered on their web site.  Anyone know what/where I'm
talking about?  Thanks.

Sean Manning
VIN#1932 (it felt darn good to type that)


Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 01:37:17, -0500
From: HJGT93A@xxxxxxxxxxx (MR JOSEPH   NAPOLI)
Subject: DML: Alternator or Battery??

Maybe you can help.  Keep my S/N 3039 with 14k miles on trickle..
when not using..last time in use, stalled at light and would not
start..battery low...after push start, notice that voltmeter not
charging over 10 volts sometimes lower....battery is about three
years old, no water type,, alternator or battery.. How do I tell...
Alternator is I think a Ducelli, if I remember right,,haven't checked
in years...

Joe in CT


Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 23:09:33 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Silver4

More on the 1/24th scale DeLorean

Any one interested in seeing the current progress on the DeLorean Limited
edition models, you can find 4 more detailed pictures of the master Model
sitting on a scale reference board which give you an Idea of the scale.
These pictures show the door seals, engine CVR and the Louver both top
and under-side.

If you have never seen good scale detail you will appreciate the fine
details in the louver under-side. It measures just under 2 inches wide,
yet includes all the structure of the full size louvers found on the

A full description of each pictured can be found on the DMC message

For the pictures go to:

and for Descriptions  :

Note: In the next week all the certificate and reservation updates will
be completed I hope. If you have a special need please use the message
board or e-mail. contact me at : lee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

thanks and enjoy the pictures



Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 02:21:59 -0700
From: Alex Krochmal <alexk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Gullwings

I have updated my gullwings page the address is the same but if you did
get it the first time here it is again.


Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 08:58:43 -0400
From: Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: 4speed delorean??

The only 4 speed DMC I have heard of are the few that were modified with
the Porche 4 speed automatic trans.  (like the BTTF car that was in

illyana delorean wrote:
> hey! i was looking at the new "old car trader" mag today at borders,
> and there was an ad for a delorean. but this one was "special." this
> delorean was a rare 4speed. when was this made? ive never heard of a
> 4speed delorean. or was this guy just being asinine?
> <-illyana->


Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 23:39:08 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Re: Frame

At 07:44 PM 8/15/98 EDT, you wrote:
>Lee,Sorry about That the name here is Claude.And you are right about the
>if you do that for a living,but for people who don't do welding for a
>living,and want
>to tackle major rust,it is far easier to remove the body,than have to
>house,because it burnt along with the car.

Hi Claude,

        I think that some where along the line we got side tracked, the thread I
was responding to related to "How safe" was it to repair the frame by
welding". because most people have never really looked into it, they feel
that it must be something that is hard to do and expensive to have done.

        Neither is true, as I mentioned before welding is mostly an art, and can
be learned by most everyone. Of course safety is important and common
is the best way to keep from burning down the house. I have gone over my
own frame and it is in very good shape, but does have a bit of rust hear
and there. It will take 50 years before the rust becomes a safety problem.
My post were intended to encourage any one who really wanted to explore
possibility of doing their own Frame repair to go ahead and do so. Why



Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 02:53:34 +0100
From: "Martin Gutkowski (UK)" <>
Subject: DML: Frame

Hi all,

well, I'm looking at a car "remotely". That is, it is in Germany and
before the current owner drives it over here, I want to clear up as much
as I can about what state it's in. Where in particular would one check
for rust on the frame?

Also, please feel free to visit the members' cars page on my website
because I've just come back from meeting fellow UK list member Rob
Aitchison's new D. Pictures are now posted of his
not-yet-registered-and-still-with-California-plates late '81. I liked

Best Wishes,



Date: Sun, 16 Aug 98 11:33:06 -0700
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Mailing list anniversary

I had hoped to have time to write a nice posting about the third
anniversary of the DML, like I did for the first and second
anniversaries, but the phenomenal growth over the past year has me

With nearly 1,100 subscribers from every continent (except Antarctica) in
just three years, the DML is truly the fastest growing DeLorean
enthusiast group in the world.

