dmcnews-digest V3 #379
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dmcnews-digest V3 #379

Title: dmcnews-digest V3 #379

dmcnews-digest          Sunday, June 21 1998          Volume 03 : Number 379

       In this issue:
        DML: Dielectric grease
        Re: DML: "Di-electric" grease
        DML: Re: Parking brake cover...
        DML: Car abuse anecdote, was Re: Who's DMC is it?
        Re: DML: "Di-electric" grease
        DML: history channel and VA DMC
        DML: New Owner #04419
        DML: VOLVO Engine ?
        DML: Cincinnatti pictures
        Re: DML: Engine swap
        DML: Change your wipers latley?
        DML: RE: history channel and VA DMC
        Re: DML: VOLVO Engine ?
        DML: More stuff
        DML: Re: Cincinnatti pictures
        DML: The DeLorean Truely is a "Sports Car!"
        DML: RE: Delorean problems
        Re: DML: VOLVO Engine ?
        Re: DML: The DeLorean Truely is a "Sports Car!"
        DML: unexpected shut off
        Re: DML: unexpected shut off
        Re: DML: unexpected shut off
        DML: More Cincinnati Photos
        Re: DML: Engine swap
        Re: DML: unexpected shut off
        Re: DML: unexpected shut off
        DML: Tension bar adjustment
        DML: Turbo


Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 17:32:00 +0000
From: Bob Brandys <oehcs@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Dielectric grease

Dielectric grease is grease that is non conductive under a high
dielectric field.

The most common form is calcium stearate.  This can be purchase at
electrical supply houses. 

Lubriplate is not a dielectric grease.  It is lithium stearate and for
those still familar with high school chemistry - lithium is more polar
than calcium and will be more conductive.  Lithium will also oxidize
sooner under electrical use.

On the other had some grease is much better than none. Use what you have
to avoid wear and damage.  Since most deloreans are not frequently used
its probably not a major difference.  On the other had I only use the
"right stuff" when fixing a car. 

P. S. Thanks to all the people who visited the 97 Delorean with
the Time Machine Option.

We will of course be there at Cleveland.  I will be sending a letter
to JZD asking (pleading)him to come there.  I hope everyone else will


Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 19:21:20 -0500
From: scottmueller@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Mueller)
Subject: Re: DML: "Di-electric" grease

Greg Guillot wrote:
> For those of you who were at the tech session held by Rob Grady, he
> mentioned using di-electric grease, or grease that does not conduct
> electricity. Rob stated that dielectric grease should be used to
> lubricate and protect electrical connections since the grease will
> not ground out electrical circuits. Unfortunately, no one seemed real
> clear on exactly what type of grease is actually "di-electric." Well,
> when I returned home, I used my multitestor to check the White
> Lithium grease that I have been using, and sure enough - it is
> non-conductive. The brand I have is Gunk White Lithium grease, which
> I purchased at Pep Boys. This stuff is also used on mechanical parts,
> such as hinges, etc. I have been using it to lubricate all parts as I
> go through the car and clean and relubricate all connections and
> joints/hinges.
> If anyone who is more electrically or mechanically inclined has a
> better idea, please share it with us.
> Greg Guillot
> VIN #2926

Try tune-up grease.  It comes in  a 0.3 oz tube for about $2.00.  You
can get it a any parts house.  It is used to lubricate the cam that
drives the points in the ignition.  Remember points from the old days.



Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 19:57:28 -0400
From: "Joe " <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Parking brake cover...

Sorry I'm responding so late, did you find out how to remove this part, if
not let me know and I tell you what to do.
Joe/DeLorean Services

- ----------
> From: NJP548@xxxxxxx
> To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: DML: Parking brake cover...
> Date: Sunday, May 31, 1998 11:45 PM
> Hey List,
>       I am happy to say that I passed my road test Saturday and I am
> finally
> going to put my De Lorean on the road soon.  Also I wanted to fix my
> parking
> brake but I can't get the carpet cover off of the lever, if anyone knows
> how
> to do it I'll appreciate the help.  I am going to Acron, Ohio next
> weekend for
> a wedding.  I was hopping the wedding was the weekend after that so I
> could go
> to Cincinnati and see all the other De Loreans there but I guess there
> will be
> other times for me to do that so I can bring my own car!!!  Thanks for
> help I could get for the parking brake cover.
> later,
> Nick
> VIN#1852


Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 20:20:42 EDT
From: dmcnut@xxxxxxxx (DeLorean Nut)
Subject: DML: Car abuse anecdote, was Re: Who's DMC is it?

