Watch air sensor plate as engine turns over. Must move down at least 1/16". If it doesn't, you've got a catastrophic vacuum leak. Once when seating my manifold got an electrical connector stuck between it and internal water pipe. Created a major vacuum leak I wrestled with for several months. Engine ran but I ended up over enriching. Did you remove ignition distributor? Can get one tooth off and timing will be all out of whack. If you're worried about fuel supply: jump RPM relay, pop out an injector, and lower air sensor plate manually. If injector sprays problem is elsewhere. Make sure you have ignition spark. Bill Robertson #5939 >--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, John Podlewski <john_podlewski@xxxx> wrote: > Help! put intake manifold back on, all vacuum hoses in correct order. But does not start pretty sure all fuel lines are on right. Just which one is the return line and which one is the feed line (large hoses) that is the only thing i have a ????. Other than that it just cranks. The car ran before, at least it idled anyway. What could be causing this, it must be something I did or did not do? By the way I checked the inertia switch and it does pump fuel to the F.D also the fuse is good. > > > > > > > --------------------------------- > Do you Yahoo!? > The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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