The list has turned into a big job from where it was three years ago with
ten subscribers. Now I get an average of 200 messages per day, about 150
of which pertain in some way to the list (postings, returned mail,
subscribe/unsubscribe requests, product orders/inquiries, etc).

Thankfully, I have people like Dave Price (who maintains the
classifieds), Greg Guillot (who maintains the back issues), Travis Graham
(who is helping me with the 'zine), Mike and Patti Substelny (who do a
wonderful job with the DeLorean Owners Directory), the ever-popular Guest
Moderator, Knut Grimsrud (who fills in when I need a break) and of
course, the wonderful Marla Rountree, whom many of you do not know, but
she is the "significant other" in my life who tolerates the many hours I
spend at the keyboard, and gives of herself as we copy, collate, fold and
staple the DOD, proofreads the 'zine, and is often a sounding board for
the many ideas (sometimes half-baked) that pop into my head. All of these
people help to make the whole DML/DMC-News a manageable and enjoyable

Many people have told me how much they appreciate having the DML
available to them, still others have said they never would have
considered buying a DeLorean had it not been for the DML "support group".
That, to me, is what it is all about, owners helping owners. The idea now
is to spread the word - to make as many DeLorean owners as possible aware
of the DML/DMC-News. How do you think we can best accomplish this? Tell
me what YOU think...

Thanks again, to everyone, for making the DeLorean Mailing List and
DMC-News the greatest resource available to all DeLorean owners and
enthusiasts in the world...

James Espey
Moderator, DeLorean Mailing List


Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 20:53:25 -0400
From: Richard Strecker <dmc1219@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Not So Cool!

Well, it's finally happened; $100+ worth of freon R12 has
just increased the size of the hole in the ozone layer.
With just a brief 'sss's's's's  it was gone, since I was
traveling at some speed at the time I was not able to locate
the exact point where it leaked.

Where this is leading is to a question about conversion to
R134.  Several months ago there was quite a bit of
discussion about the merits of conversion.  My question is
simply this: who had done it?  What are the results? and
what conversion kit was used?

Still dripping,



Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 23:50:41 -0400
From: "Joe " <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Shop Manuals

Both the Parts Manual & Shop Manual are available from DeLorean One
http//, DMC Houston , and P.J.
Joe/DeLorean Services


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 00:21:29 -0400
From: "Joe " <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: code

Several different paint cods were used for safety re-calls,  blue for a
sway bar and strengthening brackets
, red for ball joints. Some shops didn't have the factory specified paint
so they substituted the markings with a color they had on the shelf. There
was never any campaign for the rear suspension, so I can't explain your
yellow rear markings.
Joe/DeLorean Services


Date: Sun, 16 Aug 98 22:39:51 -0700
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: A/C Retrofit to R134a (was: Not So Cool!)

On 8/16/98 5:53 PM, Richard Strecker shared these fine thoughts...

>Where this is leading is to a question about conversion to
>R134.  Several months ago there was quite a bit of
>discussion about the merits of conversion.  My question is
>simply this: who had done it?  What are the results? and
>what conversion kit was used?

A quick and simple search of the Back issues via the NEW back issue
search engine at:

on "air conditioning retrofit" yielded the follwing result:

A great deal of effort has gone into the archiving of the back issues,
and the search engine makes them all accessible to anyone with a web
browser. The new search engine offers a broader range of search options,
and the results are easier to read, also.

The DML has a net gain of about 15 subscribers per week, so the same
questions WILL come up over and over again, the search engine can find
all previous instances of the subject in a few seconds. Try it!