>the law
>to abuse what really amounts to a mode of transportation.  Sure, it
>inappropriate to us [I'm guessing that everyone on this list felt a
>revulsion in seeing the DeLorean destroyed at the conclusion of BTTF3]
>to some, it's all just normal wear-and-tear on a vehicle notorious for
>developing its own problems, regardless of treatment.  I've seen
>trash things like Vectors, which are rather less replaceable than
>simply because they can afford to, and don't really feel guilty about
>mindless exorbiance of wrecking a $300,000 car.  As stupid and,
>evil as it may seem to the observer, it's still the prerogative of the
>to treat a possession his own way.

Reminds me of quite a hair-raising tale...and it is true!
A friend of mine is the co-owner of a local Ferrari dealership and had a
gentleman, let's call him John, who had come in regularly for years and
had always been "just looking."  John was in his mid-40s and had plenty
of money to play with, as was evidenced by my friend's conversations with
him.  One day my friend and his staff were basically ignoring John as
they had for years whenever the showroom was busy, except this day John
was ready to purchase the car oh his dreams (not sure what model or what
year this was).  And he did.  John was extremely enthusiastic and then
visited the dealer frequently for minor modifications and always seemed
to be spending time cosmetically refining the car, waxing it, having the
seats cleaned, etc.  About a year passed, and one day John showed up with
his car - except the car was on a flatbed.  John was very distressed and
complained that his "baby" just would not start, even with a jump.
Everything looked fine at first glance, so the mechanics decided to have
a look at the car a little more closely.
The punchline:  While asking John routine questions, the mechanic asked
casually, "when was the last time that yu changed the oil?"  In response,
John's face got very red, he hit himself onthe head, and barked out, "I
knew there was something that I forgot!!!"  He proceeded to do a little
nervous dance around the showroom as the mechanics tallied up the bill
for his seized engine and the accompanying repairs that were needed. 

Some owners love their cars, some just love the looks of the cars.

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Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 22:23:04 EDT
From: KayoOng@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: "Di-electric" grease


As I can remember correctly, dielectric grease and related products are use
for lubrication on all electrical and electronic components and parts.  It
design to be non conductive!

You said you used a meter to check the white lithium grease.  You were
checking its conductive abilities and got a negative reading?  Yes, it may
non conductive at the lower direct electrical current.  You were testing the
lithium white grease in using the meter's own electrical supply, low direct
electrical current.  Don't try it at higher direct electrical current, it
be a conductor!

Remember, even the best non conductor material known as an insulator IS and
WILL BE a conductor at some point on the conductivity scale.  The best
insulation material produced and used on wires will have an electrical

This "flash over" occurs at a higher electrical current range.  You were not
checking the white lithium grease at a higher direct electrical current.
Dielectric grease and its liquid products are non conductive at the HIGHER
DIRECT ELECTRICAL CURRENT LEVELS.  Your white grease is okay at the lower
direct electrical current usage.  

That is the difference on the two grease and its electrical properties.

The only high electrical current we will ever worry about is the high
wires known as the ignition wires, cap, and the rotor.  Want a shocking
experience?  Go and properly ground yourself to the car.  Slightly touch a
high tension wire (spark plug wire) with the engine running and you will get
jolt when the electricity jumps from the spark plug wire on to you. 

On damp or rainy days, cars with poor ignitions wires will not start or idle
correctly because of the poor insulation.  Cracked or dried insulation.
is where electricity jumps off to nearest least resistance or towards ground
by itself.  Use a product as WIRE DRIER to insulate when the wires, cap and
rotor are "wet."  This is another dielectric product.

