dmcnews-digest V3 #380
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dmcnews-digest V3 #380

Title: dmcnews-digest V3 #380

dmcnews-digest          Monday, June 22 1998          Volume 03 : Number 380

       In this issue:
        Re: DML: Cincinnatti pictures
        Re: DML: unexpected shut off
        DML: Re: unexpected shut off
        DML: Re: New Owner #04419
        Re: DML: unexpected shut off
        DML: unexpected shut off
        DML: Where we stand (model)
        DML: parts !
        DML: Logic Box
        DML: Back from vacation
        DML: JZD on VH1, etc.
        DML: page six
        Re: DML: Engine swap
        DML: History Channel Poll
        DML: Alternate Fuels
        DML: DMC : Found a site that sells those Rare  Delorean Books
        DML: Side saddle
        DML: Re: HTML Hint [was page six]
        Re: DML: JZD on VH1, etc.
        DML: BTTF DMC on FOX
        Re: DML: Engine swap
        Re: DML: Re: unexpected shut off
        DML: Re: Tension bar adjustment
        Re: DML: Turbo
        DML:  DeLorean Spoted
        DML: Torsion bar adjustment....
        DML: Unexpected shut-off
        Re: DML: Side saddle
        DML: Freehold New Jersey Cruise Night.
        DML: price adjustment


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 23:32:21 -0400
From: Josh Haldeman <haldeman.4@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Cincinnatti pictures

    Great pictures of the event, sorry I missed you when you were here.  If
you've got the time, check out my page, which has been revised, and updated
include Cincy pix.  it's at

I say if you've got the time, because my pictures take a while to load.  By
the way the city's name is spelled Cincinnati.
                                                Talk to you later,

Sean P Mullally wrote:

> I have some of my pictures from last week's event online in case anyone is
> interested. They are on my web site at:
> -Sean Mullally
> vin #3868


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 23:54:17 -0400
From: Josh Haldeman <haldeman.4@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: unexpected shut off

    This same thing happened to me when I was on the highway in my 85 Honda
Accord.  I had the cruise control on and all the sudden I started losing
speed, like I had run out of gas, I pulled off to the side and the car
died.  I tried to crank it once and there was nothing, it didn't even turn
over (but the lights were still on?!?).  I waited about five minutes to try
and figure out what to do, and then tried it again...this time it started
right up and I drove another hundred miles without any problem, in fact that
was about a year and a half ago, and I've still had no trouble with it, like
that.  I know the engine didn't overheat, because there is not only a guage,
but also a warning light and a loud beep that warn you if it's threatening
to do that.  The only thing I can think of, was about a week before this
happened, I had the engine oil flushed and new oil added.  When I say
flushed, I don't mean like an oil change...they ran some kind of fluid
through the engine to clean out any gunk, grim and steel splinters that had
built up, and then let it dry before refilling it.  There was nothing wrong
with the engine before hand, it was kind of a preventitive maintenance
measure.  If this is what caused the problem, I guess the lesson is: if it
ain't broke, don't fix it!  The car now has 285,000 miles, and it will run
forever...but I'd trade it and my other two cars in a second for the chance
to own a DeLorean...I really admire you guys.

- -Josh

John Murray wrote:

> Hello list,
>         My 81 5spd cut off while driving. Had the A/C running radio on
> and it died. Never any hint of this before.  Aprox 30-40 minutes later
> it started up fine. When it did cut off there was still power to the
> door lights and interior lights only, no radio power, no a/c function,
> no gauges, ingition did nothing.  After I got it started, I limped it
> home.  I did not turn on the radio or a/c for fear of it happening
> again.  The car had no indication that anything was wrong, guages
> functioning properly, wasnt over heated, plenty of volts.Anyone have any
> suggestions, comments or even know what caused this?
> Bewildered....
> John Murray
> VIN# 2390
> FL Lic  81DMC12


Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 01:43:40 -0400
From: "Joe " <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: unexpected shut off

You lost power to your accessory relay, you may have a bad connection or a
defective relay. There are two silver colored relays located under the rear
portion of your electrical panel behind the passenger seat. They are to the
right of your door lock module. The relay with the two white wires with a
blue strip is the accessory relay. These relays rarely go bad so check all
the connections that are connected to it. Not to discount previous
suggestions but your problem has nothing to do with anything located with
the electric's behind the drivers seat or the alternator.
Joe/DeLorean Services