James Espey
Moderator, DeLorean Mailing List


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 11:54:42 -0400
From: Aldo.Buono@xxxxxxxxx

     From the Parts Interchange List of
     De Lorean Midatlantic
     FRONT: KYB GR2: 344098 (requires drilling out bottom eyelets
            Monroe Matic-Plus: 32150 (requires space washers at lower
            Carrera: 3346-SE-2 
     REAR:  Carrera: 3384-SU-002       
            Monroe Matic-Plus: 33049 (requires modification)
     I have the Monroes on the front of my D.
     On a rare occasion, they will bottom out.  Otherwise, they are fine.
     Aldo Buono, President
     De Lorean Midatlantic
     VIN 1440
     DOC #14 


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 11:07:52 -0000
From: Bryan Pearce <bryan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Self Frame Repair

Lee Seiler wrote:

>This may sound like a pipe dream, but I assure you that as a certified
>welder, there is no such thing as an un-repairable "steel" object. The
>question is how much needs to be replaced or fixed. I have seen many
>articles about seporating the frame and the body. If this is as easy as
>articles suggest, then doing the repair of the frame it's self is a very
>easy proposition. All that would be required would be the grinding away of
>any rusted areas and the cutting off and the replacements of any "rusted
>out sections". Using wither gas or ARD welding and the correct rod is all
>that is required.

As someone who has performed this procedure, I can tell you that if you
have reservations about doing this type of work, the DeLorean is not the
place to learn.  The procedure itself is not that difficult, however, the
difficulty is removing something that has not been taken apart for 17
years.  Also, you have to have the tools and specifically a lift (or be
creative with two jacks).

The next problem is making sure that the replaced sections are correct. 
As with many of the DeLorean frames, I have seen, the rust is much worse
once the body is removed and you can see the extent of the damage.  If
the bends of the replaced sections are not correct, the strength of the
frame will be compromised.

>Once the actual metal work is completed re coating the frame and
>re-installing the frame hardware completes the work. The issue of cracking
>epoxy coating is far over blown and no where as critical as has been
>suggested in some post. Repairing the coating is also a straight forward
>job and only requires good work practices.

I don't know Lee, I did not think the cracking epoxy was so bad either
until my frame collapsed while I was driving the car.

>Welding is a fun shill to learn. I recommend it to any one interested in
>doing their own frame work. But more importantly if you get involved in
>such a project you will have the opportunity to do some serious but
>inexpensive maintenance in the bargain.

I agree that welding is a great skill to learn.  The DeLorean, however,
is not the place to learn.

Bryan Pearce
DeLorean Midwest Connection
VIN #11529 - The only DMC-12
with a Stainless Steel Frame


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 09:42:26 -0700
From: Moore <psmdiver@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Not So Cool!

I was just having one of my vehicles recharged.  The tech informed my
that the latest convention on freon has come to the startling discovery
that R-12 is not so bad and that the new stuff may have a greater
health  and environment impact.  Maybe the guy was just stretching me so
to sell the R-12???

Bill #6691


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 09:16:15 -0400
From: "Laflotte, Duane" <dlaflott@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Pricing Question

There is a D for sale where I live.  Here are the stats.

Cracked Leather Seats (Gray)
Engine latch doesn't hook down,
front fender rubber coming off
interior stained
Trunk/gas tank pop cable broken
Back of the driver seat popping off chair.
Cracked shift head
passenger seat not adjustable broken?

Other than that it runs ok.

How much should a car like this sell for?... and is it normal to have this
much to be done to a D? I know it is an older car.

Duane Laflotte


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 10:45:04 EDT
From: JSteuben@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Re: code

Thanks Joe,
I guess my confusion is ; if the car was lowered via the cut coil method,
wouldn't the colors be reversed?  If aftermarket springs were used, Then
wouldn't be any color coding at all?  The car is lowered to original


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 01:04:28 -0400
From: chip <chip@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Hemet Delorean

- -PLease post in DMC digest-

Well i would just like to announce that i am a new proud owner of a 1981
delorean. Just 19 year old so i dont think im doing bad. just a few
quick questions. My DMC has a problem that usually occurs when the air
conditioning is turned on, after a while the windshield wipers will turn
on. then off. then later on again.  I got kinda annoyed after driving it
like that to work so i just pulled the fuse. Does anybody have an idea
on whats wrong? maybe a short somewhere? has anybody else experienced
the same problem? also, while driving at night, i noticed a little
detail that the dash light does not work and i was reduced to carring a
lighter to light it up so i know how fast i am going. where would i
start troubleshooting this? Last one.  Where can i get a new set of door
struts and how much will they be? any help or tips are appreciated.

hemet, Ca
Vin # 1230   (i guess thats it. the last four digets right?)


