( moderators comment: While many of us have heard the story of the 'fairy tree' it's highly doubtful that John DeLorean had anything physical to do with bulldozing the tree. ) According to 'The Celtic Wisom of Trees' by Jane Gifford (pub: Godsfield) 'Lone hawthorns are a common sight in fields and on burial mounds all over Ireland, and to fell one is said to result in the loss of your cattle and all of your money - and even the death of your children. When De Lorean (sic) set up his car factory in Ireland, there was a lone hawthorn standing in the centre of the site that the builders had refused to destroy. Apparently De Lorean finally buldozed it to the ground himself and there was little surprise among his workers when the car plant turned out to be a total disaster.' Carl Its funny how everything brings me back to this car...