WD-40 is another dielectric product in LIQUID FORM.  It will insulate,
isolated and float water and moisture to the surface of a component.  It is
EXCELLENT PRODUCT.  It is mistakenly for use as replacement for silicone
lubricant or lubricating oil which it is not.  It will lubricate for light
usage under certain applications.  WD-40 do and will dry in a short time, so
don't expect it to last like regular oils.  WD-40 is the only product
by the WD-40 Company.  They make no other products, and they are on the
Exchange just producing WD-40 alone!!!!!!!!!!!  No, I am not their rep or

My greatest experience with the WD-40 product?  I had a retail store 18
ago when there was fire next door to us.  There was water sprayed everywhere
and onto our stock of electrical parts and components.  All is lost?  No.
Since we sold WD-40 in our store.  We took several cases spray the box and
electrical parts and components.  WD-40 saved the whole entire stock and
boxes.  The water dried first and the WD-40 dried several days later.  You
could not tell there were water damaged on the parts even some of the paper
boxes.  Save many, many, many thousand dollars of electrical parts and
components.  All electrical parts and components work perfectly.  That is

Learn by burn!  Wired for fire?

Hope this was informative and wasn't too long.

Kayo Ong
Lic  9D NY


Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 18:27:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: illyana delorean <illyanadmc@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: history channel and VA DMC

hey! haven't checked my mail for a while, so i missed the announcement
about the History Channel's sports car show on tuesday (suposedly).
did any of you all watch it? were there any DMCs? just wondering! does
anyone know if the HC is planning to re-run the program, i would like
to see it even if there are no DMCs.

also, i was informed by a friend of mine that he has seen a DMC
recently in an apartement complex near where i live. so i went to
check it out and, sure enough, there was a nice 5speed delorean with
Virginia plates. i was wondering if any of you own this DMC or know
who does. it was parked at the Greens apartments, Tucson, AZ. hmmm...
it was the first time i'd ever seen it around.



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Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 22:57:29 -0700
From: "Richard J.Myosky" <rjm@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: New Owner #04419

As the new owner of a 1981 Delorean and just coming back from the
ralley in southern Ohio.It was a real treat to stop in Columbus at the
warehouse to purchase the parts (windshield,dash and more) and to see
the quanity of parts still on the market.The folks at the warehouse were
very helpful and took great pains to see that I got the best of the lot
when I picked out the parts that I needed.It is a shame,that I will not
be able to enjoy this privilege again,because of an idiot.
  I have been reading the digest version of this group for a couple of
months and have talked to some of you on the phone with my questions
regarding looking for my first Delorean purchase.Some of you I had a
chance to meet and thank in person while I was at the ralley last
weekend.I hope to have my car up and running before too long and get the
opportunity to meet the rest of the crowd which has offered much
help.Kathy and I were very impressed with the people and the cars that
made it to the show.
   The car has not been run since 1993 and I'm stripping down the fuel
system (gas tank ,new fuel pump,gas lines,filter,ect.).The mess in the
tank was unbelivable,but did clean up with repeated cleanings.I
understand that the fuel pump filter is no longer available.The one in
the tank fell apart in my hands.What other filter (brand or part#) would
you recommend to replace this filter and how long should this extend
into the tank.
   I have downloaded the parts manual from the net and purchased the
manual at the show.The parts manual shows a baffle setup which I found
no part of when I got into the tank? Was this part ever used and just
shown in the books or do I need to order one before I start putting
things back together.
  I have read most of the back issues of the digest and have failed to
find the answer.Any help would be appreciated.

Richard J.Myosky #4419


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 03:41:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: Xavier Werquin <deloreanfr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: VOLVO Engine ?

Hi to every DMC users,

Please sorry for my bad english I'm french.
My DMC have a mono Turbo extension fix by a very pro garage
but I must be allowed with the french office of car records
(very hard one)with this engine modification I can't be allowed

I would like to exchange the actual one with a normal atmospheric
Do you know wich engine is as short as possible as the DMC 12 engine
The Volvo ? and witch model ?
or the Renault 30 or Peugeot 604 engine ?
(we can have one in france for peanuts).

Perhaps have you solution for having a normal Atmospheric
system with just a little exchange.
But I need some lost parts (Air pipes).