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 15:02:30 -0400
From: Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Not So Cool!

I don't know if you read my messages from that thread, but please note
that that most of the damage done by poor R134a conversions do not
appear for a year or 2.

Even if the R134a conversion is done properly, you will be almost
doubling the stress on the 15 year old AC components, and the system
will be LESS efficient.

R-12 is not that expensive, just make sure that you do not get any of
the cheaper blends.  It is common to find R-12 blends using Propane.  As
I have said before, Propane works great but if you were to experience
another leak it could be a "Explosive" situation...

Richard Strecker wrote:

> Where this is leading is to a question about conversion to
> R134.  Several months ago there was quite a bit of
> discussion about the merits of conversion.  My question is
> simply this: who had done it?  What are the results? and
> what conversion kit was used?


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 06:45:51 -0500
From: scottmueller@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Mueller)
Subject: Re: DML: Mailing list anniversary

James Espey wrote:
> I had hoped to have time to write a nice posting about the third
> anniversary of the DML,

> Many people have told me how much they appreciate having the DML
> available to them, still others have said they never would have
> considered buying a DeLorean had it not been for the DML "support group".
> That, to me, is what it is all about, owners helping owners. The idea now
> is to spread the word - to make as many DeLorean owners as possible aware
> of the DML/DMC-News. How do you think we can best accomplish this? Tell
> me what YOU think...
> Thanks again, to everyone, for making the DeLorean Mailing List and
> DMC-News the greatest resource available to all DeLorean owners and
> enthusiasts in the world...
> James Espey
> Moderator, DeLorean Mailing List

Thanks James and thanks to all of the others that have put effort into
making the Mailing list the success that it is.

I have learned so much from all of the list members on how to deal with
the minor problems that creep up in my DeLorean.  There are many
resources available for information and help in owning and maintaining
the DeLorean.  The DeLorean Mailing List though, is by far the best
resource we have for getting timely information, and a multitude of
opinions on any problem that I have with the car.

I meet James for the first time in Ireland during the 97 expo.  I
consider James to be one of my friends now, even though I have only
spent time with him in Ireland and Cincinatti.  Maybe it is the 12 beers
we shared in Ireland that made the bond so strong.  I admire James for
the dedication he has to seeing that the mailing list stays on topic and
also for his efforts in producing the 'zine.  The thing that amazes me
about the list and 'zine is the fact that it is all FREE.  Well, it's
free to everyone except for James.

I would like to propose that in celebration of the third anniversary of
the list that we all donate a small amount of money to help defray the
costs of running the site.  I'm sure that it would be appreciated.  I
know that James has server costs, printing costs for the 'zine ( he
plans to print up hard copies), postage costs.  I try to purchase items
from the list from time to time, because the profits are used to support
the list, perhapes if you have been thinking about buying something, now
would be a good time.  I order two sets of the Christmas cards for this
year and can not wait to get them.  The cards are competively priced and
are definately unique.

I have rambled long enough.

Scott Mueller


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 15:20:30 EDT
From: JSteuben@xxxxxxx

Hi Aldo,

Is your car lowered?  Regards, Joe


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 15:08:03 -0400
From: Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

So, the Carrera's require no modification?

When you say dril out the bottom eyelets, is this a modification to the
shock? or the car?   Same question for the Monroe's...