- ----------
> From: John Murray <jwmurray@xxxxxxxx>
> To: DMC News <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: DML: unexpected shut off
> Date: Friday, June 19, 1998 6:05 PM
> Hello list,
>         My 81 5spd cut off while driving. Had the A/C running radio on
> and it died. Never any hint of this before.  Aprox 30-40 minutes later
> it started up fine. When it did cut off there was still power to the
> door lights and interior lights only, no radio power, no a/c function,
> no gauges, ingition did nothing.  After I got it started, I limped it
> home.  I did not turn on the radio or a/c for fear of it happening
> again.  The car had no indication that anything was wrong, guages
> functioning properly, wasnt over heated, plenty of volts.Anyone have any
> suggestions, comments or even know what caused this?
> Bewildered....
> John Murray
> VIN# 2390
> FL Lic  81DMC12


Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 01:55:01 -0400
From: "Joe " <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: New Owner #04419

If you don't have a fuel baffle you'll have hesitation problems whenever
your fuel tank is less than 1/4 full. You should be able to get all the
components including the tank screen from P.G. Grady.
Joe/DeLorean Services
- ----------
> From: Richard J.Myosky <rjm@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: dmcnews-digest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: DML: New Owner #04419
> Date: Friday, June 19, 1998 1:57 AM
> As the new owner of a 1981 Delorean and just coming back from the
> ralley in southern Ohio.It was a real treat to stop in Columbus at the
> warehouse to purchase the parts (windshield,dash and more) and to see
> the quanity of parts still on the market.The folks at the warehouse were
> very helpful and took great pains to see that I got the best of the lot
> when I picked out the parts that I needed.It is a shame,that I will not
> be able to enjoy this privilege again,because of an idiot.
>   I have been reading the digest version of this group for a couple of
> months and have talked to some of you on the phone with my questions
> regarding looking for my first Delorean purchase.Some of you I had a
> chance to meet and thank in person while I was at the ralley last
> weekend.I hope to have my car up and running before too long and get the
> opportunity to meet the rest of the crowd which has offered much
> help.Kathy and I were very impressed with the people and the cars that
> made it to the show.
>    The car has not been run since 1993 and I'm stripping down the fuel
> system (gas tank ,new fuel pump,gas lines,filter,ect.).The mess in the
> tank was unbelivable,but did clean up with repeated cleanings.I
> understand that the fuel pump filter is no longer available.The one in
> the tank fell apart in my hands.What other filter (brand or part#) would
> you recommend to replace this filter and how long should this extend
> into the tank.
>    I have downloaded the parts manual from the net and purchased the
> manual at the show.The parts manual shows a baffle setup which I found
> no part of when I got into the tank? Was this part ever used and just
> shown in the books or do I need to order one before I start putting
> things back together.

>   I have read most of the back issues of the digest and have failed to
> find the answer.Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Richard J.Myosky #4419


Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 02:58:32 EDT
From: KayoOng@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: unexpected shut off

Do you have a "buddy battery" unit?
If so that is your problem.  See explanation further below.

If NOT, there maybe a problem in your charging system and the battery with
symptoms you just quoted.  Check ALL of the charging system's components.
alternator, the battery including belts.  Clean all electrical terminals on
the alternator, battery, fuses, relays, etc.  Clean especially the battery
terminal so it so "shinny new" and on ALL of the mentioned units.  Male and
female terminals alike.  To protect the clean terminals, use dielectric
if you have, it is better then the petroleum base grease.

Check and CLEAN the GROUNDING connections at the chassis and at the engine's
ground points.  Rust, corrosion and dirt is an insulator.  Check the
plugs and  connectors under the left fender.  Always wet there at times.
wires there that is potential for electrical problems.  Again use dielectric
grease there and not the petroleum based grease if possible.

I once had the same problem of dying out.  Occasionally my vehicle just
dead".  I could not figure out the reason, until I removed the "buddy
unit.  I had installed a NEW BATTERY and a "BATTERY BUDDY" at the same time,
hoping to eliminate the dead battery condition during long periods of not
using the vehicle. 