Xavier Werquin
Web master of Delorean Club de France
Get your free address at


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 09:02:01 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Sean P Mullally" <mullally@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Cincinnatti pictures

I have some of my pictures from last week's event online in case anyone is
interested. They are on my web site at:

- -Sean Mullally
vin #3868


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 09:35:16 -0400
From: Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Engine swap

I said this a few times.. I also have a SHO, and would love to have the
220+ HP in my DMC.  (I am having problems with my SHO right now, so
this  idea does not appeal at this moment.... but... This too shall

The engine does not look like it would fit in it's front wheel drive
configuration, and would be very complicated to mount the same way as
the DMC motor.

I'd really like to find a expert on the PRV6 and related motors, and see
if there is a DOHC head that will bolt on to the PRV6.  The more I
consider options for improving the power of the D, the more I think it
is better to try and work with the motor we have.  It would be less
expensive, and could then be shared as a "bolt on" modification as
opposed to a huge custom project.

In addition, I recently spoke to a shop that does custom Turbo work on
all sorts of cars, and asked about the D. He had worked on DMC's before,
as well as other cars with similar setups.  He suggested that I decrease
the fuel pressure (he said there was a sorta valve on the return fuel
line). He said that decreasing the pressure would increase the air/fuel
mixture, and improve the performance with the turbos. The computer
controlled mixture adjustment had limitations, so just removing the O2
sensor was not enough (in his opinion).  Anyone have any more
information on this?

JSteuben@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Hey Brandon,
> Any chance that a SHO engine would fit in a 'D'?  Might be the perfect
> solution>
> Regards,  Joe


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 09:46:49 -0400
From: Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Change your wipers latley?

On my way home from Ohio, I cleaned my windshield at the gas station,
and caught the clip on the wiper with the squeege.

The clip broke... and, of course, it started to rain about a hour later
as I got in to eastern PA.  The wiper blade does not say in without this

I am told the clips come with the blades, but my blades are in good
shape and I almost never drive in the rain.  Anyone replace/going to
replace their blades?  If so, can you save me one of those plastic

Contact me directly.


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 10:47:37 -0400
From: "Yocom, Shannon" <syocom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: history channel and VA DMC

I saw the Tues. show.  Sady it did not have any DMCs in it.  The show
after that was the 10 Greatest American Cars, not there either.
Incedentially (sp) , remember all the debate and futing on the History
Channels web servey on the Greatest Sports Car. . .  Well on the Tues.
show the first 2 sentences out of the hosts mouth was
indirectly/directly about the servey saying (in my paraphrase) that if
you want to start a fight amonst car lovers try to come up w/ a
definition of a sports car.  ( I don't have the tape right infront of me
to re-watch it an give the proper "quote".
  Also on the topic of the DMC being a sports car. . . On the self
mailer promotional brochure on the DMC on the inside it reads "1981
DeLorean Sports Car Specifications" & then goes on to list the specs.
Reversed in black & white I guess that settles it.

- - Shannon

> ----------
> From:         illyana delorean
> Reply To:     dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent:         Friday, June 19, 1998 1:27 AM
> To:   dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject:      DML: history channel and VA DMC
> hey! haven't checked my mail for a while, so i missed the announcement
> about the History Channel's sports car show on tuesday (suposedly).
> did any of you all watch it? were there any DMCs? just wondering! does
> anyone know if the HC is planning to re-run the program, i would like
> to see it even if there are no DMCs.

> thanks!
> <-illyana->
> _________________________________________________________
> Get your free address at


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 11:05:37 -0400
From: Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: VOLVO Engine ?

The delorean motor is not exactly the same as used in the Volvo.

I dont know exactly what turbo setup you have, but....  You will need to
replace the intake and exhaust plumbing back to stock.  In addition, you
may need to replace your O2 sensor (they are usualy removed) and may
need to replace your distributor (they are sometimes re-curved).

I have no idea what the French requirements are, but on my car I
replaced the O2 sensor, and added 2 "hobbs" switches to
activate/deactivate the O2 sensor. (Well, Rob Grady did it!) This got me
back to the factory emission specifications.  I am still sometimes
questioned about the Catalytic Converter (missing) but usualy get
through without it.