Aldo.Buono@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>      From the Parts Interchange List of
>      De Lorean Midatlantic
>      FRONT: KYB GR2: 344098 (requires drilling out bottom eyelets
>             Monroe Matic-Plus: 32150 (requires space washers at lower
> end.
>             Carrera: 3346-SE-2
>      REAR:  Carrera: 3384-SU-002
>             Monroe Matic-Plus: 33049 (requires modification)
>      I have the Monroes on the front of my D.
>      On a rare occasion, they will bottom out.  Otherwise, they are fine.
>      Aldo Buono, President
>      De Lorean Midatlantic
>      VIN 1440
>      DOC #14


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 12:18:43 -0800
From: "Ken Montgomery" <kenm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Aftermarket Shocks (and tires)

> From:          Aldo.Buono@xxxxxxxxx
>      From the Parts Interchange List of
>      De Lorean Midatlantic
>      FRONT: KYB GR2: 344098 (requires drilling out bottom eyelets
>             Monroe Matic-Plus: 32150 (requires space washers at lower
> end. 
>             Carrera: 3346-SE-2 
>      REAR:  Carrera: 3384-SU-002       
>             Monroe Matic-Plus: 33049 (requires modification)
>      I have the Monroes on the front of my D.
>      On a rare occasion, they will bottom out.  Otherwise, they are fine.

So what you're saying is that the Carrera shocks works as-is and the
Monroes must be modified? How modified? Do you know if the Carreras
would 'bottom out' as well?

On a side note, I put new Goodyear tires on the car on Friday. I
still had the stock Goodyear NCT's with 30K miles on them. Wow! What
a difference. With the NCT's the 'D' rode like a tractor. After 16
years, the tires had permanent flat spots from sitting so much and
they were otherwise hard as a rock.. But they still looked good!. I
would have saved them anyway but I checked the sidewalls after they
were off the rim and if you flexed the tire you could see tons of
tiny cracks.

The rear tires were hard to get. I had to call Goodyear themself's to
track down a set but I wanted to stick as close to stock as I could.

- -------------------------------------------------------
Ken Montgomery    My DeLorean VIN #10911 'OUTTIME'
Sacramento, CA   
kenm@xxxxxxxx     "When the wind gets under these wings
Operating           You will feel what freedom brings"
Systems Analyst        From 'On-Air' Alan Parsons
(916) 278-7646
- -------------------------------------------------------


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 15:55:50 -0400
From: "Yocom, Shannon" <syocom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DeLorean Toys found at FleaMarket!

Picked up another DMC Matchbox sized car at a FleaMarket this past

Also, this one is sort of new to me can anybody tell me where this came
from or what toy set this came with. . . 
  I got a D that looks like it is 4-wheel drive w/spikey ruber tires
about 1/24 scale modeling.  The car has the rear end of the BTTF car w/
the box like exaust.  Also on the hood is something like the BTTF movie
but I can't remember which one.  W/ the help of 2 AA batteries a button
on the back lights a small light on top that is in a laser type gun
mounted on the roof.  It also cycles through 8 or so different sounds
(ray gun, grenade launch & blow'n up, machine gun, etc).  There is a
sticker on each non-working door that simply says "super" under a
triangular logo.  The front bumper has a sticker on it that says "Space
Patrol".  The wheels are free moving and when pushed backwards it winds
the car to go on its own forward.
  Does this sound familiar to anyone?

If anyone would like I can get digital images for someone to put up on
the web for all to see.  If anyone is interested in putting up some
images for all to see please let me know and I can e-mail them to whom
ever tomorrow.