My vehicle's charging system is good when IDLING, just around 14 volts with
electrical draw.  I decided to remove the battery buddy, but I still had the
same problem. 

THE PROBLEM?  The alternator just can't supply enough current to "run all"
the vehicle's electrical needs and to charge the battery during the
usage.  My car used to "drop dead" anywhere when there is slow moving
because of this condition. 
Condition?  OVERDRAWN on both the alternator and the battery.

There is also another inherited problem with many Deloreans.  There is a low
current draw which eventually leads to a low or discharged battery if the
vehicle is not being used regularly.  One main culprit is the CLOCK.  Yes,
clock still works fine.  That is the reason why many of us have installed a
"battery buddy."  Another solution is to use a main heavy duty battery ON
OFFswitch.  This is big and difficult to mount. 
This topic or thread was posted earlier this spring. 

For your info, when you have your A/C on, the engine slows down due to the
compressor being engaged.  The alternator DOES NOT have full output on low
RPMs.  PLus you now have your interior blower fans on low, medium or high at
this point.  Again this is more electrical demand on the electrical system.
Last, but not least, BOTH the radiator fans cuts on automatically by the
wiring configuration of the A/C compressor clutch.  Again, much heavier
electrical demand, even with the FANZILLA, although the  FANZILLA do help.
Now, with the radio on, that is just about tapping out the alternator's
capacity.  Within 15 mins. to 20 mins. in slow moving traffic.  Your vehicle

Unless someone gives you a boost, or you have the "power pack unit" in your
trunk at your convince for jumping the vehicle, at the jumper terminals (in
front of the box that contains the ignition coil and electrical quick

In your case, after waiting 20 mins or longer, sometimes the "tired" battery
will "spring" back to life just enough to start up the engine again.  Since
you did not exceed your alternator's output by turning on the A/C, you can
made it home.

The Deloreans electrical conditions is even at its worst or compounded when
you are driving at night with headlights on.  You might as well FORGET ABOUT
IT, if it is raining and you must have the wipers on.  YOU WILL BE DEAD on
road unless you have a very, very, very good high capacity battery in good
working condition and or with a good working high capacity output alternator
other then the stock unit on the Delorean.

If you have a "battery buddy" this will happen sooner, for the battery is
being discharged and it will sense this condition and shut down all
supply drawn from the battery.  Again your vehicle will drop dead on the
This is what the "battery buddy" is design to do.  All you have to do is
your door and push the head light switch on and off several times and this
will "shock or reset" the battery buddy out of operation.  It is a pain, but
it is a compromise.

I am going to get invovled in converting my charging system soon. 
My Delorean needs more electrical juice.  The ignition also suffers too
because of lack of electrical supplying the coil.  Sluggish acceleration,
etc, etc.

Anyone with an AC Delco or any other alternator unit with a 100 plus amps
capacity, INSTALLED or coververted  in their Delorean who would like to
their experiences, please?
Kayo Ong
Lic  9D  NY


Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 00:31:13 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: unexpected shut off

At 06:05 PM 6/19/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Hello list,
>        My 81 5spd cut off while driving. Had the A/C running radio on
>and it died. Never any hint of this before.  Aprox 30-40 minutes later
>it started up fine. When it did cut off there was still power to the
>door lights and interior lights only, no radio power, no a/c function,
>no gauges, ingition did nothing.  After I got it started, I limped it
>home.  I did not turn on the radio or a/c for fear of it happening
>again.  The car had no indication that anything was wrong, guages
>functioning properly, wasnt over heated, plenty of volts.Anyone have any
>suggestions, comments or even know what caused this?
>John Murray
>VIN# 2390
>FL Lic  81DMC12

Hello John,

        You have a case of bad Car-ma! that's what you get for using my
plate ID.......wink<

Sorry john I just could not resist pulling your leg a bit......

        In all seriousness I had a similar problem the first day I had my
just running the engine in the driveway. my problem turned out to be dirty
wiring connections. Finding them all and cleaning and greasing them all
took months, of evenings and a few weekends. I am sure there are other
possible solutions which our DML'ers will offer.

