Needs minor restoration work. Simply unscrew gas cap, tow vehicle away, drive new DeLorean under gas cap. Screw on gas cap. Restoration complete. Ok, so I'm not -quite- ready to quit yet. I am starting to feel cheated though. Let's review: 1. Car did not run because of fuel system & electrical problems. 2. Fixed electrical problems, and most of fuel problems. Needed new fuel distributor. Car ran, though poorly. Very rich. 3. Water pump leaked, engine overheated blowing head gaskets. (Yes, I'm an idiot) At this point, the car still -ran-. 4. Reconditioned engine. New head gaskets and seals all the way around. New O2 sensor, thermotime thingy, vacuum switch, (the stuff in the coolant "Y" pipe) blah blah blah. 5. I've re done the timing 20 times now. Fuel, air, spark, starting fluid. Now car does not run. I've done this before. I don't know why I can't now.