VIN# someday


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 12:58:57 -0400
From: Aldo.Buono@xxxxxxxxx

     August 23, 1998, Sunday
     9th Annual "A Taste of Britain"
     Rothsville, Pennsylvania, South of Exit 21, PA
     Turnpike A fun gathering for All British Marques
     Call Jim, 717-292-0579 or Bruce, 717-432-2509
     August 27, 1998, Thursday
     End of Summer Cruisin
     5 to 11 PM
     Freehold, New Jersey
     De Loreans will be grouped together.
     Call Aldo, 215-849-5160
     September 6, 1998, Sunday
     1998 Concours d'Elegance
     Lime Rock Park, Lakeville, Connecticut    
     Class 22 Foreign Sports Closed 1980-1985
     Show your De Lorean in this fine Concours
     Registration: 860-435-5000
     September 20, 1998, Sunday
     14th Annual British Car Days
     Richmond, Virginia
     De Loreans will have their own judged class.
     Registration: 804-527-3934
     September 26, 1998, Saturday
     English Car Day at Graeme Park
     Horsham, Pennsylvania (north of Philadelphia)
     De Loreans will have their own judged class.
     Call Mike Nitroy, 215-672-0613
     September 27, 1998, Sunday
     "Meeting of the Marques"
     The Meadows at Allenberry Resort
     South of Carlisle, Pennsylvania
     De Loreans compete in Class I (1981-1997)
     Registration: 717-761-1839
     October 11 & 12, 1998, Saturday/Sunday
     A Canterbury Feast and Fall Tour
     Western Pennsylvania
     Joint Event with De Lorean Club of Ohio
     Meeting Place: Steak and Lube in Sharon, PA, at 11AM on Saturday.
     We will enjoy lunch at this quaint restaurant which features all
     types of automobiles, race cars, motorcycles and auto related items.
     The neighboring restaurant is the Hot Rod Cafe -- a must see!
     At 1PM we will journey through the hills of PA to a small town
     Cambridge Springs.  This is where we dine and stay for the evening
     at The Riverside Inn.  The hotel was built in 1884 and today has
     restored and furnished in that era.  No telephones or TVs in your
     rooms!!!  Our fare for the evening will be a Medieval style musical
     comedy as Knaves and Wenches take you back to the year 1492 where
     not only perform but also serve a delicious and plentiful feast,
     without utensils!!!!
     A (1) night package including the Canterbury Feast dinner and show,
     full breakfast the next morning and your room is $160.00 including
     For reservations at The Riverside Inn, call 800-964-5173 or
     814-398-4645. Tell them that you are with the De Lorean Club so we
     sit together. 
     Additional info: Wayne and Jill Luoma, 440-352-1707.
     December 1998
     Annual Holiday Social
     Call Aldo at 215-849-5160 in November for date, time and place.
     Membership in De Lorean Midatlantic is open to all owners and
     enthusiasts.  Benefits include this exciting social schedule, annual
     complimentary door adjustment social in the spring, membership
     directory, **** Parts Interchange List **** updated annually with
     of stuff from DML, club newsletter two/three times a year.
     Send a check for $12 made out to De Lorean Owners to: Dick Lash, De
     Lorean Midatlantic Treasurer, 409 Lark Drive, Newark, DE 19713.
     Aldo Buono, President
     De Lorean Midatlantic
     VIN 1440
     DOC #14


Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 12:41:27 -0400
From: "Joe " <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: 140 MPH speedo face

Considering the labor involved, the cost of the label, and the cost of
re-calibration wouldn't be better to send your unit out to D-1, DMC, or
P.J. for their 170 mph modification. The average cost is about $180.00 and
your assured of a factory quality job and precise calibration.
Joe/DeLorean Services

Joe/DeLorean Services


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 16:17:00 +0100
From: Pete.J.Smith@xxxxxx
Subject: Re[2]: DML: Mailing list anniversary

I try to purchase items from the list from time to time, because the
profits are used to support the list, perhapes if you have been thinking
about buying something, now would be a good time. (SNIP)
Sender: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Precedence: list
Reply-To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

( I'd like to by PJ Grady's British racing green Delorean :-) I don't
suppose you happen to have it laying around or something..??! :-) )

Seriously though - I don't have D (but I'm thinking about it).  I just
enjoy reading about them, the problems, the fun and the thrill. Ive
learnt alot about one of favourite cars.  This is a good list and i am
surprised that it manages to keep its topic like Scott said. 