Good luck with the problem.


Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 01:11:29 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Where we stand (model)

<lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Fri, 19 Jun 1998 15:52:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Bixby, Web" <wbixby@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Where do we stand?
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 17:40:42 -0500

First I am glad that you seem to be recovering well.  I got the
impression that your knee was scoped.  My wife had that done 2 years ago
(to both knees) and she is very glad she did it.

On to the model........

Whenever you are ready to start ship the model and start accepting
payments I am
ready.........................................................  I will be
purchasing , as they become available, the engine and the frame kits in
addition to the car itself. 

I am still looking to find a professional model maker to build my kit(s)
but have not had much luck to this point .  If you come across anyone
please send them my way.

Your www site looks great and will develop over time. I look forward to
seeing the bulletin board area get going.

Hope you get back on your feet real soon,

Web Bixby


(note) I am re posting this e-mail because I have had dozens of similar
one's. I hope answering this one will be useful to every one interested.

Hi Web,

I am back home with a new knee, all puffed up and tender. Even so it
actually feels better than before the surgery. Thanks for the worm thoughts.

On the models.......

Every one on the limited edition list will be notified when the kits are
ready. Your kit will have your name, VIN, and License plate printed as part
of the box art. Although I have not made any plans to make the frame and
engine kits a limited edition like the body kit, They will be of the same
quality and designed to combine with the limited edition.

The main justification for the kit bulletin board is to provide a way for
you to find a suitable kit builder and to have access to the whole Internet
of car modeling. The bulletin board will be registered with every model
building, kit building, hobby and art forum, web site and search engine  I
can find. To date I have over a hundred positive responce of this kind that
will provide links. I think at this point, once the board is open it won't
take long for modelers to show up. At least in theory you will have the
list of 100 to help with your project.



Date: Sat, 20 Jun 98 10:39:07 PDT
From: "Brandon S. Moody" <bsmoody@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: parts !

Few items I have for sale.  More coming soon.

1)  2 seats.  New Grey original style seat covers
     just installed.  Never been put back in a car
     or sat on.   $950 for the pair or I will remove the
     covers and sell the covers for $450.

2)  Engine AND Auto Transmission Assembly.
     Has 52 K miles on it.  I had it started about
      3 months ago.  Runs great, just didn't idle
      very smooth (imagine that) .  Everything is
       included EXCEPT The fuel distributor ( which
       you can just use your old one)  Starter, compressor,
        harness, fuel injectors, hoses , etc... included.
       Transmission works just fine.  $2900.00  For the
        whole thing.

Send mail to BSMOODY@xxxxxxx .  DONT SEND MAIL

- -Brandon


Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 13:06:01 -0500
From: scottmueller@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Mueller)
Subject: DML: Logic Box

My thanks to Steve Wynne at DMC Houston for his assistance in getting my
seat belt light working correctly.  It turns out that the "Logic
Box",buzzer, was defective.  Steve helped me trouble shoot the circuits
to narrow it down.  I also took my old logic box to Duke Bladorns to
verify its operation, it did not work correctly.  Now, everything works
on my car.  I better find some wood to knock on pretty quick.  I must
say that Steve was very busy, but still took the time to hold my hand
while trouble shooting.  I was getting frustrated.

When I first installed the new logic box, I still did not get the
seatbelt light, but the new box worked on Dukes car, it turned out that
I was not getting a good connection in the plug.  So I had two problems,
a poor connection and a bad logic box.

This is a perfect example of how list members can help each other and
the importance of a patient person like Steve Wynne who is only a phone
call away.

Thanks again Steve and Duke.

Scott Mueller
Vin 2981


Date: Sat, 20 Jun 98 12:08:31 -0000
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Back from vacation

After 4400 miles round trip (counting the side trips) I am back in
Phoenix and weeding through 800+ email messages. I expect to be back in
action on Monday - thanks for everyones patience.



Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 16:11:33 EDT
From: Iznodmad@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: JZD on VH1, etc.