You may also want to question the shop that did the work.  They should
be able to do what is necessary to meet the French laws.

Good Luck!

Xavier Werquin wrote:
> Hi to every DMC users,
> Please sorry for my bad english I'm french.
> My DMC have a mono Turbo extension fix by a very pro garage
> but I must be allowed with the french office of car records
> (very hard one)with this engine modification I can't be allowed
> I would like to exchange the actual one with a normal atmospheric
> engine.
> Do you know wich engine is as short as possible as the DMC 12 engine
> The Volvo ? and witch model ?
> or the Renault 30 or Peugeot 604 engine ?
> (we can have one in france for peanuts).
> Perhaps have you solution for having a normal Atmospheric
> system with just a little exchange.
> But I need some lost parts (Air pipes).
> Thanks
> Xavier Werquin
> Web master of Delorean Club de France
> _________________________________________________________
> Get your free address at


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 11:10:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Dipl.-Ing. ZACH Wolfgang"
Subject: [none]

To: Xavier Werquin <deloreanfr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date:          Fri, 19 Jun 1998 17:07:37 +0100
Subject:       Re: DML: VOLVO Engine ?
Sender: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Precedence: list
Reply-To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Xavier wrote :

> Please sorry for my bad english I'm french.
> My DMC have a mono Turbo extension fix by a very pro garage
> but I must be allowed with the french office of car records
> (very hard one)with this engine modification I can't be allowed
> I would like to exchange the actual one with a normal atmospheric
> engine.

I would like to change my normal atmospheric engine to your turbo
engine if you would like to.
I am located in Austria near the German border (Passau/Burghausen),
where are you located ? Are the distances worth a try ?

regards Wolfgang


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 08:13:09 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: More stuff

To: All DML and DOA members

        The rest of the DMC cartoons and Limited edition pages are now up.
You can
also find the boxes for the P6 DeLorean engine and the frame.
There is also a copy of the National Geographic magazine and one page from
it dedicated to the DMC-12.
        And finally a copy of the reservation certificate I am sending to
reservation holders.

        You will see no text to speak of at the site at this point. This
change as I get better (from surgery) and can spend some time uploading the
HTML content.

        In about a week or 10 days I will set up the bulletin board which
have it's own DMC area. This area is intended for use of reservation
holders to use in two ways, first exchange information about the kits as
they progress to completion, and secondly to help one another in assembling
the kits.

        One final note: I view the kits as having the potential to be
accurate scale reproductions of the full sized automobiles, down to the
finest detail, the only ay this can happen is for the kit owners to
continue what I have started.

        For the moment if you have comments in general I am sure that James
welcome your post, if you have a comment for me or just other kit owners,
please send it to lee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I will use this e-mail as the
opening material for the bulletin board.


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Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 11:22:04 -0400
From: bvaillancourt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Benoit Vaillancourt)
Subject: DML: Re: Cincinnatti pictures

Great pictures Sean !! I wasn't able to go at the car show. Your pics gave
me a little ... in the heart !!

The Delorean that was rebuild as in BTTF, how was the interior, all the same
?? Is it the owner who did that or he made it by someone else? Pretty cool
from the exterior, maybe the neon was to be realign but beside that, pretty

Take care...

Benoit Vaillancourt

- -----Original Message-----
From: Sean P Mullally <mullally@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, June 19, 1998 10:50 AM
Subject: DML: Cincinnatti pictures

>I have some of my pictures from last week's event online in case anyone is
>interested. They are on my web site at:
>-Sean Mullally
>vin #3868


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 12:07:29 -0400
From: Mike Substelny <SUBSTEM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: The DeLorean Truely is a "Sports Car!"