Congratulation on the Anniversary



Date: Mon, 17 Aug 98 14:33:46 -0700
From: Marty Maier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, WINGD2@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: 140 MPH speedo face

Joe/Delorean Services had some comments concerning the 140 MPH speedo
faces. I would like to offer this reply.  First, if anyone wants to have
D-1, DMC or PJ Grady perform their work, thats fine. I personally support
all of these dealers and do business with them. Without them, keeping our
DeLoreans alive would be very difficult.

 Now for a little backround on the 140 face. This face was actually 
because of a conversastion I had with Steven Wynn of DMC at the Kapac
open house last October. I had inquired about having Steven do the 170
face for me and he suggested I look at the car he had out back. It had
one of the rare original factory 140 speedos in it.  He pointed out 2
important things about the 140 speedo, first,  the 140 face is much more
realistic of the cars actual capibalities and second, because its a
smaller overall scale ( 0-140 vs 0-170) its more accurate, especially in
the lower range which is where we do 99%
of our driving.  I asked Steven if he was going to have the 140 faces
reproduced and he said it was NOT something he was planning in the near

This is what started this project.  After some searching, I was able to
locate  one of the original factory 140 units and was able to get some
photos to use as a basis for the new face. Please note: The 140mph faces
that I have  produced are NOT exact duplicates of the original factory
140 unit. I did this for two reasons, first, the factory unit has the
outside MPH scale in 20mph graduations in white ,and I used this same
scale,  but the inside KMH scale on the factory unit is in 20kmh
graduations in blue, which causes all the kmh numbers to run together
across the top.  I revised the inside kmh scale to 30kmh graduations in
an effort to try and clean things up a little.  I also have 55mph shown
in orange on this face, which the factory unit does not.

 The second reason for not duplicating the face exactly is kinda
personal, I feel the very few who have a factory 140 speedo have
something truly unique, (so far I have only been able to find 3 of these
to exist, although I'm sure there are a few more) and I did not want to
detract from that uniqueness. My goal was to produce a face which looked
"factory" and at the same time was useful in normal everyday use.

As far as the labor and cost involved,  the majority of the labor
involved with this conversion is in the removal and re-installition of
the binnacle and speedo unit to start with, which is something you have
to do yourself anyway befor you send the speedo to one of the shops to
get it converted.  As for the "Assurance of a factory quality job"
comment,  I've seen some of the 170 units that were done on the west
coast and all I can say is "No Comment !" (then again, maybe you are
right, they did kinda look like some of the stuff I've seen come from the
factory ! ). Anyway,  there is nothing "special" about taking the speedo
apart and installing the face, just follow the included instructions and
take your time. The finished product is a direct result of the efforts
you spend !  Re-calibration is the same way, it's not rocket science but
it does involve the use of a special piece of equipment, which is why you
must take it to a speedo repair shop to have it done. This process is
really very easy and accurate to do using the correct machine.  If you're
intimiadated by the project, or have no mechanical ability, then by all
means have someone else do the work. Matter of fact, if you send your
speedo to Rob Grady, chances are it will come back with a
140 face.  After seeing my car at the Cincinatti show,  Rob is now using
this 140 face in his conversions.

  I also want it understood that I'm in no way trying to "compete" or
take business away from, or trying to direct business to, any of the
specific "D" shops.  This 140 MPH face is something I developed for
myself, and am just offering it, and this information, to others who have
expressed an interest in it.  How or who does their conversion is up to

  As far as cost is concerned, Joe, I guess I'm just not very good with
numbers, Sorry !  It really comes down to what value you place on your
own time.

   Replys and comments are welcome, also any "tips" on installation from
who have...


PS - James, you should have known not to get me started  ! :)


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 16:56:15 -0000
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Re: 140 MPH speedo face

On 8/14/98 4:40 PM, Joe shared these fine thoughts...