Hello all.  While on my wonderful vacation at Atlantic Beach, NC; I saw JZD
mentioned on a 30 minute show called "Pop Up Video" on VH1.  I usually watch
the show when it is on just b/c the info is interesting in the videos.  What
this show does is show pop-ups of info while music videos are playing.  The
video was "Road to Nowhere" by The Talking Heads.  Obviously the whole video
pop-ups had to deal with things going nowhere.  Now I wasn't watching the
intently, I just happened to look up when the first bubble appeared.  The
pop-up had a pic of John and the bubble said something like.............John
Delorean's car company led to nowhere in 1982--but he had a plan.  The 2nd
bubble said something like import cocaine to the US, but he

That was it, but I always keep my eye open for Deloreans and Delorean stuff.
Not exactly the type of exposure to the man and car that I like to see, but
was pretty cool to see anyway. 

I want to add something to the Matlock episode "The Lemon" as well.  I saw
this episode not too long ago, probably in March or so.  I don't remember
exact station, I want to say it was UPN or something.  I do remember it was
aired at night.  But what difference does that make?  Anyway, the episode
have good shots of a D.

I also have a D sighting to report.  There is a D at the "Car Toys" store on
Stratford Rd in Winston-Salem, NC.  I haven't had time to go by and look at
yet, but I think it is the same one that was there a couple of yrs ago.  I
looked at it then.  The owner bought one and installed a TV/VCR,
stereo, and neon lighting.  I think it might have been for sale too, I just
don't remember.  Is this owner on the list?

Sorry this turned out to be so long.
Darren Decker to get rid of my boat first.


Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 16:50:46 -0400
From: Josh Haldeman <haldeman.4@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: page six

Dear List,
    I forgot to mention that my photos from the Cincinnati Show are on
page six of my photo archive.  Until I work out the bug in the html
code, you have to go to page five, and at the bottom there will be a
link to page six, if it comes back to tell you that the page doesn't
exist, go to the site address line and delete the final forward slash
from that line.  Press enter again, and the page should load.  I'll get
that problem solved soon I hope.  Again sorry for the wait on the
picture loading, but in my opinion it's worth it.

The address of the page again is:


Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 21:37:31 -0400
From: Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Engine swap

What car's were these used in (recently)?

What is a A toranto transmission, is it for a rear facing engine like
the delorean? or is it front wheel drive style? 5 speed or auto?

Any other specs on it?  HP, weight, possible modifications or race

Vicki Miller wrote:
> After being a GM mechanic for 20 + years  (ie.. chevy)the beset route to
> go on a converson is to use a automatic chassie, toranto transmission
> and the chevy 4.3 v-6.   this combination will fit the chassie with
> minor modifications and provide excellent proformance for much cheaper
> price, and be much easier to work on...any other suggestions or
> commments are welcome...delorean used to be a GM design engineer and
> ran chevy for a number of years........
> bob miller
> 1000mil@xxxxxxx


Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 21:47:01 -0700
From: Mostafa Sayed <phoenixl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: History Channel Poll

Any word on which car won the award for greatest sports car ever?



Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 00:47:32 -0700
From: "Robert A. Rooney" <DMCVegas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Alternate Fuels

Has Anyone here ever had any experience with propane or natural gas
powered engines? Most all of North Las Vegas city and the gas company
vehicles run on either one of the 2, and seem to do pretty good in both
power & performance. In Vegas, LP stations are pretty easy to come by,
but I have 2 questions about this, if you swith over, what are the pros
& cons? Will you get better or worse performance from your engine? Can
you drive farther or shorter distances on LP or natural gas. And lastly,
as odd as this may sound, if there is no gas station in sight, (or at
least one that has LP) could you fill up at a Barbecue store? Just
(seriously) asking.

- -Robert


Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 11:59:50 EDT
From: Spider2522@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: DMC : Found a site that sells those Rare  Delorean Books
or if u can;t find it try

here u can buy De Lorean : Stainless Steel Illusion  and a whole bunch of
delorean books i have never heard of
i'm still waiting for my three books i ordered
A good addition to anyone coolection of Delorean Stuff



Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 09:53:27 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Side saddle

Hi to All:

        Well I am back from my post-op visit and gave back the crutches
loaned to
me by a wife's friend. I want to thank every one for all the cards and
e-mail letters, it really is very nice to know people do care.

        On to DMC stuff..........