Shannon Yocom said:

> ". . . on the Tues. show the first 2 sentences out of the hosts
> mouth was indirectly/directly about the servey saying (in my
> paraphrase) that if you want to start a fight amonst car lovers
> try to come up w/ a definition of a sports car.
> [snip]
>  Also on the topic of the DMC being a sports car. . . On the self
> mailer promotional brochure on the DMC on the inside it reads:
> "1981 DeLorean Sports Car Specifications"

When the production cars hit the market, the DeLorean Motorcars
Company dubbed them with the name "DeLorean Sports Car."  The model
name "DMC 12" was only used during development, reflecting the
hoped-for market price of $12,000.  Because the price rose much higher
than that, the DMC 12 name was not used by DMC for the production

When I registered my car, the State of Ohio did not recognize the model
name DMC 12.  The official model name on my title and registration is
"DeLorean Sports Car," although I know from previous DML discussions
that other states do recognize DMC 12.

While everyone else in the world can argue and fight about whether their
Trans Am, 'cuda, or Jag is a true sports car, we DeLorean owners don't
need to worry about it.  To the best of my knowledge, we have the only
car in the world with the words "Sports Car" in its name!

- - Mike Substelny


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 12:57:02 -0400
From: "Cirillo, Ronald A" <Cirillo_R@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: Delorean problems


        I understand your not wanting to spend a lot of money fixing
your car.  If I read your problem correctly it sounds like classic a
fuel starvation problem.  That couple with the fact the car sat for some
period of time without running.  I've been there and know what can
happen.  I actually had a fuel pump fail because of not being able to
get fuel on the suction side.  You could do a quick test to see if this
is the problem by disconnecting the fuel input line to the fuel
distributor and placing it in a suitable container (one that will not
allow it to splash out).  I then would connect 12 volts directly to the
fuel pump (keep the polarity right).  I made up a set of electrical
leads that I connected from the engine compartment and watched to see if
the container filled up.  There should be a rapid discharge of fuel.  If
this does not happen or the pump does not run the problem could be the
fuel pump, the fuel filter, the pickup hose inside the tank, or the
screen inside the tank.  I suggest you take the pump out and look inside
the tank to see if there is any contamination.  If there is-get rid of
the gas and clean the tank, hose and screen.  It really is not a
difficult job.  Any good injector cleaner will clean it up.  You should
change the filter anyway since the car sat for such a long time.

> ----------
> From:         Jim Plamondon[SMTP:saab82@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Reply To:     dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent:         Wednesday, June 17, 1998 3:00 AM
> To:   dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject:      DML: Delorean problems
> Hi this is Jim Plamondon from Iowa, Council Bluffs. Right next to
> Omaha.
> I'm having many problems w/ my car.  It is a 81, vin 1746, automatic,
> and 16,000 miles on it.  We got it for only 16,000 dollars.
> I'm only 16 and have little  money to spend, I have help from my dad.
> I have put over 1,500 mile sence we bought in Feb.
> when we got it, it didn't like to start hot. After awhile it got
> slower,
> then
> died.  I took it to a machinc, he said it was the wire to the fuel
> pump
> was dead.  He tapped it to another and it work.  It was still slow and
> didn't start Inertia switch still work w/ the tap wire to the fuel
> pump.
> He cold not do no more to it so I took it to another mechanic.  The
> 2nd
> mechanic said that the reason the car was slow was that the wiring was
> all messed up and needed to be fixed. I don't think thats right, but I
> could be wrong.
> Jim Plamondon
> Saab82@xxxxxxxxxxx
> vin 1746
> P.S. I have put in fresh gas (the car sat  in  a show room for about
> 2yrs), new fuses, and new boot that hold the fuel pump.
> ______________________________________________________
> Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 14:54:37 -0400
From: "Ronald  Pohala" <rpohala@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: VOLVO Engine ?

Lots of modifications to it like Alpine additions and adjustments. It is a
pain to try and get it all right.


At 03:41 AM 6/19/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi to every DMC users,
>Please sorry for my bad english I'm french.
>My DMC have a mono Turbo extension fix by a very pro garage
>but I must be allowed with the french office of car records
>(very hard one)with this engine modification I can't be allowed
>I would like to exchange the actual one with a normal atmospheric
>Do you know wich engine is as short as possible as the DMC 12 engine
>The Volvo ? and witch model ?
>or the Renault 30 or Peugeot 604 engine ?
>(we can have one in france for peanuts).
>Perhaps have you solution for having a normal Atmospheric
>system with just a little exchange.
>But I need some lost parts (Air pipes).
>Xavier Werquin
>Web master of Delorean Club de France
>Get your free address at


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 14:20:37 -0500
From: Duke <at88mph@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: The DeLorean Truely is a "Sports Car!"