>Considering the labor involved, the cost of the label, and the cost of
>re-calibration wouldn't be better to send your unit out to D-1, DMC, or
>P.J. for their 170 mph modification. The average cost is about $180.00 and
>your assured of a factory quality job and precise calibration.
>Joe/DeLorean Services

Chris Rabalais, longtime DML'er, bought one those recalibrated speedos
from "ONE" of the DeLorean suppliers and found it to be very poorly
calibrated, off as much as 20mph at high speeds. I personally think that
Marty's creation is much more factory-looking in appearance, too.

I have one and am in the process of installing it in my car, the
instructions are clear and the process is very easy for anyone of
average mechanical ability (read: me)+

Normally I agree with Joe, but this time I think he's blown it. I doubt
he has any experience with Marty's product, and I think he should try one
before he tries to pass judgement on it.

James Espey
Moderator, DeLorean Mailing List


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 22:05:47 -0400
From: "Stephen E. Klein" <klein98@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: DML: 140 MPH speedo face


        I live in New York City and noted your posting that you only knew of
people with 140 mph speedo.  Well, now you know of four.  I bought a car
from Steve Wynn quite some time ago that had the rare speedo.  It is an
early '81 with a black interior and all the extra screws.

- -Stephen E. Klein


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 19:40:07 PDT
From: "De Miller" <demillerkansas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Support DMCnews

Hi everyone:
   Just another little note about the value of this list and the other
items offered (FREE) by the DMCnews website. As I mentioned in my first
posting on this subject Sunday (and echoed by several others here) I
think it would be a good idea to support this list with our money, and
not just let Mr. Espey and the other loyal volunteers who make this
service go shoulder all of the financial burden.
   So, I'll throw out this proposal for consideration, just for
starters; Since this is the third year for the list, let's all kick in a
dollar per year...three bucks. (We can figure something else out for
next anniversary..four bucks, maybe?) There are a thousand or so
subscribers to this list (give or take a couple hundred). If we all do
this little bit, it should make a nice dent in the operating expenses.
   I'll ask this again also: Who hasn't found at least one money-saving
idea on this list? Didn't you save $3 bucks? In just the relatively
short time I've been using this list (a couple months) I personally have
saved hundreds in connecting with sources for parts and technical help.
(We outta send Joe some dough too, cause he's giving away valuable
technical help every the list blacked out in your home business
area, Joe?) The DMCnews search engine alone is worth the price of a
ticket! If you haven't used that service yet, DO SO. If you have a
question about some nagging "D" problem, this search engine will
probably have a dozen or more answers on the subject available
immediately...even faster than getting a reply on this list!
   Nuf said. De Miller, Kansas City.


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 21:35:58 -0600 (MDT)
From: raddad@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Thanks

I got back on-line with the live version of the DML today.  Having been
of touch since June 14 due to my cross country bicycle ride, I was in the
clutches of serious "DML withdrawal".

First, I want to thank those who took the time to send me encouragement
birthday greetings while on the ride.  Your thoughts were greatly
appreciated.  Mike S. even was out in his yard to cheer me on as we went
through Cleveland.  Unfortunately, I didn't see him or his DeLorean.  I
sure heard about it from dozens of other riders who did see him.  Sorry,
Mike, I would have loved to have met you.

Second, I see a current thread again deals with the subject of rust on the
frame.  I wonder if anyone has had any experience with a product called
15.  There is a full page ad for it on about the second page of the August
Hemmings.  Just curious.

Finally, I, too, want to personally thank James for the DML.  This
is, perhaps,  the best thing ever to happen to DeLorean ownership (not to
mention the information it provides to potential DeLorean owners).  Again,
James, THANKS!

Dick Ryan


End of dmcnews-digest V3 #401

 Postings to the DELOREAN MAILING LIST are the opinions of the author and
 not necessarily those of the list moderator (James Espey) or his
 Service Provider(s). The list moderator makes every effort to screen out
 false, misleading, and negative postings, but it is up to you, the
 of the DELOREAN MAILING LIST, to realize that nothing should be taken as
 actual fact without research and investigation of your own.

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