        I wished I could have driven to Ohio and been there with all you
but I have enjoyed all the accounts and the pictures referred to here on
the DML. The very fact that we all function threw the DML like a big family
reflects a truth here, the DMC was a dream come true and has become a very
special machine, owned and continued by very special people.

        I just love the "Sports Car" thread currently floating on the
right now. I know that every time I munch a 911 or 928 I will muse the
"Sports Car" question! Yes I do like the power cure.....a Lot!

        For any one considering mixing tire brands or using the same sized
front and back....Don't. Although I only had a few weeks between the time I
finished lowering the front end and sitting side saddle, I can say with out
hesitation that using the right sized, and right type of tire makes a world
of difference in tracking, cornering and stopping.

        Speaking of which, if you are interested the tires used on the BTTF
DMC in
the film were Pirelli Cinturato P7  225/50VR15 and 280/50VR15 . After
seeing the film a zillion times on TV I always wondered what it was that
made it look odd, I finally see it is that the wheels used give it the nose
up look.




Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 12:31:32 -0600
From: "Gremlin" <gremlin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: HTML Hint [was page six]

I know this isn't a hypertext how-to list, but one thing I might recommend
in general is having thumbnails or links on the main pages of these
websites, and leaving the bigger images to be found by clicking on
something.  It would make things load a lot faster in general.  By
thumbnail, I mean a second, smaller image [probably with only 16 colours]
that represents the bigger one, and not just the bigger one squished into a
smaller box =)

Great snaps, in any case.  Particularly modified1.jpg, which I think you
forgot to put on the page itself.  I wish I could have attended the show.

- --Gremlin

>Dear List,
>    I forgot to mention that my photos from the Cincinnati Show are on
>page six of my photo archive.  Until I work out the bug in the html
>code, you have to go to page five, and at the bottom there will be a
>link to page six, if it comes back to tell you that the page doesn't
>exist, go to the site address line and delete the final forward slash
>from that line.  Press enter again, and the page should load.  I'll get
>that problem solved soon I hope.  Again sorry for the wait on the
>picture loading, but in my opinion it's worth it.
>        Thanks,
>        Josh
>The address of the page again is:


Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 18:32:37 -0400
From: Sean Jones <shain@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: JZD on VH1, etc.


My mom saw somethign similar.  But in a bubble it said that he stopped
DeLoreans in 1984.  Then there was a bunhc of DeLorean on the screen,  and
said that it's hard getting fingerprints off dem DeLoreans.


Iznodmad@xxxxxxx wrote:

> Hello all.  While on my wonderful vacation at Atlantic Beach, NC; I saw
> mentioned on a 30 minute show called "Pop Up Video" on VH1.  I usually
> the show when it is on just b/c the info is interesting in the videos.
> this show does is show pop-ups of info while music videos are playing.
> video was "Road to Nowhere" by The Talking Heads.  Obviously the whole
> pop-ups had to deal with things going nowhere.  Now I wasn't watching the
> show
> intently, I just happened to look up when the first bubble appeared.  The
> 1st
> pop-up had a pic of John and the bubble said something
> Delorean's car company led to nowhere in 1982--but he had a plan.  The 2nd
> bubble said something like import cocaine to the US, but he
> was
> busted.
> That was it, but I always keep my eye open for Deloreans and Delorean
> Not exactly the type of exposure to the man and car that I like to see,
> it
> was pretty cool to see anyway.
> I want to add something to the Matlock episode "The Lemon" as well.  I saw
> this episode not too long ago, probably in March or so.  I don't remember
> the
> exact station, I want to say it was UPN or something.  I do remember it
> aired at night.  But what difference does that make?  Anyway, the episode
> have good shots of a D.
> I also have a D sighting to report.  There is a D at the "Car Toys" store
> Stratford Rd in Winston-Salem, NC.  I haven't had time to go by and look
> it
> yet, but I think it is the same one that was there a couple of yrs ago.  I
> looked at it then.  The owner bought one and installed a TV/VCR,
> multi-speaker
> stereo, and neon lighting.  I think it might have been for sale too, I
> don't remember.  Is this owner on the list?
> Sorry this turned out to be so long.
> Thanks,
> Darren Decker
> to get rid of my boat first.


Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 15:50:20 -0700
From: bpayne@xxxxxxxxxx (Brandon J. Payne)
Subject: DML: BTTF DMC on FOX

While watching televison on Saturday morning, there was this show called
"Gotcha" (like Candid Camera only worse).  Anyway, the host, Paul Rodruguez
was standing if front of the Back to the Future DeLorean and telling really
bad jokes.  It was a great shot of the Delorean but unfortunately not for a
very long time.
- ---------------Brandon J. Payne---------------
- ----------(the "J" is for "Jenius")-----------


Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 20:36:22 -0400
From: Vicki Miller <"1000mil@xxxxxxx">
Subject: Re: DML: Engine swap

Marc A Levy wrote:
> What car's were these used in (recently)?
> What is a A toranto transmission, is it for a rear facing engine like
> the delorean? or is it front wheel drive style? 5 speed or auto?
> Any other specs on it?  HP, weight, possible modifications or race
> applications?
>they were used in oldsmoblies, in the late 70's. I believed Mr delorean
designed the transmission, it was a three speed automatic, thhe motors
in the cars faced forward.  and had 300 horse power, the motor i want to
 use is   a  chevy  v--6   4.3 liter  with a carb. and dual
point dist. that was you dont have to worry about fuel  injection and
will run for a long time. i will keep every one updated onn this
any one have a automatic frame with a shifter for sale???????????

bob miller


Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 23:14:28 EDT
From: JSteuben@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Re: unexpected shut off

Dear Joe,
Here's another one for you.If I crack the doors, the time delay on the
courtsey lights work fine. But, if I actually get in the car and close the
door...they almost never work.  I've upgraded the relay and cleaned the
connectors.  Any suggestions would help to cure one of those 'little' things
that can drive one crazy.  Many thanks,   Joe (vin 1273)


Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 16:29:21 -0400
From: "Joe " <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Tension bar adjustment

Yes; you will break the rear window if you remove the torsion bar retainer
plate bolts.
Order yourself a copy of DeLorean World No. 10 in it you will find a step
by step article to do a safe and proper bar adjustment. In reference to
that article I suggest you completely remove your sun shade. By doing this
you will not need to construct a jig.
Joe/DeLorean Services
- ----------
> From: Jeff Bruette <jbruette@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: DML: Tension bar adjustment
> Date: Friday, June 19, 1998 11:21 PM
> Ok. I know I am being daring just attempting this. But please, someone
> humor me.
> How are the tension bars adjusted? I've looked at the service manual
> diagrams and also removed the cover plate that is above the real window.
> I see the tension bar retension plate.
> I have an allen wrench that fits the slot in the tension bar. Do I need
> any other special tools?
> What are the dangers? I have not removed the tension bar cover plates
> because I am afraid that the existing tension in the bars as enough to
> spin the plate and break the rear window. Is this a valid concern?
> Is this a one man job or will it take a team of elephants to restore the
> proper tension?
> I thank everyone in advance for their input.
> And before you say it... Yes, I do know it is risky. I just don't know
> how risky it is.
> Thanks,
> Jeff Bruette


Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 08:20:28 -0400
From: Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Turbo

Not sure what the current cost it, but just buy the kit and slap it on!

I am pretty happy with my "Island Turbo" kit.  Give Elenore Rogers, or
PJ grady a call to order it.

Lots of info on this in the archives.  Check it out!

Jeff Bruette wrote:
> What does it take to turbocharge a DeLorean? How much does it cost? How
> easy is it to retrofit? How good are the results?
> Thanks,
> Jeff Bruette


Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 14:54:35 EDT
From: GullwingD@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML:  DeLorean Spoted

  I was watching this old 80's talk show, that aired on TV. and they were
talking about with Harrison Ford about his Movie Indiana Jones.  They were
talking in a park of some sort. in the back ground there was cars passing
( a little traffic). But at the part that the host says " So, what are your
plans for the future?"  you clearly see the Time Machine DeLorean from the
first BttF movie.  I was shoked at first, then i was thinking what a
coincedince.   Did anyone ever see this?


Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 13:41:07 -0500
From: "Jameel Ahed" <ahed@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Torsion bar adjustment....