Not that this is really related, but in the eyes of my insurance company,
they don't see the DeLorean as a 'Sports Car'; THANK GOD FOR THAT!!!!!!!!!


Mike Substelny wrote:

> When the production cars hit the market, the DeLorean Motorcars
> Company dubbed them with the name "DeLorean Sports Car."  The model
> name "DMC 12" was only used during development, reflecting the
> hoped-for market price of $12,000.  Because the price rose much higher
> than that, the DMC 12 name was not used by DMC for the production
> cars.
> When I registered my car, the State of Ohio did not recognize the model
> name DMC 12.  The official model name on my title and registration is
> "DeLorean Sports Car," although I know from previous DML discussions
> that other states do recognize DMC 12.
> While everyone else in the world can argue and fight about whether their
> Trans Am, 'cuda, or Jag is a true sports car, we DeLorean owners don't
> need to worry about it.  To the best of my knowledge, we have the only
> car in the world with the words "Sports Car" in its name!
> - Mike Substelny


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 18:05:23 -0400
From: John Murray <jwmurray@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: unexpected shut off

Hello list,

        My 81 5spd cut off while driving. Had the A/C running radio on
and it died. Never any hint of this before.  Aprox 30-40 minutes later
it started up fine. When it did cut off there was still power to the
door lights and interior lights only, no radio power, no a/c function,
no gauges, ingition did nothing.  After I got it started, I limped it
home.  I did not turn on the radio or a/c for fear of it happening
again.  The car had no indication that anything was wrong, guages
functioning properly, wasnt over heated, plenty of volts.Anyone have any
suggestions, comments or even know what caused this?


John Murray
VIN# 2390
FL Lic  81DMC12


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 18:06:13 -0500
From: steve r <stephenr@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: unexpected shut off

How long have you owned your D?  It sounds like you have the classic low
power alternator problem.  I think the cheapest solution would be to use a
solar cell to keep that car battery at its maximum charge.  I have also
heard of people on the list using devices such as the battery buddy.  I hope
you are able to find the problem and fix it soon.  Good luck!


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 17:14:46 +0000
From: ausmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: unexpected shut off


Had this happen with my previous D. Check the plugs behind the
drivers seat. Same hatch as on the other side. Mine were loose and
caused the cutout.


> Hello list,
>         My 81 5spd cut off while driving. Had the A/C running radio on
> and it died. Never any hint of this before.  Aprox 30-40 minutes later
> it started up fine. When it did cut off there was still power to the
> door lights and interior lights only, no radio power, no a/c function,
> no gauges, ingition did nothing.  After I got it started, I limped it
> home.  I did not turn on the radio or a/c for fear of it happening
> again.  The car had no indication that anything was wrong, guages
> functioning properly, wasnt over heated, plenty of volts.Anyone have any
> suggestions, comments or even know what caused this?
> Bewildered....
> John Murray
> VIN# 2390
> FL Lic  81DMC12


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 17:32:41 -0800
From: "Ken Montgomery" <kenm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: More Cincinnati Photos

I can't begin to thank Ken enough for the wonderful event he put on
for all of us in Cincinnati. Great Job!

I recall most of it through the viewfinder of my camcorder I had
glued to my eye most of the time. However, I did take a small amount
of photographs, which I have now posted on my web site:

I'd love to trade photos with anyone. I already owe copies to Ken and
a few others. Thanks again!

