[DMCForum] Re: religion and politics... PLEASE READ!
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[DMCForum] Re: religion and politics... PLEASE READ!
- From: "supremeadmiralsenn" <AdmiralSenn@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 04:18:44 -0000
I voted yes simply because the poll said 'discussions'. What we have
had going on here doesn't qualify as any form of a discussion, it's
more like a playground fight (on both sides).
I thought this forum was created because the DML didn't allow these
kinds of postings....
I do think that if one person posts something particularly vicious or
even downright stupid then they should be *considered* for banning.
Obviously that would require us to set up a system for deciding what's
bannable and what's not, but at least we could have some healthy
discussion that's mildly civil. I've had real debates online without
things getting nasty before. Granted that the people I was arguing
with weren't very effective debaters (picking apart sentences to
attack tiny errors and claiming not to understand the whole point when
the whole point requires ALL of the sentences to be understood... and
so on), but we stayed above the level of stupidity.
I think we can all agree that some people on this forum have a way of
wording things that's overly provocative - not to single anyone out,
but I notice that Marc takes a lot of crap for things he says. Is he
justified? I couldn't say without some idea of how sarcastic he's
being. The point is, if we READ what we're about to post on the
magical InterEtherWeberNet-a-mabob, maybe we can avoid these kinds of
-Adam Stadnick
No VIN - working towards Eagle Scout so I can try for #3416
JESUS IS LORD! <--- Because I can!
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