I was very afraid to do this, and I am pretty daring... :-)  I had Rob Grady
do the job among other things when I went there a few weeks ago.  Rob is


Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 10:01:18 -0500
From: "Hershey, Mark" <MHershey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Unexpected shut-off

John Murray wrote:

> Hello list,
>         My 81 5spd cut off while driving. Had the A/C running radio on
> and it died. Never any hint of this before.  Aprox 30-40 minutes later
> it started up fine.

John, of course could be any of a number of things. Probably electrical in
your case. Here's something to look for to determine if it is electrical vs.
fuel delivery: When cranking the engine, watch the tachometer. It should
twitch slightly while cranking. If so, the distributor pickup and ECU module
(behind the driver's seat) are probably OK and getting power. The ignition
coil is probably getting power, too, so the problem would most likely be
fuel-related if you see a twitch at all.

If it doesn't twitch, check the owners' manual for the fuse feeding the
ignition system. Pull the fuse and burnish the blades- sometimes heat
buildup in the fuse panel area will cause the connection to open
temporarily. Heats up more in there with the A/C fan running on speed 3 or
4,(there's a circuit breaker in there that runs rather hot) so there could
be a correlation there.

I had a (hopefully) unusual problem with mine: the electronic pickup inside
the distributor (officially called a distributor fly lead) would open,
killing spark (no tach twitch), but only at a certain temperature range!
Engine compartment heat would rise after about 5-7 minutes and it would be
OK. Finally tracked it down by waiting for the car to die, than using an
ohmmeter to verify the coil was open. I'd sit with the meter until the guage
needle would suddnly show continuity, then plug the thing back into its
wiring harness and start her up! You have to pull the distributor to fix it,
so look elsewhere first... rather nasty job on a DMC.

If you trace back and start suspecting this part, E-mail me for more details
on connecting up a test meter.

Mark Hershey
DMC VIN 2790 with @#$%$#@ Fender Antenna!


Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 01:54:56 +0100
From: "Martin Gutkowski (UK)" <msg101@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Side saddle

I'm not convinced :-) If you watch the bit where Doc Brown is controlling
car with einstein in it and pause it at the right moment, you can clearly
"Goodyear Eagle GT". Incidentally, for the bit where the rear wheels are
spinning away on the spot, did you know they had to jack the back of the car

Also the bit at the end when Marty gets out to put the connecting pole in
top, the front has obviously been lowered.

I know there were more than a few cars used in the films... just watching
first film, try keeping track of whether there are lines on the bonnet from
scene to scene...

Cheerio all,


lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

>         Speaking of which, if you are interested the tires used on the
> DMC in
> the film were Pirelli Cinturato P7  225/50VR15 and 280/50VR15 . After
> seeing the film a zillion times on TV I always wondered what it was that
> made it look odd, I finally see it is that the wheels used give it the
> up look.
>         Later..............
> Lee
> 81DMC-12


Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 14:36:37 -0400
From: Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Freehold New Jersey Cruise Night.

The last thursday of every month in the summer, there is a large cruise
night in Freehold, NJ.

I usually make it 2 or 3 times over the summer with my DMC, and last
year we had 3 Deloreans there one night and attracted a bit of
attention!  (Wow! 3 car's seems like nothing after Cincinnati!)

This thursday (6/25/97) is one of those nights.  I dont think I will be
able to make this one, but maybe you can!

I'll try and make the next one...



Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 14:06:28 -0500
From: "Stephen Pitre" <SPitre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: price adjustment

I thought the recent robbery in Houston was pretty bad but after I got =
calls from people saying that my asking price for a Delorean at 27, 000 =
was downright criminal, I thought I committed a more heanous crime.  So =
after taking all of your comments at heart, I=27ve decided that I can let =
this 1981 grey interior auto trans VIN 5218 with 5, 041 miles go at around =
=2416, 000.  I know I said before its been sitting around, but covered for ="">
14 or so years.  But we spent a lot of money bringing this thing back to =
life.  Still looking for the original sales sticker.  Serious inquiries =
invited.  Any further suggestions on price welcomed.  Thanks again.


End of dmcnews-digest V3 #380

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