- -------------------------------------------------------
Ken Montgomery    My DeLorean VIN #10911 'OUTTIME'
Sacramento, CA   
kenm@xxxxxxxx     "When the wind gets under these wings
Operating           You will feel what freedom brings"
Systems Analyst        From 'On-Air' Alan Parsons
(916) 278-7646
- -------------------------------------------------------


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 22:31:20 -0400
From: Vicki Miller <"1000mil@xxxxxxx">
Subject: Re: DML: Engine swap

After being a GM mechanic for 20 + years  (ie.. chevy)the beset route to
go on a converson is to use a automatic chassie, toranto transmission
and the chevy 4.3 v-6.   this combination will fit the chassie with
minor modifications and provide excellent proformance for much cheaper
price, and be much easier to work on...any other suggestions or
commments are welcome...delorean used to be a GM design engineer and 
ran chevy for a number of years........

bob miller


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 22:03:43 -0500
From: Steve Brodsky <>
Subject: Re: DML: unexpected shut off

John Murray wrote:
> Hello list,
>         My 81 5spd cut off while driving. Had the A/C running radio on
> and it died. Never any hint of this before.  Aprox 30-40 minutes later
> it started up fine. When it did cut off there was still power to the
> door lights and interior lights only, no radio power, no a/c function,
> no gauges, ingition did nothing.  After I got it started, I limped it
> home.  I did not turn on the radio or a/c for fear of it happening
> again.  The car had no indication that anything was wrong, guages
> functioning properly, wasnt over heated, plenty of volts.Anyone have any
> suggestions, comments or even know what caused this?
> Bewildered....
> John Murray
> VIN# 2390
> FL Lic  81DMC12
just a guess, but i'd look at the iginition switch. ac and radio on
probably had nothing to to with it, but they are tied to the switch
where door lights are not.

steve  82- 10688


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 98 23:06:43 PDT
From: "Brandon S. Moody" <bsmoody@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: unexpected shut off

>         My 81 5spd cut off while driving. Had the A/C running radio on
> and it died. Never any hint of this before.  Aprox 30-40 minutes later
> it started up fine. When it did cut off there was still power to the
> door lights and interior lights only, no radio power, no a/c function,
> no gauges, ingition did nothing.  After I got it started, I limped it
> home.  I did not turn on the radio or a/c for fear of it happening
> again.  The car had no indication that anything was wrong, guages
> functioning properly, wasnt over heated, plenty of volts.Anyone have any
> suggestions, comments or even know what caused this?

Check the connections in the electrical box.  Especially the ones going
to the 2 large relays ( the 2 silver ones turned on their side).  Also,
the harness connections under the steering column.   you could also have
a possible ignition switch going bad. 

- -Brandon


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 23:21:15 -0400
From: Jeff Bruette <jbruette@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Tension bar adjustment

Ok. I know I am being daring just attempting this. But please, someone
humor me.

How are the tension bars adjusted? I've looked at the service manual
diagrams and also removed the cover plate that is above the real window.
I see the tension bar retension plate.

I have an allen wrench that fits the slot in the tension bar. Do I need
any other special tools?

What are the dangers? I have not removed the tension bar cover plates
because I am afraid that the existing tension in the bars as enough to
spin the plate and break the rear window. Is this a valid concern?

Is this a one man job or will it take a team of elephants to restore the
proper tension?

I thank everyone in advance for their input.

And before you say it... Yes, I do know it is risky. I just don't know
how risky it is.

Jeff Bruette


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 23:30:35 -0400
From: Jeff Bruette <jbruette@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Turbo

What does it take to turbocharge a DeLorean? How much does it cost? How
easy is it to retrofit? How good are the results?

Jeff Bruette
>From espeyj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx  Fri Jun 19 23:31:37 1998
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Subject: Turbo
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What does it take to turbocharge a DeLorean? How much does it cost? How
easy is it to retrofit? How good are the results?

Jeff Bruette
>From espeyj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx  Fri Jun 19 23:31:37 1998
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Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 23:30:35 -0400
From: Jeff Bruette <jbruette@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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Subject: Turbo
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What does it take to turbocharge a DeLorean? How much does it cost? How
easy is it to retrofit? How good are the results?

Jeff Bruette
>From espeyj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx  Fri Jun 19 23:31:37 1998
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Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 23:30:35 -0400
From: Jeff Bruette <jbruette@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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Subject: Turbo
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What does it take to turbocharge a DeLorean? How much does it cost? How
easy is it to retrofit? How good are the results?

Jeff Bruette


End of dmcnews-digest V3 #379

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